
Vampire Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"It's the circle of life; it's just part of being a cute little vampire."
"Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines is referenced as one of the best story-driven games out there."
"Nosferatu was one of the first movies to create the signature of one of the most classic and recognizable horror movie icons of all time: the vampire."
"I think one of the people's a vampire, but one's a serial killer. Either way, which one's worse?"
"I absolutely love all the additions they've done this year for Vampire."
"Amongst the earliest accounts we have that of a man by the name of Giogrando which occurred in 1672. Grando was a man from Croatian Istria who was said to have risen from the dead as what is described as a 'lešinam' or a restless corpse 16 years after his death."
"The vampire has always been an emblem of passion, romance, living on the fringes."
"Stop crying, it's very unbecoming of you. You're a vampire."
"Your tears don't taste as good as your blood."
"I'm a freaking vampire, I will do as I please."
"What kind of monster will you be sired in an act of vampire terrorism? Your existence sparks a war with uneasy alliances nestled in a sprawling conspiracy in the city of Seattle."
"Dracula is considered one of the most famous vampire stories."
"The word 'vampire' in the English language means 'a corpse supposed in European folklore to leave its grave at night to drink the blood of the living by biting their necks with long pointed canine teeth.'"
"Eric completes his transformation into a full vampire because I guess that's just how it happens."
"This young, sick woman never knew it, but she was about to become the proto-pop culture vampire."
"I'm sure that this Taika with TD vampire would be an alright dad"
"Dental hygiene would be the main concern with this bat dad"
"Imagine being taught sweet combat moves by your vampire hating vampire dad"
"Remember when Edward said to Bella in the woods, 'Say it,' and then she's like, 'Vampire that.'"
"I'm going to be the most powerful vampire of everyone."
"A worthy sequel." - Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines 2
"The vampire of Preyari: at the archaeological site of Preyari in Bulgaria the grave of a young man who may or may not have been a vampire was just uncovered."
"Midnight Mass puts a really unique spin on a vampire story which is a breath of fresh air in the genre."
"This vampire was made all the more lovable by his endless need to devour chocolate."
"Vampire Counts is probably my best looking Warhammer fantasy Army currently."
"It's for a police record, not for a Vampire Vibe magazine."
"You're serious? You think you're a freaking vampire?" "We are, and you'll be joining us."
"Klaus is half vampire, half werewolf, which essentially makes him the most powerful creature in the world."
"Vampire. Say it out loud. Say it!"
"He doesn't suck your blood but he does absorb your life force."
"It's like watching Dracula. It may even be the first time a vampire covers his face with his cape, a trait that was imitated in Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein and Plan 9 from Outer Space."
"You're a real vampire. Wait a second, do you want to be like me? I can help you."
"He represents the old-fashioned roots of vampire lore, believing in values that are now outdated and primitive to modern monsters."
"Welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely and leave something of the happiness you bring."
"The vampire flourishes on the blood of the living. Without this, he cannot live."
"You shall be Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood."
"It's like encountering a vampire in the middle of the woods at midnight outside their giant estate."
"Seline is the strongest of her race, a leader of the entire vampire race."
"Alucard is the most powerful living vampire and maybe the most powerful character in the series."
"I'm a vampire, okay what I mean by that is that I stay up late at night."
"I gotta say despite the time he tried to get in on the love spell plot he's actually been pretty clean like he drinks blood from vials and is pretty content just being a normal guy it's cute."
"I thought Ethan's blood was just human blood but like magic but the pint is a deep purple color so he's just like a mutant I think I am surrounded by vampire noobs."
"A fascinating tale of a luna vampire."
"He's my favorite vampire villain because he covers all the bases he checks all the box for what you want in a vampire villain."
"I would always be a vampire, always the vampirish because hey, he's still keeping up the trend to the day, aren't you? I am, baby, still sucking."
"Victor places the Integrity of the vampire bloodline Above All Else."
"Maybe someday someone will make a great vampire musical, but this isn't it."
"So much better than a vampire movie."
