
Government Support Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"Our government is here for you, and your fellow Canadians are here for you too."
"The Jamaica Labour Party government has delivered 1,452 vehicles to the police."
"Too many people in the nation have already suffered for too long through this pandemic and economic crisis, and telling them we don't have the money to alleviate their suffering... is neither true nor necessary. We do have the resources to get to full employment sooner. We do have the tools to reduce a lot of suffering in this country. We just have to choose to use them."
"We have to ride this out. What are government funds for? They're for riding us out through common crises, better this than war."
"We are in this together and that's why our government is stepping up to help all employers keep their employees."
"Google is asking that the US government step in and assist in funding the open source projects that have become critical to so many companies."
"Our money is backed by... the strength of the U.S. government."
"We will not pull the rug out; for the duration of the pandemic, the government will continue to do whatever it takes to protect jobs and livelihoods across the UK."
"This pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for our country, and we're going to make sure that all of our supports, including the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and Employment Insurance, are working effectively to get Canadians back on their feet." - Prime Minister Trudeau
"For the first time in our history, the government is going to step in and help to pay people's wages."
"The stimulus packages were not a handout, they were a high-interest loan that we are paying back."
"Furthermore, we want Social Security beneficiaries to know that if they are typically not required to file a tax return, they don't have to file one in order to receive the direct cash payments that will soon be distributed to American citizens."
"I pretty much eat sleep and drink stimulus checks."
"We'll get through this using the full weight of the federal government and the full strength of the American economy."
"We're speeding urgent economic relief to the American worker and families."
"My message to those young people is: you have the full capacity and power of the federal government. Your government is going to work with you."
"Move with your family, you can move your dependence and the government is going to support your relocation."
"New waves of money are going to be coming out."
"We're strengthening the supply chain and healthcare workers around America can be absolutely certain that the president and our entire team are going to continue to put the health of America first."
"The full power of the federal government is there to support [the New York metropolitan area] in its battle against the outbreak."
"If you're a peaceful citizen who wants to run your business, you can rest assured they will do nothing for you."
"The federal government has the capacity to help open up opportunity and create ladders of opportunity and create frameworks where the American people can succeed because if all Americans are getting opportunity we're all gonna be better off."
"Should we create a government program to take care of veterans? That's where you get the VA."
"That 40 billion aid package for Ukraine passing Congress and going to President Biden to sign."
"If cities need help, they need assistance, if they need resources and capabilities beyond their reach, all they have to do is call law enforcement, the federal government, and we will be there."
"Rehabilitated citizens with a criminal record can apply for federal government jobs and affordable housing."
"President Joe Biden supports possibly making this $3000 to $3600 child income tax credit permanent."
"My administration will never stop fighting for Americans of faith."
"There is a lot of support going on for these monthly stimulus checks to be included in this next package."
"I'm going to go over the incredible deal provisions which are in the second stimulus package which are really good news."
"If you think monthly stimulus checks can't happen, it's already happening."
"The CARES Act will provide money directly to Hawaii residents. Individuals may receive up to $1,200 plus $500 per child under 17, along with increased unemployment benefits of up to $600 per week for up to four months."
"U.S. chip CEOs want Biden to fund domestic production."
"State-funded and state-run Olympic organizations." - Influence of government support.
"Government funding crucial for fusion research, contact representatives for support."
"Hope did exist that with government assistance Ansett could return to the sky."
"Recent financial support and new measures from both the U.S. government and the EU have contributed a lot to boosting various perovskite cell enterprises and helped them evolve past their pilot phases."
"I think the most important thing here is that NIO is backed by the Chinese government."
"I believe part of the federal government's role is to come into places like the south and support working families when they're being discriminated against and hurt."
"Finally, and this is the really critical part, and the part that will guarantee none of this will happen, the federal government needs to pay people to stay home."
"The vice president was here she was pumped the entire time. She is very bullish on our space program and on this particular program of going back to the moon and going to Mars."
"There's a special cruelty of forcing a child or anyone to carry a baby and then not be there for them as the government in support and in programs and in aid and in counseling and in other programs necessary."
