
1980s Culture Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"One of the biggest shows to come out of the last decade, Stranger Things, has been attributed by viewers and media analysts alike as being a huge catalyst for wave of 1980s nostalgia."
"It's unique to the 80s; nothing screams more of a big baddy than a giant pistol."
"Available in 1986, the album Dad AF, the Pretty in Pink edition: If you leave, I won't cry, I won't waste one single day."
"The 1980s marked one of the first times where designers consistently transcended surface level changes."
"It's not just a great character study but a sardonic metaphor for 1980s greed and materialism."
"A proper throwback to 80s John Hughes movies."
"If this doesn't scream the 1980s to you I don't know what will."
"Their 1989 hit song 'Rolling with Kid and Play' was used as the theme song for the series."
"As always, in Stranger Things, the attention to detail is amazing with a ton of 80s era branding in every frame."
"Childhood friendships are such an 80s staple; it feels quintessential to the decade in movies and literature."
"I think he'll be able to make it more modern without losing all that 80's cheese."
"Back in the 1980s, Dorian Corey said that she used to dream of being a star."
"Buffalo chicken wings rose to prominence in the 1980s."
"Jump leaped over internal conflict and years of artistic dissension to become the lead single for Van Halen's humongous 1984 album."
"It's the song that got millions of 80s kids into the band."
"It's pure 80s nostalgia, and that's why I love it."
"I remember playing video games geez in the 1980s."
"Stranger Things never disappoints when it comes to 80s nostalgia."
"Animatronic restaurants were all the craze in the 1980s."
"We're very special to have you, just like the Bartles and Jaymes guys said in the 1980s!"
"It's such a perfect slice of 80s pop, it's one of the greatest songs of the 80s."
"Life Force was released in June 1985, competing against 'Cocoon.'"
"Randy Savage taunted opponents with some of the greatest promos of the 1980s."
"I think everyone from my generation remembers the first time that they heard the great Weird Al Yankovic as an 80s kid."
"Murder House checks every single box needed to be a piece of '80s media... the 3Ms: mullets, malls, and murderers."
"Adam Sandler was like a video game champion from the 80s."
"Do you like horror? Do you like the 80s? Do you like horror in the 80s? Then you'll love 'In Search of Darkness' – it's a 4-hour + epic retrospective on 80s horror."
"Lost Boys is a shamelessly gratuitous 80's extravaganza of fashion and music that people legitimately thought was hip at the time."
"One thing in the 80s that maybe we've lost a little bit of is that there was a certain sense of humor in everything they did."
"An American Werewolf in London was one of those '80s horrors I grew up watching."
"Coming to America is a great comedy from the 80s and underneath the jokes and comical dialogue and spectacular makeup effects it's actually a movie with a positive message about finding someone who loves you for you."
"In the 80s, growing up was pretty damn awesome."
"It's almost like all of the 80s is just this one playlist."
"It feels less like a Hollywood glamorized version of the 80s and more like the 80s I remember."
"The '80s were radicals, bright, colorful, Neon."
"In the 80s Van Halen famously requested M&Ms with all the brown candies removed backstage at their shows."
"The 1980s was known for consumerism and materialism, making the decade feel faster and flashier than those that came before it."
"For a lot of people, Cinderella has been firmly affixed to the high hair glam metal period of the mid '80s, but really, there's so much more to them than that."
"Hulk Hogan's reputation in the 80s was to have a real superhero."
"Appetite for Destruction rose like an angry phoenix from the ashes of a dirty hotel room somewhere in 1980s LA."
"Do we need a statue multi-pack of X-babies in all their '80s goodness? Yes."
"The 1980s were a period of bold initiatives and unconventional ways of living."
"It's gonna be like the 80s again, it's gonna be awesome."
"80s kid, I grew up watching, loving, adoring Transformers, and it has always stuck with me."
"We were fueled with Kool-Aid and sugared cereal and awesome cartoons and toys, that was for sure."
"I love the '80s like the music, the dancing, the clothes, the big hair."
"The reason why we love 80s is because we feel it at the bottom of our hearts."
"You might be a child of the 80s if you remember carrying a piece of cardboard to school to break dance on."
"You might be a child of the 80s if you remember when cigarette companies sponsored comedy hours."
"He-Man... had multiple strong and capable women that either fought alongside He-Man or backed him as one of his main adversaries."
"If you grew up in the eighties like me, who doesn't remember Ecto Cooler?"
"So in 1980, the world changed into one big huge Rubik's cube."
"Trapper keepers... the ultimate 80s accessory."
"Stranger Things does a really good job of showing life in the 1980s."
"Arcades were such a huge part of the 80s."
"I got a lot of 80s stuff, not sure, I mean, well, I would like to see. 80s stuff is becoming collectible."