"Arade Brunstad, a true ancestor, possesses abilities that far surpass those of ordinary vampires, with powers tied closely to nature itself."
"Imagine if this vampire was just so friendly and let you live."
"He's a vampire, 100 love that for him."
"If she had been an ordinary vampire she would have disintegrated instantly."
"Are you kidding me? Mince garlic? Bro thinks I'm a vampire."
"The vampire's confident grin stretched impossibly wide, displaying rows of needle-sharp fangs."
"The two vampire High Elders have been slain. Soon Marcus will take the throne."
"I'm a vampire. I'm undead anyway."
"Finding Dracula's resting place is one of the most essential parts of defeating him, and if they use this discovery to their advantage, then they'll have a massive leg up in the next battle."
"Physically, the only things that happen are Ed reveals that he's a vampire and does the sparkle thing."
"Nobody hates a vampire. I never heard anybody say I hate them."
"Marceline isn't a traditional vampire since she eats the color red instead of always having to drink human blood."
"There's only so many ways to kill a vampire... sunlight, garlic... I say that like I know from personal experience."
"We hear about a legendary 700-year-old vampire named El Jefe, whose teeth would apparently be worth so much that just one could buy you a mansion in Bel Air."
"Bud Jablonski, a vampire hunter who disguises himself as a pool cleaner in order to stay under the radar."
"It's like they brainstormed, 'I'm a crazy vampire,' wrote down a hundred different possible character traits, couldn't narrow it down at all, and said, 'I'm doing all of them.'"
"Fright Night is easily one of the best vampire films of all time."
"Jack Crow's been killing vampires for four years, and only now is he like, maybe we should shoot guns."
"Maybe a big sleepy vampire King needs to take a nap."
"Dark, deep, and mysterious... This is a vampire in an enchanted damp Forest."
"The passage into undeath strips vampires of their emotional attachments from their previous life; love transforms into a voracious obsession, while friendship corrodes into bitter jealousy."
"I am a damn fire. Only the offspring of a vampire can see the vampire."
"He wanted to... do her before she turned into a vampire, yeah. Because it's gonna be gross afterwards. True."
"An age passed before another vampire walked the earth."
"He's gotta feed himself. Yeah, because he's also a vampire, which requires blood for sustenance."
"The Covenant known as the Ordo Dracul believes it can surpass and perhaps even transcend the curse of vampirism."
"If you're a fan of vampire titles, and I know there's a lot of you all out there, so yeah, check out that one."
"To quote the great Pendleton Ward himself it's a sexy vampire lady, hold on to that butt."
"This was a great film for people who aren't fans of vampire films."
"She will become a vampire worth falling for."
"...in spite of literally being a vampire wizard he's the most human out of anyone."
"Even if he is a vampire, she still wants to be friends with him."
"I promise everything's gonna be fine. I know that may not be reassuring, I mean from a vampire, but I hope you can bear with it for now."
"If vampire Charlie knocked on your door, you'd let him in, right?"
"You stabbed an actual vampire in the [__] face. That's pretty epic."
"And then I have this Empire of the vampire um like print thing as well so I'm pretty sure that's all of the freebies."
"I think the whole thing of being a vampire is the only way to kill you is to chop your head off or stab you in the heart."
"It's fun to be a vampire, you know? I mean like what else can you ask for?"
"Fright Night is the superior vampire."
"I can't be a vampire as long as you believe the traditional mythology"
"So many memorable moments in this movie, this is not only one of my favorite vampire movies but also just one of my favorite movies in general."
"When she fed on a hijacker, she made sure to go back and make sure he was dead so that he wouldn't come back as a vampire."
"She's so, she's a vampire, man. Look at her, she's awesome. Her name is Jane. Her eyes are red as [ __ ]."
"The vampire explains that their bloodline is special and when they're all United then they become immortal."
"For it is said… the blood of a living host is all the more delicious compared with the ‘Karash’ wine of donated blood."
"...he is up against the one thing that can defeat his kind, another vampire, but this one's different."
