
Wanderlust Quotes

There are 477 quotes

"A lot of men feel really like, what's the term, wanderlust, the sort of disaffection with the world as it is right now."
"But as a wandering samurai, I find meaning in traveling and the sprawling beauty of nature that lies along the way, while still retaining the warrior way in my heart."
"When we're in Hawaii at your wedding, that's how I was thinking. I was like, dude, this is incredible. This shit exists. I was like, I need to start, like, I want to explore, bro."
"She just fell in love with the lifestyle and wanted to take journeys. She was a free spirit, everybody was jealous, everyone was like we want to do that too."
"Sisi wanted to 'travel the whole world over…until I drown and am forgotten.'"
"I've already got 100 places I want to visit so I need 200 at this point."
"Our dream has always been to travel the world."
"You were born to roam and find your way home."
"Wanderlust is literally the desire to wander, so it means you want to travel."
"Is there anything more appealing to a person of nomadic sensibilities than a set of wheels, an open road, and no fixed plans?"
"For a long time, I wanted to travel the world."
"I think a lot of us are ready just to go anywhere, we just want to see something new, we want to experience things, experience something fresh."
"You can throw a rock at a rock and find someone who wants to go to Paris."
"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere."
"I'm really in the mood for traveling."
"We're still addicted to traveling; we still just want to go everywhere."
"Exploration is in our nature, we began as wanderers... and we are wanderers still."
"One thing we know is that he loves freedom and he loves to travel."
"You’re drawn to travel, adventure, and variety."
"I've often fantasized about the RV lifestyle. You live in a town until people grow tired of your anecdotes, then you pull out the Chucks and drive off."
"The wander, ah, I struggle with that."
"I feel like there's that travel vibe."
"The constant change and growth we experience from travel is addicting and we can't see stopping anytime soon."
"Life is too short to just stay in one place and do the same thing every single day...they have a little bit of Wanderlust in them."
"It's worth it and I would encourage absolutely everybody if you have any kind of like Wanderlust or desire to travel or any just like desire to slow down you should absolutely do it."
"This person wants to kiss you in every single country."
"I think it can be said of you that in some ways you're not at home in any particular place but in some way, the world is your home."
"When I'm in the mood for travel, I love it. I love that sense of having gone somewhere."
"There's a big world out there, and just to have a chance to see some of it would be absolutely wonderful."
"Geographically and spiritually, Key West is the end of the line for wanderers and dreamers."
"John Muir wrote, 'You shouldn't head to Alaska as a young man because you'll never be satisfied with any other place as long as you live.' I couldn't agree more."
"I refuse to die without traveling the world."
"I'm posting this in a random place in the world, with no one else around for countries upon countries, and I'm asking: do you think if I keep walking, I will eventually find someone?"
"Man may perhaps count himself fortunate to have wandered, but its very riches and strangeness make dumb The Traveler who would report it."
"I think we should travel the world together."
"I want a life on the move. I don't want to be stuck in one place."
"Just to go anywhere that I pleased, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's the freedom of it, isn't it? It's the beauty. You can just go where you like, do what you please."
"It's like a call that only I can hear, beckoning me to the untamed parts of the world."
"I want to see the isles of Greece. I want to see old Normandy, the glamour of the South Seas, and I want to see them with you."
"You literally could be anywhere in the world, couldn't you?"
"I just want to go somewhere where the water is like blue, I could see through it."
"Keep wandering, keep wondering, and let the world Amaze you."
"I'm really just excited to be back as much as I love traveling and I will always be a wanderlust and always on the go nothing beats being home."
"Travel and adventure is out there."
"1 and 1/2 wandering Jews return to their natural coasts to resume old acquaintances."
"Clad only in the ragged purple in which he had come and garlanded with fresh vines from the mountains, into the sunset wandered Ayranon, seeking still for his native land and for men who would understand and cherish his songs and dreams."
"I've always wanted a road trip to Alaska."
"You are a wanderer of dimly lit holds and dreamy starscapes."
"Your soul is calling you to travel."
"I just want some Adventure, I want to see the world, I want to have you know being in one place 40 hours a week working and you can't really go very far."
"We want to head out west again. We have no plans of where to go or what to do, but ultimately, like, our heart is overseas. Like, we desperately want to get back to Asia as soon as possible."
"Despite his fame, the saint remains elusive due to his wanderlust."
"I want to move and go places... forever. That's my idea of Heaven."
"I need to feel something different that I can't feel at home. I need to connect with people when I'm not connecting at home."
"That's why we like to dream, please take me to a few places."
