
Bernie Sanders Quotes

There are 275 quotes

"The first sign that socialism is on its way is that we're having this debate, that we have Bernie Sanders running and he has the name socialist and he doesn't give it up."
"Bernie has continued to be one of the biggest advocates for stimulus."
"When the bird landed on Bernie's podium... it was a dove sent from God because Bernie's here to save us."
"Bernie Sanders is working very fucking hard."
"Bernie's platform, his policies, everybody loves that. Bernie, you know, the way he's lived his life and the example he's set."
"Tell us the truth... Your taxes will go up, but your costs will go down. Thank you, Bernie."
"Bernie Sanders is exactly the same human being he was at 39 and at 78."
"The primary reason why we're talking about a $15 an hour minimum wage now is because Bernie was in the primary and lost. He pushed Hillary on it. I think he pushed a lot of other people on it too. I really firmly believe that, which is awesome. That's great."
"The movement of the era was, I'm sorry, the Bernie movement in 2016 that got rebooted in 2020."
"Bernie Sanders is the unlikeliest of candidates igniting a political revolution."
"Bernie got more amendments added to bills than any Senator in the last 20 years."
"The best way for Democrats to defeat Trump's fake anti-establishment populism is with the real thing coupled with an agenda of systemic reform, and this is what Bernie offers."
"Bernie Sanders' agenda, if it was implemented, would do more to redress and redistribute and even out an economic playing field."
"This is the worst do-nothing Senate in modern American history, and every member of this body should be deeply ashamed." - Bernie Sanders
"The only thing that's going to ever bring about any meaningful changes ongoing dedicated popular movements which don't pay attention to the election cycle."
"Bernie respects us enough to tell the truth."
"Bernie Sanders on the rise... his rivals are nervous."
"I think Bernie Sanders beats Donald Trump in Michigan Bernie Sanders beats Donald Trump in Wisconsin Bernie Sanders beats Donald Trump in Pennsylvania I think Bernie Sanders beats Donald Trump in Florida and Bernie Sanders is president on Friday."
"Bernie Sanders frankly he would have beat Donald Trump I think he would have killed Donald Trump I think that the exit polls and the data support that."
"I am here to tell you wholeheartedly that I believe that choice should be Senator Bernie Sanders."
"Bernie Sanders is building that movement and organizing people across this country."
"Bernie Sanders exemplifies what I think of when I think of progressives."
"There's a growing realization that Sanders could end up winning this thing or certainly that he stays in so long he damages the actual winner." - David Brock
"I think Bernie would have won if it was Obama."
"Bernie said that we needed to take environmental action immediately and with agency."
"Bernie excites people, he makes first-time and non-voters want to come out and vote for something."
"I feel like Bernie Sanders was made in a lab to go up against Donald Trump."
"Bernie's more honest than all the other ones."
"Infantry remain absolutely critical to the efficacy of militaries in the field."
"Bernie just brought out more young people in Iowa than Obama did in 2008."
"Bernie of all the candidates has more contributions from active duty service members."
"Bernie seemed to be the one talking about the urgency of now."
"Real change takes place from the taught and it doesn't take place from the top down. It comes from the bottom up." - Bernie Sanders
"Bernie Sanders, a Democratic frontrunner, is an open Democratic Socialist."
"Bernie Sanders is the front runner... I think Bernie wins pretty much everything."
"Bernie Sanders is the front runner... I think Bernie is not only the front-runner I think he is the presumptive Democratic nominee."
"Here's Bloomberg asking the most obvious question in human history and Bernie having no answer..."
"Relationships should be hard work is kind of the narrative."
"The truth is Bernie Sanders is on a trajectory to be the Democratic nominee."
"Bernie Sanders is on a trajectory to be the Democratic nominee."
"Bernie doesn't have a lot new to say but plays the hits."
"They hate Bernie Sanders... and no matter how well Bernie Sanders performs they're already cooking up narratives to spin it."
"The Democratic establishment decided...like a ton of bricks on Bernie Sanders."
"We are gonna win the Democratic nomination and we are going to defeat the most dangerous president in the history of this country." - Bernie Sanders
"We are taking on the corporate establishment, we are taking on the greed of Wall Street, the greed of the drug companies." - Bernie Sanders
"Bernie is the most popular office holder in the country."
"No one could really ignite the left like Bernie can right now."
"I'm a Democratic Socialist and I support Bernie Sanders for president very very strongly."
