
Emotional Struggle Quotes

There are 485 quotes

"Love can be just as challenging as any battlefield."
"Depression is when we smile but want to cry, it's when we talk but want to be quiet, it's when we pretend like we're happy but we're not."
"I'm a Christian but I'm pissed. I love God but I'm hurting."
"Something that you're currently struggling with either emotionally or just something that you're thinking about, you're worried about, I see it turning out much better than you thought."
"It's nerve-wracking. I have all this success, I have everything I need, everything I want, but it's still not going to feel like progress until they're home."
"Everyone lives with regret, and the words 'forget about it' are useless in the face of the deep regret she's living through."
"I want to forgive them because God tells me to, but it's hard not to hate them."
"I pretend that I'm happy without you, but the truth is that I'm heartbroken over you."
"Please try to understand, I can barely come to terms with the idea of losing my brother after only just finding him."
"When you get through going through all of the emotional rigamarole... you discover that you are broken and you have been compromised emotionally, financially, spiritually."
"How long can you love something that doesn't love you back?"
"It's possible to be in God's perfect will for your life and still find yourself crying."
"It is possible to be in the perfect will of God and still have things that will cause you to cry."
"It's almost poetic how Abe Sapien, the aquatic intellectual, finds himself drowning in a tidal wave of emotions."
"It's really hard when you have all those negative feelings and you're just feeling really down about yourself."
"I always felt guilty, like what is the survivor's guilt or like just making it here and I'm on the other side."
"The pain has turned into anger that no longer merely concerns my resignation but increasingly also my person and my papacy as a whole." - Pope Benedict XVI
"There's a lot of guilt inside of him and he's not dealing with it well."
"I was lying, hiding, and faking every day of my life. And it's debilitating, quite frankly."
"Love can be very tough on us sometimes, can't it?"
"But everyone was greed that thing that said you're nothing that self-esteem that hit in the chest that just says you've done what you've done physically but now it's all emotional notes up here."
"I need help, I can't do this. I literally remember telling her one time, breaking down crying like I need help, I can't do this. You know, I was like I don't want to be this way."
"The full moon is ruled by Mercury and it's in a square to Neptune, so it kind of makes me feel like you're trying to kind of hang in there and navigate stuff in your professional life, but you're not really feeling supported by a partner."
"For the light to shine in the deepest darkest recesses of my heart, I got doubts but I trust him anyway. Stop yelling at me because even though."
"I really don't feel good like going through life."
"I saw her after the accident. I keep getting mental pictures of her in that state trying desperately to contact me. I don't know if I'm scared because I'm weak or scared because I should be scared."
"I remember being on the floor in my apartment and just thinking, how could this happen to me again?"
"I suffered and I hurt a lot and I was in pain and I cried and I wanted to die, and like, I didn't know if I was gonna live..."
"When you come into a relationship as a woman and you got way more than that man has, there's gonna be hard feelings."
"Everybody feels that way... you can have tens of millions of people cheering your name and still feel completely alone."
"It's probably the most painful thing ever. It's just, it probably just sucks."
"I'm at war with my emotions sometimes, I'm at war with my with my gut health right so."
"It will be better soon, and it's just this terrible, powerless feeling that you have to live through."
"As frustrating as it is not to be able to spill the tea, I mean really, there's just, there's two relationships I've had."
"People are really hurting when it comes to the pandemic."
"I felt like I've lost my purpose... we feel a little lost and can't do what we set out to do."
"Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves: regret for the past and fear of the future."
"You have no idea what it's like to be a parent and never know."
"Having to break your own heart and someone else's in the process of saving yourself is so hard."
"Yuji is not alone in his struggles, no matter how much he feels responsible for the things sukuna does or for the death of nanami."
"Let her hit rock bottom, but if you love someone, it's hard to watch a loved one hit rock bottom."
"I can't keep going through this. I want a better life for myself."
"If you're struggling and you're feeling pain, you're creating what you do not want."
"You feel like they went cold on you, they're being super harsh, you may feel like they're not communicating because they don't know how or what to say."
