
Literary Device Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Nostalgia can be seen almost like a literary device, something that creators and producers especially use in order to hone in on an audience that is dissatisfied with the current state of the world."
"The brilliance of the Comstock daughter mystery trick you."
"Rowling has this way of like the villain for the books when she does the plot twist it's almost every time guaranteed to be the person that you would least suspect."
"Metaphors are so satisfying, especially if they hit and they're just right."
"The purpose of howlers of course being red letters that deliver a message expressing significant displeasure or anger in a manner which standard writing could not adequately convey."
"Wine Bar George is the only Master sommelier owned wine bar in the State of Florida."
"Subtext is the difference between what a character says and what a character means."
"Genre can be very helpful in that it provides you with a framework that's very like sturdy."
"Every chapter has a word that's unique to that chapter, not duplicated anywhere else."
"And of course there's the Fantastic foreshadowing as well."
"That's the best thing about the black heart."
"the Flames sawed in the wind and the Embers paled and deepened and paled and deepened like the blood beat of some living thing eviscerate upon the ground"
"Dragon sickness is an extremely clear plot device that allows for an exploration of themes of greed, obsession, and self-destruction."
"A deus ex machina, it's just a tool, it's part and parcel of quite often the comedies, the ancient Greek."
"Persona in poetry is a fictitious voice or character created by an author to be the speaker of a literary work."
"The epistolary form is a very charming narrative device."
"Anti-heroes are a popular literary device that highlight how all humans have flaws."
"Foreshadowing foreshadowing everywhere."
"Foreshadowing is quite simply something that happens in a story which sets up, which hints at something which is going to happen later."
"Foreshadowing is the kind of thing that you only know after when you look back on it and say, 'Ah, so that's what foreshadowing was.'"
"The last line of the novel is an incomplete sentence that links the reader right back to the opening."
"Much like a Foil character mimics tinfoil used by jewelers to emphasize the shine of a gemstone with their differences, a Mirror Character reflects a character's traits to highlight the similarities."
"I'm going from the Hem to the Hem, I'm including the Hem right in it."
"We're going to actually do a literary device called a flashback."
"Anger lifted in her chest like an October storm, with wind like the lick of a whip, crackling with the promise of thunder."
"Foreshadowing is when you drop a clue about something that's going to happen next."
"As a storytelling device, it was brilliant."
"The poet used the image of a drifting boat as a metaphor for the troubled soul."
"In films and theater there's something called Chekhov's gun."
"Foreshadowing is a literary device."
"Some fears are eternal, but within them lie a hundred titles whispered in the secret places of every era."
"She taps into nature and uses it as a device in her poetry and also as a secondary character, which is particularly interesting to read."
"You know I can do alliterations all day."
"It's not a real train, it's a story device. Literally a literal literary device."
"The sonnet uses the iambic pentameter."
"Imagery really is anything that stands out, any unusual words or phrases, anything that really puts that image, that picture in your mind."
"A little foreshadowing, I call that foreshadowing."
"Repetition is used in Genesis to stress the importance or certainty of events."
"The Necronomicon, therefore, was in essence shared between authors, each writer using the book as a plot device to further spin new tales and establish new characters and ideas."
"Irony is when the outcome is the opposite of what's expected."
"Connotation is the meaning or feeling of a word beyond its dictionary definition."
"Juxtaposition is when you have two elements that are close to each other, often contrasted."
"Satire is mocking something in order to inspire change."
"...this constant use of oxymoron to show this contradictory state of affairs."
"Chekhov's gun... it's where you put a gun on the table in the first act of a play."
"This is a trope that I personally love, and I know a lot of you guys also love."
"It was indeed irony to the finest level."
"This is called foreshadowing, guys."
"Hyperbole is that extreme exaggeration."
"Dickens employs the supernatural to directly confront Scrooge with the consequences of his actions and attitudes."