"Thank you for joining us in our extraordinary Journey if these moments stirred your wander lust left you in awe or simply brought a smile to your face please show your appreciation with a like and share the Wonder with friends yearning to explore."
"I love travel. I love it. Once you start doing it you get that bug, you want to be away, you want to see different places."
"One of the best places to experience his wandering restless spirit in action those are the nation's roads."
"There's so much of the world to see. I'm just... I'm such a travel girl. I just love it. Literally gets me excited thinking about. I've been back in the country when I'm filming this, like, two days, and I'm already thinking where can I go next?"
"Have you ever dreamed about getting away?"
"I wanted to go and see beautiful things."
"I love to travel, man, I really do."
"I don't want to wonder anymore. I want to wander."
"I like the idea of being able to live in different places throughout the year."
"Not all who wander are found" - Welcome to Night Vale
"I just want to go where my curiosity takes me."
"So good, so good, I just like have like a travel bug honestly if I stay in one place too long I have to get out."
"Fernweh: A sense of longing to leave and travel."
"I would love to go to the airport, get on a flight to India first class and then go to India and figure it out."
"Every country has its own attractions, and for me personally, every time we travel, I always want to live there."
"I want to do some more traveling in the next couple of months."
"it has been my lifelong dream to travel ever since I was a kid I have dreamed about being on the road"
"For the road goes ever on and on, and not all those who wander are lost."
"Do we want our life to continue? I personally love to travel I miss Paris I miss Africa I miss Europe and I'm ready to get."
"I want to travel the world with you and I am entwined in the thought of finding you one day."
"...in the words of me, stay traveling vacationers."
"This life that rock and roll has afforded us is one of Wanderlust."
"I've kicked around ever since I was a little kid, moth-eaten theaters and honky-tonks and joints you couldn't imagine."
"These people have a need to travel and to explore things."
"I've traveled a lot, but that just makes me want to travel more."
"The travel bug is inside of me. I need to get out, I need to go do something that's not cheerleading related."
"The Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the South Pacific, all the places we've never seen were still whispering to us on the trade winds."
"We still want to travel, I want to see other islands, other places."
"Dubai Italy Greece Paris those are all some places I really want to travel to"
"I'm ready to go out to the mountains and travel the world and be free again."
"Do you ever feel like just setting off somewhere, upping and going?"
"There's so much to see in this world."
"These itchy feet have got to be scratched."
"I wish to be able to call at whatever port I chose."
"The Med has been at the top of my list during like I can't wait to do that flotilla in Croatia and explore Italy and I romanticize it I just think it sounds so charming and well."
"We're ready to travel the world and not look back."
"Isn't there anywhere else in the world you want to go? Haven? Menagerie?"
"In the end, we are all just wanderers."
"I lived a roving existence, traveling from state to state whenever whim and weather took me."
"I love being rootless, traveling, I love the scenery, I love the stories."
"The idea of living in different places has intrigued me as of late."
"I'd like to go to Sri Lanka, I'd like to go to Costa Rica, I'd like to go to Kazakhstan and Mongolia."
"The whole world is his home. If it was meant to be, they would meet."
"You guys definitely are like travelers. You guys definitely move around a lot. You guys just have a different way of looking at things. You have a different way of doing things. You have a different way of just thinking in general. You just are in your own world."
"There's a nice feeling about being a little lost."
"Wow, I've been everywhere man, I've been everywhere."
"So put me on a train, I don't care where it's going; fly me on a plane."
"I just wanted to get to the age that I had the freedom and the ability to go and see the world."
"We used to be wanderers, we used to be students of creation."
"From an early age, she longed to get as far away from her hometown as she could."
"I could grow old here, but I have too much of the world to see."
"I definitely want to do a little bit more travel."
"I love hearing about countries that I would love to go visit and camp right now."
"Distant places always make my heart go flutter flutter."
"I want that next place that blows my mind like Japan."
"I'm always, I like moving, I like traveling."
"I love to travel, like I love the difference."
"I don't want to sleep, I don't want to die, I just want to travel through the sky."
"I really really really want to go to South America and I also really want to go to Europe."
"I love traveling; I love being at an airport."
"I wish I could pick this house up and carry it with me all over the world."
"I wish I could just pack my bags and just go."
"I'm so sleepy and I want to ride a plane, anywhere is fine."
"I have wandered in many lands, seeking the lost region from which my birth into this world exiled me."
"It's like I'm just gonna go wander, like Jules in Pulp Fiction, I'm just gonna walk the earth."
"His dreams were of the open air, of mountains, forests, and great plains, of the sea, and of the lonely places of the world."
"The mysterious stranger, the noble loner, the knight errant, the person of some kind of odd nobility who is banished from his milieu and sentenced to wander the land to do good."