"They feel tortured by their emotions and the power you have over them."
"Love should be easy, love shouldn't be a struggle."
"I'm supposed to love him, I'm supposed to be his daughter, but it's hard because he's wasted so much time being angry."
"Grief is one of the worst emotions, if not the worst emotion that we have to deal with."
"She wanted to have all that and be able to be happy about it, be able to share it with her husband, but she couldn't. So she tried to have all that and keep the two parts of her life separate, which wears on you. It takes a lot out of a person."
"Loneliness, fear, and panic engulf your heart."
"It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today. But there will be days where you feel all alone."
"I thought if I don't laugh I'll cry and be in a dark room for years."
"They fear being true to themselves; it breaks my heart for them."
"Loneliness sucks, and I felt alone for so long."
"Diana is in need of Love... who's been denied it throughout her marriage and in many ways throughout her life."
"To feel like because of her was taken away it's been hard."
"Dysphoria is the sort of sadness that takes over you and you become very aware of everything that you feel is wrong with your body."
"Yeah, we left off that Brent has been screaming for help forever. Yeah, he has been humming his pains and we've just been jamming, you know, like damn near suicidal [ __ ]."
"The struggle was fierce, overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death."
"I'm reliving everything. No, I'm [__] crying like my mom. I'm reliving everything."
"Not letting myself love her was the opposite of falling. It was pulling myself up a cliff face, hand over hand."
"Just feeling guilt for anything, even if I do one nice thing for myself, I will feel an overwhelming sense of guilt."
"Nobody likes to think that somebody that they're close with is better than them. You just don't want to. You can't handle it."
"People say to move on. It's easy for everyone to say to move on. But I just can't."
"It's so hard, it's so [ __ ] hard, it's just not fair you know."
"It's a tough thing... I need to speak about it. It's the truth, it's something that I want to talk about but I also don't... unless it's absolutely necessary."
"I think it's really hard to leave relationships even if they're broken."
"You're just working out your frustration. The world is being mean to you. You're being mean to the world. You know, but if you have a good heart and a good family, maybe you could work all that [__] out. And that's really what it was."
"Fear terrified me, I don't want to be afraid."
"There's so much that sisters battle with, guilt, guilt and shame."
"Sometimes suffering involves things that are embarrassing and shameful, and that's very different than a blaze of glory."
"Resentment is like a very large, very heavy suitcase with no handles."
"Living in chronic pain, having no answers as to why, is so defeating."
"Your twin flame, if they're running, if they've separated, they can't imagine their future with anyone else either."
"Trying hard to fight these tears, I'm crazy worried, messing with my head, this fear."
"Sora tries to smile despite fearing for his friends. This pain is present throughout the series."
"The intense feelings of sadness and longing overwhelmed him."
"When I look back, just night after night crying in my bedroom, I remember looking in the back of my mirror and just saying the most self-loathing things into that mirror and just feeling broken."
"The worst thing of survivor's guilt is you don't have an answer to why you're the one that lived."
"Most of us who are really suffering don't even realize that the real reason we feel so much pain is because this is the situation that we're in, a situation where we feel like we have absolutely no control."
"They'll almost feel like I need to just give up on love altogether because of this."
"These times are trying for people, they're difficult for people."
"This is my truth. I can't shove it down anymore or I will end up in that place I was in a year ago."
"The damage that I was feeling by not saying anything became greater than what I imagined the potential damage would be from coming out."
"I thought I was doing everything right by her and by both of you."
"Who's so real and seeing the anguish you know goes through."
"Rabbit doesn't want her to go and it's tough to watch."
"If there's a hell on this earth, it's trying to help your baby die."
"I felt like my life and career was over and I'm a big fat phony and failure and a piss boy frankly."
"I don't know what's real and what isn't anymore. That's kind of painful."
"It truly is a very hard thing to go through."
"Sometimes the hardest part is letting go, right?"
"I love her, and the thought of breaking up feels like the ground opening up beneath my feet."
"Some of you have been suffering in silence, but there's an ending."
"This person is hurting... Tired of feeling in prison... They want to become whole."
