
Party Politics Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"New York Democratic party has to get its act together."
"Reframe 2022 as a choice between the two parties rather than a referendum on democratic rule."
"This whole idea, this fiction that both parties have been pushing over the past 20, 30 years, that we need Outsiders mainly Republicans, people that come in and shake things up, no they don't shake things up, they get shaken down."
"For most Republicans, to acknowledge what Trump truly is and still stay loyal to him would create enormous cognitive dissonance."
"The anti-American party today is the Republican party... they hate America, they want to destroy America."
"The principles here have not changed, it's that the Republican Party has changed."
"If Trump actually does break away from the Republican party, because if he does, it's a good thing for a number of reasons."
"Trump wasn't an anomaly in the Republican party, he was actually kind of the soul of it for the last 25, 30 years starting with a guy like Buchanan who ran in '92 on a lot of the ideas that Trump ended up running."
"And that’s why in this very room in January of 2013, they had this huge—this huge controversy between—the Republican Party did the 'autopsy.'"
"I think this will be the one that makes people turn away from the Labor Party and make them a fringe party on the extreme left."
"If you keep voting Conservative then they'll, uh, liberals will have absolutely no reason to support you. You have to keep incentivizing them."
"Trump has unity in the Republican Party, the Democrats are not unified."
"For forty years America's evangelical Christians have tightly interwoven themselves with the Republican Party."
"Democrats are going to get their asses handed to them in November."
"Unless those militant moderate Democrats start to sound off in fairly dramatic order, I think that the Democratic Party is in real trouble and then the country is in real trouble."
"It's a huge split, people like me, no, I'm gonna let you know for a fact, I will never support the GOP again."
"That doesn't mean that every Democrat is culpable, corrupt, or even has bad intentions."
"We are vehicles for advancing that agenda. It is bigger than the Republican party."
"There's something fishy... I don't trust the Democratic party."
"Political parties are supposed to be about Victory. They are vehicles for victory."
"It's whether Donald Trump is willing to support the party if he's not the person who's in charge."
"Rejecting Nazis isn't controversial. If you condemn Nazis you're too woke for the Republican party."
"What we're seeing is the extraordinary confusion of the Republican party at a moment when it's really crumbling."
"Bernie's supporters wanted him to hang on to the very last moment... but the DNC and the establishment are all in for Joe Biden."
"The political parties in the United States no longer know how to read their own base."
"The ones that have to be blamed this is where the at some point some responsible Republicans you know have to such a..."
"The lesson Democrats should take is if we run a very good candidate in a red district it turns purple and if we run a very good Democratic candidate in a purple district it turns blue."
"I've often been completely at odds with the direction that the leaders of my party have taken."
"We do not need a strong republican party. A strong republican party just tried to overturn the results of the election."
"It's frankly, it's pretty bad for the Republican Party that this is the case because it's leading them to be just completely unable to discuss issues that the broad scope of the American populace wants to know about."
"How about stand up against the crazies in your own party?"
"The platform of the Democratic Party right now is what I, in fact, approved of."
"They cannot actually go and have a reasonable debate on legislation because they are co-opted by the extremists in their party who threatened to primary them and have this just disgusting extremist strain and hold them hostage."
"The corporate Democrats would rather lose to Republicans than have a progressive win with them. That sounds dumb."
"Jeremy Corbyn was really the most left-wing leader that the Labour Party ever had, the major opposition party, the main opposition party."
"If the Republican party is not going to solve the problems, then you're probably right, we may need an opposition party." - Marjorie Taylor Green
"Everybody thought it sucked but we don't need you guys to be the pawns for the Democrats."
"It does make you wonder the situation that party is in heading into the midterms."
"This politics of paranoia has so deeply infected the Republican Party."
"I feel like my party, the party I love that my parents grew up in, that I grew up in has changed and I want to try to change it back to the way it was before."
"Democrats need to adopt economic populist principles."
"The Democratic Party is not reforming, in fact, they're going the other way."
"The Democratic Party would rather lose to Donald Trump than win with a progressive."
"I got really turned off by the democratic establishment after 2016. That was hard to watch what they did to Bernie Sanders."
"If we don't take back the house and the Senate with Trump Republicans and the White House this beat will go on."
"Hit them where it hurts, how to save democracy by beating Republicans at their own game."
