
Historical Appreciation Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"I think it's important for people to see history and see things that are soulful and that have had like this life."
"Harriet Tubman's tagline was 'Live free or die trying.' How did we not see her genius?"
"Our founding fathers were incredibly brilliant men and they gave us the best form of government that the world has ever seen."
"It's history. I want to be able to say, 'Hey, I had all these things,' because I see that things are changing. They don't have things that we had, and we don't have things that the ones before us had, so I like to keep part of history with me."
"I think that this country should erect a splendid monument to Harold."
"You can't help but fall in love with this timeless piece of French history."
"We have to pay homage to those that came before us because I wouldn't be here had it not been for their sacrifice."
"There's no reason to give up on what our forefathers gifted us over two centuries just because we've run into a momentary hiccup."
"Gratitude is an understanding that you owe something to the past."
"You can put yourself back in time and imagine just how amazing this place was before."
"It's my sincere wish that this mission moves forward and a better understanding of our ancient past can be brought into focus like never before."
"Even Lady Mary came to care for and appreciate her former stepmother in the ensuing years."
"I think what we have learned from this process is that the Victorians really knew what they were doing."
"I care about the origins of our football clubs."
"Honestly, they did a damn good job, and they deserve credit for it."
"Why are we saying that where we send tourists has to be sort of pretty and tree? Let's show them Britain as it is today, which actually reflects the wall as it was 1900 years ago."
"Renewed hope... to fulfill your dreams and the dreams of her finding fathers."
"The old ways give you an experience you can't get elsewhere."
"Once you humanize these great historical figures... their greatness instead of being diminished is actually enhanced."
"I invite you to join us upstairs in the rotunda galleries as we raise a glass to freedom and celebrate how each and every one of our ancestors whose presence made this America that we live in today possible."
"May all of us treasure that history and may it inspire all of us to serve bravely, generously, and faithfully."
"This is up there. This is, I mean, the ruins are amazing."
"I love the historical element. I love the 1920s vibe, the flapper clothes."
"We don't tear down our past, we build our future."
"Take the best of the past and then merge it with the best of what's going on now."
"How about we restore these places to their former glory?"
"Forli, a decent example of Romanesque architecture despite its muddy appearance."
"Ancient cultures were advanced... far more than we give them credit for."
"Getting you a piece of history that I know you'll cherish forever was very exciting for me."
"When I think of the monument, nothing could be more fitting than Lord Cobham a hundred feet in the air surveying all this magnificence he created."
"The game will let you go too fast and punish you for it."
"Now that is quality ancient Egyptian engineering."
"Driving this car has been incredible. I now understand what it would have been like to go to a dealer in 1971 and drive a..."
"We're lucky. I am eternally grateful to the founding fathers for the bill of rights."
"Egypt is an amazing place which opens its doors to many of its valuable treasures."
"I appreciate the past because I appreciate the fact that people looked for truth, that people sought truths."
"But what the first Prime Minister John A. Macdonald did for this country, I believe that is a great history."
"I have a certain appreciation for the kopesh because it's a weapon that looks fantasy when you see it at first glance but actually existed in history and it is practical."
"We stand on the shoulders of red-blooded American patriots who poured out their heart and soul to secure our Liberty and defend our freedom."
"Almost beyond any of the controversy, I'm also unmoved in my feelings about the men who flew in those planes because they were demonstrating such unbelievable bravery to get in those bomber planes night after night after night after night."
"In the century that followed, the true value of his work became appreciated across the world."
"That's the power of this community and what I love about it is that we all come from different nationalities, different backgrounds, different beliefs, different political viewpoints but we all love history and that's why we're here."
"Luke is one of the greatest historians who ever lived."
"We can't just live in the past. We have to cherish the past, take what is valuable about it into the future, but then we actually have to make the future. And that's going to be a creative act rather than simply an act of preservation."
"It gives me an appreciation... I can see a scene and go, 'Oh my god, I remember reading about that.'"
"Humility... an appreciation of history and tradition... and honor to other family members."
"Europe's medieval cities and history remain unmatched to the rest of the world."