"Forgiveness is hard when you're trying to force yourself to forgive."
"Somebody is stuck in toxicity and they're heartbroken."
"Look at my energy. More pain, more misery. When is this season going? This is real [__] rational."
"I've worn this darkened armor for so long now there's no motive light left in me, not even in my heart."
"Every relationship goes through problems, you know? We haven't been happy with each other."
"Financially or emotionally, that was my lowest point."
"It's going to take a lot of hard work, it's going to take a lot of Tears, it's going to take a lot of patient people, it's going to take a ton of determination but you're going to get better."
"There's the energy of coming back together... neither of you are liking the energy of the split."
"Teenage years are never easy... battling all sorts of emotions... trying to prove you're independent to your family."
"He hates himself." - A poignant reflection on inner struggles.
"I was in communication with them because I had so much anger and resentment towards them, Wow."
"It's not a victory, it's not a reward because the bottom line is my wife isn't here anymore."
"I just want to say thank you guys probably could tell her my voice into me I'm in a bad place alright very sad that choked this bear."
"The horror of the void is this unmoored wandering in hopes of finding something to cling to."
"Even knowing that it's irrational isn't always a guarantee that you're gonna just magically get over it."
"I'm so embarrassed that at periods in my life, I was once begging, crying for people who clearly didn't want anything to do."
"I thought she was gonna pull me down too, 'cause she had rocks on her feet."
"Sometimes holding on is harder than letting go."
"I don't wish death on him because I want him to suffer. I hate with him more what he's done to me."
"Grizabella is fighting to regain a feeling that she's lost while the Phantom is fighting for a feeling that he's never had."
"No father wants to be separated from his children."
"They do miss you too and they are having a hard time with the breakup also."
"Just when I'm about to reach a form of peace, something triggers all the memories and drags me back. Two steps forward, one step back."
"Depression and despair weigh heavy inside the walls; time doesn't pass, it crawls."
"I feel like my mom's so angry because her world came crashing down."
"There's high stakes in these cartoons now you just fight feelings now you fight your feelings like 'oh you're feeling toxic'."
"Their entire being is focused on pretending that those things, those feelings are not true."
"Regardless of what you've done, there's going to come a time where you feel as bad about yourself as Jeff felt about himself."
"It's really painful, uncomfortable, and scary."
"Chainsaw man is a very human story about the struggles of loving other people in a cruel world."
"I literally just feel like I can't live without her but I know that I have to."
"I hate when families have to go through that and get that hope and think maybe this is it maybe they're still alive."
"I can't imagine how hard it must be to feel you have to hide who you are and who you love."
"Every Thanksgiving is difficult... I just want the justice and I want the answer, you know? I want the closure."
"The pain or the darkness or the rumination is overwhelming the real thoughts. You know, they say light overcomes darkness, right?"
"Hold the space of unconditional love, even if they struggle with the 3D aspects."
"Just watching them not being in control of the situation is hard."
"There's not much more to say unfortunately, mental health is really hard."
"Everyone tells her it's hopeless, so she begins to lose hope, to despair."
"The silence is killing me, not being able to talk to you more about what I'm feeling, not understanding what you're feeling."
"I felt a great deal of anger towards myself and shame."
"I never wanted to hurt anybody... but I'm not gonna go to hell for anybody. I will never have that feeling of hopelessness that I felt when I died."
"They want to recover, they want acceptance, but they're also stuck in the middle."
"I really just self-afflicted more harm on myself by not allowing myself because I hate being sad."
"I wish I could say it's getting easier, it's actually just almost getting harder."
"You're doing the hard thing of looking the other way on this person."
"The notion that it is the right thing to do, but it's painful."
"As I lay here tonight unable to sleep, I know that I can't keep hiding from the truth. It's time to face it head-on, no matter how hard it might be."
"It had to do with being in a loveless and volatile and unhappy marriage for years."
"And she would just cry and cry and cry because she couldn't understand it, she couldn't remember it... It was like, okay then you too my sweet love are now keto."
