
Modern Medicine Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Modern medicine has really helped us develop in ways so that [maternal death] happens less."
"Medicine is changing in the 21st century, it is becoming less about mono-therapeutics and more about programmatics."
"The best thing to happen in modern medicine, in my opinion, is AI."
"These accomplishments are just the tip of the iceberg, because without Pasteur’s revolutionary germ theory, modern medicine would not be anything like it is today."
"Modern medicine has brought many marvelous modernizations to the treatment of disease and the prevention of disease, but there is one thing that can be quite dangerous, in fact it can be completely devastating to your health and to your future if you're not aware of it."
"Lister's innovations had laid the foundations of modern medicine and saved countless lives."
"More and more women and people with uteruses in general have begun freezing their eggs to eventually partake in this vastly normalized procedure to have their own children on their own time."
"Modern medicine now relies on a little thing called evidence."
"Psychedelic therapy is the breakthrough in modern-day psychotherapy."
"The prospect of life without antibiotics is barely imaginable for a world that has had a cheap and plentiful supply of them since the end of World War II."
"Did the war on bacteria destroy our health? It did."
"I'm just so grateful that he was born now and that we have access to the science that we have now."
"Why is the health of the average American plummeting? Because modern medicine profits from sickness, not health."
"Chemistry is the underpinning behind all modern science. Without chemistry, we wouldn't be able to accurately measure medications, study how long they stay in our system, or what their effects are."
"The big story is there's the modern vaccine... these all kind of work really well."
"One of the things that we've done in modern medicine is we've gotten very good at keeping people alive with one two three four age-related diseases but living that way is very different than living without any age-related diseases."
"Modern medicine is even about these ancient practices of receiving holistic medicine by a shaman."
"One limitation of modern medicine is its tendency to focus on alleviating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of an ailment."
"Grasping the limitations and opportunities in modern medicine entails striking the right balance."
"Modern medicine gives us the longest lifespan we've ever had, while industrial technology gives us an unprecedented level of comfort and abundance."
"That was when I was most nervous but she's been doing really good the contractions were really bad and the pain was really really bad prior to the epidural and now she doesn't feel anything so praise god for modern medicine."
"The 21st-century doctor is going to be somebody who is skilled at helping people think critically about the information, understand what's good, what's bad, how things relate to each other."
"I'm not rejecting modern medicine. I'm saying we need to know this stuff even to make medicine work better."
"Modern medicine as we see it today is a far cry from what used to be used throughout history. Even to someone who lived 100 years ago, the type of medicine that we can do today would have been beyond their wildest imagination."
"I am incredibly thankful for modern medicine."
"I'm so thankful for modern medicine, what they can do. I'm thankful even now that they're working on cures and vaccines for pandemics."
"The coolest thing to me about modern fertility and the hormone test specifically is that the results are so much more comprehensive and involved than I expected."
"Modern medicine essentially treats the symptoms and not the causes."
"Modern medicine is good at curing you of symptoms, but doesn't necessarily heal you."
"We follow the most modern discovery in medicine, don't we? We don't go by a 300-year-old opinion by some village doctor."
"We're living in a time where there's so many ways in which you can prevent AIDS."
"Find a way to bring that in with modern treatments and things like that because that's how you're going to retain patients more, right?"
"If we didn't have modern medicine like we do today, Michaela would have just simply died."
"Thankful to the Lord for a lot of things, not least of which modern medicine."
"The use of leeches for healing purposes still holds an actual place in modern medicine."
"Herbalism integrates so well with all of our modern systems."
"Modern medicine is amazing and miraculous, and it does have amazing life-saving properties, but it's not the sole medicine."
"The paradigm for the 21st century is that we are now learning how to find the true underlying causes of our diseases and our imbalances and we're learning how to address those."
"It's a fantastic time to be a patient because you have all of these options and services available to you."
"It's amazing what these doctors can do nowadays."
"Medicine is really important because of modern medicine we're all living longer, we've got higher birth rates, and we're just generally healthier than we were before."
"That's what you can learn from it: how thankful we can all be for modern medicine and antibiotics and vaccines."
"I'm so grateful that we live in today's world. There are women who can't get pregnant, but there are other options."
"Without effective antibiotics, modern medicine would grind to a halt and our lives would become immeasurably worse."
"I'm just so thankful for modern medicine and all the things that they can do; it's crazy awesome."
"One of the greatest benefits today of modern medicine is that we are living longer."
"Through surgical intervention, experienced what her parents described as perfect healing, a testament to the skill and possibilities within modern medicine."
"Modern science is incredible and can sustain a human body almost indefinitely."
"This is a real major revolution in the way that medicine is now being performed."