
Divine Promises Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"As children of Zion, good tidings for us. The tokens already appear. Fear not, and be just, for the kingdom is ours. The hour of redemption is near."
"God always keeps His promises, but He is not obligated to keep your potential."
"God is the one who makes all the promises and keeps all of the promises."
"Our God is a covenant-making, covenant-keeping God."
"God is not a man, that he should lie; nor the son of man, that he should repent: if he said it, then you can count it as good."
"A promise is simply a declaration by God of His intention to graciously bestow a gift upon us in some form or fashion."
"Not one single promise has been forgotten. Not a single promise He's made has ever been broken."
"Every single day of our life we should be grateful for all the promises that God has given."
"Everything you believe about Him, everything you believe about Jesus, your whole belief system is all based on the promises of God."
"What a terrible sin for a child of God to be a follower of Jesus Christ and in possession of innumerable promises made by God and we just neglect them."
"Trust that His promises are better than our expectations."
"Here are all of these promises and it's like having this wealth, this wealth that it is so deep and so wide it's uncountable, immeasurable."
"He promises guidance. He promises direction. He promises to provide our needs. He promises to protect us."
"The promises of God are way more to do with who God is than what He can give."
"I will bless those who bless you, God says to Abraham. I will curse those who curse you...in real time, God keeps his promises."
"We cannot outlive the promises of God; they will always outlive us because His word stands true forever."
"Your prayers are God's promises breathed out of a living heart."
"When you find a promise that relates to your situation and meets your need, that promise is God's will for you."
"Financial restoration and compensation for losses are declared."
"This is what God has for you today, be specific with God."
"If you seek the Lord first, all these other things will be added to you as well."
"I testify that bad days come to an end, that faith always triumphs, and that heavenly promises are always kept."
"Through your steadfast faith and devotion, expect miraculous wonders to unfold. I promise to bestow upon you the finest gifts, always exceeding your requests."
"When you get desperate before God, you set your heart to seek Him, then you can hold God to His covenant promises."
"Trust in God's faithfulness and cling to his promises."
"The promises are hinged to the protocols of God."
"Grab hold of his promises and move forward in faith."
"The promises I've made to you are solid, not mere words but divine assurances destined to come true at the right moment."
"When I think about all the promises he's made when he said I will never leave you nor forsake you never means no matter what happens."
"The shield of faith... believe in the promises of God."
"God will keep all of his promises, but he's not obligated to keep our potential."
"Jesus is extending His hand to us with truth, with promises, with something that can save us from a dark world."
"God promises to shower you with Benefits Beyond Your Wildest Dreams."
"When He tells you something, it's too good to be true for you, but it is true."
"When you hear that voice in your head, you have to be like, 'Shut the [ __ ] up, I do!'"
"Everything that is happening around the world should strengthen our faith in a God that is faithful to His promises."
"Trusting God is a daily choice to believe in His promises and guidance."
"God is not raising our hopes for naught. He is a covenant-keeping God."
"Stand firm in your faith, knowing in whom you have believed, and watch what I, the Lord God, am set to do," proclaims the Lord.
"Not a hope in something that might happen but a faith in what God has said he will do."
"God says, 'My child, know that promotions and blessings come from me. What I have promised you, no one can take away, block, or destroy.'"
"Jesus says, 'Welcome to the amazing year of 2023, where incredible things are about to happen.'"
"As we embrace God's promises, we find strength to face each day with courage."
"Eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things that God has planned and prepared for you."
"God's promises are always for his intended targets."
"Fulfill those promises in my life, Lord, and let me experience the great and mighty things you have in store for me."
"Believe in my promises for they will surely come to pass, my child. I love you deeply and I long to enter your home and perform a great miracle in your life."
"God says today I will turn your pain into strength and your difficulties into opportunities I have an amazing plan for your life."
"God is saying to you today before this month ends I am going to blow your mind with unlimited wealth health and prosperity."
"God's promises in Psalm 91 are for those who truly know and love Him."
"Put your confidence in the one who loves you, put your covenants in the one who said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
"For all of the promises of God are yes and amen."
"If you have the kingdom, all these things will be added. Who is adding it? The owner of the Kingdom will give you everything."
"We believe in Allah's promise that He'll turn back to us if we turn back to His book."
"That's when it really hits you; it's the ashes of the old world."
"Thank God that he cares enough to give you promises like this to get you out of it."
"Put your trust in the Most High and believe in his promises."
"We stand in agreement believing that you have good things planned for us victories that you've already won give us the faith to hold on to those promises even when we can't see the end of the road."
"Trust in him and you will see how his promises are fulfilled in your life."
"You were born to conquer and live every promise of God."
"This is a year where the promises of God are about to manifest in amazing ways."