"We're Kindred Wanderers in this world of ours."
"I'm out of here, I want to go, I'm itching to have some adventure and travel."
"I love traveling like anything, man."
"I just want to travel; this has just set off my traveling bug."
"Some men aren't meant to stay put."
"Above all, I'd come down to the docks near where I live and watch all the gay and happy people sailing on the great ocean liners to wonderful distant places."
"A lot of people just kind of settle in their own hometowns without really realizing there's a whole world out there."
"Travel is amazing, travel is beautiful, because you get to experience different things."
"The witch hunter walked around aimlessly through the lonely street."
"I just want to see the world, Bob. The world."
"Give me land, lots of land under starry skies above... Don't fence me in."
"I was born under a wandering star."
"I'm thankful for the freedom to be able to Meander and wander like this on a trip like this."
"I don't like to be stuck in one place for too long."
"I'd like to travel, go to Europe. I've never really gone overseas."
"I'd like to go to Tokyo someday, I'd like to go anywhere, just go outside of the United States for a little while."
"I feel like I want to travel more."
"It feels like you could wander endlessly in this relatively small walled city."
"Have you ever just wanted to get away? People do it all the time."
"I don't like to stay in one place for too long, there's too much to experience in the world."
"I'm ready to really travel again, I miss being overseas."
"Being the third son of the family and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts."
"I very much struggle with staying in one place, so I always want to travel and move and go somewhere else."
"I really just want to see basically everything there is in the world."
"I want to go somewhere like this."
"Think of all the places that we can go."
"I've always wanted to visit there, it's so beautiful."
"I love people and places, and I just want to see more."
"I've always wanted to live in somewhere different."
"I love eating food, I love traveling the world."
"I was born the running kind, with leaving always on my mind."
"I just want to see everything; I don't want to miss anything."
"Wonderlust just to travel just to get out of being stuck."
"The world they were born in is so beautiful that it would be a shame to stay put in one place until she died."
"Hope you guys leave a life of freedom and wander."
"I just want to like travel the world, see different things."
"I feel like I so easily fall in love with places."
"I really want to go to Japan. It's been top of my list travel-wise."
"I'm a bit of a gypsy; I could quite happily travel indefinitely."
"There's a million billion places in this world that I want to go."
"We really want to get back out there and traveling."
"I want to see the world, you know."
"We are, by nature, wanderers; home is not where it's at."
"I would love to go to Japan, I'd love to go to Greece."
"They love adventures, they love to create adventures, they love to travel."
"I just want to travel and I want to go places."
"I really wanted to escape; I really wanted to travel. I had all these dreams."
"I traveled from town to town, taking odd jobs, seeing what life had in store for me, always seeking adventure."
"Maybe people need a little bit of travel."
"I would love to go to Greece, Norway, Madagascar, Africa, Paris."
"Allow yourself to be lost, allow yourself to be a Wanderlust."
"The wolf's lust for freedom and travel is similar to a wolf."
"I have a desire to travel around the world."
"Where you going? Wherever the wind takes me."
"I'll travel around the world if I feel the need to sightsee."
"I love to travel, especially at this time of the year because the months feel long, it's so gloomy."
"That makes me want to travel, man."
"I travel first because it's in my spirit to travel."
"The world's too big! It's too interesting."
"It makes me really want to visit Iceland."
"You are, then, the goal-less wanderer floating from town to town."
"It captured the imagination of people everywhere and they began to dream of traveling to distant and exotic lands."
"Some men just aren't meant to stay put."
"I really want to go there someday; I've never been there."
"I just want to go to book shops in Paris and walk along the Seine and eat croissants and spaghetti."
"My biggest dream right now? Yes, travel more. I want to travel a lot more."
"I would love to see the world of wonder."
"I'm seriously gonna start making a list of all the places that I want to go to."
"The world is such a wonderful place to wander through when you've got someone you love to wander along with you."
"I honestly have no clue where I see myself settling down, and I think that's the beauty of living in a van."
"I always knew I wanted to see the world somehow, and I think the two things came together in that I always wanted to see different people, thousand different ways to live life."
"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you want to go?"
"We want to travel, we have a few countries in mind."
"Fernweh is the longing and hurt to travel or see far away places."
"I'm in a weird state of mind, honestly. I just turned 30, we're coming out of a pandemic, I've got like a travel bug in me now."
"Why settle with one place, so I put on a world map... and all of a sudden I can see this map with a lot of dots."
"Snufkin is a vagabond. He's quiet, daring, and enjoys solitude. He thinks of material objects as a burden and only keeps the essentials in his pack."