
Financial Opportunity Quotes

There are 693 quotes

"A path with money is waiting for you to find it."
"Financial opportunity cost is somebody else earning a rate of return on your money that you're not earning because you didn't put into a proper place."
"You as an investor, as a regular person, have the opportunity to be one of the owners of these big companies by investing in their stocks on the stock market."
"Friendships can literally create one tweet and they'd make you a thousand pounds overnight."
"During market drops and recessions is when the biggest wealth transfers occur."
"If you paid attention to yesterday's video and acted on my non-financial advice, you would be up over 10% on your investment in a single day."
"Don't sit on the sidelines. Don't miss out. It's an incredible technology, it's super fun, and to be honest, it can be super profitable and potentially change your life."
"It is so much easier to make money these days than it was back like fifty years ago, and the sole reason for this is all due to the internet."
"Bitcoin allows the little guy to make a lot of money."
"You could just join TSM, turn on your stream, and suddenly you'd be able to make a ton of money because you'd be able to stream to thousands of people."
"Video poker is the only game inside of a casino that can have the potential of having over a 100% payout."
"These aren't get-rich-quick schemes. They will require a bit of hard work upfront and they won't make you a millionaire overnight, but they can help you to earn anything from a few hundred to a few thousand pounds a month, depending on the time and effort you are willing and able to put into them."
"You're about to be offered an amazing financial opportunity."
"It's the greatest wealth transfer in history. And it'll never happen in our lifetimes again."
"Tesla bot dwarfs everything else in Tesla's business, a multi-multi-multi-trillion dollar opportunity."
"Updated return is an opportunity which is given to you at that point of time." - Chandra Varshney
"Scalability, this went 8:1, could have made $24,000 on this with 9:1."
"This is the best time stock I think I've ever bought on a dip."
"For the two percent that are like me, you can go for the nine-figure opportunity."
"It's 100 000 points, it's literally free money."
"The Ace of Pentacles can bring new money into your life."
"If you find a deal where you can rent for one percent of the purchase price, then buy the whole neighborhood."
"All these things create opportunities for those who are financially educated and prepared."
"Unexpected income could be on the horizon for you. Stay open to opportunities."
"During a bear market, this is when you make your money, this is when you invest in the stock market and you're able to get stocks on sale."
"Cryptocurrency is incredible. It's the most lucrative, life-changing, and financial opportunity of all of our lifetimes."
"Can you make money on it? Yeah, you can make money on it."
"If we had a cam honest at all times, we could be millionaires."
"The amount of people who have the opportunity to open a 401k and just pass up free money astounds me."
"Start making money on line using the power of affiliate marketing."
"There is a huge opportunity for profit here."
"This is the greatest wealth creation opportunity I'll see in my lifetime."
"I don't know of a place you can make this kind of money with no work like we literally get paid to think you know like you put money out there you pick it up and you know that that's what happens then."
"A huge buying opportunity if it did something like that."
"Tired of zero percent bank deposit rate?... I wholeheartedly believe this is going to be the new name... a portion of your money... seven to nine percent back on the money... astronomically completely insane."
"This sets up silver for a rally from this ridiculous $22.295 level."
"Income stocks pay regular dividends, think of companies like Walmart or Verizon."
"This is the time where the real money is made when it is darkest and when things are the lowest."
"This is the best asymmetric trade and investment opportunity I have ever seen."
"Moon River is probably my safest investment of all of them because it's just going up, it's going into the top 50."
"If it keeps falling like this, that dividend is just too hard for me to resist."
"Some projects go up 50 to 100x, and you put a thousand dollars, that's 100 grand you would make."
"That's some freaking life-changing money right there man."
"Sometimes people forget it's like that can be...a really good time to invest in the stock market because it was underperforming look at it now."
"White Whale allows you to bid on the arbitrages, so you can actually capitalize on arbitrage."
"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity we're being given. We get to front run a wall of money."
"When bitcoin goes up for a week or so, that's when you make a lot of the money."
"Big bear markets, that's where the next billionaires and millionaires are made."
"Anyone that is an artist or content provider that has a hope to make more money, well they will praise the blockchain."