"By faith we connect to every promise of God."
"We declare that we will testify this year that this year is truly the year of the bride."
"We will radically obey you because we will see the promises of God come to pass."
"Praise him for his promises that are not going to return void."
"As you read the text of scripture and you come across verses that are promising you salvation, that are assuring you of God's love for you, you just have to believe it for yourself."
"God is not a man... He has said and shall he not do it?"
"Forgiveness is literally the key to truly access the promises of God."
"If we meet four conditions, the Lord gives three promises, and one of them is the healing of the land."
"Boldly proclaim the promises I have given you. Tell those who disturb your peace that I am with you every day until the very end."
"Transform our inner thoughts to reflect hope, joy, and peace that are rooted in God's promises."
"God is saying to you what he said to Job Joy is coming breakthroughs are coming healing is coming promotion is coming God is about to fill your mouth with laughter."
"Be encouraged this hour. God keeps his promises."
"Consider the weight and significance of these promises woven into the very fabric of creation."
"The promises of the Lord never expire. If the Lord tells you something, you run with it."
"You can delight in God and worship Him, clinging to His promises in Christ that you are forgiven."
"God promises to fill it up. It's getting there. We are being transformed."
"Your hope and my hope are solely based on God's promises."
"Did I say in my law if you abide in me and me in you, whatever you ask, I will give you?"
"This is Bible prophecy and it is all wonderful if you live in faith and live for yahuwah following his ways and commands you have wonderful promises ahead."
"Principles are blueprints to God's best, paths to his promises."
"Greater things are yet to come and marvelous wonders are going to happen."
"Every promise that God has spoken over your life will come to pass."
"Don't stop until you see the fullness of the promise of God."
"The unifying theme of scripture is our God is a covenant making, covenant keeping God."
"God has promised that everything is going to turn out okay."
"The promises of God might be delayed but they will never be denied."
"God is able to do just what he said He would do."
"God does say, 'I will do exceedingly abundantly beyond what you could ever ask, think, or imagine.'"
"God makes commitments and we are the better for his commitments because he keeps his commitments."
"God cannot lie, and He said, 'I'm willing that none should perish, but all should come to repentance.'"
"God does not break his promises; he keeps them."
"When a promise of blessing comes directly from God, you can be absolutely sure."
"God's promises are not contingent on human actions."
"God is always on time. The Lord is not slack concerning his promises; he keeps them right on time."
"Patience, it's not always easy to wait but God always comes through with his promises."
"No word from God will come back void."
"God never fails to keep his promise."
"It's a big deal because it's dramatic tangible evidence for you and I that God means what he says and says what he means."
"All of the promises that God made that He has already kept is the track record that lets us know all the promises He makes to me today He's going to keep in the future."
"God keeps his promises. He made a covenant with the Jewish people. He's not going to just cast us aside."
"God's promises are yes from the God side, the amen is us facing that promise and saying this is for me."
"It's trusting in the promises and word of God."
"Faith is basically trust and confidence in the promises and faithfulness of God."
"Make every effort to respond to God's promises."
"Real security is understanding God has made promises to you, Jesus Christ is trustworthy, you can trust him."
"God is faithful to his word and if you trust him, God will do everything he said he would do."
"God wants you to be faithful. He wants you to persevere. He is expecting you to never give up on his promises."
"We praise you because your promises are always now. It's already done."
"All of your problems come because you don't trust the promises of God."
"Discouragement does not have greater power than the promises of God."
"The Holy Spirit is our helper, our advocate, who teaches us all things and reminds us of God's laws, commandments, and promises."
"Stand on the promises and the Word of God, believe the divine decree that you shall live."
"What a wonderful Lord we serve, his promises are yay and amen."
"Every one of His promises are a gift to you."
"Stand on the Promises of God and reject the lies of the devil and walk in Victory for his glory."
"Faith is an activator... it activates me to step out on the promises of God and do it."
"God has never failed to answer his promise to me."
"We are to have faith in God, and we can have faith in God because God keeps his promises."
"God's promises work their wonders while we see and act on eternal realities on his faithfulness and refuse to be affected by temporal things to the contrary."
"We fail in part because we know that God has given us wonderful promises, but we don't fully believe in them."
"Lay hold of His promises and believe them."
"That is the key to walking out our faith: trusting in the Lord, believing His promises."
"His promises are always yes and amen."
"Rest in Me, trust in Me, wait on My promises."
"Keep in mind wherever you are marching into, you've got a big God who's made some substantive promises."
"God has all of eternity to fulfill his promises."
"God will indeed honor his covenants and promises to each of us."
"God loves it; He rejoices when His people hold up His promises before them."
"We are secure because of the promises of God; our security rests in Christ and in Him alone."
