
Gratitude Expression Quotes

There are 1034 quotes

"The best way to thank them is to continue to follow the public health guidelines."
"If there's only one thing you can say to somebody in another language, if it's expressing thankfulness, then that's just like, that's just a nice thing."
"You're the only reason I'm staying here. I'm telling you, thank you."
"Thank you all very much we appreciate it thank you thank you."
"Yeah, she did without question. She saved my life, and saved all of us. But you know, you need to want to be saved."
"Lots to be thankful for. Keep praying, holding our nation up, our movement up to God, and ask for his blessing."
"We are forever grateful for you, the biggest of hugs and tiniest of kisses for the boys, always and forever."
"You are a multitude of people that care, that love, that support me to the fullest day today, and I love you guys so so much."
"I really do appreciate you. Thank you for sharing this out on your Facebook or wherever else that you are. I appreciate all of you."
"Thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video."
"Bringing people together is one of my favorite things."
"Truly guys, thank you so much for your support... thank you so much for tuning in."
"We greatly appreciate your service to the country and thank you so much for being here today."
"Just want to thank Floridians for how they've responded. God bless you all."
"We love you guys and we appreciate you so much."
"Thank you each and every one of you for being a part of this year."
"Thank you very much for watching. I wish you all the best in your studies and work."
"Welcome to the end of the video. I really do mean it. Thank you so much for the support."
"I just want to say a huge thank you to all of our new subscribers." - Stephen Butler
"I really appreciate that, means the world to us."
"Thank you all for coming out, I appreciate it."
"Thank you James and we're really uh you know congratulate you on what you're doing and thank you very much."
"I have decided that I want to show appreciation."
"Thank you so much for my patience... thank you for helping me pay my bills... I adore you so much."
"Thank you for all the likes, the comments, the love, support, thank you."
"Best news out there... thank you for your work to Enlighten us."
"You are all absolutely incredible and I'm blown away by your support."
"For the people that support me no matter what, thank you."
"I think that it's best to say thank you to God, the universe, the ancestors, your friends, your family too much than to not say it enough."
"Thank god for these moments, thank god for the pain."
"Thank you for spending time with me as we organize the freezer as we did some grocery shopping and I'm excited for the food that we're going to be eating."
"I couldn't have done it without you guys, so I'm so thankful."
"Thank you once again... very much appreciate it."
"Gratitude to you, thank you so much, man, I really appreciate that."
"You just made my year honestly, you just really, it's been a shitty couple of months and you just made my [ __ ] year."
"We certainly appreciate your leadership, thank you so very much."
"Thank you very much for coming down, appreciate it a lot."
"Thank you guys so much it's something that I wish I could say every single video without sounding like a broken record but I love all of you so much and thank you so much."
"Thank you so much from the very bottom of my heart."
"Much love, thank you thank you thank you, god bless."
"Thanks for walking me home, my knight in shining armor."
"You've been with us for previous years or you just found us within this year, you really have helped us help our channel grow, it's been a huge year and I hope 2019 is even bigger."
"Thank you for your question, my man, and that is all we got for today."
"Thank you so much, man, thank you so much, that's absolutely... I really just noticed it but much love there for the donation and helping support the channel further, thank you so much!"
"If we get to a million subscribers, there's only one thing I'm going to thank and that's you."
"This feat is like saying 'thank you, I would like half an ability score increase please and thank you.'"
"That's an amazing donation there coming in from that gaming enthusiast, thank you so much."
"I genuinely appreciate every single one of you being here."
"Seriously, you guys, today has been one of the best birthdays ever. You guys have made it so special for me..."
"It's always fun to be able to chat with y'all, so thank you for coming to this."
"Thank you for watching I love you very much."
"Thank you so much for watching and we hope we'll see you all again soon."
"But like I told him every day, if God's saying this, I'm coming down in five seconds, you're done, I'm gonna get on my knees and say thank you for everything."
"I just want to say thank you for making it through."
"If you would like to support me as well, then please head over to patreon.com/rex to support. Thank you once again!"
"I'm saying it all right the next day for everything I got to next go by everybody also just want to say a quick thank you to all of these channel members for the extra support."
"I'm gonna be doing these videos probably once a month to show my appreciation to you guys and, like, you know, I'm so thankful, I'm so blessed."
"Thank you so much it fills my heart and that's all I want to do for the rest of my life fill my heart."
"Thank you, guys. I appreciate it being here on Friday."
"Thank you guys so much for your support, greatly appreciate it."
"Thanks for everything you do for me, babe. You're a blessing in disguise."
"Thank you, God, for the journey. Thank you to all the fans who have supported me."
"A big ol thanks goes out to each and every one of you."
"We're so grateful to be able to share this space with you."
"Thank you for making it this far in the video."
"Gratitude directly from the heart chakra is where the power lies."
