
Historical Critique Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"400 years of colonialism, destroying two-thirds of the world, were products of capitalist accumulation and competition."
"America is false to the past, false to the present, and solemnly binds herself to be false to the future."
"Some of the Maori people have been critiquing this date for years, knowing they were privy to prior records of exploration of the Antarctic."
"The present is Hitler’s Utopia, hell on Earth, even for most of the ones who’ve asked for it."
"I'd love to just heat up a toasting fork on an electric stove and melt through Thomas Newcomen like butter."
"Instead of just watching the movie and saying this is inaccurate about slavery and it romanticized slavery and that's bad, but the movie also has something to say about resilience in the face of pain from people like Hattie McDaniels."
"The drive for profits associated with convict leasing led to a system that became even more deadly than slavery."
"Question the sources by which we have learned or mislearned about Malcolm and Martin."
"Internment camps for Japanese in World War II were evil."
"The tablet highlights Claudius’ inadequacies but the ideas behind the motion were sound."
"Marx’s daughter once made the salient comment, 'If only Karl had made capital, instead of just writing about it.'"
"It's amazing that we can see all of this genocide the white man has done throughout the world but yet we're the ones that are paying."
"Martin Luther King Jr. said that my own government is the biggest purveyor of violence in the world."
"Hopkins abusive techniques and his cavalier attitude to the law would be his undoing."
"The white race is the cancer of human history."
"There's good reason to question the great man theory of history, the idea that single individuals drove historical events."
"Deep down, the Western Elites have remained the same colonizers."
"If I had to summarize what the communists did worse it was killing the most productive classes."
"There is not a redeeming quality in slavery."
"Victorian London was also kind of a nightmare."
"Apartheid was one of the greatest evil inventions in the history of mankind."
"His tenure of that position was disastrous for the Iraqi people."
"The regime oppressed large sections of its people throughout the 1970s."
"As Professor Mike DVS recorded in his marvelously and painful book late Victorian Holocaust..."
"Our motto was originally 'E Pluribus Unum'... not the judeo-christian fantasy."
"Malcolm X kind of called this out, you know."
"The insurgency was just insane. That was the big strategic mistake that the United States made. You can't just leave the conquered nation to fend for itself."
"This genuinely has to be one of the most egregious displays of historical inaccuracy."
"Join me today for the chronicle of what may have been the most disastrous papacy in history."
"McClellan talked the talk, but could he walk the walk? No, like Lincoln's other generals, McClellan was maddeningly cautious."
"Consequently, perhaps Mao’s time as ruler of the People’s Republic of China is a testament to the catastrophes which can result when ideologically-bound governments attempt to impose utopian ideas."
"The church's failure to speak out against slavery remains sustained on its historical record."
"Painful but necessary discussion of why we should replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day. Spoiler alert: he was a total a**."
"When in history has it ever been a good thing to be a coward and compliant?"
"If we're talking about the most evil person on the planet you can make a pretty good case for Kissinger."
"America was an idea, an idea we never lived up to."
"We can criticize our past absolutely and then we can move forward recognizing the foundations that have been laid."
"Sanatan economics model plugs all the gaps of the arrogance of Adam Smith and the entitlement of K marks."
"And in the end, the CIA's ego is, it's too big to lose. So they probably walked away from MKUltra thinking they won. I mean, they got laid and did a bunch of acid. And that's a win if you ask me."
"We should go back to the original message of our creator, not what some church father decided to put in because it helped his political goals."
"When you say we have streets named after slave owners, we have profited from a vile crime and feel no shame - it is British people that don't learn languages or British history."
"A lot of this country's foundings are based on the idea that we thought we had the right to take over somebody else's land."
"Presidents of the United States were slave owners... it is brutality and it's evil any way you look at it."
"What has masculinity done for us? It has caused a lot of wars, it has caused utter confusion."
"The war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits." - Abraham Lincoln
"Hey, let's just take some innocent people and then shoot them. What the [ __ ] is wrong with these Europeans?"
"The notion that people who conquered and settled other people's land should get to retain it all for themselves is obviously problematic."
"Westmoreland remains the goat symbol of the country's most mournful misadventure abroad ever."
"Alexander V 6's reign was marked by ruthlessness, greed, nepotism, murder, and excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures."
"Christopher Columbus... his most significant contributions were genocide."
"The only thing the British were successful in selling was opium aka drugs."
