
Outcome Independence Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Everything will all work out, and you can have confidence it'll all work out no matter what the result is."
"I firmly believe if you have the right learning process in place, the results will take care of themselves."
"You never want to tie your ego to the outcome. You just have to respect yourself for who you are and what you do."
"The more you let go of the outcome, the more you actually allow the magical things to come into your life."
"I am based performance-wise, not outcome-wise."
"The joy of life is in the process, not just the outcome."
"Justice in the worldly sense has to do with outcome, but for God, justice has nothing to do with outcome."
"A true Alpha Man genuinely gives zero [__] about the outcome."
"We're ready to go I think no matter what happens at this point whether I win or lose."
"No experience is in itself a cause of our success or failure."
"Detachment is giving it your all and not worrying about the consequence."
"My goal was to execute my goal was to execute the inputs and let the outputs take care of themselves."
"Result is irrelevant when the effort was there."
"Become obsessed with the process, not the outcome."
"Let the outcome be a bonus of you adhering to the process."
"Follow your passion as best you can, no insistence, no assumption of the outcome."
"Follow your passion to the best you can, no assumption, no insistence on the outcome."
"If you go out with the intention to be the best that you can be, then you're going to have the best returns regardless of the outcome."
"You cannot be tied to an outcome when you're sticking up for yourself."
"Regardless of the outcome, I enjoyed this game."
"Concentrate on the process and what you're doing not the outcome."
"It's not determined on the outcome, it's our belief that it will actually happen."
"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. I'm just here to do the work, I can't control the results."
"Follow what's interesting, don't worry about the outcome."
"Letting go of the outcome actually signals abundance."
"Just controlling your output, just doing the work every day then the outcome doesn't matter as much."
"Embracing the things that I know I enjoy doing regardless of how they turn out."
"Usually it's better when you don't care about results, usually the result is good."
"You cannot use the success or the failure of it to dictate what you're going to do next."
"The performance sets the tone, not the outcome."
"I'm happy regardless of the result. I'm happy whatever."
"Work on self, regardless of the outcome."
"True giving is just giving, not worrying about the outcome."
"You are doing the work for the sake of doing the work, to enjoy the process. You are not doing the work to get the result."
"Detachment is key; don't obsess over results."
"We need to give ourselves permission to just have fun and relax, and don't worry about the outcome, and don't worry about what you're doing with it."
"Try not to worry too much about the outcome and instead just allow yourself to really be present in the moment."
"I'd rather see people focusing more on the process when they start versus the outcome."
"Giving to get versus giving with no concern of an outcome."
"Life is really different when you're able to release outcomes."
"The right play is the right play regardless of outcome."
"If you follow the process, the outcome is going to take care of itself anyway."
"It's all about the process, not the outcome."
"You become lethal when you don't give a [__] about what the outcome is."
"The secret is to act well without attachment to the outcome."
"True freedom from outcome is being able to step into the tension and then step out when you want."
"Focus on the decision, not the results."
"Let go of any emotional attachment to the outcome; this is just a test to see what's working and what's not."
"Go after that dream in your heart, give it everything you've got, and don't concern yourself about the outcome."
"No expectation of outcome, just total trust in God."
"The moment that you start deriving your enjoyment from the process of work, you become impervious to outcomes."
"It truly helped me to for the first time in my life not to attach to an outcome."
"You are learning to detach from the outcome."
"The outcome of a decision does not determine whether it's a good decision."
"Freedom from outcome means not caring about the results of the interaction so much, not being attached to it."
"Just approach the whole practice with a sense of play, a sense of lightheartedness, not worrying about the outcome."