"Health care is a right, not a privilege, for every man, woman, and child in this country." - Bernie Sanders
"He's the Trump stopper... Bernie Sanders... that's who I want."
"People want to hear about how somebody's gonna fight for you... that's Bernie through and through."
"Bernie Sanders was a small mayor of a small town who rose as an independent congressperson and senator to eventually be the runner-up in the presidential election of the united states of america."
"Bernie Sanders is likely to be the Democratic nominee."
"Bernie Sanders has the upper hand in this race."
"It appears that Bernie Sanders has the upper hand in this race."
"Bernie Sanders is the most electable candidate in the race by far."
"Bernie Sanders presidency means no more compromise with the wealthy or powerful."
"There's a difference between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren."
"In Senator Bernard Sanders, we have, in the words of Dr. Cornel West, 'a long-distance runner for justice.'"
"Integrity, honesty, and decency in the country... Bernie Sanders exemplifies."
"Remember it was Bernie's relentless campaign in 2018 that contributed greatly to Amazon raising its minimum wage to 15 an hour."
"Bernie had always said that he would support the Democratic nominee."
"Bernie's funded by small donors, you know, and that's why he has the integrity that he has."
"Bernie Sanders is the likely shoo-in for the nomination."
"Bernie has been standing with the working class since day one."
"Bernie wants to make it more of a meritocracy give people an equal opportunity give people the basics don't burden them."
"People got interested in Bernie Sanders people got interested in politics for the first time because there was a guy who was actually talking about their problems in a real way."
"I believe with the failure of the Bernie Sanders campaign with even AOC starting to back away from far left progressive politicians we might be seeing the end the far left in this country as we know it."
"Bernie Sanders offered some sort of hope to people."
"I'm really impressed with Bernie Sanders because he's doing everything in his power right now to take down Donald Trump."
"I do not believe that any group... should be raising money from wealthy people... Bernie Sanders has raised contributions from more than 40 billionaires..."
"Does the United States government care about me? Are they only worried about their campaign contributions from wealthy individuals?" - Bernie Sanders
"I believe all Americans are entitled as human beings to healthcare, to quality education regardless of their income." - Bernie Sanders
"Bernie no matter what has the best plan for health care outcomes because he has the best plan on all those issues."
"Bernie has a whole history of fighting back against the regulation of banks."
"We need a Democratic Socialist, we need a fighter for the people, and we need to elect Bernie Sanders."
"He has the right policies so I'm I'm on Team Bernie 100%."
"I stay with Bernie Sanders is that had a gut feeling about what he stood for."
"The most popular candidate and political figure in the country is Bernie Sanders."
"Bernie Sanders said today that he is prepared to put a hold on the legislation to impose strong conditions on the 500 billion corporate welfare fund."
"We cannot allow a moral society to give tax breaks to billionaires and then cut back on the needs of struggling seniors or people with disabilities." - Bernie Sanders
"Bernie Sanders is right on the money about Wall Street banks running wild."
"Isn't that what Bernie said something about you know helping someone you don't know? That's what people do."
"Bernie and AOC did a good job of getting people to stop trusting politicians."
"Bernie Sanders is an enemy of African people."
"I think Trump's economic policies have been good for this country, and I fear Bernie Sanders' economic policies."
"I think I'll probably vote for Bernie. I think he's looking out for the interests of the working people."
"Bernie Sanders is of course imperfect but pretty damn near close to perfect in the grand scheme of things with respect to the time and place."
"Bernie has had an impact upon our state for decades."
"Bernie has by far the most multiracial coalition of any candidate."
"Bernie Sanders did move many people over to that position by agitating them and getting them angry with the way things are."
"The most important thing that Bernie's two campaigns did was to teach people everywhere that they're not alone."
"Bernie Sanders continues to fight for the American people."
"The most popular political figure in the United States by a considerable margin is Bernie Sanders."
"If Sanders had been able to win the nomination... frankly I don't know what would have happened."
"Bernie Sanders has a strong grassroots movement."
"Bernie Sanders has been crazily consistent on the issues. You know, agree with him, disagree with them, total record of consistency."
"Even if Bernie Sanders loses, is it time to throw in the towel then? No! The fight rages on and it will. It will rage. You know when it's over? Never. It's never [ __ ] over."
"There are very few people who... saw this race from start to finish the closest to Bernie's eyes you could have... because I was just with him so much."
"The truth is... the two candidates who... were most true to themselves... were Bernie Sanders and... Joe Biden..."
