
Relationship End Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Edwin, I'm breaking up with you. Are you seriously dancing right now? This is a break-up, Edwin."
"Lynn pretended to be happy, although deep down he felt a sense of sadness knowing that this meant the end of his time with his beloved wife."
"Dan ended up moving out... and she felt like she was trying everything."
"You can't be harder on me than I've been on me you can't want to tell me about me more than I want to tell me about me."
"I divorced a whole man because he was a Trump supporter."
"I don't need you no more. You don't say, I'm good."
"She's acting like a stalker ex, she doesn't want to accept that it's over, it's that 'it's mine or no one else's' mentality."
"You've slept with another guy while I was taking care of our daughter. And I don't wanna have anything to do with you anymore. Period."
"We are toxic to each other, and we have to let each other go."
"There's no longing to have him back she murdered him."
"She was completely done with their marriage... she's laying the groundwork to leave him."
"Your happiness does not end here, it begins with the end of this relationship or situation."
"Life seemed to go on perfectly fine without Angel."
"Most of them have been nice yes there is there is such thing as nice breakup."
"I think there's a very clear point when you know the relationship is over, and that is when both people involved stop putting work into their relationship."
"I feel like I was in a marriage with a man for 24 years and I find out now he's cheating on me."
"There's no future with this person, it's time to start over."
"Even when people fall out of that passionate love, breakups are still often really, really hard for them."
"Please move on" - a plea for closure in a public forum.
"When trust and respect are lost in a relationship, then the relationship ceases to exist."
"Silence towards you was me building up my strength to leave you. I'm done, we're done."
"Dan realized his marriage was truly over. He went to war."
"Give him the closure that he needs so he can move on."
"You no longer have the permission to stay with me. I know you've been saying that we're friends, but we're not. You can no longer be here with me."
"I know I need to leave. I know I have to take action to leave this person behind."
"I just feel tired at this point... I know I deserve better and I am sorry but this is not going to work anymore and it's over."
"I got a call from her, and she said she didn't want to be in a relationship anymore."
"Improve yourself and your skills after a relationship ends so you can grow into the fullness of what you are capable of becoming."
"We're done, it's over, it's done. Last but not least, I need to dig a very long tunnel."
"I feel absolutely awful, 20 years down the drain."
"I want to thank you for taking us out today was beautiful and really appreciate you taking the time to show us around this beautiful area of Vermont that you have."
"I'm honestly glad I'm out of that relationship now though it was toxic and draining."
"You met kids naked, and she thought you were a fun guy, being with you killed her harder than the fungi."
"Sorry, darling. World's not ending today. I think we should see other people."
"Relationships are happily ever after, but they don't end that way."
"How do you move on when everything goes wrong? I'm trying to find a way to get you out my head."
"You can't leave someone who has already left emotionally."
"He dumped her at the altar, then broke her heart."
"And it became clear to me in early 2019 that it was over."
"I finally did it too, I told Stan I wanted a divorce."
"If you ever had me like you 100 had me and you somehow managed to lose me disrespectfully, enjoy your L providing."
"If this chick came to me looking for money out of Villa Hale, no one girl hit me up that I knew personally - we don't talk anymore."
"I am done listening to your accusations and whining. I am leaving."
"When that happened, all the love was gone at that point."
"Give yourself time to heal and grieve this relationship."
"Relationships built on fakeness will die anyway."
"This has made me realize that I'm actually not in love with my boyfriend anymore."
"I miss her, but I can't say that I blame her for leaving. I mean, wouldn't you?"
"It's like you've cut them off, and you don't care. You've lost so much interest in this person."
"Teresa and I had a number of heart-to-heart conversations and we came to the conclusion mutually that it's probably time for us to dissolve our marriage."
"She's not in my apartment, she left my apartment on Saturday at the time that I said she left my apartment on Saturday."
"He was officially done with Chris after being served divorce papers at her house."
"The end of that relationship can feel like death, and it's really scary when you want your ex back."
"Did you take all my old clothes? Hillary Duff said it best: 'But I'm going to keep your jeans and your old black hat, they look good on me, you're never going to get them back.'"
"You can never go back. You have cut your ties with me. Don't call or communicate with me again."
"He's hurt because he's had to let go of a connection, someone who he thought was a soulmate, someone who he cared for, he was loyal to."
"My whole life has fallen apart ever since you walked away from me for good."
"This separation was the best thing that ever happened to you."
"I knew I would never leave him if they had more time."
"You wasn't sht before me and you won't be sht without me."