"The film offers an interesting amalgamation of vampire mythology."
"You want me to share my blood with her?"
"Our main character, she works in a horror movie mansion and one day she stumbles upon the body of a girl with puncture marks in her neck so obviously are there really vampires in this world."
"Scoop out that brain and eat it up. Now you know how to kill vampires. But don't. They are our friends."
"The vampire used magic to escape."
"The vampire monster returns literally thirsty for blood."
"But until then, please give me a movie with consistent vampire rules! Strengths, weaknesses... Just stick to your own set of rules! That's all I ask!"
"The vampire is why I'm here after all. Because he doesn't talk, he can't contribute much, even in stories about him. He's barely there. But literally speaking, this is for the best."
"We dressed up as a vampire dead corpse bloody bride and groom for Halloween... we just had to."
"I saw the vampire who killed me, I recognized him: Stefan Salvatore."
"The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him."
"Let's dive into American Vampire volume one and you can all see this very fun vampire story."
"It is then revealed that Bernard D. Block is not only a movie producer but also a vampire."
"I'm a vampire, I'm stronger than you are, your highness."
"I truly believe that a hundred year old vampire knows how to drink out of a cup."
"It's just such a good series if you like vampires, you like fantasy romance, enemies to lovers vibes."
"Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, it's a Noir vampire urban fantasy book set in Mexico City."
"You have committed very naughty vampire crimes!"
"Michael Morbius, the living vampire, prowls the night, tortured by his life-sustaining thirst."
"He said he was from Germany and was over 400 years old, that he was a vampire."
"When a vampire says 'kiss,' they mean 'bite.'"
"Dracula is just a fictional vampire by Irish author Bram Stoker."
"Edward injects Bella's heart with his venom in an attempt to transform her into a vampire."
"Really cool '80s stylish vampire movie."
"This is Oshimi's take on a vampire story which is super interesting."
"A boy and a girl in a meadow, having this conversation about how they were in love and the difficulties in that because he wanted to kill her. He was a vampire."
"I'm a vampire! That's totally my kind of weird humor."
"The vampire is of course the legendary Nosferatu."
"Blade is a brutal vampire killer who is out to rid the world of the evil bloodsuckers in order to avenge his mother."
"Either Jay is lying, or he really did find a vampire on an English beach."
"I'm putting on a pole right now: Would becoming a vampire automatically make you sexier?"
"Vampires must drink blood in order to survive."
"The true power of the vampire, however, lies not in our history or in science, but in our collective imagination."
"Unlike the bloodthirsty monsters of traditional vampire stories, Rice's vampires were complex and nuanced characters."
"Interview with the Vampire paved the way for a new generation of vampire literature."
"True Blood's portrayal of vampires as complex, sympathetic characters helped to shift perceptions away from traditional horror tropes."
"The vampire myth continues to endure as a powerful cultural symbol."
"Vampires continue to fascinate and intrigue us with their seductive powers and darker lore."
"The concept of the vampire was also present in Slavic mythology, where it was known as the strigo."
"These creatures were said to be able to shape-shift into animals such as wolves or bats and were believed to be able to transform themselves into mist to enter people's homes."
"They were also said to have a thirst for human blood and could only be killed by being staked through the heart or decapitated."
"The vampire in a White Castle full of sunlight, the dismissal of the common stereotype is arousing."
"Considered the best vampire novel of the 21st century, you know, so far."
"Martin is a vampire movie, a vampire movie with a twist."
"The Addiction is an all-time great vampire film yet it's one that was criminally overlooked by general audiences."
"Good evening, I am Zuma Even of the Eventide, and welcome back to vampire read-throughs where I read you vampire stories for your amusement."
"Would you rather be a vampire hunter or be a vampire? Be a vampire."
"It is recognized as the first modern vampire story."
"I'm just a little vampire. I come out late at night. I like to hide in dark corners and give people a fright."
"Out of the dark and into the light comes this blood-sucking fiend on a Halloween night."
