
Digital Influence Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"I won't let some digital objective dictate my real-life relationships."
"Social media has been rocket fuel for everyone's career."
"How does it feel knowing that your child loves an anonymous green figure on YouTube more than you?"
"The only way we make the world a better place is if we decide to do it and we stop taking drugs. YouTube is the drug."
"Whatever business you're in, you've got to think about the influence of this digital technology."
"‘YouTuber’ is now regularly ranked as one of kids’ top dream jobs."
"Even if they're not doing it, the fact that they have the ability to do that and they could literally, if they wanted to tomorrow, change the algorithm to feed you 'hey, don't vote for this guy because he sucks'... is the worry right now."
"It's all up to you... who you're following, what you decide to look up or follow."
"I think it's incredible that he essentially walked away from a million plus subscribers to follow Jesus."
"Children are being raised by children and now by algorithms and adults want to be children."
"Robbin’ Season explores the lingering after-effects of trauma."
"The tick-tockification of all social media is profound."
"I don't know where you came from, but all of a sudden I just started seeing you on Instagram a lot, and I'm like, 'I still don't know where you came from.'"
"The alt-right is a rapidly mutating virus, and the web is the perfect incubator."
"The future of content: AI-assisted virtual influencers who can never get canceled."
"Transparency is key; trust your content creator."
"I feel like I have been raised by the Internet. I feel like the Internet has shaped me into the person I am."
"Creating videos online changed my entire life, and I want it to change yours too."
"Tick-tock has the potential to influence people with manipulated information."
"Digital platforms can catapult ordinary individuals into global sensations."
"If he hadn't been watching those pranks, the algorithm wouldn't show them to him at all."
"I don't think JoJo Siwa has ever had a TikTok with 36 million views."
"There's been a five to six-fold increase in self-harm amongst young girls, corresponding directly with their use of Facebook and Instagram."
"I was gaining hundreds of thousands of subscribers a month."
"His content has been viewed over 13 billion times on TikTok alone."
"Newgrounds was in the top 20 most influential sites."
"Twitter and Facebook have outsized influence. Their activities have a public impact and certainly they should be held accountable."
"I don't want numbers to be what define me or what people tie my value to or how I have self-validation or self-worth that kind of stuff for me."
"You just smash that like button... it pushes us further out into the algorithm."
"Never in human history has it been easier to have your voice heard by the world by simply switching on your phone."
"By 2012, they already had over 1 million subscribers."
"What caused leafies expedition to sail so desperately off course? Why did all of his fans suddenly abandon ship?"
"We were just around them so much, we were like, okay maybe we should just start doing something on this side of YouTube."
"Big companies need to take online entertainers seriously if they want to benefit from their platform." - Zombie Unicorn
"Most people probably don't know a trans person until they watch your videos."
"The content that he puts out is amazing... he's top three creators on YouTube."
"We are replacing good genuine relationships and friendships with one-sided parasocial relationships where only a single person receives the benefits of that relationship."
"Your strategy matters, and now more than ever, your ability to do video is what absolutely rules."
"The A-10's mighty bird has carried its legendary status off the battlefield and into the digital realm."
"You're not just numbers, you're not just ad impressions, you're not just merch sales."
"Social media is all about waves, troughs, and peaks."
"I am a super live streamer. I have tons of viewers who make crazy purchases."
"The TikTok algorithm drives you further and deeper into your own taste."
"I was digitally imprisoned by her majesty and royal highness the queen of youtube susan wikiwiki peace and blessings be upon her."
"The internet's the biggest troll in the world."
"The plan here is to use the power of digital creators as well as the internet hive mind as a testing ground to promote experimental coke flavors."
"Now having a digital presence is like a currency if you have numbers and traction."
"We've been given platforms that can help amplify messaging."
"Many people have resigned themselves to displacing their sexual desires, relying entirely on porn."
"Keep that in mind when my face comes on your computer and tells you how to draw."
"When you're able to control e-commerce search engine results, you're controlling hearts, minds, decisions, and businesses."
"People like you are the reason I do YouTube."
"Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to act news I'm your host 10 million dollar studio and today I ask the important questions: are you giving your child digital heroin?"
"The culture war will not be fought on the physical battlefield. Instead, it will be fought on the digital plain where words are as devastating as heavy artillery."
"Creators who grew popular on YouTube in later years were still producing content long before their prime."
"Hopefully that really added value to people's lives."
"I could even see a future where a popular and a well-respected YouTuber hosts their own version of the Grammys and could pull more viewership than the actual Grammys themselves while remaining less corrupt in making better choices..."
"People today in cyberspace have levels of abstract power that would make the pharaohs blush."
"Success on YouTube is ministry success, but my walk with God matters more."
"Thank you very much. We're gonna go straight on to our next story before we do that do hit the like button it helps us on the algorithm."
"Deep connection to Divine source, feeling deeply loved."
"We don't have the most followers compared to the other people around in The Tick Tock Community."
"You can make a difference. Just click that subscriber bell or subscribe button."
"Trusted influencers are needed, this is a way to combat misinformation."
"The marketers behind the project knew very much that these chat rooms and forums were excellent places to stir up rumors and drama."
"This shark completely broke the internet, officially the highest subscribed to Vtuber in the world."
"Cody Co has been able to conquer the internet and make millions, billions by the way, billions."
"Coco Melon has proven itself to be quite the eye-opener when it comes to demonstrating the power of YouTube."
