
Corporate Communication Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Good afternoon, and thank you for joining us today for Activision Blizzard's fourth quarter 2017 conference call."
"We sincerely thank you for repeatedly writing in and apologize for the harm and offence we have caused."
"Corporate statements do very little to change outcomes or minds. Instead, they are often weaponized by one side or the other to further divide and inflame."
"I am never going to write a story about a company based solely on the information the company gives me."
"So it's got even harder, because I think Zoom's way better for a board meeting than making everyone get an avatar and sitting around."
"I was informed this morning by my agent that I have been terminated by CNN. I am stunned after 17 years at CNN I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly."
"Bungie wouldn't do this, it's not them, they were as confused as the rest of the community."
"Eli Lilly just released statements about patient trust but failed to address the elephant in the room."
"No one cares anymore because they sold it. In both cases, they saw, 'Oh man, we messed up, let's just communicate.'"
"The promotion of Dantano wasn't quiet, it was announced publicly in October of 2020."
"Ramos sent this victory text back to his headquarters in Vancouver: 'We are effin rich man I swear to God you better effing appreciate it...'"
"Congratulations to all for a job well done!" - Arianespace CEO
"Transparency is the key. I'm so happy that Huawei is releasing reports. That's how we understand what the company is doing."
"Most companies use a lot of other communication tools beyond GitHub, like Slack, Discord, or JIRA."
"An apology was sent via email along with a promise that the money would be returned to our next paycheck."
"Corporations can say anything they want at any time they want, whether it's true or not."
"It's never a final decision. Blizzard sent me an email and they said that they might."
"Props to Sony for just tweeting it out and saying, 'Hey, here it is.'"
"The most important thing here is they're signaling the obvious things they should have known this whole time."
"None of us want to move too quickly to meet a release date when we know this special movie needs more time to come together." - Universal Pictures statement
"The first significant ill in his illustrious career of W's Phil Harrison relayed the news personally saying that while stadia yada yada it didn't blah blah blah blah blah and therefore effective 2023 it would be boomed."
"Apologies to Tesla customers for shifting delivery dates."
"Rockstar is the worst company that communicates with their fans."
"Hold the line and then here goes Burger King, here's a tweet that they put out earlier."
"So look we're actually going to the worst parts there cuz I think all that is a crock of crap okay I don't I think that's the the worst part of his memo."
"Elon Musk sent a late-night email, 'By the way, I'd like to apologize for Twitter being super slow in many countries, app is doing more than 1000 poorly bashed RPCs just to render a home timeline.'"
"Oil released a lengthy statement... addressing the current state of affairs and issued a direct apology to the community."
"I feel like this is the part of the Steve Jobs Keynotes at Apple when he goes wait but before we go one more thing."
"YouTube denied that ask at saying that they just wanted to speak to her."
"Companies are using YouTube to very effectively and cheaply spin a narrative."
"The Model 3 production is on schedule yes 1500 for this quarter."
"Valve did not respond to us, but who knows? Maybe this video coming out and the response to it will cause some people at Valve to have a long overdue conversation about this whole situation."
"It's not some faceless corporation that is giving you a focus-tested message or focus-tested experience."
"Just seeing Blizzard be open about this is lovely."
"Nortel Networks is changing the way businesses communicate."
"Seriously, if you have complaints, voice them. If you're not happy with the way this is being done, email Hasbro."
"Creating the best possible experience is our top priority. Thank you for your patience." - Hogwarts Legacy Launches on Nintendo Switch on November 14th, 2023.
"Vic showed that Funimation published two tweets stating that 'following an investigation Funimation will not be engaging Vic in future productions' and 'we do not condone any kind of harassment or threatening behavior being directed at anyone.'"
"Updates like this are an incredibly good sign."
"The truth is they can't possibly know the future with this situation and corporate mouthpieces work the exact same way."
"We cannot be certain about the most recent timeline." - MGM Resorts statement
"The higher the cost of communication, the less iteration will happen."
"It's difficult to send somebody out from your company who's a public relations person or anything right because these are serious allegations."
"As far as updates on a fix they don't really say much but honestly, I think that was one of the best responses they've given."
"Valve is communicating about ten times more than they've ever communicated before."
"Everything's out there on their website. They did delete that one famous article where they said you will own nothing, you will have no privacy, and you will be happier than ever."
"The problem with Blizzard taking too long to communicate."
"I don't want to put this out there on the internet but it has been floated to me by Executives..."
