
Theories Quotes

There are 530 quotes

"It's like Einstein's general theory of relativity replaced Newton's gravitation; it's just here's a more accurate model."
"The Paranormal Community is buzzing with theories about ancient stuff getting buried by nature's grand shuffling."
"It's not what anyone was expecting, and it has the potential to overturn many of the established theories about star formation, galaxy formation, dust accumulation."
"Perhaps the answers are not attainable by our current accepted theories, and perhaps the truth lies within a wildly different approach."
"What lies at the heart of black holes?...What we actually think is that there's a missing ingredient within our theories which is quantum mechanics."
"What are your solutions, what's your theory, what are you putting into practice, what are the policies, what are the ideas, what are the forms of organization, what replaces the current system?"
"What absolutely BLEW my mind when I found out, is that both smoothly connect as part of one. epic. mega theory."
"I don't think I've ever seen so many theories in a single case ever before."
"It's going to be incumbent upon us as individuals to try and spot these theories and treat them with a skeptical eye before we believe them or indeed spread them around."
"The resurrection hypothesis exceeds these naturalistic theories in explanatory scope."
"Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts."
"Their main theory is that the water has the entity's consciousness in it, as well as the other people who have consumed the water's consciousness."
"Scientific theories begin, if you like, as stories."
"The scientific method works; we put the hypotheses on the table and we attempt to falsify them. At the point all have fallen but one, that one becomes a theory."
"When faced with two competing theories, a good strategy is to think about implications that should be happening for one of those mechanisms but not for the other."
"Thank you very much, everyone. Your theories make every day more intriguing."
"But could this undetectable flying cylinder really be a secret weapon system or a UFO?"
"It's not a conspiracy theory to think that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan lab."
"I'd like to start off by saying that there are many different theories about how Demise came from Laurel and stuff like that, and it's all really good stuff."
"There's also it might not be Batman which okay so this is a common theory that I've seen people floating around."
"But as always, remember, they're all just theories, STYLE THEORIES! Keep looking sharp."
"His content isn't made to be taken too seriously because, as we know, they're just theories, a game theory, right?"
"At the end of the day, what science does is it comes up with the most reliable models and theories."
"It's a theory. A theory doesn't prove something true or false. It's just a theory."
"Planet Earth has been under a detailed survey by several extraterrestrial civilizations."
"Let's discuss the theories and then you can decide for yourself."
"There's honestly so many different theories about the Bermuda Triangle."
"Follow the evidence and be as honest as you can about using just the evidence to create the models and the theories that come from it and not the other way around."
"If something doesn't fit the official version... it's evidence that the theory is incorrect."
"No single theory will ever account for every encounter with the Men in Black and nor should we look for a catch-all explanation for a phenomenon that spans centuries as well as continents."
"Thank you so much for joining me... for listening to my crazy theories crazy information... I love you all."
"Fan theories are awesome. They are exciting and a huge part of an active community."
"The Original Dragon Creation Trio Theory proposes that there's actually a fourth member of the creation trio, representing plasma."
"Any theory you pick about the universe or even about consciousness, they all seem absurd."
"I'm curious to know your theories, guys. Let me know in the comments below."
"Fun theories, I love doing these theory videos."
"It's important to know the answer to that. Right now, there are two major hypotheses, one is the spillover hypothesis and the second one is the lab leak hypothesis, which has up until recently been seen as a fringe conspiracy theory."
"Weapon containment device: a lot of people jump to the theory that perhaps master chief wants to contain Cortana in this chip where she has no power. Weapon containment, right? That would be the goal of chief."
"The next theory is that this was an abduction."
"There are no definitive answers, so people come up with their own theories."
"I really enjoyed this film and I'm curious to hear what you guys thought about it and if you had any theories of your own so please share these in the comments below."
"Let's see what we can take from different perspectives and theories, but don't knock someone else's beliefs."
"This may be one of the most important stories of the past decade, the past two decades because if this assessment is correct, it's confirmed a lot of what the quote unquote conspiracy theorists have said."
"Four competing theories exist behind the treasure of the Copper Scroll."
"A case with many theories, but no definitive answers."
"Massive ramifications into the future of the MCU."
"Most people refer to as conspiracy theories are really just an amalgam of collective incentives."
"There's another theory that pirates could have come from inside the ship."
"This leads us to the very real, very plausible theory that the Big Bang was caused by a white hole formation."