"I guarantee you, even in 2011, my putting that out there at big government.com alone and hoping that it goes viral would not have been the successful strategy."
"Our voices can be heard with the expansion in digital technology."
"Social media right now could make or break relationships."
"It's cool to see my guys just start a channel and then all of a sudden, like within weeks, their channels are bigger than almost all the other concrete guys on all of YouTube."
"Let's take over the Internet for one day at least."
"If all of you watching this right now did subscribe, we'd probably hit a million quicker than we think."
"When you throw in the dead internet theory and the power behind it and you've got good people making horrible choices because they're being manipulated and they don't even know it."
"Miro is also a prolific gamer with hundreds of thousands of combined subscribers across both YouTube and Twitch."
"YouTube has totally changed the face of entertainment worldwide."
"Isn't it crazy you can just say [__] and it happens? The internet scares me."
"She's gonna be a force on YouTube for a long time to come."
"Social media and the internet has created a completely false reality of humanity."
"Is internet real life now? Will AOC's 7 million followers turn into a major primary win?"
"As soon as you start to shift your intention... that algorithm starts to automatically show you things."
"The name Mr. Beast is one of the most recognizable brands on the entire internet."
"I still love social media, I love the power of it."
"I get stuck on it, dude. They're sucking us in. The Matrix, dude, it's crazy."
"How about you just not go by Twitter? It's not the real world. It's just one of many places to get information from."
"I feel like you're putting out some of the best entrepreneurial content on the internet right now."
"I think the divide is like 1980. If you were born before 1980, TV builds trust. If you're born after 1980, influencer builds trust. I think those are the only two ways to do it through a digital landscape."
"I only started this recent social media push and creating content on YouTube since like end of March beginning of April so it's only been a few months and my platform has grown this much."
"Who seriously looks inside of those books without you know something on the internet telling them to."
"Let me know by leaving it like and subscribing to the channel. It really does make a difference."
"Traditional media, the numbers don't lie. One of the oldest television show formats in history starts showing better numbers when they started producing like YouTubers. And not just on YouTube but also on broadcast television."
"There's a version of packing that you do to create content."
"This is important, I think that if I could get everybody that's listening right now and the people that are going to listen to that to share and to like and subscribe we could change the world."
"The rise of a robust alternative media based in the internet is what makes the election of a Donald Trump possible."
"I love being the bully. I spent my entire middle high school and early college life getting shit on for my gender dysphoria and my inability to feel comfortable in my own skin, but now I have a big YouTube channel I get to shit on other people."
"Jackson's Eclipse got 30,000 new subscribers. For comparison, I recently had this video on the main channel go viral, how many subscribers did I gain? 18 and a half thousand."
"The apps are the enemy of truth and authenticity."
"It's kind of like the modern-day Rolling Stone of the internet."
"Our world is nearly completely covered by artificial frequency web/net we call the internet. The AI has nearly 100 percent total control."
"I found this interesting. By comparison, Fox News, the most popular Cable News Network, averages about 1.5 million viewers a day. Take a look at Joe Rogan Experience: 14.5 million followers! Wow."
"A million subscribers is insane, that's a lot of people."
"Everybody want to win they go out there and they got these people that's casting 10 votes for this one individual when they only supposed to cast one right so with what I'm saying that's how these troll Farms work."
"He actually had exclusivity to these fans in North America, so he was the only YouTuber in America that posted a video on these fans on launch day, yeah, it's a great video."
"Everyone will have existed all the upcomers 100 will be coming from YouTube or from some social media platform there's no way they don't."
"I feel like the biggest blessing of YouTube is like letting us reach so many people."
"He is the most popular streamer of all time."
"Just one gentle annihilation of that like button will send instantaneous data to the YouTube algorithm."
"Social media is always going to be a very big thing."
"Algorithms are responsible for more famous people than any talent scout ever."
"Viral is legitimate... you can have a video with eight million views and Raw can't get eight million views."
"An incredible display of the positive power of the internet."
"TV is on the decline, YouTube and social media sponsor on the up."
"Social media has taken over many people's lives."
"He's also got a blog that's getting like 150,000 views a month, and he's getting more offers for consulting work than he could ever take on."
"I wouldn't even recognize my life today without early internet exposure."
"My online experiences have shaped who I am."
"We just understood the power of platform."
"Content creatives are having more motion than actual celebrities out here."
"It's through social media, totally. They're recruiting through social media."
"This is Marketing Hustle where we simplify marketing so that you can grow your digital influence and your business."
"Make sure to tune in every week to marketing hustle where we simplify marketing so that you can grow your digital influence and your business."
"If you digitize those biases and you build algorithms to exploit them, then what ends up happening is you create echo chambers."
"Scene culture was the very first generation to take over the internet."
"Social media has the capability to build at breakneck speed, but it can also destroy at such a speed that people are unable to tell the difference between what's happening on social media and what's happening in reality."
"Investing in art is incredibly easy and I think it's actually the easiest that it's ever been in the entirety of history because of social media, because of the Internet."
"Digital networks might have something to do with improving this horrible pattern of human social behavior that's existed throughout history."
"We have an enormous responsibility as a company that shapes this screen in terms of what we are causing people to do."
"I seriously believe in the power of the internet."
"With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, we've seen the emergence of a new type of celebrity: the social media influencer."
"We can't take for granted the fact that we don't wake up and open up our phones and read something and that kind of sets the tone for the day."
"This crazy phenomenon called YouTube, which now, we can be in anyone's home, in anyone's pocket."