
Procreation Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Society is about continuity, and continuity is about babies."
"The purpose of sex is to procreate, of course, but also the two becoming one."
"Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the Earth, subdue it, and have dominion."
"The only purpose for the government getting involved in marriage is the procreation of the next generation and the raising of that generation."
"Every young man and woman who can do it must take the responsibility to bring life into the world, to create the world anew."
"We replaced procreation with addictions, so no interest in the future and no tools to reshape the future because we're all children until age 30-35."
"We're losing the ability to procreate as a species, and on our current trajectory, we've got about seventy years left of human life on Earth."
"The adventure of their life is to bring someone into the world who would be a net force for good rather than evil."
"For the first time in history, people are questioning if it's even morally okay to have children."
"I really believe anyone who is thinking of having a child in this world is coldly considering an act of cruelty."
"The quality of life and well-being of children ought to be the most important thing in deciding to procreate, especially in a world that is looking more and more precarious for children and the future."
"Men know deep down, you must create, if you don't create, you're not going to procreate, period."
"Men and women were put on this planet to procreate. It's an evolutionary adaptation."
"Enough with teaching people to pretend that sex is only for procreation."
"Things that don't grow die. No babies, no Humanity."
"If you are a relatively intelligent person that has good morals that wants to see good happen in the world that you actually have an obligation to have children."
"We have to do it for our posterity. We have to have children right now."
"This whole idea that the world is overpopulated that we shouldn't be making more babies is so wrong on so many different levels and it really is a lie."
"People love life... they love to see life created."
"Sex is something that happens within marriage so that people can be blessed with children on God for the greater worship of God."
"There's nothing more worthwhile for people to do than have children."
"Every child that we are merit to bring into the world is another link in the chain."
"When a man and a woman come together and produce life..."
"Why are we giving money to babies? I haven't gotten my money yet. You're supposed to go procreate. Why, why, why are we encouraging people to procreate? I just, I just want doughnuts."
"The coolest thing to me is... we can make another life."
"It's not personal, baby girl. Biological need to spread the seeds of your ancestors."
"To procreate is to gamble with another person's suffering."
"Angels were never created to procreate."
"The purpose of humans is to procreate, to make the world a better place. Even if you cannot have children, it is our place to touch that next generation, raise that next generation."
"We need y'all to get together and make some babies."
"Procreation is not just about having children, it's about bearing, raising, training them for the glory and honor of God."
"When you think about you bringing life into the world, that's two individuals who come together giving your body to each other then created life and given life."
"I think that's probably the worst thing you can do actually is to refuse to procreate... Most people who say they don't want to have children because of the climate, that's not actually the reason."
"Your whole relationship is ordered towards life."
"We procreate with those intellectuals and have those kids to make the world go around."
"The purpose of the person's life is to have kids, because that's what we're wired to. That is the purpose in life, that is how you [ __ ] change it."
"If you're not making babies, it can regenerate your soul."
"Marriage is the principle which makes legal procreation and what could be more important than the procreation of the human race?"
"Why are you here on earth? To procreate, exactly."
"We can go on procreating until well into our 70s."
"You can transmute sex into virtue or vice. One of God's greatest gifts to mankind is the power to procreate a human being."
"The central fact about being heterosexual is that if you can find someone who interests you, you can make your own babies."
"Anti-natalism is a philosophical position that argues against procreation, asserting that it is morally wrong or undesirable to bring new sentient beings into existence."
"Gender doesn't actually mean anything if you take away procreation, if you take away mothering and fathering children."
"You know your job on that ship isn't to survive that hundred years, right? Your job is to procreate and make sure the next generation survives to get there."
"Procreation is one of the basic civil rights of man."
"You have an obligation to the entire human species to assist its continuation into the next generation."
"Sex is always possible for procreation. If sex is only for procreation, then it seems that eating should only be for nutrition."
"...perhaps having children to make my species prosper would be the correct path for me."
"The power of procreation is not an incidental part of the plan. It is the plan of happiness. It is the key to happiness."
"The new teaching is that marriage has two purposes, first celebrating parental love and then procreation."
"Increase, multiply, and fill the whole Earth." This was the law given to the human race.
"The exhaustive activity of sex should only be used for the procreation of children."
"...I feel like that's our purpose we're here to procreate we're here to give life."
"The amount of people over the years who had to procreate for you to end up existing is truly dizzying."
"Increase and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it."
"The primary purpose of marriage, you know, the increasing and multiplying, not merely giving physical life but also the life of the soul."
"Love yourself so much and have babies with the overflow of your love."
"Men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them."
"Every living thing on this planet has one thing to do in its lifetime: procreate."
"When a Man Loves a Woman, how she was born to be loved, procreation is the best blessing you can receive."
"Humanity continues because people are getting pregnant and having babies."
"...life won't go on unless we do have kids. It may not be sufficient, but it's indisputably necessary..."
"Sex desire was planted in us in order to be sure that bodies would be begotten to house the spirits."
"God bade us for to wax and multiply; that gentle text can I well understand."
"Men may divine and glosen, up and down, but well I wot, express without a lie, God bade us for to wax and multiply."
"There's this natural inclination to pass your genes on as a human being."
"Our actual duty is to be here and procreate and make the world a better place."
"People wouldn't exist if you didn't make love. That's how babies are made."
"The power of procreation is spiritually significant; misuse of this power subverts the purposes of the Father's plan."
"God made them male and female, and the first work that he gave them was to be fruitful and multiply."
"The thyrsus does not signify male sexuality or masculinity per se, but the exuberant animating force that makes arousal and procreation possible."
"Life should be brought into the world."
"Multiply and replenish the earth that you may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity."
"Be fruitful and multiply on the face of the earth."
"Sex addiction differs from other addictions partly because it's a biologically driven urge; we are designed to procreate."
"Love is just like the biological nature gas that makes it so people can keep making people."
"God's command to be fruitful and multiply is part of the broader blessing He bestows upon humanity."
"Marriage is beyond sex; it's for establishing future generations."
"The reason sex feels good is to make you want to procreate."
"Be fruitful and multiply; that's the blessing of marriage."
"Sex is designed for lifelong love between two people and it is designed to be life-giving."
"Be fruitful and multiply, that's what I'm saying."
"Vampires cannot procreate, but werewolves can."
"The spouse's union achieves the twofold end of marriage: the good of the spouses themselves and the transmission of life."
"Sexuality is ordered towards two things: it's ordered towards unity, the good of the spouses, the unity that happens, as well as procreation."
"The covenant of marriage... was the heavenly institution which God provided under which his mortal children on earth were to reproduce themselves."
"The supreme gift of marriage is a human person."
"Humans generally want to find relationships and want to procreate and find monogamy."
"The female decides what are the favorable conditions for procreation, not the males."
"Children are a blessing from the Lord; be fruitful, multiply, fill the Earth."
"It's what propels us into finding partners and then mating in order to have more humans."
"The first commandment known to man is to live fruitful and to multiply."
"We can't continue to procreate if we don't continue to be creative in our relationships."