
Habit Breaking Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"If you want to achieve anything amazing in your life, you've got to break your bad habits."
"The secret to permanently breaking any bad habit is to love something more than the habit."
"Patience is key in breaking old habits, testing your patience but guiding you toward your goal with perseverance."
"Fellas, it's no secret that quitting a bad habit is hard, but it doesn't have to be."
"I just decided I would rather go to sleep and it kind of broke the habit accidentally."
"Change today or the habit continues tomorrow. What are you going to choose?"
"If you want to discourage a bad habit, make the cue invisible, the craving unattractive, the response hard, and the reward unsatisfying."
"It's possible. If I could get out of bad habits... you genuinely can too."
"Teaching people to begin to condition their body emotionally before the evidence takes place in their life is breaking a significant habit."
"By counting backwards, you are interrupting habit loops and starting up the prefrontal cortex."
"Congrats, you broke the bad habit, that's what's up!"
"This video is all about breaking bad habits and trying to better myself."
"Choice is knowing that habits are made to be broken and that life is short."
"Join fume in accelerating Humanity's breakup from Bad Habits."
"Do things differently and if you do what you've always done you're going to get what you've always gotten."
"For 4 days now I have been kicking the habit."
"I know how hard it can be to break habits it can feel harder to take your foot off the gas and is to keep pushing but it's totally worth it."
"All big things come from small beginnings, the seed of every habit is a single tiny decision."
"To break a bad habit, make it invisible, unattractive, difficult, unsatisfying."
"Breaking bad habits doesn't necessarily mean just something like an inhalation habit; it can be biting your nails or even negative self-talk."
"There's a better way to break your bad habits than cold turkey."
"Fume comes with an adjustable airflow."
"Helpful for de-stressing and anxiety while breaking your habit."
"Fume is an award-winning flavored air device that gives you a better way to break your bad habits."
"Each FÜM comes with an adjustable airflow dial and is designed with moveable parts and magnets for fidgeting, giving your fingers a lot to do which is helpful for de-stressing while breaking your habit."
"Quit one bad habit at a time this can make a big difference in your spending pick one and quit that one eventually you can do another one but focus on one at a time."
"Sometimes breaking a pattern is difficult, but it's essential for streamlining and improving our lives."
"I kind of feel like I've accomplished something. I've broken a habit."
"Making it invisible, making it unattractive, making it difficult, making it unsatisfying... give you a high-level framework for how to break a bad habit."
"Periodically change it up. Shake It Up. Break the habit of routine."
"How to stop living in a time machine: Notice, break the pattern, create new thoughts and feelings, repeat."
"Say goodbye to the scary consequence of cold turkey and hello to a new and exciting way to break your bad habits."
"For a bad habit, make it hard to have your bad habit, you know what I mean? Put it out of reach."
"You really need to break those bad habits, Hugo."
"And when you learn how to pray with authority, that's what's going to break the habit."
"If you want to break that habit... just go out there and learn different parts of that lake. It's not going to be easy, to me it's way more fun."
"Mindfulness breaks habits because you're aware of what you're doing, and you know you can do something else."
"By the end of my break, I was completely broken of the habit."
"The ability to generate new ideas has more to do with breaking old habits of thinking than coming up with as many new ideas as possible."
"There are three ways to break a bad habit: you can eliminate it entirely, curtail the behavior to the desired degree, or replace it."
"Some of you may be kind of like letting go of unhealthy habits actually."
"It takes 21 days to break a habit, but if you keep trying to be positive, that's what creates change."
"You just got to be disciplined. You got to remove things from your life that make it easier for you to relapse into the old habits."
"This preliminary data on helping people break habits, that's wild."
"The secret to beating procrastination, which is a habit, is to just get started."
"We are so intertwined and interconnected that we have to understand that we actually need to do away with all sorts of habitual thinking and acting."
"It's that loosening of the grips of our habits that seem to be the way that it allows people to escape these cerebral shackles."
"I want to break that habit, so that's kind of like what the purpose is of this."
"You have to break habits. It's hard to break a habit, but once you break the habit, if you constantly instill that... you're resetting my default settings."
"What really changed my life in all this gambling compulsion or moving negative habits was self-improvement."
"Keep expanding on this project and keep building those habits of avoiding the traditional way you've done things."
"We are all hardwired for extraordinary if we can get out of the habit of inferiority."
"If I can't do without something for 30 days, then I need to learn how to do without it for 30 days because it's controlling me."
"It will take a great deal of willpower to break that habit."
"If you get something that is bigger in your life, something that you're moving towards, a lot of these bad habits just naturally melt away."
"The biggest hurdle to overcome is getting out of learned ingrained muscle memory or reflexive memory."
"The only way to break the habit of self-doubt and thinking is to take action."
"What if I told you that there's a better alternative that helps you kick your bad habit in an enjoyable, guilt-free way?"
"You're not a worrier, you have a habit of worrying... you can use the science of habits to break the habit of worrying and the habit of doubting yourself."
"My father told me that the best way to break a habit is to tell someone about it."
"The high five habit has broken the habit of self-rejection."
"You may need to break some sort of a habit, a cycle, or a way of thinking in your life in order to get through to whatever your goal is."
"It's not easy to break bad habits, but it's about doing it anyway."
"By breaking negative habits, you are going to become more proactive."
"40 days, 40 nights can break any mental habit, any negative habit, any negative addiction."
"It is time to break this really bad habit."