
Proactive Approach Quotes

There are 517 quotes

"I can't live like this... I got very proactive."
"Governing the public sector wrongly is reactive, too little too late, because you're fixing failures versus proactively shaping an economy."
"FMEA is a preemptive tool that helps any system to identify potential pitfalls at all levels of a business system."
"Let's go to the police station and ask for help."
"We've got to get switched on to this now, if we want to have a chance of tackling any of the other big social issues."
"It is never too early to start getting good with money, and there's never too little money to start getting good with."
"We're not going to wait to read the history books. We make smart decisions, you will see smart outcomes in two weeks. We make bad decisions, you will see bad outcomes in two weeks. So when they say the future is in our hands, the future is really in our hands."
"Always try to stop the fire at the smallest level, man. Do not escalate if you don't have to."
"One must grasp opportunities; one must not force them."
"I think the question is not whether we should stress out about it. The interesting question is what should we do that’s useful to maximize the chances that this will be awesome?" - Max Tegmark
"First and foremost, we have to acknowledge that the future is not some distant conceptual thing; it's something shaped by our choices."
"If you want opportunities, embrace the business owners when they're there."
"It's really a question of how do you want to light the fuse. That's the only question left."
"You have to have the courage to come meet him."
"Being proactive... preventing it from happening in the first place."
"The world is not waiting for us. Doing nothing is not an option."
"I'm trying to be proactive and trying to contact the recruiter just to say hey this is my job application trying to stand out from all these candidates."
"That would be so powerful for us to go there on that anniversary and just get real busy with it."
"You're gonna be way ahead of the ball game brother."
"I would have pulled her aside, had a conversation."
"I genuinely believe that optimism and offense is the only option."
"You gotta go fast, that's how you get shit done, that's how you figure stuff out."
"Yes, we got to keep our hand I mean our hand on the steering wheel now put on the gas we got to be on it on it on it."
"The best way to fight fear is with education."
"Time to bitch-slap some inner demons. I consider therapy a hands-on process."
"Compassion is a movement toward, not a demand for immediate results."
"Engaging with a situation like this critically and consciously is healthier for you and the world and it is remarkably possible to do."
"Their intentions with you are to take some sort of action towards you, they have a lot of passion towards you and they see your worth."
"Don't wait around for another freelancer to get that first discussion. Jump on that invite quick."
"The grant Solomon case serves as a sombering reminder of the urgent need for a more proactive approach to child welfare."
"Miranda not gonna wait not gonna wait for any ceremonial music not gonna wait for the bell to ring she's going to go to work right now."
"You need to know how you will approach this issue because it is going to become political."
"We don't have to wait for someone to look out for us."
"You knee-jerk reaction should be go do it right. You don't want to ever regret not doing something."
"So at one point, I really decided to test this."
"I think it's really important to have the discussions now."
"You do what I did, attack it every way you can." - Rod Parsley
"Proactive policing is the best form of policing and proactive policing the reason you're safe why you sleep."
"New York's response stands as a notable example of a proactive approach to firearm regulation."
"I like that from Arsenal, that feels proactive, that feels clever."
"Increase the probability that the future is good."
"If you really want to solve a different culture, you want to go upstream from culture."
"The only way we're going to fix a problem is to go into the problem."
"There's not much more we can do other than try to know as much as we can and be prepared for it."
"Start early, otherwise you might regret it later." - Speaker
"I never think it's time to ignore the root, always go back to the root and address that first."
"Instead of running away from issues... we should be embracing those."
"Starting small now is better than not starting at all."
"Start where you are with what you have, do what you can with what you have."
"I want to prevent disease, so I always had that lens of disease prevention."
"The main thing is just get as much information as you can possibly get."
"The hardest investments to make are the ones where you're running towards the fire when others are running away you better be confident that it's worth the risk."
"We know what we need to do, we just need to do it."
"Opportunities may be more abundant, there might be something big right in front of you, so reach out for that."
"We're going after some folks because some folks deserve to be gone after."
"The whole point here is even if that's unfair, it does not matter if that's what's happening because we have to engage with reality and deal with it."
"Let's make this a crisis so that this becomes something that we focus energy and attention on."
"We will engage with people, and our objective is to get them to a better place."
"Failure is just testing... I'm quick to pull the trigger and trying something."
"Talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words."
"Awareness plus action equals transformation. Please don't skip that plus action part because action is the antidote for despair."
"Don't ask them was best at best defense is to attack."
"Let's be really gung-ho about this. We're going all in."
"Love is always available to us, but we have to put ourselves in the position to allow it into our lives." - Be proactive in seeking love.