"The Republican party as we know it must be reformed and the question is will we as conservatives do what we must."
"You have the money party and that's what we need to break away from."
"There is a way to stand up to Trump within his own party."
"They know that this is a weakness for Democrats."
"Republicans don't do that Republicans have more spine but they don't care if it's a Republican president if you didn't do it right so I'm not interested I think we need to hold our politicians more accountable particularly as Democrats."
"I didn't leave the democrat party, the democrat party left me."
"He's gonna sink Joe Biden to the degree that the Democratic Party feels confident in their control over the process of maintaining this seat as it were."
"They showed a rotten core at the heart of our party."
"Democrats on the other hand leading up to a general election, do you hear them make a big national push?"
"If we get a strong Republican in there next, we can clean this mess up."
"For a prime minister who is coming in to a really divided party, with a big character predecessor still hanging around, I think there've been a few things which suggested his slightly quieter approach actually can pay off."
"Tories are the party of the one percent and they will always do the bidding of the one percent."
"I mean the Democratic party is the pro-war party right now and someone needs to disrupt that."
"What they really like about the Republican Party is... the culture war stuff."
"That's the modern-day Maga Republican party."
"There's nothing that Democrats can't do to lose power."
"The democratic party is like the republican party in that an issue is worth more to them unaddressed than addressed."
"The Democratic party's tent is larger than the Republican party's tent."
"If you're telling people that, you get expelled, suspended from one of the two major parties in a two-party system. That is a severe threat to democracy."
"We've got one party that's decided to go full-on white nationalism."
"The leadership of the Labour Party, basically everyone discussing this, which is by saying this is the most shameful day in Labour Party history ever, you ignore all of the people with Iraqi heritage."
"One of the struggles that you are gonna be seeing in the Democratic Party is whether we go beyond identity politics."
"This is who they are. This is what has overtaken the leadership of the Republican Party."
"At least Labour is confronting the challenges we face, unlike the Conservatives."
"I hope we get a normal Republican party back in our lifetimes."
"How do we, as a country, deal with the fact that one of our two major political parties no longer believes in basic democratic norms?"
"I think this is going to lead to a very strong Republican majority."
"Nobody likes a loser, and Trump right now is kind of turning the Republican Party into a party of losers."
"Are we going to be the party of Donald Trump?"
"Not every Republican, not even the majority, are MAGA Republicans."
"I don't personally think that we're gonna see that with the current slate of Republicans that are serving right now."
"We're not going to want to do it, what can the Democrats do now to prevent what they don't want to happen from happening?"
"The war inside the Democratic Party is over, and the mainstream Left lost."
"Your party's influence on economic policy is crucial."
"Using the threat of a debt default as political leverage is exactly what we've been seeing back and forth between the Democrats and the Republicans." - Ronnie
"One Democrat sounding this alarm is Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey."
"The Democrat Party has invited anti-semitism into its ranks."
"The times you stand alone against your party... prove to yourself that you have what it takes."
"They're not gonna let Sanders take over the nomination... they'll go back to who to judge... but I just wanted to turn to our super chat."
"Either Boris Johnson will fall, or the Tory party will be kicked out."
"Your new Democratic Party is, in fact, the AOC Democratic Party." - Ben Shapiro
"Tell them what you think then they can never say that they didn't know."
"Black people know the deal when it comes to the Republican Party."
"So when did this evangelical protestant christian right decide that it wanted to care about abortion all of a sudden?"
"Nigerian Americans are active in schools, youth athletic programs, and parent-teacher associations due to their emphasis on family activities and education."
"It's hard and it's challenging... but it's a healthy thing for the Democratic Party to go through some reflection."
"It's not abandoning your principles to switch parties; I switched parties in pursuit of my principles."
"It's a disaster for the working class to have the party of the people center itself around affluence."
"We are the party of free speech, we're the party of free expression."
"I want to see a party that gets back to being a spokesman for fundamental decency."
"The Communists had drafted dissidents from each of these parties, heralded them as the party's legitimate representatives, and then sidelined the genuine party leaders."
"The current ruling party of India will retain power, they will be re-elected in 2024."
"He's been a boon to our country in that he's completely crushed the Republican party."
"I find out that it's my freedom caucus colleagues and my supposed friends that went and did that."