"What a fantastic time we live in with these dinosaurs."
"If there's one thing to take away from this whole experiment, it is that learning about historical dress and thinking about how to bring elements of historical dress into the modern dress is really to go back to the original imagery."
"I'm not trying to romanticize the past. All I'm trying to do is rescue useful knowledge from our ancestors."
"Huge respect for Chase Elliot... to pay respect to the history of the sport."
"Are you satisfied with your journey? Did you enjoy the ride? Do you feel like you can never quite look at US monuments or any monuments for that matter the same way again? Then the task is done, the mission accomplished."
"We must deal with that offense and not suppress it and pretend that it's somehow evil to mention these obvious parallels in history."
"Thinking that this thing still works you know 100 and something years later."
"It's amazing to try to comprehend that this is a city from 79 AD."
"The Misfits feels much more horribly foreboding in retrospect than it would have in 1961."
"That is the exact right height in order to support the one above it. It's kind of amazing to touch these stones and think that they were laid by someone who once called this place home almost a thousand years ago."
"It does galvanize the teams and you have to start looking outside of your own interests and looking at the bigger picture and the bigger picture of the sport and all ten teams survive it."
"It's a trip down memory lane to a time when every railway company proudly flaunted their brand."
"It's about paying tribute to those who pave the way for future Generations there's no American history without africanamerican history."
"We have to look at what's good in the past and what's worth celebrating and talk about that."
"Experience the grandeur of the Orient Express, past and present."
"I think being down here in the dark with a lamp like this really increases the respect I have for Carr and his workforce."
"It's a love for the car, it's a love for the history."
"We're living off the blessings of those that came before us."
"Our ancestors had a truly uh admirable understanding of form and function. The ancient station is a technological marvel and an aesthetic wonder."
"We should also have that same love for the Mali Empire for Timbuktu for Seneca or for Nigeria and for all of these other places."
"If you've ever enjoyed a spirit like brandy or whiskey, you need to thank an alchemist."
"The way you truly honor a Founder is not to talk about them in an historical context. You honor a Founder by talking about them in a present day context."
"Chocolatito does the legacy of past great fighters proud with performances like that in this arena."
"Looking back on June 6th and the days that followed, we tend to take for granted the success of the D-Day landings."
"For the Republican Party I don't think so for all their love of the founders the GOP leadership has so far failed to grasp the importance of this virtue of Faith loyalty and unity it's time we get it back if we want to win."
"I think we should be grateful that we had 'em at all."
"The modern conservative idealizes the best of the past as well as the best of the present."
"Every now and then, though, an ancient wonder from a bygone era is suddenly rediscovered."
"Food is a part of that history, and I want to taste that history."
"We gotta respect the ancestors, man. We gotta respect the ancestors, 'cause without them, we wouldn't even be here. So, we gotta respect the ancestors, for real."
"Recognize the value of recycling the past to create a more potent future."
"It's an amazing piece of English football heritage."
"I respect it, I respected it, and I learned something new about history."
"Isn't that wonderful? It kind of beats things like little bits of pottery, doesn't it? You suddenly get an impression of a real human being wearing something like this."
"There should be monuments to William Dobson."
"Don't be afraid to buy one, have a little piece of history."
"Thank you for acknowledging John Henry Clark and Dr. Ben, and I can't imagine what they would have felt about this."
"I'm happy 2015 happened and I know that sounds like people are going to roll their eyes and say oh dude how can you be happy about that I'm absolutely happy I would not I would not you know return it for anything guys."
"It's important to go back and remember where Magic came from."
"I honor those who fought for us to vote, it's about our legacy and the opening for our children." - Activist
"Blown away by the cool old Gothic architecture in Prague."
"If we mourn the loss of the Library of Alexandria, that should really motivate us to support and create such institutions."
"What really led to the conviction of Ted Bundy was this bite mark that he left on Lisa Levy."
"This is my dream car... this is literally history."
"There's a feeling of being in a 300 year old place that is so Grand and amazing."