"I kind of just want to be sure when we hit the next planet that we have a nice healthy start to it. I don't want to be waiting around. I don't have time for that."
"Let's go to the police. Let's figure this out, you feel what I'm saying?"
"Sometimes the best form of defense is attack."
"Leading from the front, that's a Hallmark of good leadership."
"We're gonna lead from the front, that's a Hallmark of good leadership."
"I've been arguing for it for some time. If I see something that's not happening, I think it's my obligation to step up and say this is what we should be doing."
"The best cure for despair is to grab a shovel and pitch in."
"You wouldn't want to lead with problems; lead with the fact that you're solving them."
"Get in early, get in hard, be on the exponential trend before anybody else."
"This is my answer to the question of how can I help in these crazy-ass times we live in today."
"We're ready for it, born for it, no question."
"Either you can sit there and watch it happen you can be one of the people that are burned by it or you can be one of the people that take advantage of the situation."
"If you want one of those you've got to go out and find them and be ready to make the first move."
"In the makeshift happen paradigm, we're taking full responsibility, and it's amazing."
"Christian has definitely adopted the attack is the best form of defense."
"We must fully face the Gathering Storm head-on, no matter how dire the horizon. This is the only way forward."
"Never fight fire with fire; fight fire with water."
"When you've got to play on the front foot, you've got to play aggressive."
"You have to break some eggs to make an omelette."
"Don't ignore it or hope it'll go away, do something about it."
"The cycle is coming through...be ready to steer it."
"If you really want an opportunity to be there, you need to ask yourself how am I being proactive in this? How do I play a role in this?"
"You can't win sixth or seventh place this early in the season, but you can sure lose it." - Michael
"It's time to grab the sword and slay the demon. The key is to do it with truth."
"Letting go doesn't mean we don't still act to improve our circumstances, we're just dropping the opposition, the aversion to what's here."
"Success has to be planned and earned in advance."
"You just gotta get on there and do it like that."
"The longer you wait to act, the worse it's gonna get."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, but not preparing to me is not an option."
"But you don't have to take shots in the dark. You can go get a test and say, 'You don't know if I'm at 200 migs of twice a week.'"
"Let it go for too long, so I think it's time we just start to unbox."
"An open door is an opportunity to be grasped with both hands."
"Start monetizing your strategy from the start."
"I'm excited, I'm gonna attack it with as much enthusiasm and attention as I can."
"Start looking now. Looking doesn't cost you anything, just look up homes in your area."
"I'll never miss another recession I would never miss another opportunity."
"Action is the antidote to despair. It is the key to victory and it is necessary."
"Dude, I love that they're like, 'Yo, mental health's a problem' and then they were like, 'Okay, let's do something about it.'"
"I'm approaching it like a war. I have to declare war."
"I'm saying why can't we do it, explaining it."
"Believe us. I've been told repeatedly, believe what you're hearing and absorb what you're hearing and take action, empower yourself with many of the recommendations that you're hearing on the program."
"No need to be upset and frustrated, just be patient everybody, play where the puck is going to be."
"It's all about taking control of your opportunity and using it to your best ability."
"Take the initiative and go after what you want."
"Spending adequate time to understand the problem, and not just reacting to a feature request, results in better overall software quality."
"Don't forget, you can have all the proximity and time, but you gotta take your shot."
"Depression, anxiety, suicide, it will not solve itself. You have to get up to discover God has more purpose for you."
"Rather than hoping something happens, let's play."
"Let's start trying to put resources to solve problems."
"Put the playbook on the plane, and guys, they did. There it is, there's Kairi Elam, their rookie that they just took, with the playbook. That is how he will be remembered. Put the playbook on the plane. I absolutely love it."
"There is no reason for you, ever, not to send a r�sum� and a cover letter to a company you want to work for."
"You need to start applying for any and every job possible."
"Is it over the top? Yeah, absolutely. That's not what this is. This is just enjoying the ride."
"How can I be part of the solution? Get healthy."
"The cold call is vital because it puts you in control. You're not a victim, you're not waiting for a phone to ring, you're not waiting for an internet lead, you're not waiting for somebody to walk into your business."
"Laying the groundwork early, definitely a good idea."
"You must analyze these systems so that you can find remedy to these systems."
"Shoot your shot. I feel like this could be in business, work, literally moving—pretty much anything like that."
"You'll find a solution to your problems... start moving on with important progress."
"If the tree is not bearing fruit, I'll rip it to the roots in the ground."
"It's go time. We don't have any option. We can't be lazy or say the law said no. It's we gotta grow food to feed ourselves because they're not gonna do it and they're working against us."