"If they go to the usual establishment, they're just gonna go down the drain, and the other side can be right that only Bernie can inspire the enthusiasm needed to win the nomination." - Andrew Clavin
"Bernie Sanders has put out the most bold innovative left and humane immigration plan."
"Bernie Sanders is gonna be way ahead at the end of the night."
"The enthusiasm on the Bernie side is great, powerful."
"Senator Sanders is exactly what this country needs today."
"When the rubber meets the road... Bernie Sanders is showing up."
"Health care is a human right, not a privilege." - Bernie Sanders
"What Trump is doing through his racism and xenophobia is demonizing a group of people, and as president, I will end that demonization." - Bernie Sanders
"Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is one of the biggest names in politics today."
"Bernie Sanders changed the energy in the party."
"Bernie Sanders is in favor of reparations just so long as reparations is never anything financial."
"Bernie Sanders would be an incredible president."
"Bernie Sanders is my guy. He's the only one who actually wants real universal health care for everybody."
"He's the only one who wants to actually take it to the military-industrial complex and break all that [ __ ] down."
"Bernie wants all working people to have what they need."
"Bernie is the only one of these candidates who will not back down from the Republicans or from Donald Trump."
"Bernie is already polling higher than most of our candidates here."
"I'm not a Bernie or buster. Allow me to defend Bernie or bust if I may. Sure, there's I think that accelerationism gets a lot of bad rap sometimes."
"And unlike in 2016 where we all knew that Bernie Sanders had one more good presidential run in him this time it's over for Sanders permanently."
"Bernie showing strong in Hispanic Nevada caucuses also presumably Bernie is rising in a lot of the minority polls"
"Bernie is a radical he truly is now that doesn't mean can't win I would say right now he has about a 40 percent shot of being President"
"Bernie is the guy who's gonna bring the party together you're insane yelling at all the other candidates from Bernie supporters"
"Sanders trying to change his image is a complete fail Sanders released an ad in which he says he is proud to be Jewish"
"But I think what Bernie Sanders did was very very special, not necessarily his bid for the presidency, but inspiring this left-leaning populism and so many people in this country and him destigmatizing the term socialism a little bit."
"We don't just stand with Bernie because he's best with the ideas."
"Welcome to the club, Bernie Sanders. I'm so glad that you've decided to come around to the free market perspective."
"It's just the billionaires now because Bernie Sanders, he's a millionaire."
"Bernie [Sanders] is the only candidate with a $20 billion hospital bailout plan." - Michael Brooks
"Bernie right now in this moment with the current level of black support that he has he would be very easy to beat in the general election."
"Bernie Sanders could be a very dangerous candidate in a general election because he does connect with people in a way that Biden, Buttigieg, and Warren simply do not."
"Bernie is a candidate who can do that, he has a movement."
"It's bigger than Bernie and like he says it's not him it's all of us."
"After Bernie absolutely kicked everyone else's ass in Nevada, most of the other candidates in the Democratic primary dropped out."
"You gotta give Bernie Sanders a lot of credit. He has a progressive base and there's a big part of this party."
"Bernie Sanders, you know who he is, you know what he stands for."
"If Bernie Sanders came in third or fourth in Iowa everyone would declare his candidacy dead."
"This isn't about defending your image you genuinely seem but I don't want to swing to yesterday on my voice message you generally seemed like God that you had that upset your fans and stuff so it's nice there."
"Bernie Sanders talking about Medicare for all."
"Here's what I really want to get to... the Machine is so insanely rigged against Bernie Sanders."
"Senator Bernie Sanders, if you care about justice, be it environmental, economic, political, racial, social, then Senator Bernie Sanders is your champion."
"The person who has been under the most sustained attack from a viciously right-wing press but managed to retain a large degree of popularity in the United States is Bernie Sanders."
"This is where our federal government should be making investments, with investments in raising opportunity." - Bernie Sanders
"Bernie Sanders believes that single-payer healthcare would have helped America weather the pandemic."
"Bernie totally outflanks Elizabeth Warren and is just Aeons better."
"If you really believe in getting Democratic priorities implemented, the priorities of the people implemented, if you believe in the agenda I just laid out, there is no option as Bernie Sanders."
"Bernie is Michael Jordan or LeBron James, Elizabeth Warren is Tracy McGrady."
"I think everybody knows millions of people are hurting, they are scared to death and as a government at the federal state and local levels we've got to do everything we can to protect our people." - Bernie Sanders
"Bernie is a person of his word, unlike the establishment."
