
Teenagers Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Teenagers have a higher proclivity to make dumb decisions, so we don't hold them to the same standards as adults."
"Depression has never been higher in America amongst teenagers and young adults."
"Almost everybody wants to change, even the teenagers. They want to change."
"It is so high in the United States, the percentage of teenagers who are planning to buy an iPhone specifically for that reason."
"It seems pretty scary that you can put stuff out there as a teenager that is pretty much always going to be tied to you."
"Teenagers require a different type of sleep and maybe more prime in the evening time."
"More teens have jobs right now than we've seen in over a decade."
"Teenage anxiety and depression are at all-time highs."
"Who doesn't love cash right teenagers teens they love cash right."
"You play as one of four teenagers with a love of junk food and role-playing games."
"Teens desperately miss their friends; their school is their life."
"This video is going to be 150 Christmas gift ideas for teenage boys."
"Compared with their counterparts in the 2000s, today's teens are less likely to go out with their friends."
"About 26,000 years ago, three teenagers were laid to rest in a common grave."
"Teenagers, they think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you."
"Teenagers are a mirror to society, and society is in distress itself."
"Teenagers are not too young to have boyfriends... nobody is too young for love..."
"Traveling with teens is absolutely wonderful."
"If you're a teenager right now... you will be in a position in your life where you think you're making the biggest decisions, which in some way you will be, but life gets a lot more serious in your 20s."
"Many teenagers are dealing with anxiety and depression, and sadly, it's on the rise."
"American teenagers have emerged as a big time consumer in the US economy. They are multiplying in numbers, they spend more, and have more spent on them, and they have a minds of their own about what they want."
"Having the teenagers collectively coming together and declaring that they're not afraid of Freddy anymore is a pretty awesome way to put him to rest."
"My intention is to give teens tools and capabilities that they can use to keep themselves safe."
"It's a really great advice for anybody who has kids from like 12 to 20 around."
"When you're dealing with teenagers, I got assembly life's never straightforward."
"Thank you all for watching, and remember, maybe giving teenagers with emotional problems superpowers, advance tech, and giant robots to pilot isn't such a good idea. Just a thought, Zordon. Good night."
"And so yes, nicotine is incredibly addictive, and we have so many teens who are addicted to nicotine through e-cigarettes and really struggling to get off of it."
"'Smartphones and social media have changed the way teenagers communicate and interact, with both positive and negative impacts.'"
"'Rates of ecigarette use have seen a dramatic increase in recent years, particularly among teenagers.'"
"The vast majority of Sherlock fans on Tumblr were pretty young teenagers who, regardless of whether they knew the term queerbaiting or not, had probably never actually experienced a TV show doing that before."
"The song Fade Into You became an anthem for lovelorn teenagers in the 90’s."
"What is more terrifying than the all-powerful crackling might of lightning? Lightning in the hands of cocky hyper-talented teenagers. Ah, the worst combination."
"Teens today, I think that's the goal."
"I have a theory about teenagers which that uh teenagers main intent in life seems to be to annoy those around them."
"Curiosity plus empathy or just empathy is I would say overwhelmingly the most effective and also wanted response when teenagers come our way with their distress."
"Teenagers are pretty melodramatic. I know that because I was one."
"Step is a form of mobile banking that is literally perfect for teenagers. It's completely free and there is absolutely no fees that come with using it and you can start building credit from an early age."
"Teen driver mode for added safety."
"If you're looking for something, especially if you know, if you got a teenager, I'd say that's a really good book to give to a teenager."
"We make careful product design choices to help make our app inhospitable to those seeking to harm teens."
"Social media is toxic for teenagers, it's toxic."
"Social media is toxic for teenagers. It's toxic, the pornification of young brains, young men marinating their brains in violent pornography."
"It's a teen movie but it's also a teen movie that deals with a lot of teen issues that teenagers go through right now."
"She has written that smartphones have probably led to an increase in mental health problems for teenagers."
"I think we grow weary as parents thinking everything else but us has influence there, but these are the surveys where they're asking the teens themselves, right? You know who's the most influential person in your life, right? And a majority of kids will say my parents."
"Emphasize open communication and trust with teenagers, even if they make mistakes."
"What the hell happened is that mental health of teenagers was actually pretty stable from the '90s through about 2010-2011, and then by 2013, it falls off a cliff."