"Every baby shower you get every book signing you get every seminar you get and you do co-working space during the week is free money."
"This is a blessing, a new beginning in regards to material abundance, a new start, a new job coming in for a lot of you."
"All of them can be done with a small budget and can make you a large amount of money."
"I think it's going to be the best thing that can happen for retail investors."
"People that buy in that bear market are going to make life-changing gains."
"You might get some kind of email, phone call, or news about a financial opportunity that's very good for you."
"Being able to know this ahead of time and take advantage of these opportunities is key."
"Financial gains through showcasing your talents, knowledge, and innovative ideas."
"Let's face it, you're making a lot more money with Jupiter here until the end of May this year."
"There's definitely money to be made, there is."
"This can turn into life-altering money—it can pay your car payment, you can start paying a few of your bills, or you can turn this into a full-time business."
"Big money's coming to you guys, but actually through another source that you don't know yet."
"Becoming an affiliate for something like Udemy or even let's say that you know a couple of YouTubers who have an online course... there's a lot of money in online education."
"I think there are a lot of people that understand the algorithm and understand how much money there is to be made doing it."
"Get 12 free stocks valued up to $36,000 with Weebull!"
"Money is available for you; you take that money."
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build wealth."
"This is a comparable situation where you could see a drawn-out squeeze for AMC, so that's massive guys, absolutely huge."
"This is an urgent warning to investors but also on the flip side an enormous opportunity."
"If Tesla is going to $7,000 in the next four years, buying at $800 is kind of a steal."
"Money gets you everywhere you want to go in Vegas."
"Investing during a recession is one of the most profitable times to invest."
"Even now in its early stages, some artists are making a ton of great money selling their NFTs."
"I'm going to be talking about two certified cryptocurrencies to make you a millionaire."
"If one person jumps in and they make money, other people are gonna take notice and they're also gonna start jumping in."
"Make sure the truth is told, make sure that people are no longer lied to."
"It's like a savings leprechaun. It pops up when you most need it."
"You literally have job security, you're cashed up, and while that is the case, you have a stock market that is volatile as all hell, which translates into opportunity."
"I think the investors that bought during this time got a really good deal."
"It's one of the best ways I've ever found to make money literally even from your phone or from your laptop from anywhere in the world."
"Crypto represents the opportunity for the little guy to dream again. It's the fairest form of capitalism that's out there right now."
"When the markets are down, this is when you come in."
"Make the most out of every game day bet on your favorite teams for a shot at winning big bucks."
"Volatility is our friend. If we have volatility, we have the opportunity to make massive money. Money is made at the top and money is made on the way down."
"Would you like to be prepared before everyone else is or would you like to be prepared when no one else is and the Crash comes and you're able to pick up things for pennies on the dollar."
"We should have put more money in there, kind of like if we're looking back right now at Tesla last year when it was trading in the 200s, now it's at 1600."
"If you are the first to see the money, then you're going to be the first one to get the money."
"I want you to be one of the people that becomes wealthy because of what's happening."
"There's just too much potential to stop this train, this gravy train that will lead to financial freedom for so many."
"This is one of the best opportunities for people to really build true generational wealth."
"A lot of people in these next few years, this is an opportunity where everybody can get rich."
"The best part of the bull market, I believe, is here."
"This is when shift corrects. This is an easy three-bagger."
"When we come down to this level, this is going to be a gift, this is going to be the trade of the market cycle."
"If someone says, 'Hey, Janet Yellen, I know you've been out of office, would you like to give a speech for a million bucks?' Like, why would you not?"
"Tesla stock today represents the best risk-adjusted opportunity I can find in the stock market."
"If they're offering you money, trade it. Like what does it hurt you, right?"
"There is a golden opportunity to actually make something of this correction and this crash."
"Life-changing entry points... the only question is will you take advantage?"
"That's potentially a move for a million dollars."
"AMC right now because it has a lot more squeeze potential."
"When you feel that pit of fear, that like absolute panic, that's probably the best time to buy."