"Communication from ArenaNet has improved a lot recently, marking a potential massive change in direction for the company."
"Everything that you liked about this company before, everything that you hoped it was going to be, has been confirmed with this announcement."
"No kidding. Anyone at Tesla can and should email/talk to anyone else according to what they think is the fastest way to solve a problem for the benefit of the whole company."
"The CEO Joe did come online and explained..."
"I don't know if it'll be fixed that fast but I said Phil Spencer said Sony has never contacted him back."
"Tesla's blog statements are entirely based on actual test results and NHTSA's own calculations for determining relative risk of injury and probability of injury."
"Continuous communication is the best thing we can get. I will admit the Q&A felt a little light but that's the nature of speaking more often."
"They're being transparent, I like their messaging more than I like Sony's right now."
"Richard Hayes, every time he opens up his mouth, he's freaking out his customers, and more and more people are dumping their synthetic products."
"Elon emails our tweets to the Tesla Team every Tesla leader has gotten emails from Elon Musk."
"Excited to announce start of production of Tesla semi truck with deliveries to Pepsi on December 1st."
"Valve has been remarkably open about the changes and the decision, in a way that's refreshing."
"Tesla gets a second SEC subpoena over Musk's 2018 go-private tweet."
"Petition them with an email to corporate or tag them on social media and say, 'Hey, Place City, get them back in there. We love them.'"
"Are you talking to the Snapchat corporate team?"
"It's all about just trying to survive in the article I thought this was very interesting it said Corporate America has a message for Wall Street it's serious about cutting costs this year."
"There are a lot of reasons to be concerned by Facebook, but this particular press release is not one of them."
"This is the biggest reason why we are in this problem right now because Riot did not communicate properly about something."
"We're kind of scrambling into action here because today Microsoft's very own Phil Spencer posted a blog laying out the land in terms of next-gen and the Xbox vision."
"Because what I think is happening all too often lately is Apple, who just never explains implementation details, who doesn't consider implementation details worthy of or worthwhile explaining, it leaves this huge void."
"Vince McMahon is expected to address the issue directly when the crew gets back to the United States."
"Comment of the day: 'People really expected Sony to announce blindly pre-orderable consoles without all the information?'"
"A few months ago I talked to Silent... they discovered that the actual software Sony made was faulty..."
"It got right to the point and it was one of the best keynotes they've done in a while."
"Their core technology moving to this next slide this is page five or no page II if you're following along with me on the shareholder letter to date."
"Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace, and understanding, clearly we missed the mark and we apologize." - Pepsi statement
"I just spoke with someone I greatly respected, The Wall Street Journal, who saw our stock dividend announcement. He told me it was a 'genius move.'"
"The end of SpaceX's video also sheds light on what we've been speculating."
"There's a reason CEOs save this kind of news for scheduled investor calls, they don't want to get investigated for securities fraud."
"Nintendo is notorious for kind of just saying what they need to say."
"Nintendo does need to make those public in the form of a blog post or a trailer or a tweet."
"Overall though, solid presentation. Definitely great to see Microsoft talking about games."
"They said they're going to issue a statement with THQ Nordic soon about some of the concerns that were brought up with the game."
"First deliveries of the Tesla Semi this year... despite all the claims... it was vaporware... Tesla didn't get the memo."
"ESL absolutely aced their statement and in my opinion aced the decision."
"Communication is key in any company's success."
"The entire $200 billion market cap loss for Meta is almost entirely due to the way that Mark Zuckerberg spoke about the company."
"...if you keep it relatively tame and don't exaggerate stuff and don't put things in big red letters and don't be too crazy, as long as you're understated and you're honest, intellectually honest and straightforward, I think companies tend to respect that for the most part."
"The quality of their disclosures is much higher compared to traditional companies."
"Relations with shareholders is to be encouraged."
"At the end of every quarter, if you want to ask a question directly to our CEO Vlad Magdalin, he always comes on the show and answers your questions directly."
"Apple is one of the best investor relations teams in history."
"Sometimes the interviews and materials you share are more insightful than the content provided from any head office."
"Good morning everyone, and thank you for attending today's webcast."
"Integrated reporting is what concise communication about how an organization's strategy, governance, performance, and prospects lead to creation of value in short, medium, and long term."
"Hello, hi there Robert, my name is Ron, I'm calling from the corporate liaison team with Lowe's, how are you doing?"
"The internet revolution and the new social media era have forever changed the way companies vocalize who they are."