"If I was gonna be a vampire, I want to be Blade, the Daywalker."
"What's a vampire relationship without biting, you know?"
"To describe a vampire through mortal eyes is a battle words cannot defeat."
"The true power of the vampire is not mind control, not a spell, but an art that we embrace as our weapon of obscurity."
"We've made your vampire fresh and original for an audience who has been so familiar with vampires for such a long time."
"The skeleton of a lady vampire has just been found at a cemetery in Poland."
"Of course, the most quintessential image of a vampire came from the novel which made the whole concept popular: Bram Stoker's Dracula."
"Yes, a vampire," Count Nightwing nodded.
"Something is wrong," Count Nightwing said, shaking his head.
"The bottle of vampire breath," he said, "did you see it?"
"It allows us to travel in time, it can make us invisible and reappear again."
"The corpse of one who will become a vampire will always be found as fresh and full of blood as if it had arteries and veins that sustain life."
"The struggle of being a vampire centers around a personal relationship with this inner beast."
"The masquerade in the game's title refers to the challenge the vampires face to keep their existence secret as they survive among humanity."
"I'm in love with Edith the vampire. She's incredible."
"To share a bond with a vampire is no human thing."
"She's so kind of cute but like a vampire, it's just adorable."
"I am here for the vampire," he said calmly. "Can either of you gentlemen tell me where it is?"
"And of course a vampire, which is really cool."
"Lily's classmates thought being a vampire was cool."
"What does a frightened vampire look like? Oh no, oh no."
"The vampire had made solemn vows that she wouldn't lay a finger on him once liberated, yet how could he trust such promises from a creature of the night?"
"The vampire acquiesced to his terms, pledging her safety on Lucifer's name."
"It meticulously explains its own lore and tutorializes the mechanics of being a vampire."
"Nobody needs court intrigue; they need rock music and blood drinking."
"I've never had a group of friends before; I'm just going to be totally honest with you guys, I'm a vampire."
"It's his stage persona; he is known as Lestat the vampire."
"They were no match for a high-class vampire."
"Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf? Uh, I'd rather be a vampire too."
"32 years old and still going strong to this day, Vampire here at Chessington."
"What do you call a vampire whose car breaks down three miles from a blood bank? A cab."
"I was a newborn vampire weeping at the beauty of the night."
"Oh, you are newly made vampire. Congratulations!"
"Victor Ravenswood is your vampire patron? Do you have any proof of that?"
"I hereby decree that I, Victor Ravenswood of the High Moore vampire clan, pledge my mentorship, guidance, and support to this mortal who wishes to transcend into our Undead Society."
"Having a vampire around was pretty handy sometimes."
"Sometimes being a vampire really sucks."
"He is the template against which every subsequent vampire's vibe is to be judged."
"This is an operatic view on eternity, the curse of being a vampire, and love."
"I'm Mary, an ancient vampire hunter."
"To kill a vampire, it's either the burning or a wooden stake to the heart."
"Bram Stoker pretty much invented the modern-day vampire story."
"They don't kill people to drink their blood, the modern-day vampire steals the blood from blood banks."
"Yes, they function as everyday people and yes, I have met one."
"I think once you find out that someone's a vampire and they're like, 'Yep, I watch and make sure you're safe,' you find that as a sweet gesture."
"Eli confesses that she is a vampire and needs human blood to survive."
"If I take this rosary off, then I become the real thing, an evil and scary vampire."
"It is a ghastly, eerie vision of a vampire emerging from a tomb."
"Was JB a vampire? No one knows for sure, but it is one of those wonderfully chilling mysteries."
"You have heard, no doubt, of the superstition of the Vampire."
"It will never desist until it has satiated its passion, and drained the very life of its coveted victim."
"The slender hand of Mircalla closed like a vice of steel on the General’s wrist."
"She's got to be the strongest vampire."
"First rule of being a vampire is realizing how awesome you are."
"Are you ready to search for a club again?" the vampire nodded.
"I am the Count Dracula of Transylvania, the world's most distinguished vampire."