"You can make ten thousand dollars for one brand post as a content creator ten thousand dollar that's that's like hitting the lottery to me"
"Clearly the vast majority of people joining in MLMs do have that hope and that belief that there is a chance that they actually could be one of those top earners."
"This is going to be the best thing that ever happened to crypto."
"There's a lot of money coming your way, that's all I gotta say."
"Every time a new technology becomes popular, the people that are at the Forefront of that technology when it does gain popularity make the most money."
"This is going to be a seller's market. So all you guys who are looking to real estate invest and get into flipping, this is a good time."
"New beginnings in finance or career. Keep your eyes open for this new beginning to appear in your life."
"You've been given an opportunity of a lifetime. It's the biggest macro trade of your life."
"There's also a viable lesson... you always make more money in the drought."
"Barring a complete run on bitcoin, many buying opportunities ahead."
"An HSA is like a Roth IRA on steroids, so it's extremely important to take advantage of it if you're able to."
"People have been trying to capitalize on these low mortgage rates."
"Big money opportunities are coming your way, Aquarius."
"Cryptocurrency will make even more millionaires in the years to come."
"Leslie's is my number one trade coming out of this catastrophic Texas event. I think they're the cleanest, purest social arb trade coming out of this entire event."
"Honest... just easy easy money... it trades at a one price to sales ratio... it will go to three to five over the next three to five years."
"Short-term capital gains exist, why waste it?"
"This time the game is completely different, but if you play your cards right, you're going to make more money in this bull market than any other bull market that we've seen in history."
"The opportunity for money is here, but the risk is high, the reward is higher."
"The promise of financial freedom that draws in so many distributors year after year."
"Capricorn, your expenditure may rise, but professionally and financially, you'll meet qualified decision-makers offering unique opportunities for prosperity."
"YouTube could be an amazing source of income."
"You marry the two and you can get paid for that, and that's fantastic."
"Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is the world's chance at regulating wealth."
"If you're into that kind of stuff you might want to write for them and get paid up to $200 per article."
"You don't have to find many million dollar bills blowing down the street to be a millionaire."
"This ain't a joke. This is generational wealth building time."
"I made 70,000 off of one design and it's like you're one design away from thousands of dollars like it."
"There's a potential to earn a huge amount of money."
"The market is on an absolute tear, and if you want to make life-changing money in the next part of the bull market, you really have to understand."
"This might be your last best opportunity to get it this cheap, there's always a silver lining."
"I do think that there would be opportunities to short this market."
"Only requires a small loan, I mean if you win one of these Battle Royales, you'll be set for life."
"A single deal can be worth a lot of money if you position yourself correctly."
"When somebody offers you $6 billion before your second birthday, you say yes!"
"I think that would be maybe an epic selling opportunity for bonds... that's the quick peck on the cheek in the morning."
"If you qualify, there's no reason that you should not be doing this with your money."
"You can make money with a dollar if the ETF cost 10, you buy the ETF, you can start making money right there."
"This is a good deal. It's for making money, not just luxury."
"We're going to make life-changing money on weekends sometimes I make the most money trading on weekends."
"I can't give you financial advice, but I can tell you that if you're not planning on doing $400, find a way to do $400 because this could be life-changing money."
"If I had a thousand dollars and I really wanted to make money, I'd be minting an NFT."
"You would be dumb to not take advantage of it. Of course, a lot of you guys may look at it in the sense of, like, 'Oh, but it's the family's wealth.' But it's like, but they brought me to this world, I didn't have to be born here."
"Ethos can bring money from your parents or family of origin. Legacy wealth. This is one of those windows where money is coming to you."
"Electric vehicles represented a massive opportunity for him to 10x his wealth."
"There is great opportunity in that if you do have cash ready to buy those type of dips."
"The best time to sell puts is at the bottom."
"You are getting paid to buy a stock you want to own."
"Let's double down, be on the right side of change, and invest when things are cheap."
"Investing might not be for you, but if you want to at least take the chance in a few digital assets, I personally recommend not sleeping on this project."
"I ask you something when we see rates being artificially lowered to the point where a 30-year fixed rate mortgage was available at 2.74% that's like free money never been seen before right."