"It's time to rename the Republican party... it's Maga."
"I think this is the wide tent party I think it probably has been for a long time."
"I think the Tory party is the biggest machine in politics." - Steve
"The real problem is the entire Republican Party has lost a spine."
"We need to communicate the idea that the Democratic Party, including the Justice Democrats, are not your friends. They're not your allies. They're the allies of the establishment and their own careers."
"We need to get really serious about the fact that the Republicans have been irrevocably broken since the 1960s."
"Boris Johnson is a known liar, and who's already fooled the DUP and then betrayed them several times."
"Democrats have some real accomplishments that they can now show for and talk about."
"The important thing here about the rhetoric from Cruz and other Republicans when they engage in it is simply to draw a line between what is is and is not acceptable in political conflict, right?"
"Under Biden and the radical Democrats, America has been mocked, derided, and brought to its knees perhaps like never before. But we are here tonight to declare that it does not have to be this way."
"Trump remains the most popular figure in the Republican party."
"It is utterly despicable that you have a political party in America, the Maga Republican party, that is treating terrorists insurrectionists like Heroes."
"The end point of the slippery slope is there, specifically because the principle being established by the Democratic party encompasses all of that."
"There's an existential crisis facing the Tory Party."
"The party will find itself running... problematic."
"This country needs somebody to fight for them I fought for Trump and I fought for Judge more he said we backed off the Republican establishment."
"Looking both ways on Brexit has harmed the Labour Party."
"Change is what they got, just not in the obvious two-party politics way."
"Senate Republicans now stand alone in their refusal to acknowledge what Russia did in the election."
"How would you like to be the Democrats and realize that Trump's popularity right now is the same as Biden's?"
"So part of the biggest problem for Democrats and here's where I think it's going to help and here's where I think they need to be aggressive on it is that you may have noticed that Joe Biden is not doing great with people age 29 and younger right?"
"Sometimes your biggest foes will be in your own party."
"When you are elected to office of either party but in this case of Democrats, you've got to wield the power you have on things you believe in and that you promised to deliver."
"You've got to wield the power you have on things you believe in and that you promised to deliver."
"The truth is the Republicans have gone down some weird anti-democratic rabbit hole."
"We're watching, Trump, and we're certainly hopeful that the Republicans wake up."
"The UK Conservative Party is being led by Communists."
"It's like a flashing light to me that's like, 'trap, Democrats, trap! Do not go down the rabbit hole of Donald Trump's document retention policy problems.'"
"I cannot stand the Democrat party and what they've become."
"A Trump-DeSantis ticket would be so interesting for Republicans."
"The entire Democratic Party has decided that the only reason they exist is to pander to the political geniuses on Twitter."
"This is now the Democrat party which is protecting normalizing pedophiles and sex trafficking."
"Action will be taken. I'm having a serious conversation with Congressman Steve King on his future and role in this Republican Party."
"It's much more likely that the party is going to go in the national conservative direction."
"Joe Biden is the leader of the Democratic Party. It's on him to corral the narrowest of congressional majorities."
"A sitting president of the United States worried about the Democratic operatives."
"The Republican party will be remade from this chamber of commerce corporate party to a grassroots people-based party."
"He is popular enough within the party that it probably doesn't matter that he kind of has this reputation."
"The Democrats are the only party supporting our democracy."
"Once a party embraces hate, it is very difficult to unwind that."
"If Donald Trump has given the Republican Party a way forward, who am I to resist?"
"The majority of Democrats left right and center want electability over any form of accountability within the party."
"The fact that he is facing zero consequences from the Republican Party tells you everything you need to know about them."
"Washington cautioned the nation against the formation of political parties."
"The Republican party is no longer conservative at all. They're maga, they're trumpists, they're Maga Republicans like Donald Trump."
"House Republicans are in disarray and once again they may be on the verge of kicking a Republican speaker out of that position."
"For some reason they cannot bear to see Republicans governing within the rules."
"The Republicans are weak... the Democrats are just more honest."
"It's about the authoritarian direction of the Republican Party."
"Republican leaders want to replace Cheney with Stefanik."