"We just want to thank everybody so much for being here, as always we are so grateful for you."
"Thank you all so much for watching, stay spectacular Spidey fans..."
"Thank you for making us a part of your daily routine."
"I've learned something new today, thank you and thanks again."
"I seriously cannot thank you all enough for that."
"Thanking them for the progress that's been made."
"Thank you all for watching I love you all and I will see you in my next video bye."
"With profound gratitude and great humility, I accept your nomination for presidency of the United States."
"Thank you guys so much for visiting the Fusion Lab."
"He shows love and a thank you to others in a way that's outside the range of what other people would do."
"I want to thank every one of y'all out there for the listen."
"Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoyed this content."
"Beautiful, and thank you everybody for being here. This is a tremendously important group of people to me, America's veterans."
"We just massively broke a record right now... thank you for all of you guys that are supporting us... this is incredible."
"Thank y'all, man, 2 million, that's a hefty feat."
"We love you, we appreciate you tremendously."
"Thank you all for coming, it's over there, go get it before Rat starts barking again. I just want to say really seriously big thank you from me to all of you guys."
"Thank you guys again so much for coming. I really appreciate it. Goodbye for real now!"
"Yo everybody watching guys can I get a GG in chat for this man that is an insane donation dude thank you so much that is as amazing dude that is incredible guys I just want to see G geez man that's so dope."
"Thank you so much for taking the time... I hope you learned something."
"Faith and family of course get the first shout out."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, you are the best."
"Thank you guys once again for just coming to my channel and being here and ultimately supporting me on this journey."
"Just give me this. This is exactly what I was hoping for. Actually, thank you for this."
"You did your part. I appreciate it from you know the smallest butterfly to the largest dreadknot."
"God bless you all. God bless America. Thank you very much."
"They found her, I want to say a special thank you to the moderators, the patreon supporters, and all of the channel members."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you goes a long way."
"Thank you to everyone who thumbs up, I will personally thank you so much. I will go up to your face and say thank you."
"Thank you for everyone involved in this video and uh goodbye."
"I got out of grad school, and I was pounding the pavement in New York. I got a pair of shoes from them because I needed... So, we're happy to find ways to give back, and they've done such an incredible job."
"I love you guys so much thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you."
"Thank you for making me feel like the luckiest man alive and for reminding me how much I'm really loved."
"Thank you so much for your time. Till the next time."
"You're amazing, thank you for 1 million subscribers."
"Thank you so much for being willing to share your gifts with me and with the community. It means so much."
"We wasn't supposed to make it this far and we're here and we had a wonderful year and I'm thankful for that, you know what I mean."
"There are people who say that watching Friends has saved them during a cancer diagnosis, or so many people with just so much gratitude for a little show."
"I'm blessed to be here, man. I'm proud of you."
"Thank you for being here, thank you for letting me share my gift with all of you." - Gratitude
"Thank you all for being here, thank you for a hundred thousand."
"Omg omg omg thank you so much for the shout out I'm in tears literally oh thank you Thank You Erica that's really special I hope it's happy tears uh-huh."
"Thank you so much for hanging out with me today. I appreciate it."
"What they've done for states is incredible and you should be thanking them."
"Thank you guys for all the love and support, 60,000 subscribers, take it, thank you, thank you. We couldn't have done it without you guys."
"Hey right on time we gotta do what we gotta do appreciate it man thank you so much."
"Gratitude always overwhelming with the support."
"Remember, the moment that you express that gratitude, that's when the universe is gonna give you more to be grateful for."
"Thank you for that incredible amount of support... we love to see people paying it back."
"For them to close the case. And then the mom, she was like sobbing and the mom even thanked the judge for all their help."
"Thank you so much for watching, hope you enjoyed it, hope you learned something new today from your boy deved."
"Thanks so much for sticking with me so long. Congrats on all the success."
"Thank you, Kathy. I appreciate that very much. This has been a huge treat for me. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I love you and peaches. Peaches, thank you, peaches. Goodbye, Samuels. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye."
"Thank you for calling me, a lot of people call me perfect."
"Thank you everybody... especially City rail dude... thank you for the 100 Super Chat."
"None of this is possible without you. We're so grateful for you each and every day."
"Express gratitude for life's opportunities, even amidst disruption."
"God, please forgive me for lying. God, please prevent me from committing any future lies. God, you are the greatest, you are the mightiest, you are the wisest, you are the forgiver, you are the most merciful. Thank you, God, for everything."
"If they're shaking, that's them saying thank you."
"Please consider moving that support over to the app. Please and thank you."
"Thank you guys so much for being around those of you who have been here since day one."
"Thank you so much, man, I don't even know what to say. Subscribe."
"I celebrate the light and love that is me and have gratitude for this opportunity to shine."
