
Emotional Insight Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Emotional truth serum... you understand cause and effect of your trauma."
"You have to sit with the question for long enough for the true answer to appear, but you can't get there by intellectualizing about it; you have to let yourself drop into the emotional state, into the body state, and notice what emerges when you're present with it."
"The biggest difference that helped my loneliness was the difference between zero and one."
"The problem isn't in the head, the problem's in the heart."
"I wonder what the nine are saying about this, I wonder what Magenta has to say, I wonder what Jen Magenta's feeling that's coming up for the end of the year." - Tara Love Perry
"Love is in every single little detail of life."
"Love is about pain, not pleasure." - Chaitanya
"Hope propels us to discover what our hearts already know."
"If you feel like this person just doesn't care about you, that is absolutely not the case."
"Thank you so much for your honesty, your wisdom, your vulnerability."
"Curious about you, feel there's more to discover, connecting on an intuitive level."
"I want you to envision that you are standing... in the middle, you are the emotional self of you."
"What's worse? Falling for people who are wrong for you and not recognizing it at the time."
"Fear is not the core of the response to trauma... the critical element is not fear, it's the violation of trust, it's a betrayal."
"They have that sense of like, um, I really wish I hadn't messed this one up."
"Drama isn't love; just because it's fiery doesn't mean it's right."
"A card of intuition, creativity, and love... great day for relationships."
"Feeling bad is often a sign that we're doing something wrong."
"Water energy is really about spirituality, helping others, service - it's that sense of passion and intuition when it comes to career."
"I wish someone had told me that love isn't torture."
"The opposite of love oftentimes is indifference."
"Two separate lives in a life together... for relationship to work there needs to be three relationships."
"Bro, you just can't hate. It's hard, you know what I'm saying?"
"I want to understand you in a way even you can't."
"My god, this whole time, I thought I had to get somebody else to fall in love with me, but I… I had to love me."
"Ulquiora has finally understood what this idea of the heart is the metaphysical concept at the core of his struggle meaning despite everything despite who he is and what he represents he does have the capacity to understand."
"Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
"Happiness is temporary and purpose is joy because joy is internal."
"Love is not something that is a sort of rare commodity."
"This was not my freakout moment, this was my discovery moment."
"Heartbreak is not something to be avoided. Heartbreak is the greatest clue of our lives, right? Because what breaks your heart is different than what breaks my heart."
"The important thing is that we're close or sisters, the moral victory so it seems goes to Azura since the pleasure from the means rather than the pleasure from the ends seems to touch her."
"There's no difference between attention and love."
"Greg's admission of his mistake is a hard-hitting moment of emotional growth."
"She knew he lied about having a fiancée but accepts his decision on the relationship."
"It feels good to have a friend, doesn't it? I have many friends. It doesn't feel any different."
"The opposite of love isn't hate. The opposite of love is fear."
"I knew what love was. I knew what all the love songs were talking about."
"They see you as their everything, however, they don't show it."
"Once you're out of the relationship and can take a step back and look at it, you get a new perspective on it."
"Body language allows us to have a glimpse into the real emotions of a person."
"Misery loves company, but hurt people hurt people."
"We tend to take the ones that we care about the most for granted."
"Anger is such a valuable tool; it tells us so much."
"Letting go of judgment arises when we realize it's more painful to hold on."
"Bless negative emotion for the guidance that it gives you."
"You can't know anyone until you know their heart because the heart never lies."
"That part of you that's scared is the kid. The kid is [ __ ] scared."
"What I saw, I saw a lot of pain, a lot of despair but also a lot of hope and a lot of love in the eyes of those for whom we sang."
"How does that make you feel? You're only allowed to answer in adjectives that describe feelings."
"In that sense of oneness you realize you're only hurting yourself, and it's shameful."
"Happiness is a moment, it's not a lifestyle, it's not an end goal, it's not a point."