"What do you guys think about the crazy theory? Again, I think it's odd but again I wouldn't be surprised by almost anything at this point."
"If we are being observed and studied by extraterrestrials, it stands to reason."
"You don't poop on vacation, um, my theory is that her home is very close by, so it's not a long journey for her."
"That does conclude my theory video, so please let me know what you thought of this down below."
"Maybe Homer just kept bouncing around from place to place and there's just an infinite number of Simpsons universes."
"The theories behind why this station exists are intriguing."
"Kurt: 'I have a background in math and physics, mathematical physics. So I've always been interested in theories of everything since I was a kid.'"
"Kurt: 'There's a role in physicists. There's the majority existence, I think, would say no. But that's about too much knowledge. And the majority, at least to me. So my answer is yes.'"
"It’s now only a matter of time before a discovery is made… especially as there are growing theories that not only is alien life out there, but it could also be very nearby."
"We want to know what you guys think please let us know any of your theories below we'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on these cases especially when they're this suspicious and confusing."
"Let me know your thoughts and theories down in the comments below."
"Beautiful theories tend to assume almost nothing and give you almost everything."
"People do understand what theories mean! They know that theories can be right and they can also be wrong."
"Could this be evidence then that perhaps the pyramids and the Sphinx... could actually more accurately come from the efforts of human beings from before this catastrophic event?"
"What if the UFO phenomenon is not extraterrestrial or interdimensional, but actually time travel based?"
"The most popular Theory... potentially even more than the crypto Theory..."
"From being a conspiracy theory to being a conspiracy fact."
"That's literally the best we got... they're just hiding in a corner and they've been watching us this entire time."
"This mystery has not been solved but theories abound."
"I'm open to all kinds of mysteries and theories."
"There's no theory that makes the most sense here."
"An unfinished castle is now our favorite theory."
"Was 'Oumuamua natural or artificial intelligence disguised as a comet or an asteroid?"
"Rogue Theory: the show where we pitch the wildest theories for the nerdy titles that we love."
"I really enjoy the theories, man. That's my thing."
"I wouldn't want to dispel any of those theories... there's so much crazy stuff going on."
"Whether it's a fringe, social media theory or a pharmaceutical drug product, the rules of evidence are the same."
"Either it was a coincidence that all these different people solved the same mathematical equations and astronomical theories thousands of years ago, or they got help from an undetermined outside source."
"I have so many theories regarding the anti-magic devil and Asta."
"Some say it was built by extraterrestrials, others say Giants or even by ancient humans who possessed magical abilities."
"Pokemon theories are a lot of fun... things that don't make sense or otherwise interesting."
"The truth may also be a combination of all three: dark energy may be an unknown energy field."
"It's sort of inferred by, and I think I remember reading that, but I mean, I think it's less so the meteoric impact itself, more so the impact on the environment."
"Thanks to the discovery of Gobekli Tepe the idea that the Sphinx is older than we thought is starting to be thought about more often."
"Maybe the universe isn't as smooth and as uniform as we thought."
"I have plenty more theory and actual lore videos coming very soon."
"Aside from simply being a pile of dust which can only be reversed via time travel, the most popular theory is that those who are dead are now trapped inside of the soul stone."
"This one was definitely an insane one and has so many in-depth crazy theories."
"Bendy and the Ink Machine has also sparked a lot of fan theories online."
"Was the Moon ever in danger of falling through? According to one theory, it could have been hollow."
"One Little Mermaid Theory suggests that Ursula wants Ariel's voice so badly because she knows it holds real magical properties..."
"If any of these theories are indeed right, it would make for the greatest discovery in archaeological history."
"I think the safe money is on this being Tyrion but that's a cool theory definitely."
"Is 2020 the 1904 of cosmology? We have wonderful theories that have been successful for a long time, and yet there are things we cannot explain."
"The Pixar theory is such a fun and clever way to think about these movies."
"People like to put forward theories that are novel because it's interesting and gives people a platform."
"An enigma open to speculation and wild theories."
"Maybe there's a huge man-made pyramid under the earth."
"The mystery of earthquake lights remains unsolved, sparking supernatural theories."
"This theory makes too much sense to not have something behind it."
"I think this electrical force, this Michael, is what stops the reset, and what is happening right now."
"The nature of these theories that they now throw out and we don't even know what we're hearing sometimes."
"There are so many theories that come out of this chapter and the thing is all of them make sense."
"We were able to confirm some great Dragon Ball fan theories but we know there are tons more out there."