"Bernie Sanders is the most trusted candidate when it comes to handling healthcare."
"Bernie Sanders proposes policies that will benefit everybody else after acknowledging the specific injustices black people face."
"Bernie Sanders has the highest favorability ratings in the country."
"Bernie Sanders was someone who... spoke to all of my interests... felt authentic and honest... making these same arguments... fighting the same fight for his entire life."
"Bernie Sanders doesn't just want to redistribute wealth, he wants to redistribute power."
"Bernie Sanders movement... got us more politically aware."
"Bernie Sanders has a very good chance of becoming the next president of the United States."
"Support Bernie [expletive] Sanders so you actually get Medicare for all and comprehensive coverage so your therapy is free, okay? That's number one."
"I think Bernie actually advantage that...because Bernie is very effective at speaking to a split in people."
"Bernie Sanders hit four million contributors, I would imagine that is an all-time record for any primary."
"The bottom line is that in America today, the people on top are doing phenomenally well. Billionaire class is making money head over heels." - Bernie Sanders
"We should not have millions and millions of children living in poverty and what this bill does is provides for universal pre-k." - Bernie Sanders
"Bernie Sanders hands down is what black people need to be looking toward in terms of a campaign that can make a material impact on our lives and the lives of our people."
"Bernie is surging and it's because he's the right person to lead in this moment."
"Bernie's America is the America we all deserve."
"Bernie's long and consistent track record as a champion of the multiracial, multi-generational working class is unflinching."
"The time is long overdue for him to tell us with specificity, not generalities, what he wants and what he does not want." - Bernie Sanders
"Yes, taxes will go up just like Bernie Sanders has said."
"What does that say about politics in this country? Well, I think it tells you exactly what Bernie Sanders discussed..."
"They'd rather sacrifice a term to Trump than have Bernie stand." - Discussion participant
"There's something very special about what Bernie Sanders has sparked."
"The Sanders movement is incredible; he really sparked something magical, powerful, beautiful."
"This is still Bernie's race to lose in New Hampshire."
"It's gonna be a Bernie Sanders file so that's who's good to be President of the United States in in 2021."
"Bernie Sanders may have lost the Democratic nomination for president, but he won the Democratic Party."
"Bernie Sanders would have inspired more Democratic votes."
"Bernie Sanders is going out there and he's openly proclaiming: 'Our brand sucks!'"
"The first days of a Sanders administration could be amazing."
"It really is a Bernie Sanders candidacy that is our best shot."
"Bernie is doing really well...and the media is lying about it and trying to suppress that reality."
"Yeah. But it's mostly one particular element of the left, right? You know, most of my friends are Bernie Sanders supporters excited to vote for him."
"Bernie was the strongest expression so far of the burning desires that working people have."
"Bernie Sanders... has shed a light on wealth inequality."
"Reflecting on our turbulent times, Senator Sanders takes on the billionaire class and speaks blunt truths about our country's failure to address the destructive nature of a system fueled by uncontrolled greed."
"Candidates like Bernie Sanders actually understand that the American people are overwhelmingly on our side."
"Bernie Sanders is for ending the drug war and legalizing marijuana."
"Bernie Sanders is still out there going ham."
"Bernie Sanders has been instrumental for seniors in this country."
"Bernie Sanders has won the highest favorability ratings of any politician."
"The Bernie Sanders agenda... is an absolute necessity."
"Bernie raised quite a bit of money for his political revolution."
"There's a reason why Bernie Sanders continues to be the most popular prominent Democrat."
"Tell us what you want... we're beyond generalities." - Bernie Sanders
"I'm tired of the generalities... let's negotiate." - Bernie Sanders
"We want a revolution. Let's act now." - Senator Bernie Sanders
"If you want to create an economy that works for all, not just the few, if you want to guarantee quality healthcare for all, not make a hundred billion in profit for the healthcare industry, you know what you need." - Senator Bernie Sanders
"If you want real transformational change that touches the overwhelming majority... Senator Bernie Sanders is your champion."
"Bernie took democratic socialism from a fringe of thousands and he showed that it has a mass appeal, the appeal of millions."
"Not me, us. That's Bernie's refrain. He knows he cannot do this alone."
"Bernie Sanders has been pretty consistent, Bernie Sanders is great."
"It's so crazy that people like Bernie Sanders... say we should trust big pharmaceutical companies because they only do good things and we should never question anything they do because they're our friends."
"Bernie Sanders is reaching non-voters. This is insanely important."