"Bojack realized that everybody loves him but nobody likes him, and that is the loneliest feeling in the world."
"Everybody loves him but nobody likes him, and that is the loneliest feeling in the world."
"There are certain things that can only be seen through eyes that have cried."
"The opposite of happiness is not unhappiness, it is boredom."
"This person knows they got a good thing going with you."
"Your fears play a vital role in establishing your true emotions for this person and the situation as well."
"The heart is the gateway to our souls' intuition."
"The opposite of love isn't hate, but indifference."
"Emotional wisdom is what I'm getting... There's something about those huge events that bring forth some kind of cleansing."
"Therapy really helped. I was able to understand why I was feeling angry and upset and how to deal with it."
"When we really get to know the inside outs of what breaks our heart, it reveals an incredible amount to us about what matters to us in life."
"Understanding our Sexual Energy as it is spiritually linked to us, emotionally linked to us, thus the more we know."
"We all need a group of people that know us closely and can look at you and say what's up."
"So if we can sense the emotion rising oftentimes they give us insights as to what's going on in the unconscious so tremendous amount of intuition and insight is available through our emotions."
"If love got the job done, you wouldn't be here."
"That's the definition of unconditional love bro."
"Love doesn't mean sexual intimacy or sexual attraction."
"You both have a tremendous level of depth. You might be old souls."
"Your feelings, your emotions are telling you something right now. What is it that they're saying?"
"Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage."
"The rising tide lifts all ships. I mean, obviously, I get jealous, I look at people's stuff, I feel anxious, I'm like, 'Oh my God, why not, why don't I have that?'"
"I worry about Florian because there's something going on there for him."
"I didn't feel remotely guilt honestly it was guilt that prevented me from getting there."
"All anger ultimately is down to unmet expectations."
"Happiness comes from within; financial reward creates stability but may not necessarily bring happiness."
"People with depression are often sadder but wiser."
"You're listening to your heart, you're very psychic at this time as well."
"The fact that she deleted all the photos first shows that she was the one that was hurt the most in a sense."
"High priestess could be a water sign coming in for you."
"That's not romance, that's a hostage situation."
"Forgiveness is when I know the real you is love."
"Love doing your dreams because water is about goals and dreams as well it's about your emotions how you feel about things so I."
"It's all hate in their heart and it's just so vital that we approach all of this with compassion."
"Trying to free shake the fact that you're feeling anxious means you care about something so it's actually like it's it is low-key like a bit of a beautiful feeling really."
"There is some brokenness going on there hurt people hurt people," - Unknown Speaker
"Falling in love with who you've always been."
"The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost."
"You're very intuitive... you can also pick up on people's negative intentions."
"Emotions and intuition are the keys to moving forward."
"Happiness is fleeting. It's all on borrowed time."
"Salute to mothers out there, right? Because now I see the pain of what mothers see their kid in a different way than a father does."
"Everyone was just projecting their own issues over relationships."
"Seeing that our painful emotions are unreal is the most powerful antidote to suffering."
"It's like falling in love. You know? You don't know what the feeling is until you've felt it."
"Fear has a large shadow but he himself is small."
"I'm realizing that you are the person my heart longs for. I just couldn't see it before because I was blind."
"You're realizing that there's a difference between being alone and being lonely."
"Anger doesn't make you stronger, only weaker."
"Love is never alone. Love is always crowded. Love is a shared self we cannot own."
"It's better to have loved and lost and never loved at all."
"The opposite of happiness isn't sadness. It's a sense that you have nothing to look forward to."
"Intuition is quiet, fear is shrill and loud."
"At that moment, I felt like they'd be better off without me."
"Fear tends to be a sign that we are not really happy with how things turned out or we're not really satisfied with a certain trajectory."
"I truly think he's different and thinks he feels awful about that."
"I knew there was something between them... I could tell it in Bonnie's eyes and her voice."
"What if it's in letting go that we're really holding on?"