"Every single person who has sent me a gift, who has written me a card or a post-it, and also to every single person who has taken time out of their day to leave me a sweet and beautiful comment, it never goes unnoticed or unappreciated." - Alexi
"Thank you all so very much for being here I really do appreciate y'all."
"I will always be thankful for that for that article it's incredible it's incredible."
"Guys thank you so much a final big thank you to the moderators and also to my patrons I mean it when I say I can't do it without you."
"It means a lot to me when people tell me I've helped change their life."
"He thanks Finn once more for all he has done to help."
"I think they did. I think I might actually say it. Thank you, Wizards of the Coast, for reprinting fetchlands finally."
"I'm very thankful that I got the ten thousand dollar date."
"Thank you for the incredible week it's been."
"Thank you very much everybody, I love you dearly and I'll see you soon."
"We have many reasons to be grateful. We have a good life."
"Disney execs are gonna be taking substantial pay cuts for as long as the company is impacted."
"Other than that, I love you guys so much. So grateful for all of you."
"Thanks to everybody who purchased something in my last shop update and everyone who watches my videos too."
"The support on the channel has been absolutely incredible you are changing my life people and I have so much love for all of you so thank you so much."
"That is absurd, but thank you so, so much for all of the support recently -- it's blown my little brain!"
"I just wanted to really say thank you for that, for making... I don't think he's gonna quit."
"It's a miracle honestly it seems like the best outcome that could have possibly happened in this instance..."
"Thank you for being a friend, traveling down the road and back again."
"We love you guys, you know that, we thank you for everything before we begin."
"Remember to always thank people that make you feel like a stud."
"An amazing day. I can't thank you enough for having me out."
"Thanks for watching, your wellness is our mission."
"Your support there as well as here is so greatly appreciated."
"Thank you so very much for the support on the series."
"Thank you very much for coming back down and playing, so rematch, thank you very much."
"May I thank you for all the love and kindness you've shown us but please, please do anything you can to help us. Thank you."
"Thank you so much, thank you for being here, you are amazing."
"I want to thank all of my guests today, a special thanks to Dennis for coming back here to talk about this again. You did not have to do that and you came here to pay it forward and I really appreciate that."
"That'll focus the mind wonderfully, thank you."
"They want your attention, they want your love, but they don't want to do the work again, their pride, right?"
"Thanks again guys for watching, appreciate all of you so much."
"Everything we do guys is for y'all, seriously thanks man."
"Thank you for hanging out with me, listening to my weird stories and my weird scars."
"I'm eternally grateful for your support, I don't take it for granted."
"Appreciation, gratitude, thank you, little things to go out of your way."
"I love you so much, thank you for tuning in today."
"Thank you for everybody who's tuned in... grateful to have the community and crew."
"Honestly, from the bottom of my heart thank you so so much."
"I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. Thank you guys so much for watching."
"Thank you all for watching, have a blessed, safe, and happy Father's Day."
"You guys changed my life. You guys helped my daughter go to college."
"Thank you guys so much, man, you guys are the best!"
"Another thing that I'm extremely grateful for, aside from the washer and dryer, is our dishwasher."
"We were last week expected to hit a million subscribers on July 9th, thanks to you, it is now December 26th."
"Thank you everybody that understands that, thank you for everybody that has been with us since the beginning, everybody that keeps it positive, thank you guys."
"That wasn't no effort, thank you for stepping in, you were pretty badass."
"Thank you again, Alexa. You're such an inspiration and just such a genuine person."
"Thanks for watching and thanks for supporting museum chips."
"I just want to say like just so much you thank you for all the support that this series gets."
"Thank you for spending time with me... I hope you have a lovely day."
"Seriously, the support is massive, thank you very much."
"Thank you so very much for this at the end of the day mashup dance."
"Thank you so much Doctors Without Borders for all the hard work you do around the world."
"Thank you for everything you add to this community."
"We love you thank you for hanging out with us today as we clean house."
"Thank you guys so much for hanging out, thank you for watching, thank you for cooking along if you cooked, thank you for subscribing everybody new that's subscribed, thank you."
"I am tremendously grateful to each and every one of you for that."
"Thank you so very much for watching, it's been a pleasure as always."
"Thank you so much for making this series amazing."
"Did he grab that penny wanting Ellison close to him now?"
"...thank you so much for enabling me to make content on stuff that I care about..."
"Thanks so much for watching guys, I really appreciate it."
"The characters understand the player is taking time out of their day to spend time with them and oftentimes they thank you for it."
"I really want to give a huge shout out to my Patreon supporters, thank you so much for your support."
"It's off your shoulders now, man. Thank you."
"Thank you so much for all the love, everybody."
"This is all because of you guys. You guys are making my dreams come true."
"Thank you so much for hitting that join button, your support really does mean a lot to me."
"And thank you to the medical workers, first responders, and their families for being on the front line."
"Thank you so so much for your love, time, and support."