"All of God's promises are yes and amen."
"God's promises for you, He will always come through on His promises that He made to you."
"God is always up, God is always consistent, and God is always true to his word."
"The Lord has reserved for this generation exceedingly precious promises that are far above everything you could ask, think, or imagine."
"God's promises require practice in His presence."
"Every promise of God is yes and amen to those who believe."
"Promises to those who set their love and trust on the Almighty."
"Thank God for faith, I appreciate promises from God that you can hold on to and believe day in and day out."
"Our relation to God should next be one of continual expectancy, especially expectancy of the fulfillment of His promises."
"In times of challenge, may you find strength in God's promises, knowing that He is a faithful God who fulfills His word."
"I can't claim the promises of God if I don't know them."
"This is a night for you to breathe in the promises of God over your life."
"You are a hearer of all the promises of Abraham and you are an heir to the kingdom of God."
"If your desire is to still be a covenant-keeping person 100%, then you'll have all the blessings that God has promised."
"The abundant life that Jesus promised is a life of walking in faith and confidence in the promises of God."
"The promises of God are yes and amen, no matter how long they take."
"The faith to keep going and the faith to trust that His promises are sure."
"...nothing that is fashioned by man or fashioned by the enemy... in any way can harm the eternal promises of God."
"...in His kingdom, there's no arrows that fly, there's no pestilence that enters in, there is simply the eternal joy and satisfaction of being recipients of the promises of God and enjoying them for eternity with Him."
"Every promise that God made to Israel regarding the land has in fact been fulfilled."
"Let your hearts rejoice, how can you help it, and behold how great the covenants of the Lord."
"How greatly I prize a portion of scripture which is filled with God's 'shalls' and 'wills'."
"He is faithful to fulfill His promises."
"If you're a child of God, you get all of his promises; they're all for you."
"God spoke through generations and generations of his people, giving them promises, fulfilling those promises, showing his kindness through time."
"If we fill it with God's promises and His word, then we will be strong in courage and faith."
"Standing on the promises that cannot fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail."
"There's nothing God can't do, and God has already performed whatever God has promised."
"God will do what he said he would do; he will stand by his word, he will come through."
"God has promised you many blessings in this life, for the promises of God are yes and amen."
"The promises of God are never in jeopardy of being canceled or changed."
"Peter said unto us have been given exceedingly great and precious promises."
"God's promises never fail, and he reminds us of them every single day."
"All the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God."
"When you can't see it, you got to remember what He said."
"The Word of God are cash cheques in heaven that God always answers."
"Faith grasps the promises of God and believes that they are our own."
"The secret of meditation is meditating on the word of God, that my mind is so filled with the promises of God."
"We have learned to stand upon the promises of God."
"The world I have fashioned is rich with my promises, promises that are not just fleeting whispers but steadfast commitments to you."
"All of God's promises are mine in Christ, and to me, that is good news."
"I regard and call God's promises that are not yet physically apparent as if they were already brought into existence."
"Every promise in the Word of God is yes and amen."
"Don't stop believing in the promises that the most high God has made for you."
"All the promises of God in him are yes, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us."
"He listened to Jehovah and patiently waited on him to fulfill his promises."
"I didn't consider the negative news, I considered the promises of God."
"My God is faithful, His promises are yes and amen."
"Prayer has subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises."
"Courageous faith and confident belief in God's promises will get you through every season."
"All these things that God's promised – health, peace, contentment, wealth, laughter, joy – you know why all those things don't work for some people? They've had no practice."
"You inherit the promises of God through faith and patience."
"My heart overflows with praise to God and for his promises; I will always trust in him."
"I'm standing here, believing you perform just what you said, you never lie, that's why I'm standing here."
"Keep your eyes on Him and meditate on every promise He's given you."
"Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, never has it even entered into the heart of man the things that God has for those that love Him."
"God is fulfilling his promises to the Jewish people."
"Every promise, everything that you receive from in the Bible, comes by grace through faith."
"God is the God of promises but also God often attaches a good promise to a bad process."
"Keep seeking Him, and keep seeking to obey Him, I promise you you're gonna see God's glory in your life."
"All the promises of God in Christ Jesus are yes to us."
"Keep holding on to the word and promises of God."
"The promises of God over your life are yes and amen."
"God's promises will never fail to his faithful people; they will not fail."
"Take heart in his promises, for there are seven things you can count on: his presence, safety, energy, solutions, provision, peace, and eternal love."
"We will receive and see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
"All of his promises are throughout his word and the more time we spend with him, the more clarity we get."
"Let's continue to hold on to God's unchanging hands and promises."
"Let every beat resonate with the promises of God."
"God's promises are fulfilled step by step."