
Divine Value Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The worth of souls is great in the sight of God."
"If God places value on something, it is your duty to search it out."
"If God sees something to be of importance, we will be out of our mind if we are not chasing after it."
"You already are purchased, you already are precious, and so because of that glorify God and live in Thanksgiving for what he's already done for you."
"The Lord wants you more than He wants to use you."
"The Lord's commandments: more precious than gold, sweeter than honey."
"You are God's special possession... held in particular esteem."
"If you understood your value to God you would immediately turn your life over to God."
"You are precious in God's sight. You are loved by God. You are '… the apple of His eye'. You do have a purpose."
"There's not anything about you that is not important in the eyes of God."
"To God, you matter. You are chosen, regardless of your status or recognition in the world."
"The first mission of the Church is to protect human life because it is given by God."
"Equal justice and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion, and create every child of every color born and unborn is made in the Holy image of God."
"Opposition comes because we carry something precious in God's sight."
"Your value is so great that God himself would die on a cross for your sin."
"Your value in the eyes of the creator of Heaven and Earth is off the chart. If we pulled all of our assets, they wouldn't even come close."
"You are not defined by the world that's used you, but rather you are defined by the God who simply wants to use you, wants to use you even with all your hangups."
"Your worth is not defined by what you've done or what's been done to you; your worth is defined by God alone."
"For you are very precious to God."
"God's gonna show you your value to Him."
"The Gospel of Jesus Christ says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that you are more than just the single aspect of your personhood."
"It's seen to be like a gift from the gods."
"To be holy is when you recognize God's value as God recognizes His value, and you begin to live your life and do everything you do for Him."
"Not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father... Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
"Imagine what's possible if you lived according to the value God sees in you."
"You're a very important person to the Divine; that's why you're so protected."
"God is not impressed with numbers, God is impressed with people who have come out of Eternity into time for purpose on purpose."
"Every single one of you are created by God."
"I believe you belong to God... I know how precious you are to God."
"Knowing your identity, knowing your worth as determined by God."
"If it's true what scripture says that we are treasured by God and given a place at His table, then all we need to do is take our seats."
"Jesus thinks what he's getting through the blood is worth it; he thinks you're more than worth the blood."
"When you stop letting people determine your worth and you start letting God determine your worth, you start trusting what God has told you He has for you in this life."
"God considers His glory far too precious to waste it on those who would not steward it well."
"You are valuable to God; you are valuable in the kingdom."
"When you know you belong to God, value has been stamped on you."
"Your life is precious to the Lord and you must contribute something to this world."
"Everyone matters to God whether or not God matters to them."
"Look at how God takes care of even little birds, and know how much more important you are to Him than a little bird."
"God never gave up on us, this is why God values you."
"That's how precious you are in the sight of God."
"Work is important to God and God values work."
"Thank you for setting the stage for the importance of obedience; once again we see how much you value each and every one of us."
"...blessed in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints."
"You are God's special possession."
"I'm talking about knowing that you're valuable to the heart of God."
"Do you have any idea how much God loves you? You are worth nothing less to Him than the price that He paid for you with the precious blood of His Son Jesus Christ."
"It's so easy to lose sight of the dignity that God has given to every single human being."
"Don't be afraid, God considers you extraordinarily valuable."
"You are absolutely precious to God."
"You're worth the blood of the God."
"You're actually a precious gem of God."
"God sees us as his princesses, he wants the best for us because we deserve it."