"It becomes us as a Christian people... to remove from our midst an institution no less the cause of moral corruption to the master than to the slave." - Elijah Parish Lovejoy
"Barbarians were so bad... they had to make a statement about it."
"Another mistake France made in World War II, come on, mechanized not tractors."
"The nearer any government approaches to a republic, the more worth is one honest man to society than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived."
"Maybe it's because of the hypothetical universal utopia that the damn Soviets were aiming at."
"If Lovecraft had had some Ray Cons, he wouldn't have been such a racist."
"Abraham Lincoln called the Supreme Court the citadel of slavery and was vocal about how the will of the people should have the final say about the big issues of the day, not the Supreme Court."
"If Marx was the greatest critique of capitalism in the 19th century I would say Keynes was the greatest critic of capitalism in the 20th."
"Reward losers with statues? Separate country warring against America."
"Every monument of civilization is also a monument of barbarism."
"MLK did despise and want to revolutionize what he considered to be white values."
"The same people that gave you Jesus gave you [__]."
"How great do you think it was to be a man 200 years ago when you were setting up laws and you're like no no no no you can hit them but it can't be bigger than your thumb?"
"It's not just that most peasants lived in grinding misery... it's that rather than grappling with reality... she fled from it."
"Critical engagement with U.S. history threatens the white supremacist status quo."
"Nicholas II's poor track record as a leader resulted in his unpopularity with the people of Russia."
"Given this awful history, I think it's understandable that many people completely dismiss IQ today."
"Their principal objective was to send the people of the planet Earth with their culture to hell."
"Pure democracy would inevitably suffer at the hands of faction." - James Madison
"Egyptology is a fictitious manifestation...6000 years worth of psychological incorrect information."
"Columbus as the personification of the genocidal manifest destiny ideology."
"I saw how much misery it brought. Now, once you grow up, you start reading things like the Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn and you realize that much of the socialist dream was built on slave labor and oppression."
"The foundation of this country is rooted in slavery, bigotry, and racism."
"It's time we stopped glorifying these men and start acknowledging their hateful views and actions towards black people."
"The reason the Supreme Court has been 97 percent white is because of discrimination. It's because leaders in both parties kept the court that way, guarding the nation's highest court as a kind of last bastion of an exclusive white membership."
"9600 BC Atlantis – not supported by ancient authors, not supported by chronology, not supported by the historical record, and definitely not supported by anthropology."
"Obama was late on gay marriage. Kennedy was late on civil rights. Lincoln was late on slavery. Everybody's always late."
"The Holy Roman Empire is not really holy, nor roman, nor an empire."
"The Japanese go around spouting all kinds of noble slogans, but the fact of the matter is Manchuko is like a Japanese Colony."
"...MacArthur's very significant command failures in the Pacific we're never exposed to scrutiny in the same way but I I agree I don't think that there's a great deal of logic or justice in that disparity."
"This brand was passed down by generations of so-called Christians who learned to read the Bible in the 19th century as a text that did not condemn, but rather affirmed race-based chattel slavery."
"...there's this whole world of like black collectibles...totally racist...the good old days..."
"The palaces of popes and prelates were scenes of the vilest debauchery."
"The great evil of American slavery was not the involuntary servitude, was not the forced labor. I think the great evil of American slavery was the narrative of racial difference we created. The ideology of white supremacy we made up."
"Somebody asked me, do I approve of the massacre of millions of peasants under Stalin for Stalin's forc collective vision? Of course not. I do not approve, I have never approved, and I never will approve. We've condemned it consistently."
"Napoleon criticized the moniker, saying kings who were considered good were failures."
"Heraclitus challenged hero worship surrounding him, acknowledging both his good and questionable deeds."
"Even in the Middle Ages, there are some of the faithful who are appalled by the association of war with the abused Son of God who preached love and peace."
"These history books that we've had, these teachers that we've had, the whole system that we have is subject to questioning."
"The Holy Roman Empire is always sort of derided as being neither holy, nor Roman, nor really an empire."
"I began to point my finger at the Reformation as the beginning of a movement toward reframing everything about evangelism and the gospel."
"The Gilded Age: a period that looks wonderful on the surface but if you look underneath, there's corruption, poverty, and a negative side to it."
"The true Gotei 13 died a thousand years ago, and this current iteration of the Gotei 13 is nothing more than a poor imitation of its predecessors."
"This place was not a utopia at all, not even for the German people that went there, let alone the locals; this place was hell on earth."
"My problem with the sixties was it was all emotion driven and facts did not matter."