
Training Benefits Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"If I knew that all this training I was doing was going to shorten my life by a year, I would still do it purely for the improvement in quality of life between now and the end of my life."
"We're really doing great things here while training our superhero abilities."
"It's a hard skill to train... but it has a lot of really cool upgrades."
"A lot of the practices of bodybuilding, if you apply them to your weightlifting or your strength training, will greatly improve the effects of any exercise."
"Sparring can help you more than most people think."
"Full body training maximizes development of your connective tissue."
"Resistance training has carryover for endurance athletes as well."
"Seeing changes in my body already, changes in my speed, the small details they really get out to you about it."
"Training is gonna... make you feel more confident."
"Your insights are so amazing to me and so helpful and I now know so much more about myself and how I come across to other people after going through your training."
"Creatine has been shown in over a thousand studies to be effective to most people it allows you to hold on to more water weight intracellular allows you to train harder get more reps and it's very good at helping you build muscle and strength."
"Full range of motion: key to optimal contraction."
"It turned out that just by training, without even allocating skill points, one could gain a new skill."
"Novelty in the context of exercise selection... may result in some more or some better gains."
"His wrestling has gotten so much better because of this guy named Triple C who he trains with all the time."
"Once you experience the Divine spark within you and you see just what you're capable of with the right training you can never go back to your old self."
"Recovery capacity improves with training, just like work capacity."
"Workout split number one: full body... One of the biggest upsides of this split is that it naturally increases your training frequency which has been shown to result in more muscle growth."
"I'm getting fitter, my FTP has grown or risen, I've got better, stronger."
"It feels great to be a champion. It feels great to train. It feels great to pump up. It's two different things. You better get both the pump and the cum."
"Training experience is the number one thing benefiting early stage lifters."
"The solution and the cure is to be found in training."
"I just train to not only look a lot better but also to feel good."
"It's nice that they've allowed us to get back down here because once you've been locked in it, it enables you to have a really, really good training and/or camping spot."
"You need the head start on the trainer at the top, you need the Head Start."
"How can we transfer value into things that are going to be a benefit to training and a benefit into ultimately developing that relationship?"
"I love training for what it gives me."
"You'll get more benefit out of your training; you'll set personal bests."
"Allowing your body to be pushed and challenged with higher mileage or longer workouts or faster workouts, you're going to get in a lot better shape."
"Human resource management practices such as training can help companies gain a competitive advantage."
"You're always going to get benefits from all kinds of training."
"The more I train, the happier and healthier I am, the better I treat other people."
"It does all sound rather appealing."
"An accurate and complete training program will benefit your company in more ways than you can imagine."
"Yes, you may lose a year of your life out here, but with this training, you could potentially save millions of years of those in your time."
"One of the advantages of a slightly tough training session is how good you feel afterwards."
"Balance, structure, training, and all that, I think it's very healthy for the dog."
"By training and getting good at these movements, we are investing in a better amplifier."
"Mobility work is to allow better movement, better freedom of movement throughout your training and throughout your life."
"The best part is you will have access to our team of instructors."
"Having a little extra obedience could mean the difference between an accident or having a good day hunting."
"Using the dog's food is extremely beneficial."
"Training is much better for joints and ligaments and tendons comparatively to being detrained and sedentary."
"It's clear that this training was a huge help."
"Work the core not just for six-pack abs but for that deep core strength which gives us the foundation for the rest of our training."
"Training, a good diet, a cool outfit helps."
"Inflammation seems to play a pretty important role in the benefits of actual training."
"Don't skip out on the rep work; it's good for you, you will get stronger."
"Training more and becoming more well-trained tends to reduce the risk of injury."
"If you're goal-oriented and you like seeing your fitness go up, then a power meter will add value."