"Small business technology transfer program is your golden ticket... powered by the US small business administration."
"The stimulus checks need to go out every month until we get through this."
"The president has confidence in Gina Haspel to lead the CIA and wants to see her do exactly that."
"Tying recurring direct cash payments and federal unemployment benefits to the country's economic conditions not only makes sense but it also shows the American people that their government is prepared to help them."
"You can stay home forever until there's a vaccine and the government will pay you, which seems to me mostly political and having nothing to do with actual reality."
"We are showing that government can be on your side."
"The government is taking significant action supporting every family with 900 pounds this winter."
"To support the reopening of America's schools we provided 13 billion dollars in elementary and secondary schools."
"The left always wins when people think they need a government on their side."
"California's hybrid and zero emission truck and bus voucher incentive project offers purchasers up to $120,000 per electric truck."
"So yeah, so I hope there will be a government-sponsored initiative to really support the exploration space."
"Government wallet will fill in the gaps and ensure access for all."
"Access to Federal-backed money helped lift the middle class."
"You support your country a hundred percent of the time and your government when it deserves it."
"We're working with governors to make sure that healthcare providers have the protection to keep themselves and their families safe."
"The government is just giving away 50 grand to each business that had to close down and this taxi driver was like, 'That's insane, isn't it?'"
"They need more than a bailout, they need airports busy again, they need air travel, they need the economy to open back up."
"We've provided vast amounts of protective equipment and testing supplies."
"Your country loves you, your country values you, and we will invest in you."
"Large stimulus support which Janet Yellen is already in favor of."
"We're going to continue to bring the full resources of the federal government and enlist the full resources of American industry to keep the American people safe."
"Every pound donated will be matched by the government up to the value of 20 million pounds."
"Just last week the State Department already said we have given more in terms of money and equipment to Ukraine than any other country ever."
"Japanese government sends individuals quarantining at home free care packages. Shown is for one person, me in Tokyo."
"Government-funded transition plans through the city of Dallas guiding them through this."
"Minneapolis to Duluth should happen pretty soon since the state is very supportive of it."
"We've rebuilt our military, we restored the arsenal of democracy, and we are finally giving our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard the support they deserve."
"MIT Romney just suggested sending a check to every American."
"He is the first man in a position of power who is committed to giving the power back to the people and helping those who need a helping hand with the government the most."
"Elon Musk's empire would not exist without literally billions of dollars in government subsidies over multiple administrations."
"Doesn't that sound pretty good? And we may even get to see not just a fourth stimulus check but even a fifth, sixth, and so on after that."
"President Biden has signed the latest aid package for Ukraine, providing a massive $40 billion in military and humanitarian aid."
"I love China's one-party state because of what it's done."
"We have to ensure that the relief that is handed down to families and communities across this country is sufficient."
"The Biden administration absolutely supports the Housing First approach. They feel that in a society as ours that housing should be a right and not a privilege."
"We sit here screaming in this country that we pay blood sweat tears tax dollars everything to support we need help."
"Those in support of Housing First believe that more resources and support from the government are needed to truly end the crisis once and for all."
"Devolution deal providing a package of support to the Northeast region."
"That's why we need strong unions, that's why we need a government that will provide for those kids that are born into a family that doesn't have those lucky breaks."
"We will help Chicago, we'll help New York if they request after request to help."
"The Space Force absolutely has the full support of the Biden administration."
"I think the government should pay for this... there's no better way to correct the economy and save lives."
"Now this ninth set of stimulus check payments includes nearly one million more stimulus checks."
"American taxpayers are financing more than just weapons. We discovered the US government's buying seeds and fertilizer for Ukrainian farmers and covering the salaries of Ukraine's First Responders." - 60 Minutes report
"Benefit number two: Free VA health care and prescription medications... it's completely free with a VA disability rating of at least 50 percent."
"Never in our history has the government put its arms around people in the way that we are doing now."
"I support improving America's aging roads, bridges, ports, and other infrastructure."
"It is packed with targeted policies that help struggling Americans who have already waited entirely too long."
"Workers are getting support today because of Bill C2."
