
Self-made Success Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"My message is one of the fact that I came from absolutely nothing I never had a privileged upbringing in any regard and I became exactly what I wanted to be."
"Tiana is a self-made woman who owes her success to no one but herself."
"Why is it that 88% of millionaires are self-made? That means these are people who did not have millionaire parents."
"88% of millionaires are self-made. That means these are people who did not have millionaire parents, these are people who created their millions themselves."
"80% of America's millionaires are first-generation."
"You could literally be living at home with your parents and be making videos in your bedroom and actually make something of yourself. It's actually crazy."
"Makes life wonderful isn't what you're given, it's what you create with your hands and your mind."
"You're making your own luck... thoughts becoming things."
"80% of America's millionaires are first generation rich... Contrary to popular belief."
"Power is not what you are. Power is what you do. True Queens are self-made, not appointed."
"Growing up poor and being truly self-made genuinely changes a person's perspective."
"Truly being self-made, having humble roots and beginnings, does allow someone to see the world differently."
"YouTube is one of the few places that you can truly be a self-made successful person."
"Opportunity comes to those who create it... thank you to everybody that's bought that book."
"Now Fumi is a self-made man and he's being presented as someone to be admired."
"I worked myself up from the bottom, pretty much."
"Michael Jordan is just, he made something out of nothing."
"Neil is the walking embodiment of a self-made artist who's through the sheer force of his ability and will has carved out a space which is wholly his own."
"If you're poor and want to get rich, you have to learn how to create your own luck."
"You have to work really hard to get a little bit of luck, and you make your own luck."
"Despite my situation, I made something of myself."
"She didn't have the platform to be labeled as an angry black woman... it's easy to do away with us than to deal with us."
"He created his own opportunities, and that's what it's all about in life, seizing opportunities."
"I never work for nobody. I never was an intern celebra employee. I started Hollywood a lot from an idea and I worked my ass off until people started believing in it."
"Some men are born into greatness while others have to go out and fight for it and seize it for themselves."
"This isn't somebody who got lucky. This is somebody who created this situation for luck to find her, and that it did."
"I created my own lane so that's the problem, you lot and everyone else are trying to understand what I do."
"Ninety percent of America's millionaires did not become millionaires because of inherited money."
"You feel like hard work, you're a self-made emperor."
"Over 65% of the Forbes or Inc 1000 wealthiest people in the world are self-made men and women."
"Even just a 5 to 10K a month income from YouTube is incredible."
"The American Dream that you make for yourself, the whole concept of paving your own way through the world, I think there's still a place to do that in America."
"Gerald Woodman was a self-made man earning his fortune with his plastics business."
"Everything Luffy has achieved so far, every miracle that has blessed him, was not just the work of fate alone… it was the very fate he himself carved… and the hard work that he put in order to carry it out."
"My success is mine. Can't nobody take it from me. I work hard, I got this."
"I didn't start with a thousand, two thousand. I started from zero."
"Welcome to this kingdom that I built entirely by myself."
"That he made so much of it himself was a byproduct."
"The idea that if you work really hard, you'll make it yourself is entrepreneur culture."
"Most self-made millionaires... got there through hard work persistently for many many years."
"She's a black woman saying all these things you know she's not racially ambiguous she doesn't come from a rich family she is a lower middle class woman who comes from nothing built herself up sells books became really successful."
"You make your own luck and have the ability to generate a different trajectory."
"Trump is an entrepreneur, he's built his future and his empire by himself."
"Luck is on your side, you are creating your destiny."
"83% of millionaires in America are self-made."
"They ain't running to me, yeah, flying all the way from Europe to me, yeah. Anyone who came around, I turned them up. Ain't nobody gave me [__], I earned this stuff."
"Princess Carolyn's excellence at work is all the more impressive considering she clawed her way up from nothing through sheer force of will."
"There are black entrepreneurs who have built unbelievable businesses with zero help."
"If I can do it, you can do it. I'm literally that case study of a regular Smuggler girl who had no clout and created this entire brand."
"He actually built his own way and became the richest African-American in the world." - Tyler Perry
"Is it genuinely possible nowadays... to build and create a brand and make your own money without being famous without being an influencer but just with information?"
"I fought real guys, I trained in real gyms, I took my beatings... I made my name what it is."
"I didn't get here by luck or by chance. I made little adjustments here and there and fought my way to my spot here."
