
Debt Freedom Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"This is the dark tunnel before the incredible rest of the Decades of your life where you get to live in a nice apartment or house because you don't have to worry about all these minimum payments that are just eating you up."
"You'll be debt free and you have a fully funded emergency fund. Sounds fantastic."
"Firing your boss and paying off staggering amounts of debt is undoubtedly one of the best feelings in the world."
"You get out of debt not just to get out of debt, but to have an extraordinary, generous life."
"Become debt-free... If you're debt-free, you have freedom to choose."
"You will owe nothing, and you will be happy."
"People need to hear your testimony because what happens is the more people see other people overcoming this debt slavery, they now have the power and authority to go get it."
"It felt incredible. I've never been in debt since."
"I'm gonna get on here and really share the message of getting debt-free, eliminating your debt, and building that freedom."
"Over the last few years, I've been on a quest to pay off all of our personal debt... it's such a huge weight off my shoulders."
"I am 100% debt-free, I owe nothing to a bank, and I owe nothing to anybody."
"Set yourself free of debt which is what controls you and controls everything around you."
"I became 100% debt free... because I created a plan, I was able to actually accomplish that, which was awesome."
"Break the chains of debt. Just imagine for a moment not owing money to anyone. Trust me, it's a great feeling."
"Debt free to you really means free." - Dr. John Delony
"When you get out of that debt, it really changes you all the way around."
"So all I can say is I'm glad I decided to stop hoarding my cash and finally just put my foot down and said I'm gonna put everything towards debt instead because now today I'm sitting here talking to you completely debt-free and it feels amazing."
"Get out of debt. That's America's prison. It's everyone's prison."
"Just got out of debt, paid off about $101,000 in like five years by herself, no man."
"It's such a freeing thing to not have that student loan debt over your head."
"The people of America under this constitution will no longer be debt slaves, you will be able to pay off your mortgage in 10 or 15 years instead of 30."
"Getting out of debt man, it's like dude it's so magical."
"Being free of credit card debt is an amazing feeling."
"Enough is enough, I work too hard to feel this broke, I'm done with debt, I'm done with games, I want to leave a different kind of legacy for my family."
"People are now for the first time in all of history free of debt."
"Pretty incredible story. $190,000 paid off. That's their house, their rental properties, everything."
"Loans paid off - financial stability achieved!"
"Debt is a spiritual poison; it's time to cleanse ourselves of that poison." - Travis Shakespeare
"True safety true Freedom comes on the other side of being completely debt free and not owing anyone anything."
"Debt freedom is worth it. We are already investing, we continued investing. We're going to be multi-millionaires by the time we retire."
"God sees you debt-free the moment you make that decision."
"The typical person moves out of debt in 18 to 24 months through Financial Peace University."
"Pay off your debt. Debt is modern-day slavery."
"I definitely want to become debt free, including our mortgage."
"It really doesn't matter because where I'm at now on the level of wealth I've built because I got debt free faster."
"Debt is stress, so if we can get you out of that and into a peaceful place, then you can enjoy your life and think about things that really matter instead of stressing about debt."
"Patriots are getting out of debt and we're seeing nothing less than a revolution in education."
"It is unquestionably the will of God for us to be debt-free."
"We are only one decision away from your debt freedom."
"My days of debt are over forever; I am done with debt."
"Set your face like flint, and the Lord will help you get out of debt."
"You are on your way to complete and total debt freedom."
"Name your seed, name your crop: debt freedom."
"We're not just people telling you to get out of debt; there are people doing this with you, and they truly care about your journey."
"It's a jubilee property; all the land becomes debt-free, all your debts are freed."
"No one's actual ultimate goal is debt freedom; everyone is looking for financial freedom."
"I want to be completely debt-free."
"I think the ultimate goal is to be 100% debt free... I'd love to have the house paid off."