"Government is actually an ally and a supporter of the investment thesis."
"The government of Canada, through the Canada Music Fund administered by Factor and Musicaction, is proud to support Canadian artists."
"The president announced he's dedicating one billion dollars in his new budget bill to fund that agency to ensure your benefits and payments get out on time."
"We have the backing of the US government and that feels like the market is much more stable."
"They received a staggering 29 trillion dollars in cash and loans."
"You can do what you want with your life but if you don't do well you can't go to the government and get them to be get some help from your neighbor."
"The good news is that there really is money available from your state, cities, and counties. That money is available right now."
"Our government continues to be their responsible targeted supports for Canadians in need. This $500 one-time Top-Up to the Canada housing benefit will help those most vulnerable renters in these difficult times." - Ahmed Hussein
"Korean products just tend to be cheaper on the whole and there is also a lot of support from the Korean government for beauty brands to export their products."
"Your hope for stimulus checks remains very robust, your hope remains with the President. But this actually can be interpreted as good news as well."
"We can punish the people who need to be punished... but until we have an American government that provides substantially for the material needs and psychological needs of the American people, they will continue to be vulnerable."
"I'm ready to start sending out your stimulus checks."
"That's why the government needs to give people money during this time."
"We need to ensure people get the relief they need and are not left behind."
"President Biden has pledged to provide oxygen and other needed supplies to India."
"Breaking news: $2400 stimulus checks coming for all."
"Agriturismos are subsidized, part of a government effort to help small, family-run farms survive."
"I'm glad that through budget 2024 our government is committed to delivering $2.5 billion dollar to small businesses."
"We are putting the power of government to work for you."
"India has a long-term plan to build up the semiconductor business, backed by $10 billion from the government."
"We've enacted the largest financial relief package in American history. Through the Paycheck Protection Program, we saved 1 million Minnesota jobs."
"The government will pay up to nine thousand dollars for funeral expenses by the federal government."
"The president has dedicated over a billion dollars to SSI and SSDI the Social Security Administration to ensure you get checks on time going forward this is for stimulus fifth stimulus and your benefits checks."
"The government has outlined a stimulus package including payouts to people who lose their jobs during this period."
"Elon Musk's growing Empire is fueled by 4.9 billion dollars in U.S government subsidies."
"Child poverty was temporarily cut in half in this country because of the government support being offered to families."
"Japanese government sends free packs for quarantine."
"Chinese government has moved in to support EV makers over in China guys."
"I know I'm getting aid from the government, but I am only doing entertainment right now."
"We want new treatments and cures and that's going to take money and we need government to support us in that."
"We are going to capture sequester capture and sequester carbon we're going to need government help to do that but it's happening and it's easily scalable and so those two things are great and they will get us to where we need to go but it can't happen fast enough."
"Sweden and Scandinavia is a little bit in the forefront because we had really good support from the government."
"Astrology originally was actually state supported and state funded."
"The British public, for the most part, was behind their government's actions as well."
"The actions that this government is taking are ensuring that fully half of most families' energy bills are being supported by this government."
"The Social Security is a big decision. It's the only stream of income that you're going to get for the rest of your life that's guaranteed, has a COLA increase, and is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government."
"Small businesses drive our economy and we support them to thrive using levers across this government."
"We're not going to win the race of our lives without huge government backing."
"It's like a lot of countries have put government funding into the arts industries."
"If research and development isn't supported by the government in the United States and instead it's charged by the government, the likelihood these innovations happen here goes to zero."
"There's a new spirit of enterprise in Britain, and this government is backing it."
"Not just with positive thinking and a can-do attitude, important though they are, but with the help and encouragement of a government and a cabinet that is bursting with ideas, ready to create change."
"We were asked by the Sierra Leone government to lead or to support them in their response; we mobilized a hospital ship, we mobilized military on the ground to build hospitals and diagnosis and treatment centers."
"The government will do everything it possibly can to help the local community and those affected."
"We are providing extra funding for police forces."
"By just opening an RESP account for a young person's education, if you just add money in, you're going to get more money from the government that you didn't have before."