"They're mad at themselves for the way things fell into place. They're not super happy with this detachment at all."
"When am I gonna just be good enough by myself?"
"I'm back to being depressed, but I'm not. I feel better now, honestly. Love that even with the withdrawals still pounding through."
"I don't want to live with this shame anymore."
"Discouragement is not an object, it's a feeling of losing hope, confidence, and courage."
"Depression is so exhausting. It takes up so much of your time and energy, and silence about it, it really does make the depression worse."
"I don't feel too great, I don't know why I wasn't enough."
"In a dating culture where detachment is the name of the game, how are we then surprised when people are struggling to really feel their feelings?"
"Out of sheer insanity with my son, I spent years living in his chaos, crisis, and drama."
"Ava Gardner, a great beauty unfulfilled, love always searching for the love that was just out of reach."
"Now we have a bitter resentful son, a remorseful dad with failing health, and two brothers who don't want the intruder in the family business."
"It's a relief to write, yet she laments, 'I don't feel able,' trapped in a vicious cycle."
"Children who grow up in hostile families struggle to forgive themselves."
"It just is so hard to play well when you're just constantly afraid."
"It's been really hard to kind of like create genuine connections with people."
"I wasn't living at all, just living to worry about everything."
"Have you guys ever had a prolonged breakup where it took like you knew it was over but it took a little while cuz you're still trying to work on it?"
"I'm thinking about it more and more every day... miss my family and friends so much... I have no life..."
"It sucks, you try to hold on to something, you try, you try, and then at this point it's out of control."
"I settled for second best, but you fascinate me."
"We were hiding our tears in a foreign land, where we faced our fears."
"For awhile there, I was about to give up hope."
"Being silent for the last few years has been worse than the fear."
"I was losing hope, Chad. I'm not gonna lie to you, I was losing hope."
"Every task feels like a defeat, and if anything isn't perfect, it's like I'm failing at everything."
"I'm struggling to find joy in anything anymore, and it's all because of my crippling perfectionism."
"This love is crazy, why can't I get over you?"
"Why are you still living in shame? Why are you still living in pain?"
"She confessed that she hated that she couldn't do anything for him."
"My sins foreign too many options down I can't stay in the Darkness like wings my son."
"It's very difficult to accept the fact that he lost."
"It was very frustrating for Heather's friends and family. To them it felt like time was just passing and that maybe they would never see Heather get justice."
"The person it's happening to is stuck nagging, which feels horrible, ignoring it, which feels like abandoning herself, or being defeated about it and giving up."
"Being separated from her child must have been terrible for Pocahontas."
"Joy comes in the morning but it feels like I've been in nighttime for too long."
"Sometimes holding onto something that hurts you is better than not holding onto anything at all."
"Being in love with an ex is one of the hardest experiences we could have."
"I've got my pride, I will not cry, but it's making me weak."
"I just don't anymore, and it sucks because it goes against every instinct I have."
"I just felt alone and isolated, and that's not how I've ever been before."
"If you've had a change on your heart for like years at this point I really think that it's hard to keep delaying that."
"I'm resisting, trying so hard to resist coming together with you."
"When you lose the thing that in your mind makes you you in a lot of ways it really affects you."
"They're in their head... They're not successful at not thinking about you."
"It breaks your spirit down when you just want to celebrate yourself."
"Isn't it fucking tragic that it feels that the rest of the world has moved on and you're the only one still broken into pieces?"
"Superman cradles his dying friend. Superman's tearful eyes are now full of fury. Through the sheer force of his own will, Superman regains his powers."
"It's very difficult to get over a rejection of someone that you know to be your twin flame."
"When you're married to control, surrender feels like a divorce."
"I'm very anxious. Things aren't really good between Liz and I. We're in a very rocky place."
"Each time it happened, I got more and more hopeless, and eventually just lost my ability to be able to deal with it."
"Not knowing can be just as hard as knowing. It's bittersweet."
"Don't do it, don't support it, don't promote it because it will come back to bite you in the butt."
"I don't have any sense of self-worth...I've just kind of been living in a shade of blah."