"Kids in their early teenage years were easier to direct."
"It seems like Art wanted Jonathan to be blamed for this, so he used believable materials that a teenager would use instead of his usual Bodily waste products."
"There's actually been more recent data that suggests that the vast majority of teenagers, about 80 percent in fact, do quite well emotionally and don't have this teenaged angst."
"teenagers dude little teenagers who think they got to chase girls around that's your problem man that is your problem I know he's guilty you can see it in his eyes"
"But what happens when you throw a 16-year-old kid into the mix? Well, that's what we're gonna look at today."
"It's about teenagers... with balls."
"I'm a high school English teacher and I'm here with my twin sons and I know I'm sure you can't imagine the impact you've had on teenagers growing up in America so thank you for that"
"Do teens deserve informed consent? Absolutely."
"Teenagers want to fit in. They want to become someone, be like someone."
"This was so cute and something that I noticed is that Lyn painter does a really good job at writing teenagers."
"I think a lot of times the rhetoric that we give our teenagers about fear sets the stage for negative experiences."
"Don't force a teen to go to therapy if they really don't want to. And if they say they don't feel comfortable with the therapist, find another one."
"Teenagers, they scare the living [ __ ] out of me."
"We as a culture massively underestimate teenagers."
"she's a teen my dear stop being so overprotective if I can give you advice since I have raised three children do not smother them."
"For those of you who are parents and have children, never underestimate a 15 or 16 year old child's interest in what this world is all about."
"There's a pervasive sense of overwhelm among teenagers today, facing pressures from all sides."
"Teenagers and young adults respect you."
"No more weirder than a teenager with spider powers that can shoot thread out of his, uh, out of his wrist."
"I feel like there's a lot of movies today about teenagers but don't show the emotional complexity of that age group."
"for 15 year old bonny Bick Witt and 16 year old Mitchell Weiser both from Brooklyn it was the same a couple met and fell in love at school"
"Teenagers, they do what they want."
"Every teenager should know: the delay in sexual activity leads to greater marital stability."
"People are complicated... teenagers are especially complex."
"Upgrading to a keypad type of lock is ideal, especially if you got teenagers."
"Calls like these were cries for help, teenagers who didn't know where to turn."
"The number of teenage kids who run away from home in this country each year numbers close to 1 million. It has become a major social issue."
"If you have kids with teenagers, you can't not come here."
"Teenagers are noisy; it's just who they are. They get excited about stuff, and I love it."
"Nearly one in three teenagers will meet criteria for an anxiety disorder by the age of 18."
"Anything that lets you shout at teenagers less is a good thing."
"Asking a teenager to get up at 7 a.m. to get ready for school is like asking you or I to get up at 5 a.m."
"I think we accentuate the negative too much on teenagers."
"More teenagers are on Tick Tock now than use Facebook."
"Every parent with a teenager knows how hard it can be to deal with them sometimes."
"Teenagers love being dramatic with their relationships; it's not that deep."
"Have you noticed that teenagers are intimidating? They are the most intimidating people in the world."
"Teens need more sleep than even adults, so let's think about how this affects their ability to function."
"Teenagers usually like to do something that would upset their parents or show their independence from their parents."
"Teenagers don't say much, but boy, when you have time to spend time with them, it's always fun."
"They're teenagers, Martin. What can you do? Bring them up to know right from wrong."
"It's an impossible job, isn't it, raising two teens?"
"We buy a group of teenagers dabbled with a Sinister Ouija board."
"Try to spend that time with your teenagers; it's very important."
"Teenagers are extremely intelligent, but sometimes we don't listen to them."
"I love having teenagers who drive because I get chauffeured around all the time."
"I care about the mental health of teenagers and I hope you would too."
"For many teenagers, much of their lives are lived virtually online."
"Depression rates are entirely on the rise for everyone across the board nowadays, but especially among teenagers."
"I loved talking to teenagers and I loved interacting with people older than me."
"Trolling is on the rise with teenagers, and we all need to come together to stop it."
"What would be the best cruise line to take two teenage boys on holiday? Speaking as someone who cruised as a teenager, I had so much fun."
"We're screwing teenagers over because their brains are more inclined to naturally fall asleep around 11 PM."
"Protein bars are really good for your teenagers that don't want to eat at school."
"It's designed to resonate with teenagers, hitting that happy medium of around 14, 15, 16 years old."