
Defense Policy Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The president will reaffirm our ironclad commitment to our NATO allies and to defend every inch of NATO territory."
"NATO enlargement was neither unprecedented nor unreasonable."
"I will defend American interests in Taiwan. If Taiwan wants any partnership in their defense, they will need to raise their defense spending and military readiness to acceptable levels."
"It's been America first and America first all starts with the national defense."
"There's nothing about our American defense policy that couldn't be fixed with a little backbone."
"The threats around [Europe] are growing... We need to make Europe more capable of acting when it comes to defending Europe's security together."
"The choice has never been clearer. Where David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler stand for a strong national defense, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock want to cut our national defense to fund their big government program."
"Does this end up making more nations want to become nuclear armed?"
"European collective defence is pretty well entrenched by things like the NATO Treaty."
"These weapons don't escalate the fight, they stop the fight, they bring the cost home to Russia."
"If NATO isn't able to respond to an attack on one of its members, then that credibility is gone."
"The United States would protect Taiwan against China."
"We will maintain America's unrivaled military might and protect patients with pre-existing conditions."
"The U.S. is prepared to defend every inch of NATO territory."
"The UK and our allies will respond decisively."
"Does Russia really need five to ten aircraft carrier groups if we're not going to attack anyone?"
"NATO is basically like somebody sabotage something and if you come for us we will retaliate with Collective force and we're like what does that mean."
"Democrats will continue to support a peaceful resolution and defend Taiwan from an attack by the CCP."
"America's back, America is back and America is going to get strong again. We're going to defend America and we're going to defend our interests. Liberty's voice, Levin TV."
"Nations that want to maintain that capability will continue to spend on it."
"Some policymakers in Japan have described their country as being on the front lines."
"When does our Pentagon get told no when they want to spend some money on something they don't need an alien threat we got plenty of of real life Earthbound threats that they get all the money that they need."
"The message needs to ring clear and hard: NATO is unflinching, and we're all in."
"Peace doesn't keep itself, and we do have people in authoritarian countries who threaten our interests."
"Nobody here at the Pentagon is happy about the images that we've seen coming in the last few days."
"The secret of Israel's growth is the unleashing of power, ingenuity, and creativity through a free market combined with a strong military."
"The West needs to devise a long-term strategy to defend itself against the CCP's desire for expansion."
"I would like to see somebody from the special operations community as secretary of defense."
"Israel reserves the right to launch pre-emptive strikes against any enemy attempting to develop weapons of mass destruction."
"We're going to defend the rules-based international order that protects us all. This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm."
"President Trump has taken decisive action to end the era of budget cuts for America's military."
"We cannot unilaterally disarm and think we're going to build an economy of the future."
"By and large, there's still a sizable majority of the American public who really understand the importance of Ukraine's sacrifice and how it relates to the defense of American democracy."
"Our nuclear deterrence is not to attack other countries, including Australia. Our nuclear deterrence is to protect our selves from the nuclear threats from the US."
"The purpose of the Defense Department is to win wars, it's not to be a social rehabilitation agency." - Newt Gingrich
"We cannot allow the CCP to spy on us. We cannot allow the CCP to threaten our way of life and the American dream."
"We must defend our airspace, send a strong signal to the CCP that this behavior will not be tolerated."
"Japan may put more effort into countering threats from China. Japan's ruling party made an unprecedented election pledge to double defense spending."
"If you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out."
"Steadfast Defender sends a clear message: NATO is capable."
"France has made it clear they will actively oppose any Russian military incursion into Ukrainian territory."
"We will absolutely protect the country's sovereignty and security."
"The European Defense industrial strategy or Edis is a plan to support member states and their arms Industries."
"Beware that there are forces within the Department of Defense who do not want any of this to come out."
"It's clear that we need more military and defenses."
"Your military should be for defense and it should not be for offense."
"The Pentagon budget will grow $45 billion, $820 billion in total."
"We need a strong defense but do not need to spend more money on defense than the next ten nations combined."
"President Trump promised to rebuild our military and signed the largest defense investment since Reagan."
"Even if the U.S. is full will to protect Taiwan, the U.S. might not have the military might to do so."
"Eisenhower based his defense policy on deterrence, which required the accumulation of..."
"Security of our allies and what we know from the labor party is that far from delivering stronger defense they would cut defense spending, they'd undermine NATO, and they'd scrap the nuclear deterrent."
"He must once again demonstrate to the world that the U.S. military will always support our friends, deter our adversaries, and if necessary, defeat them."
"The national defense strategy viewing China as the long-term pacing challenge and Russia as the acute threat makes sense."
"...implementing the 2018 National Defense Strategy, which was in many regards a revolutionary document in terms of focusing the department and the country on China really for the first time."
"The maintenance of a reliable, credible, and capable system is the first responsibility of our defense effort."
"We're not looking for a fight with Russia, but certainly an effective nuclear deterrent is first and foremost on our mind."
"We have always believed in our nuclear deterrent and we always will."
"Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute!"
"Millions for defense, not a cent for tribute!"