"His story follows this American Dream Narrative of an outsider who made something of himself in the quote unquote new world."
"You create your own luck; you're not a person who probably like yes you may have a silver spoon but you would like to work hard and prove you know, prove to the world that yes you can."
"This book also represents a pretty inspiring story of self-made success."
"Everything that you have done, you made it yourself. You did everything you could to make this work, and you understand business really. You're so impressive."
"I admire that all of these people have built a name for themselves."
"The internet is supposed to be where you can do anything you know you can you can do anything you can become a superstar literally making YouTube."
"A woman with education respects a man who made himself rich without the student loan debt."
"You make your own luck. Luck isn't something that comes from outside of us."
"It's so inspiring to know that you can come from nothing and build yourself to the level that you want."
"I love this country due to that fact. It's also one of the few places that I believe you can come to and really make something of yourself from scratch."
"Money didn't make me, I'm making this money."
"Self-made people are a completely different story because they grew up with people telling you like you can't do it."
"Everything I've got I've more than earned and clawed and scratched just to be here."
"Everyone is self-made, but only the successful will admit it."
"Luck is not the reason why people are successful. 88% of millionaires are self-made."
"You got it out the mud. You worked your butt off for that."
"BTS reached their empowerment message by themselves."
"You got it the hard way, I'm an undrafted guy as well."
"I started buying and selling real estate in my 20s and got rich starting from nothing."
"Now when he grows his channel to 50,000 subscribers in a few months, he did it himself."
"79 out of 10 millionaires in America did not become millionaires because of inherited wealth statistically and that's a airtight research solid data to the point that if you don't agree with that you're what's known as wrong."
"Most of all, I just want to be respected, small or not. Prince knows the heavyweight that comes with his name and his Empire, the one he built in Houston that still stands tall even today."
"Lucky people create most of their luck."
"We're sort of creating our own history as opposed to living off somebody else's."
"I did not come from money whatsoever."
"I'm just a blue-collar dude... I'm a self-made man."
"I came up from nothing, you can't tell me, yeah."
"They're proving that with talent, creativity, and a strong online following, it's possible to break into the music industry and make a name for yourself."
"Ambassadors of meritocracy are small business owners who've started from scratch."
"Anybody who can create that kind of empire, I'm sorry, no one gives that to you; that takes talent."
"I've made it where I am today through hard work, not intelligence."
"I come from nothing, and I made something out of that."
"I started with two trash bags and three comedy clubs. If I never do any more than I did right now, I'm successful."
"La Knight wasn't the handpicked option to be the face of the company... he did it off the back of his own hard sweat, Blood, and Tears."
"I don't really believe in luck, so what the Russian Legion has is, I think they're creating their own opportunities and they built confidence."
"He's accumulated over 23 million subscribers, has become one of the most successful self-made young creators of this generation."
"I want a country where you get ahead not because of your friends in high places or the family you were born into, but what you make of yourself."
"The ability to build yourself up from nothing to that success in a legal way screams just... yes, at that point I've done it, I did it without doing anything wrong and it's me."
"It's not much compared to a lot of people, but you know, everything bothers me when people say I was given a silver spoon when I was born because I really didn't come from anything."
"Luck can be created with your own hands."
"You can make your dreams a reality on your own terms and outside the system."
"Seventy percent of the Forbes 400 list are self-made."
"I am living proof that you don't need big Wall Street experience or a pedigreed financial degree to outperform the world's top traders."
"I'm a King of Wands who built an empire."
"I'm not ungrateful, I have worked for everything I have my entire life."
"Great credit score and hard work. I'm only 21 years old. I didn't even go to college for this."
"I'm a stone cold hustler for real, man. I've been driving luxury vehicles since I was in my 20s."
"It's cool to see something that you built up yourself grow."
"I think a lot of people tend to forget, you're actually an extremely self-made person."
"Ultimately, you're opening the doors yourself because I keep feeling this energy of self-made."
"Congratulations to her, 600 million dollars, that ain't no chump change, especially when you're self-made."
"All I know is my mama. She made it happen from nothing."
"Nothing was handed to Cardi, nothing was handed to Offset."
"Be the king who has made his own kingdom, be the Moon that has made her own summit."
"Nothing is handed to anybody; there are people out there who got things handed to them, but they still have to work, they still got to do their part."
"If I could start from literally dirt, nothing is impossible."