"They do have these feelings for you. I do see love in this reading."
"Guilt can sometimes be worthwhile because it can say 'oh maybe there's a correction to be made,' but that shame is not really worthwhile."
"Just because I care a lot about someone and him me does not equate to full compatibility for a long-term relationship."
"I do see you coming into Union and I do see a very mature and loving person."
"They have to transform or they're going to lose you. They already feel you slipping away."
"People are not reliable I keep feeling the friends guys I keep feeling the friends."
"Your life is not what you understand in your mind, but what you believe in your heart."
"Someone really misses you in their life, Leo, and I feel that you've been keeping your distance."
"When you're jealous, in that state of awe, there is the act of listened and that act of listening puts away anything that is not true. You listen to the totality of living and you are there, there is no puddle of inattention."
"I am not jealous, generally stems from insecurity."
"Expressing their truth, feeling naked and vulnerable, you can see deeply into them."
"Everybody is broken, everybody has something."
"Quit worrying about people being mad at you that's a big thing yeah yeah there's so much my life defined by like I don't want anyone to be mad at me yeah oh okay okay yeah go for you yeah um."
"I was just so stubborn and in denial that I just ignored it."
"Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart."
"What does it feel like to be me right now? A word will float to you, and something that is true for me right now is good."
"Some things can only be seen through the eyes that have cried."
"The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry."
"Whether your direction is the most positive one for you or not it's revealed by your feelings about it."
"A culmination point of an important relationship for you."
"Understanding where your hurt comes from and then dealing with that hurt."
"Don't look at her; look at how she makes you feel."
"Anxiety then at its core or fear I should say at its core is there to protect us."
"Queen of love showing up here for my Aquarians."
"Understanding came out, the scar's been showing up a lot in this series of readings for people, that's about an awakening."
"Love is something that's unconditional. Love can't have a condition. If it's a condition involved and that love is pulled, then it wasn't love, it wasn't love to begin with."
"I see you in your brain before you even ask me. Thank you."
"Empathy is something that's helped me a lot, and I didn't even realize I needed to be more empathetic."
"The faster I can get to where I go 'I just hurt your feelings, didn't I?' and then the more accurately I can say that I understand what just happened..."
"A big thank you to all the patrons... who continue to support the hell out of the content here."
"Difficult times might be a blessing to appreciate the non-difficult times."
"Whatever fears are amplified right now is a very good indication of your emotional foundation."
"Passion requires requited love; it needs to be returned back to you."
"If you love someone for their looks it's Obsession if you love someone for their kindness It's admiration if you love someone because they love you it's empathy if you love someone despite their flaws it's true acceptance."
"Wine brings to light the hidden secrets of the soul, gives being to our hopes, bids the coward flight, drives dull care away, and teaches new means for the accomplishment of our wishes."
"Emotions are feedback mechanisms trying to communicate the subconscious contents to us."
"I think you would find a lot of healing with that king of Cups."
"People aren't jealous in life, they're sad."
"Anger is just an expression of your fear."
"Valentine's Day is complicated for a lot of people you know whether you're married or single or in the process of trying to figure out really hard relationship Dynamics sometimes a a holiday like Valentine's Day can make what hurts about relationships even more apparent."
"Implication questions probe further into the prospect's thoughts and feelings."
"I fear that we know what fear is."
"It's rare you have a love song gives you the other end of the perspective."
"It's the power to see invisibility not with your eyes but with your hearts."
"If you get to the core of narcissism, what you are going to find is a deep feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness, a deep sense of shame."
"A great close-up takes you inside the mind and inside the heart of that person."
"They say the opposite of love is indifference, and this is exactly it."
"No one without a heart would miss the Soviet Union; you'd have to be brainless to want it back in the form that it was."
"The fear and any anxiety or tension that you feel within your spirit right now... is actually your underlying enthusiasm or excitement."
"It's not our heart that is broken, it's our expectations that get broken."