
Corporate Behavior Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"Welcome to how this is actually happening. This is the reality of how this is happening. This is why every big corporation has gone woke, is because if they go woke, they get access to the trading level that makes them richer."
"It is unusual for these corporations to use their Terms of Service to issue bans to otherwise hurt their bottom line in a way that they don't want to."
"Is Shein's behavior here actually legal? And if it is, what can any of us do to stop it?"
"SeaWorld actually, in the way that they normally operate, tried to put some of the blame on her for the accident because she had been wearing a long ponytail."
"Shame good for the poor, bad for corporation."
"Big businesses are in the business of profit-seeking."
"Corporate greed is one of the most pressing issues facing our country."
"Corporations respond to incentive structures."
"A fortune 500 CEO publicly calling their investor an asshole, probably not a good look."
"Microsoft's actions, have been completely legal, and good for consumers."
"The more we look into it the more we can really see that these companies have done this before and maybe these second gen examples are proof that it has been done before."
"Avon's alleged misclassification of the workers marks an attempt by the direct beauty product seller to avoid various duties and obligations owed under California and federal labor laws."
"If Apple wants to sue a [], oh you bet your ass and they will sue a []."
"The Last of Us 2 leaks and Sony's assault on youtubers may be the most sinister video game industry move of the decade."
"Disney, the company that says about Scarlett Johansson, 'that she had a callous disregard for the horrific and prolonged global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,' has just taken their Christmas event and jacked it from 105 to 155 up to 169 to 250."
"Is it honest and fair for a company to fire a man, silence a man while day by day leaking his confidential moments and Communications within the company?"
"The fans are back, the flags are out, everyone is so excited for this."
"These companies have shown how far they're willing to go, they've shown how much they'll sell you out and that should not be forgotten."
"How much worse it could or will get for consumers anyway?"
"EA basically [ __ ] on the community... and they deserve sometimes to get some backlash... well this time they did that."
"If past behavior is anything to go by, I don't see it saying, 'You know what, we'll take a year off and let everybody forget how much they hate us, and then start pushing again in a year.'"
"Apple unlawfully maintains its monopoly in the iOS app distribution market."
"I think the worst risk at your job is just being bored and honestly they really don't care if you decide to screw around because that guy did it and got promoted."
"YouTube or lease management at YouTube knows they're screwing people over... they just want to hide this because it means a smoother operation for them."
"What these companies are doing is the equivalent of trying to burn down the modern-day digital equivalent to the library of Alexandria."
"I don't believe that the company and the magic can survive this kind of corporate behavior." - Abigail Disney
"The whole situation is just monumentally scummy."
"I think whether the algos have picked it up, or whether psychologically, the crowd now knows that once the blackout periods end, corporations will be back because they have to be. We're late in the cycle."
"Companies that censor political speech harm competition and ruin our brains need regulation."
"If you let a company get away with murder, then that's exactly what they will do in the future."
"This is why big companies, when Goliath starts understanding how to act like David good shit can happen for Goliath."
"It just doesn't seem like this is the best decision, seems like corporate greed once again."
"Some companies have figured out they could get away with minimal efforts during the pandemic."
"The Shock Doctrine cycle of vultures, corporations exploiting national disasters to take over the public infrastructure, is actually their ongoing game plan."
"My feeling is one of utter disgust and the attitude of the owner of Arsenal has been one of arrogance, insensitivity, and contempt for fans."
"It literally boils down to just that corporate freaking greed."
"To publicly denounce not only masks, but the coronavirus, that are helping us slowly return to normal life is just sad, upsetting, and unfortunately, unsurprising for MLM companies."
"The fine for destroying evidence in this case is less than what Activision Blizzard reckons we can assume what happened to them should that evidence fall into the hands of the government."
"I feel like there's a very weird feedback loop that I think has been created by cancel culture, to where companies will overreact."
"Literally doing what Elon is accusing us of doing."
"There's just been repeat offenders. They've been on probation, they violated the probation. The problem is you can't take a corporation and put into prison."
"So look, to recap, our utility system largely consists of for-profit companies with monopolies over an essential service, building as much as they possibly can so they can pass the cost along to you on your electric bill."
"Zuckerberg did what any CEO would do ignore all of that stuff it just indulged in a bit of megalomania."
"It showed signs of life for the little guy against an evil soulless Corporation known as Nexon."
"This whole stunt from Nexon has been a reputation Ruiner."
"Disney is the villain in this particular story."
"The reason that they felt the need to defend themselves here is because that is probably highly likely the very first thing that is illegal that they did."
"This just reeks of Sony seeing that the reception of the leaks is negative and attacking people."
"Corporations are raising prices even as they rake in record profits."
"Sony's kind of making all this a sour situation by pursuing this the way they are."
"It's a lot, child. These people, they do whatever they can because they're making the money."
"Elon Musk's fraudulent behavior and his cons have given him many benefits and boosted his stock price."
"Zoom may or may not have known that the Facebook log in SDK software development kit, so the software library that allows that to work, apparently says it sends a bunch of private information back to Facebook."