"We need someone whose first instinct is to back Liz Cheney, attack America First Republicans on the campaign Trail, and suggest that Donald Trump's path is one of resignation rather than resurgence." - Matt Gates
"I'm glad they're getting rid of Lynn Cheney. I wish they would get rid of all of the Republicans... have just one left."
"In totality prime minister Narendra modi's decision to deny 100 MPS the BJP ticket in 2024 is a major Scoop from my side Michelle."
"It is Joe Biden who is in charge... and it is Democrats who have been pushing consistently insane policies."
"I'm not a Democrat because I love the donkey logo or I just think the Democrats a great team."
"The modern day Republican party is pretty much entirely committed to ethno-nationalism."
"The reason she takes that step is because of the rage that is directed at her from liberals and from the democratic party."
"Trump is not starting a new party. He never was. The whole notion of Trump starting a patriot or MAGA party, this was essentially a divide and conquer strategy by the media and the left."
"The Democrats passed a bill months ago and Republicans refused to negotiate throughout the entire summer."
"The Republican Party is moving in the direction of pulling out of future presidential debates."
"Republicans are falling for it again, they're going right along with it. With Republicans like this, who needs Democrats?"
"It is shameful, it is my party that is leading these efforts to disenfranchise American citizens from casting their ballots."
"Vivek probably did himself the most favors by just being in person that appeals to the section of the party that likes insane people."
"Words do matter, my goodness! The Scottish National Party sounds very progressive, doesn't it?"
"You mustn't forget that the Tories are the party of remain. They always were the party of remain."
"He would definitely cost the Republicans the election and that would be fantastic."
"The new Republican party is not the party of Mitch McConnell, it is the party of We the People."
"Who the hell are they anyway to say one person is or is not good enough to be in their party? It isn't your party. If it was your party, Donald Trump would not have won the nomination twice."
"Policy debates matter, but the Republican party seems to care very little about them."
"And now you see a unified Democratic Party and they are where the majority of the people are."
"It would have been worse if it was Republicans in charge."
"EPS becomes the general secretary and Undisputed leader of ADMK at this point in time."
"I'll tell you that if we have a Biden re-elected or a resumption of the Democratic Party, I would say that the dollar is dead."
"The party has become more divided every day."
"Joe Biden has an obligation to use his voice and tell his party to stop instead he's choosing the opposite."
"Do you truly think for one minute if the roles were reversed... the Democratic Party would be keeping these primaries going? I don't think so."
"The Democratic Party in Europe would be a far-right party... no daylight between them on all of the major issues."
"I struggled, built my own party, it's the only time a party has broken through a two-party system."
"A major wake-up call for the left, a Georgia Democrat tearing into her party's slide into extreme liberal policies."
"There's something wrong in a party where you have this much discontent with the candidate and nobody can figure out a way to vote or do anything that counts."
"Neither party knows who they are for anymore."
"You're basically seeing the destruction of the traditional Republican Party to a more insane party."
"The civil war in the Republican Party is going to be about."
"The NDP have turned their back on Canadian workers."
"The Democratic party in general has increasingly abandoned the working class in America."
"I think the big story is that socialism has migrated to the center of American politics and it's taken over one of the major political parties."
"Mitch McConnell believes it will make it easier to purge Trump from the party."
"Cancel the debt or we cancel you because the Democratic Party is playing with fire on this one."
"The actions of the Democratic Party in the middle of this pandemic show just how little they care about working Americans."
"It's chaos on Capitol Hill as Mega Republicans are refusing to fund the government."
"I think the London Labour Party are extremely complicit in that because that's what it appears to me to be: a facilitation of him at the core of a reselection and trigger process to ask me to take me down."
"The conservative movement is bigger than the conservative party."
"If you're a Republican and you want to remain in office today, you cannot say anything bad about Trump."
"Mayor switches from Democrat to Republican, citing party's leftward shift."
"If you're the Democrats, what you're thinking is let's Elevate this issue either we get Trump in which case we take him off the board, or we don't get Trump in which case Trump is elevated against his possible Republican opponents."
"It's not just on the word of Trump, it's on the word of the entire GOP."
"Republicans are the arsonist not the firefighters."
"You have people moving to the right, you have people moving further and further to the right."
"Nothing could be more ill-judged than the intolerant spirit which is at times characterized political parties."
"Trump's approval ratings stronger than ever, way to go Democrats."