"The only thing better than an awesome fan theory is one that turns out to be true."
"The Roman dodecahedron is an objective mystery to this day, with speculations ranging from cosmic tools to communication with aliens."
"Would you even be able to tell the difference between a real genuine free range theory and one that I literally just made up?"
"Adults should be able to hear all kinds of theories and decide for themselves what they want to believe."
"Science isn't making claims of truth, it's creating models and theories."
"You can make very intriguing theories if you just do like a little digging and find stuff that could like correlate."
"Man descending from sky: Odd sightings provoke varied theories, could it be divine or something else?"
"The discovery of the ship particularly its location challenges theories that the Cotopaxi's disappearance had anything to do with the Bermuda Triangle."
"There's something so special to me about having theories and questions about a show from the start and having them answered throughout the series or even all the way in the end."
"Science reduced its goals to finding intelligible theories."
"Most theories are specialized theories but these two views are grand theories. They're theories of everything, encompassing just about everything that matters."
"The idea that we all come up with theories to make our world a little bit safer makes a great deal of sense."
"Canoness should not be the singular goal of every fan theory ever made."
"...that's the gap between quantum theory and general relativity which tells us space is and time are physical entities."
"Honestly, I think they're being vague on purpose to see how people react to these theories."
"Consistency is only required of theories, not theorists."
"The mysterious disappearance of the SS Cotopaxi has inspired numerous theories and horror stories over the almost 100 years since it vanished."
"Most people see these suggestions as entertaining at most and don't subscribe to most of these theories since they rarely make sense."
"There were two theories about what happened to the previous teams. That something killed them, or they all went crazy and killed each other."
"A new theory of obesity because there are two overriding you know so two popular models of obesity today."
"There is a degree of overlap between the mast cell story so as I said I'm open to other theories."
"The prospect of untangling this web of cosmic intrigue propels us into a realm of fantastic speculation and theories behind the Doomsday Machine."
"How can those memories be of the same place? This is the central question that has launched a thousand tinfoil theories."
"But ancient astronaut theorists have another interpretation."
"He would want us to stay on our toes to analyze him and to make up our own theories."
"Nobody thinks that the standard model of particle physics is the final theory of everything."
"One such concept is the 'one-electron universe' theory, suggesting that what we perceive as multiple electrons might stem from just one particle moving swiftly back and forth in time, creating the illusion of many."
"String theory is considered one of the leading contenders for a Theory of Everything, aiming to understand the true scale of reality."
"I think these posts are really cute... it does make me think about the concept of relationships and dating... Love Theory... different theories... what does it take to get into a good relationship... what does a good relationship look like."
"The more success stories we have out there of people finding the right partners and being loved well, the less we'll actually need all of these cute little theories."
"Even the shows targeted at children have seen their fair share of speculations and theories over the years."
"A lot of the Mrs. Puff lore is confusing, but honestly, this is one of the most probable sounding theories out there."
"I've seen theories that we could eventually see a four-way Davey back fight between the four yonkos."
"These are really accurate effective theories and they're not going to go away. They might be replaced by better theories but there will still be a regime, a domain in which they work perfectly well."
"Conspiracy theories: moon landing, Area 51, 9/11 Inside Job, flat Earth theory, New World Order."
"We have to make better theories which don't refer to things which can never possibly be seen."
"Conspiracy theories have started to crop up that suggest the world as we know it is run by a select group of people."
"Most one-piece fans believe that Queen Lily of alabaster Kingdom had the pawpaw fruit originally."
"Interestingly, Chomsky's theories point in the exact opposite direction as the theories of Foucault."
"Most theories are wrong. If they weren't, anyone could do it."
"Most theories are wrong. If they weren't, anyone could do it. I mean, I've written hundreds of scientific papers and some of them are really beautiful theories but nature chose not to adopt them."
"The whole world is an effective theory. There's no fundamental theory that's true. None of the theories we have now are absolutely true. They're all effective theories."
"There is plenty of room for theories here and if trying to connect the dots (and potentially making up new dots to make things fit) is an experience you enjoy - this is definitely for you."
"Until you can walk into a room and tell someone that Super has three theories and the archway is the biological side, the community, and the role concept, you don't get to leave Super."
"I personally don't believe that theory, I think it's very possible that Carly could have walked out of the house that day due to the side effects of whatever trip she was having and came across the wrong person."
"One Division has been so brilliantly done that it creates these openings for these theories and these ideas and it just makes us anticipate all that future stuff like mutants and X-Men and Fantastic Four."