"Sleeve ball lawyers are behind them telling them not to say anything."
"They will literally violate almost every moral principle they have otherwise it's insane."
"I see clear evidence of inflation; I see clear evidence that companies are rapidly increasing their prices."
"Wow, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I can't believe it. Warner Brothers is just gonna keep on Warner Brothering, no matter who's in charge over there."
"Businesses will do whatever they can get the [ __ ] away with."
"They attack customers because they might not agree with their politics or they might not agree with what they said they are very, very spineless thin-skinned people that can't handle being wrong."
"Tesla stock falls one percent, he'll then double down and make a meme out of that and say hahaha you know so he just doesn't care."
"Power, not truth, but power, if you can get the mob to get behind you, the corporation will back down."
"What McDonald's did, as absurd and awful as it is, is not surprising in the least."
"They need to stop with this, they need to chillax with that, you know? Relax EA, relax."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They'll fix it anyway."
"Big companies like this tend to show you who they really are with their actions and not their meaningless words."
"Once you become a liability, once you are not useful to them anymore, they will throw you off the bus and run you over multiple times."
"It's definitely a bit of a pickle, but I think it's a pickle that can be solved, you know, because once these companies are held accountable for their behavior, they will change their behavior."
"If you'd have just proven legitimacy none of this scenario would have unfolded now I believe they did this as a marketing ploy to get more eyes on the project."
"Even if you're not a Microsoft fan, let's say you're the biggest Sony fan in the world, it's rare that you get to see a company do this."
"If a company was negotiating a huge merger with another company and one of the vice presidents or somebody in the company was like trolling the other company and getting in the way of the negotiations that person would be fired."
"Are we really surprised that it came from Apple? I feel like anything that is too evil to be used by Apple they just run away and start their own company."
"Getting cut at Ubisoft feels like getting mad at a dog for getting into the garbage. Sure they do greedy and annoying things, but I never felt that they were actively evil unlike some other companies."
"You will become a target of vitriol and libel, which is why it's important to look at Square as they can show us in real time the difference between a company not following suit and the result of doing."
"If we never praise a bad company for doing something good but rather only criticize them when they screw up, how can we expect them to turn around their act and improve?"
"North Dallas 40 exposed the NFL for what it truly was—a money-first, player-disposing corporate Goliath."
"It's really weird that all the companies will jump together to ban people from [__] if they haven't violated anything on that platform."
"In this scenario, good companies get rewarded."
"But what if I told you what if I told you that the biggest theft isn't people stealing from companies what if I told you the biggest theft is companies stealing from people."
"Nintendo would not make... burn the ship down to sell the planks for scrap kind of greed."
"The pandering of companies is akin to a Multiverse in which these alternate versions are simply worst alternatives to what we already know."
"Corporate insiders don't buy for no reason. They see the under the hood earnings and they like it."
"The problem is it's never gone to court, and so what Nintendo is doing is basically going around and bullying people."
"If a company says one thing does another thing and treats you a certain way then you should be able to talk about it without being instantly categorized as a negative employee or in this case a loud quitter."
"The carriers rarely, if ever, act in good faith."
"Companies have a responsibility to their shareholders but it just reminds you that companies are psychopaths."
"You take a bunch of empathetic people and put them into a corporate structure, they act like a sociopath."
"I think if you look at companies that are owned by employees... they behave better."
"Sony is a company that can be extremely arrogant at times I feel they have been eating a large helping of humble pie lately which is a very very good thing indeed."
"Evergrande is not unique, rather it is typical."
"I never saw egregious cheating under FR pek and I never saw something like this where companies are acting in that obviously disingenuous way to make a cent at the expense of people."
"Greenwashing is when companies market themselves as eco-friendly but don't live up to those claims."
"Pepsi does whatever their narrative needs to be so they make more money, yep, that's all they're doing."
"If companies like Activision want to squeeze every dollar from every consumer, which they do, at some point they're has to be a line."
"It's about companies that prioritize profits over ethics."
"Each time the company commits a new violation in a new location or at a new stage in the Union's campaign, it is communicating to all of its workers that the rights accorded to them by the law can be defeated."
"There is something up with Boeing, I think that's mental isn't it, a company would do that to someone."
"The world unraveled when companies began treating nature like a commodity, leaving people emotionally starved."
"Some Hasbro apologists won't like this but time after time this company goes out of their way to make it clear through their actions not their meaningless words exactly how little they care about their audience."
"It sends a message to Google that they've got to stop this predatory Monopoly-like behavior."
"I don't hate them, I do hate the greediness and the inconsiderate of these people in these companies."
"Large corporations and powerful people only change their behavior when there's an economic incentive."
"Data will have a crucial impact in the way that companies are changing their behavior."
"People deserve to know that Pfizer's private behavior comports with what it says it's doing publicly."
"There's corporate greed going on out there and it's got to be dealt with."
"Big companies just gonna do what big companies do."
"Tax avoidance is legal but acting unethically is it more important for these multinationals to do things right and in other words act ethically rather than just doing the right thing."