"You left Gemini, you left the connection behind, it just wasn't inspiring to you anymore."
"Breaking up with Marty, I feel was the right thing to do in the end."
"This is the week where you will let the relationship go, this is the week where you will let the job go."
"A realization that you need to let go of somebody who isn't emotionally connected to you."
"There's gonna be a death to this connection and it's gonna make you stronger."
"They got divorced, and they did, they got divorced."
"Your hopes and fears for this to grow simply didn't. Somebody walked away and it broke your heart."
"You're feeling like it is coming to an end, but you don't want it to come to an end."
"That person has left your life, they slammed the door when they left, why?"
"After two years, he was still distant towards me. He sits me down to say it's over. When I asked him if it was because of his girl best friend, he replied yes."
"Whatever happened with this heartbreaking situation, it caused this person to have to break up with someone."
"I'm a nice guy and this is the most considerate way to end a marriage."
"...I am mourning the loss of my 2-year relationship with a man who I thought was the love of my life a man that I lived with and trusted wholeheartedly but I don't know what happen but he just isn't that man anymore."
"If you wanted to know how that relationship ended, it ended a week later when I called her on her birthday and broke up with her. Without knowing it was her birthday. I swear I didn't know. It's so true, I wish it wasn't."
"You completely gave up on me. You completely gave up on the family."
"When toxicity is too strong, when you feel alone despite being with them, when you feel that they don't listen and you won't like to listen to them, or when you start having thoughts about you not caring about them anymore."
"If you need to find pleasure outside of your relationship, you no longer have a relationship. It's over."
"Part of me was relieved that taking the job had forced an end to a relationship I knew hadn't been working for quite some time."
"There was no trace of love between us any longer. I could see that she hated me and feared me and when the thought of it drove me to drink then she despised me as well."
"It was a relationship that ended in great love and respect."
"...you begin to lose empathy for your partner, that marriage is over. Absolutely. I've seen it time and time again, even on the show."
"Empathy. When you lose empathy, that relationship is over."
"In good ending of relationship, there's not a lot of blame and criticism; there's responsibility."
"Daisy's leaving you," said Gatsby.
"We just separated ways and I put this on myself."
"Breaking up with you is the best decision I ever made."
"I love you Celine, but this is just too much responsibility for me. I can't handle it. Goodbye darling."
"Once the dust has settled, the smoke has lifted, and the fog has cleared, that's when you understand that you're out of that relationship."
"We had 20 good years together, I guess forever just wasn't in the cards."
"Edge called off the wedding and took out his frustrations on his fiancée."
"You need to accept that the relationship is over."
"That is the worst feeling in the entire world when you end a relationship with someone, especially when it's not because you stopped liking them."
"Given that we're getting married, I'd like us to break up."
"That's when I knew the relationship's done. I knew it from there."
"When a relationship is over, you know. It's the equivalent of milk being expired."
"Promise me that you'll never come back here for me."
"Isn't this what people do when romantic relationships end?"
"At this point, Mads no longer wanted to be associated with Cameron, let alone date him."
"We fell out of love with each other."
"Welcome, Father. I wore black for you in reference to the death of a relationship that we never had."
"This relationship has met its end, the train has stopped."
"She and I were not happy in that marriage, and so it is, I believe, 100% for the best that it is over."
"When a relationship comes to an end, there's always a grieving period for both parties."
"I broke up with him because, I'm going to say this, he was not a good boyfriend, but he's an amazing father."
"I'm glad she got out of that relationship."
"She had left you already, Seneca."
"Although we decided to go different paths, you are an amazing woman and someone will be very lucky to have you."
"I'm feeling like some circumstances made it so that they feel like this relationship needed to end."
"Okay, great, that's just fantastic. You know what, Shay? I'm done. You have yourself a good night," he said, tipping his hat and walking out.
"You have to make him feel like he messed up and lost."
"When a woman's fed up, no matter how you beg, it's too late to talk about it."
"People are allowed to just leave right like people can just decide at whatever point they deem appropriate this relationship is no longer working for me."
"My ex broke up with me about a month before the final of his favorite Netflix show hit; I let him stay signed into my account until 11:59 PM that day when I changed the password and forced logout on all devices."
"Leaving a relationship that doesn't suck but needs to end, that's much harder."
"A relationship being over sometimes is not a bad thing; it could be a good thing, it's run its course, and now it's just time to move on."
"Let the love ends when it's beautiful."
"Our fairy tale disappeared, you and I grew distant."
"When relationships and marriages end, contrary to what the world believes, it ain't always a cheating man who's verbally and physically abusing you."