"Rather than being mad about it why don't you just take my advice and do the same thing for yourself?"
"There's no right or wrong way to do it; just do it."
"Treat finding and maintaining friendships like a job. You have to be proactive and put yourself out there."
"Not working on recovery is working towards relapse."
"I'd rather just be more prepared than anything."
"The end times are not happening to me, I'm happening to the end times."
"Sorting out issues before they become huge problems."
"Let's unlock all the tiles and tackle the challenges head-on!"
"If you're telling me that person's a problem, I'm going to be speaking to them anyway."
"That's it, we like to see it, search for survivors. I'm working one step ahead of this dude."
"Learning done...mindset so that stuff like you just saw doesn't happen."
"If perchance they thought to lie abed with soft pillows, then I, perchance before they wish, shall arouse them from their slumbers by hammering on their doors at dawn."
"Combat bad ideas with good ideas. If you think what these people do is wrong, combat it with your own ideas."
"This is the place to bring the issues if there is an issue."
"If we want to take something out, let's be responsible about it."
"Most important thing you can do as a patient has become educated."
"Peacemaking is not just sitting back and allowing things to happen."
"It's better to get rid of the player one year early than one year late."
"The solution is to get you playing again immediately."
"Science needs to think forward, not just react."
"You're the first person to grab your sword and head out the door."
"The timelines will depend entirely on us on our on us on how we embrace the future."
"The key is to think short term... because in the long term the companies that will end up winning are companies with actual real world working products."
"You gotta have a plan, you cannot run into these things like a crash test dummy."
"Why don't we start there? Why don't we take responsibility for the things we say and do before we offend people?"
"Start today, point blank period, like a commercial ad."
"It's better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission."
"If I see a challenge, I just go right for it."
"The only way to answer your critics in anything in life is through action."
"The question is not whether we are migrating, but whether we are migrating safely."
"Your greatest chance for success is putting yourself out there to be seen by single eligible people, no ifs, ands or buts. Put your butt out there."
"My goal of 2022 is to hit the pavement running and be specifically focused on making your P/L higher."
"This is the time to take action and make declarations."
"Address things now because you never know what's gonna happen."
"The bigger concept is to come out the other side with an understanding."
"Fixing your mistakes later on is much less successful than getting it right the first time."
"Your job as an investor is just to go find that number."
"I had to come up with a solution rather than just talking."
"One of the best ways to get more gear is to go and look for fights."
"Take control of this situation from day one."
"You should be taking approaches to maintain... health for the entirety of exposure."
"She goes into everything with her eyes wide open... That makes her character so much more compelling."
"An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure."
"Nothing's going to change until you change it."
"I'm trying to put all this together you're telling me let's go home and pray and I've been praying my I was just praying non-stop okay but good you know we got to have action too."
"Don't wonder if something is meant for you, instead think of how it can be done."
"The best thing that we can do is deal and like, deal with it head-on. Don't continue to suppress."
"Let's roll up our sleeves and do this. Let's do it."
"The future will contain in it what you put in it now."
"Lessons are being offered to you, and I feel like you're going to grab it with both hands."
"I'm trying to get out ahead of that with Foundry for gaming solution."
"The three of wands represents someone who is waiting for an opportunity... rushing to seize an opportunity that they have been waiting for."
"The perfect time was yesterday, the next best time is today."
"Let's figure out how we prevent it from reoccurring."
"Once you make a decision, things gain momentum."
"We need to step up and I believe I can help get us on a path to real recovery."
"Better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission."
"Manifesting doesn't mean forcing, it means setting into action."
"The easiest way to determine it, is just to do it and see what happens."
"There's more than one way to get your hands dirty."
"Speak up, talk to a friend, talk to a counselor, do whatever is necessary to really set things into motion."
"Waiting for inspiration is like waiting at an airport for a train. It's not going to happen."
"Your job is not to predict, your job is to prepare."
"If you really want it, then step up and go get it."
"Guys, I always recommend hop on a skincare routine ASAP."
"But I'm not going to cry without offering up a few solutions."
"It's better to be preventative than to be reactionary."
"Stop being reactive and be proactive... we have to plan for the new industry."
"Do something. We should be treating politics like a doctor would treat a patient."
"If there's an issue that warrants or merits exposing then I'm dealing with it but not because I'm bored and out of things to do."
"If you think something's wrong, seek a second opinion."
"Full speed ahead with the power of friendship!"
"It's about a game plan. It's about action. It's about a desire to do something and be a part of something."
"The other thing is to make sure you follow my take it there now strategy."
"The way forward is to catapult yourself to success."