"Dangerous. America! There it was sitting there, big and black. I'm no architect, but to me that Remagen bridge was the most beautiful bridge in the world."
"It shows a deep appreciation for human life back before any major civilization had even been born."
"Walking among layers of history, stories echoing in every step."
"Yet a hundred years later we are still ranking their look their uniform as one of the most stylish that many people have ever seen."
"It's amazing to see this place in good condition, I know obviously it's got a little bit of vandalism but nothing major."
"I actually like Martin Luther King. I think he did a really great thing for the country."
"We will geek out and pretend it's 1986 all over again."
"The will to go out and do this has to have passion, you have to have love for your history and your culture."
"This is a park paying homage to the past of this district so this is a very important part of the district to the city and truthfully it's an important part of the."
"It's a chance to revive these millions of incredibly wise men and women who lived before us."
"History is something that broadens your horizon, it makes you understand the good and the bad."
"I thought when you see these things on television, these ancient sites, you think, well, you know it's nothing like being there, because when you're there you see things for yourself."
"I have a very very soft spot in my heart for these older ships like 1800s Early 1900s I just love the way they look."
"It's a very divine culture and it's a very old and ancient culture and it should not be forgotten."
"It therefore astonishes me to find the system approaching so near to perfection as it does." - Ben Franklin
"Their ancestors are surely looking on with pride."
"This history is just everywhere, and so if I can leave you with anything this week is to get out there and just try to understand a little bit more of that history that is all around you."
"Recognize the riches of the past and the abundance of the present."
"It was just a really humbling experience to actually stand on that ground where so much had happened."
"It's such a special place, I just adore the history of the river Medway"
"One of the things I love about Hopwood Hall is the juxtaposition of history."
"Walking in the footsteps of our ancestors, the people that lived here five, six thousand years ago."
"The pants route was just so sick, 85 gravel, so many historical things that we passed."
"God bless these pioneer women, if it wasn't for them, I don't think we'd be what we was today."
"I hope today as people look at these engines they will reflect upon the historical heritage they represent."
"Really gives you an appreciation for how much ingenuity there was to even like pre-civilization humans."
"That's the kind of characteristic I like, that essentially is exactly what I would associate with a field recording from the 1930s."
"I've never looked back, the history of Nashville is very much intact and you can feel it."
"It's a luxurious moment when you get to share something and educate them about the history of these things."
"Pretty cool, huh? Not bad for 1954, man."
"I salute Headley Taylor and the sculptor we're about to see, as a salute to the creative human endeavor and spirit of yesteryear, which still means so much to us this year and beyond."
"This was really a treat to be able to take a look at this piece of history."
"As a student of history, I am enormously impressed with the staying power of the indigenous populations of the Americas."
"I love this one, Mary Hawley 1808."
"Tonight, we celebrate our history and heritage."
"Hello beautiful, look at this history, guys. Who needs a museum when you're here?"
"I really, really fell in love with the history of the bag and just the overall look of the bag."
"I'm truly appreciative of just the history we got and the relationship that we built."
"You take advantage of this moment, yourself in the magnificence of this historic place."
"We're just going to go around and have a look really, and take in some of the culture, some of the history."
"It's beautiful, I mean it's just amazing guys, the history here."
"The historical context in which this figure was produced makes me love it even more."
"You forget all the great history we have."
"Everything that our ancestors did for us to be here today, I'm really thankful."
"There's a wonderful sense of history. I know the developers did a lot of work working with cultural consultants on the design of the game too and it really shows."
"A quiet sense of awe starts to set in as you realize they are anything but primitive."
"That history is there, and I thought that was really good."
"We got to show love to the people that was here before us."
"I really liked the feeling of history and everything that we really got with this."
"These folks that built these things really knew what they were doing."
"I absolutely love historical attractions and just to see it running again after so much uncertainty really is great to see."
"It's always a good look to have love and pride in your people, to have love and pride in your culture and your history."
"It's good to see guys who did not grow up in the 50s have an appreciation for original post-war and pre-war toy trains."
"I love the reverence that the event has had for its own history."
"It's about honoring history, not just what's happening on streaming services right now."