"The pandemic may have appended lives and livelihoods, but you have remained steadfast not just in the fulfillment of duty but also in assisting the government in fighting this insidious unseen war."
"Government funding to support innovation and entrepreneurship really does make a difference."
"We are there to help the nation but we need the support of the government."
"...the government will pay what would have been your child support so that the mother is getting money, the child is getting money, the child is getting fed, school is taken care of..."
"Instead of you paying like the full tuition... you got a lot of credit off of it because this was absorbed by the provincial government."
"Britain is now the center for electric vehicles, that's come because of government support."
"Canadian government takes a deliberate effort to offer these services to all immigrating newcomers for free."
"Hogwarts tuition is free, and the Ministry of Magic covers the cost of all magical education."
"The country is on the cusp of a deep recession, and automakers are taking government bailouts due to plummeting car and truck sales."
"How is it possible that such a beautiful place is so special for Honduras and the world and there is no government support from other institutions and very little. They have not forgotten."
"We are providing extensive financial support to help everyone with our energy bills."
"It's easier for Fins and Danes to shape their lives because the government supports so many of their basic needs."
"We've been guaranteed support by the government in terms of the assistance for persons who need to go overseas."
"Different governments offer different subsidies for EV charging stations."
"I think it's kind of a good idea if governments can subsidize those elderly to do gardening because first thing, it is very eco-friendly for our environment."
"They're called children in care, nearly 60,000 kids in Canada who need help from the government for shelter and security."
"Our government will never stop fighting to protect and support your rights and freedoms."
"We have seen more new and small businesses being created under this coalition government than has been the case since records began."
"It's another form of stimulus, another form of the government supporting you guys."
"We're going to be able to invest more now with the federal government assisting us."
"We will continue doing whatever it takes to support the British people and businesses through this moment of crisis."
"Only 4% of Canada's housing stock is social housing dwellings that are supported in whole or in part by government funding."
"The shortcomings of these development paths... it's really inefficient for business because why would you improve your business if even when you fail the government gives you money."
"I would make policy that all governments would pay for infertility services so that this is a universal benefit for all of humanity."
"It is significant and appropriate that the first scheduled air service over a major ocean route extending one-third of the way around the world is being started under the auspices of the American government by an American company."
"We put extra money in for school places; we're seeing improvements in school standards."
"The Dubai Business Associates program is an amazing program because the government is paying you to move to Dubai."
"The government of the United Kingdom has backed a 600 million Sterling loan to Jaguar Land Rover to make green vehicles."
"I never had to pay for school because the government took care of me. I trust the government."
"Certain types of music like ballet, opera, and symphony have received government funding."
"A Commonwealth Supported Place means that the Commonwealth will actually pay the majority of your tuition fees."
"All government support of higher education should be abolished."
"To wrap up this talk, although some people argue that my government is too generous with the assistance they offer to low-income families, I believe it's essential that they continue offering this type of support."
"We are cutting everyone's energy bills by an expected 1,400 pounds this year."
"We fully recognize that Canadians are facing tough times right now, which is why we are stepping up to support them directly."
"Baby delivery in Israel is free because the Government covers the hospital all expenses."
"We're a government that has been there to support some of the most vulnerable Canadians in this country to make sure we create this social safety net around Canadians."
"Mr. Speaker, Canadians are struggling right now with inflation caused by global crises, with interest rates, with disruptions in the global supply chains, and that's why we've stepped up to support Canadians."
"The stimulus checks and the Paycheck Protection Program have been tremendously successful in bringing much-needed relief to hard-hit American families."
"Our federal Liberal government understands that sometimes people need a hand up."
"Education is not only paid for by the government, there's a stipend for any student to cover basic living expenses."
"We have continually invested in programs and supports for Canadians."
"This includes a stimulus check of up to $6,000, student loan forgiveness, no rent and no mortgage payments, increased pay to frontline workers, and several other really important things."
"I think there should be like a stay-at-home mom income from the government."
"The UK government is possibly backing EVs, which is very cool."
"I support peaceful protest and a government allowing protest without causing any fear of loss of life or rights."