"Every version of quantum mechanics includes wave functions that describe many worlds."
"The Stiletto there we go there's some theories of mine about how to hold them possibly where they came from although I think there's more research need and done on that."
"Stephen Hawking and Jim Hartle have the only plausible description of the beginning."
"First up, let’s get the theories out of the way that have been debunked."
"There are really three theories we're going to go over here and it may be time to sit up and lean in because this first one is packed with stuff."
"Speculation about what might have happened to Theo has been intense but an endless number of theories have all led nowhere."
"Theories are statements of what causes what and why."
"There are so many possibilities to my theories and I shall never settle on just one as it would make me a poor theorizer."
"The ancient world is very complex and there's weird stuff going on. Even Ancient Aliens sometimes will use the Bible to explain how this stuff was happening."
"...but for more massive collisions such as between two supermassive black holes, we would have to have something entirely different."
"One of the longest lasting theories we've had... highly unlikely we'll have theories like this last that long in human history again."
"The disappearance of Amelia Earhart has given rise to a myriad of theories."
"The W model is not a theory, it's a formalism that parameterizes an infinite class of theories, and those theories have some commonality."
"It looks like our theories might be correct after all."
"The Treasures of Ruin are one of the greatest mysteries of the current generation. There are several theories surrounding them and their role in the Pokémon world."
"our Universe is Expanding At an Exponential Rate and This Sounds Great for One-Shot Theories but it's not"
"I think if the two theories make literally the same predictions... then I think that they literally are the same theory. I think that there's no sense in which one is the right one."
"It takes a theory to beat a theory. The efficient markets theory is a great theory, but it's incomplete."
"As you can tell by some of our hours of Theory videos on our Channel we love one piece theories."
"So our argument is the Iraq case was not rational the decision to expand NATO was rational because it was based on a body of liberal theories that are credible theories so you see the importance to us of credible theories."
"Scientists began to consider ideas that go beyond our understanding one of them said that perhaps these particles had come to us from a parallel universe where time flows in the opposite direction."
"Some experts think that all three possibilities could be equally possible."
"I feel like this is finally a show for people like me who like to sink their teeth into theories and details."
"I've lost my mind trying to think of theories already."
"I'm hoping Ryan is somewhere as the Armored Titan."
"Gage theories describe all the known forces of nature."
"The Dragonic Chronical Paradigm is a prime example of how internet culture can give rise to and propagate complex and unconventional theories despite lack of scientific credibility."
"Some theories have a little bit of substance."
"What causes borderline personality disorder? One of the most prominent theories is by Marsha Linehan."
"I had a theory and now my theory has changed."
"Theories here are going to get a bit more obscure and dark. That's the way the iceberg chart works."
"It might not be reality but theories like these can end relationships."
"Some believe Mara may have run off to start a new life While others believe she may have met with Foul Play."
"Unfortunately, there's also an abundance of completely ridiculous theories that don't make any sense."
"Conspiracy theories, we've all heard them."
"And of course, all the dumb articles that come out afterwards. If you ever read anything in an article, there's a tweak to that theory. If you ever read anything in an article, I guess I could put, maybe there's a tweak to that theory."
"The existence of magnetic monopoles is the only prediction that every single theory beyond the standard model gives you."
"The circumstances surrounding the man in Room 1046’s death have given rise to various theories."
"Some speculate that he may have been involved in illegal activities, such as gambling, or that it could have been a crime of passion involving a spurned lover named Louise or a man named Don, names "Owen" was heard mentioning when speaking on the phone."
"I'm only on my holiday," he said. "I haven't got any theories."
"There are so many theories out there, but none of them have been proven."
"Well, that completely debunked my theory."
"Go to the core. Theories are of no use."
"You can use unique cases to challenge existing theories."
"We do know now that they are not intergalactic that's those ideas have finally been dismissed by anybody that's redone the homework they appear to be interdimensional."
"Our very existence could be regarded as a confirmation of grand unified theories, though a qualitative one."
"Fans often engage in these discussions and theories to uncover potential hidden meanings."
"Yet again, we have a profound body of evidence to overturn or refute Peterson's idea."
"The Island's Allure lies not just in the potential riches it holds but also in the numerous theories about what is buried there."
"These theories while less grounded in fact reflect the deep-seated fascination and mystery that Oak Island has always inspired."
"When we have what I call a final theory, we won't have solved all the problems of science."