"If you really put a lot of time in, you can seriously get a lot of impressive stuff done with YouTube. It's kind of like an endless money printer if you treat it the right way."
"This is the video that you need to pay full attention to because you're literally getting a proven method to generate seven figures for completely free."
"That was a good opportunity, I feel like, to get short. If you ever see those wick bottoms or wick tops like that, right there, especially with volume, that tends to have been a signal that maybe the trend is changing."
"King Alfred the Great Saved England from the Vikings."
"A crisis is brewing; to Druckenmiller, this is a potential killing of a lifetime."
"The secret today is investing now during this asymmetric bet of our lifetimes."
"There's an opportunity here in 2021 and you could take advantage of it both in the short term in the midterm but even if you missed that again don't get that fomo there is still big opportunities to build your portfolio around these events."
"Watch out, Nvidia options really, really cheap. They can initiate another surge higher in the name."
"So for your chance to win a multi-million dollar home in Miami or 1.8 million in cash, go to omaze.com/flimloraps."
"If somebody offered me like a hundred thousand dollars today, I would accept it immediately."
"Making moves to make sure that you capitalize on making as much money as possible in this market."
"I could have easily taken that deal and I'm pretty sure without knowing everyone's business I would have been the highest paid MMA journalist."
"This is just like printing money - Taking photos and selling them for easy cash."
"This is definitely one of the greatest opportunities to be accumulating bitcoin."
"This is the greatest asymmetric return opportunity I have ever seen."
"There can absolutely be a lot of reward for people that are potentially early in a liquidity pool."
"Would it be okay if you increased your wealth, had more opportunity, lived an abundant lifestyle, or had financial and time freedom?"
"Ethereum is about to become an extremely compelling investment option for traditional investors."
"I could sell that and there is the one million dollars I've been waiting for."
"It is very cheap right now so if I didn't have any exposure personally, I would get some."
"Bitcoin is the biggest wealth creation opportunity... it's a must-have in your portfolio and it's time to get off zero."
"Masterworks is a great way to try to make some money in the art game. It's a platform for buying and selling shares representing an investment in iconic artworks from artists like Banksy."
"Trillions of dollars in the investment field." - Massive opportunities await in the financial industry.
"Imagine you were so good at hockey then someone offered you a hundred million dollars to play it and after a couple years you were like no I'm good."
"On days like today, you're not stuck like a deer in the headlights, you know exactly what you're going to do in whatever scenario, that is why everyone listening right now needs a highly specific trading plan."
"There's lots of money out here and there's no competition."
"You're coming into a fortune at a very lucky time as well, Leo."
"You can trade Around the Clock in the U.S and easily access Global markets."
"This county is gonna be insane for us in terms of making money."
"Guys, let's take advantage of these money printers. Let's find the money printers for the other people in the next bull run and let's make as much money as we can."
"Money is everywhere and you can make money in anything."
"Tech sales is a phenomenal path... you can make more right off the bat than digital marketing."
"This is something you can literally get paid for in less than one single hour of work."
"It's listed for $224,900, and it's a bargain."
"It's a huge part of these attractions and keeping them safe and operating."
"It's never impossible to make money within crypto... there are still many tools that you can use that allow you to capitalize on times like this."
"There's a ton of money to be made in this industry."
"Real wealth is created during bear markets, so be prepared to add a zero to your net worth."
"It's enough money for us to all get out here bro."
"If you bought one of these for a thousand dollars and you're selling it for a hundred thousand dollars maybe that pays off your house."
"If you get a drop on a platform like Nifty Gateway it's almost guaranteed to be life-changing money for you."
"If we can correctly read the altcoin market cycles and we can place our bets then we can beat this market."
"Here's a way where you can make life-changing money and all you need to do is sit on your sofa and hit the like, subscribe, and bell button."
"Crypto is about democratizing that opportunity."
"This is one of the great macro opportunities... just buy bonds."
"That's telling the market and the whales, 'Hey, there's no one really wanting to sell, this is a good bottom.'"
"I believe that we're in an amazing time to be accumulating."
"Bitcoin Cash is great for payments... offers new financial opportunities... for consumers, vendors, and investors."