
Maternal Health Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Modern medicine has really helped us develop in ways so that [maternal death] happens less."
"Despite all of the nuanced information... Black women in America are far more likely to die as it relates to pregnancy than any other race in this country."
"This mother has been through trauma upon trauma upon trauma in this situation."
"Infants gain protective immune function from their mothers."
"Pregnancy-related complications are the leading cause of death among adolescent girls in these regions."
"If the mother's life is in danger, she's more important at that point."
"No one should marry under 18, and no girl should be subjected to motherhood until she has decided to have a child and is mature enough."
"So many different reasons mom wasn't producing enough milk."
"Breast milk from mothers previously infected with COVID-19 can pass along neutralizing antibodies to their newborns, providing added protection for infants."
"America has the highest maternal mortality of any industrialized country."
"At 16 to 20 weeks, a woman should feel quickening, which is just a fancy term for the fetus kicking."
"There should be no pressure on women to lose the baby weight after they give birth. The focus should be on the baby and on their own mental health."
"Maternal health, which I think is extremely important."
"Childbirth still kills more than 800 women every day."
"Up to 30% of women rate childbirth as traumatic."
"You don't want to download certain information to your baby in the womb while you're pregnant. You want to make sure that you're eating a happy and healthy diet so that baby can come out happy and healthy."
"I started taking a supplement when I became pregnant with my first child because my gynecologist had said you need folic acid you need iron you need this you need that."
"Drink water, drink water, your child inside you is literally living in fluid."
"We worked hard into maternal to try to make sure... we had ways to engage you outside of the arenas."
"I think that we don't do enough for postpartum."
"Breastfeeding's important, it's very good for the kids growing up."
"Breastfeeding is a way of bonding between you and the child."
"Black women have the highest chances of dying to birth them and yet they are shortening the lives of their mothers they are literally killing black women indiscriminately."
"Why are so many American women dying during childbirth? A look at a disturbing reality, especially for women of color."
"Black women being Far and Away more likely to die as a result of childbirth."
"Black birthing people are three to four times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than their white counterparts."
"Another symptom of having a poor latch is if baby unlatches from your breast and you notice kind of like a lipstick-shaped nipple."
"Low salt diets in pregnant women can double miscarriages and triple perinatal deaths."
"It's because they treat health as a systems issue. If a single mom dies in Britain, for example, in or around childbirth, they treat it as a huge potential failure of the system."
"It's actually more dangerous for a black woman with a Ph.D. to have a child than a black woman with a high school diploma."
"In the 21st century, it's more dangerous for a black woman to have a baby in the United States than any other developed nation."
"Healthy mothers lead to healthier offspring."
"The lives of the mother and child were finally saved, however, Carol was filled with doubt. He sought out the enigmatic Chief Physician and asked why the demon wanted to take him away."
"Access to doctors is critical, especially in maternal care."
"When the baby is born, the first few days of mother's milk contain oligosaccharide which is literally fiber... released through fermentation by the microbes in your gut."
"There's so many women dying from childbirth, something that is so natural."
"New figures show that deaths of pregnant women increased by 40 percent from 2019 to the year 2021 due to covid."
"If breastfeeding is super painful, it's a sign that you should get some help."
"It is okay to do whatever you feel is necessary for your health, for the overall well-being of you and your baby, even if it's selfish."
"October is pregnancy and infant loss Awareness Month...just being aware that one in four women experiences some sort of infant loss at some point in their life."
"Children are not safe if their moms are not safe and free."
"There's something about being a black woman in Oregon that is living in people's bodies in a way that is literally killing their children."
"Resting after you have a baby is important for your health long term."
"We can help pregnant and postpartum women and by doing so help the next generation."
"Maternal mental health during pregnancy affects children's development via a possible third pathway."
"A maternal intake limit of 300 to 500 milligrams daily might be a safe level for most."
"Abortion is not the solution to the black maternal Health crisis."
"The better we feel during pregnancy, I feel like that energy really translates a lot to the baby, and a calm and happy mama will hopefully produce a calm and happy baby."
"Apply heat prior to breastfeeding is going to help to dilate those ducts and also improve circulation."
"I've always found labor and birth and pregnancy super, super interesting."
"Maternal well-being is of greater importance than fetal well-being."
"Through one day's wages, we've come alongside over 30,000 women and their children through maternal health."
"Women are four times more likely to die in pregnancy and childbirth, and too many still can't get HRT when they need it."
"Black women are four times more likely to die during pregnancy and childbirth."
"The diets of mothers even before conception has profound effects in determining the health, the immune system strength, and intelligence of her child."
"Our goal is healthy moms and healthy babies; everything we do is with that in mind."
"Pregnant women prioritizing their own health isn't an act of selfishness."
"The goal of routine postpartum management is to ensure the well-being of the mother and baby."
"We should encourage moms to breastfeed every two to three hours while she's awake."
"Eat for your baby, eat nutritiously, rest as much as you can, and try not to worry."
"Untreated diabetes and high blood sugars in pregnancy are related to adverse outcomes for both mother and baby."
"If you nutritionally stress a mother and infant, the fetuses and infants will have increased risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease 50 or 60 years later."
"I wasn't worried about my weight; I was worried about my baby."
"We have the seven W's of maternal fever or postpartum fever."
"If we could treat all women who are HIV positive, what would the risk of children getting HIV be?"
"Healthy mom, healthy pregnancy is really the most important things."
"It remains a leading cause of maternal mortality in the US and around the world."
"I really need to be heard because especially with black maternal health, the death rate is more."
"We still have maternal death... this is the kind of stuff that shouldn't be happening right now in this world."
"Everything that we're doing is centered around what's beneficial for that mom and baby."
"It's just such a rewarding job to be able to help moms learn to breastfeed and reach their breastfeeding goals."
"If a mother doesn't have an adequate source of iodine, she can actually have a baby who has an IQ that's 10 to 15 points lower than it could have been."
"We're gonna have to go back and figure out what do we do to support the health of mothers and the health of babies during their prenatal period and young children."
"The results will change the lives of these mothers forever."
"I was really just keeping my mama, you know, her health, as a priority."
"The health of the child and mother is very important because when the child and mother are healthy, you have the production of healthy human beings."
"Every 90 seconds somewhere in the world a woman dies as complications in childbirth."
"Healthy pregnancy, healthy baby, healthy mom, that's all that we care about."
"The state of maternal health in the United States is abysmal, and Louisiana has the highest maternal mortality in the U.S."
"WIC is a federal program that promotes healthy eating and nutrition education for infants and children up to five and low-income women who are pregnant, postpartum, or breastfeeding."
"People be dying in birth, especially black women be dying in birth."
"It's really important that pregnant women get treated because this can cause some blindness and some problems for babies during the birthing process."
"It is this astonishing rapid growth that makes the brain so vulnerable to poor diet during pregnancy and infancy."
"The number of children who die before five years old and women dying in childbirth has decreased by 60 percent."
"What's good for mom is good for baby."
"Many STIs can be transmitted from the mother to the child either during pregnancy or during birth."
"This routine is going to prepare your pelvic floor muscles and your hip muscles to open up, to be flexible and to be mobile, to facilitate a smooth and easier vaginal delivery."
"Childbirth is a risky process and women face risks on all sides of their decisions."
"I really support any way people want to give birth as long as the mom and the baby are healthy."
"The thing I'm most proud of, of all of my accomplishments, is contributing to change around the maternal protection policy."
"Real Food for Pregnancy... it's just made for me choosing what I want to eat through pregnancy so, so, so much easier."
"Black women in the U.S. suffer more, with their maternal mortality rate being 70 per 100,000."