
Tenderness Quotes

There are 1023 quotes

"My approach with parenting is to be very loving, very tender, a very good role model."
"We're talking tender, tender, tender fall off the bone."
"Between men, intimacy is sadly lacking. There's a tremendous potential for tenderness between men, and I'm not sure that it's always realized, and it's terribly sad."
"Tender and loving behavior is never framed as embarrassing or unmanly in his world."
"Tender embrace...symbolic of sweet memories and nostalgia."
"The meat is very tender, has been marinated well."
"Dearest Albert took my face in both his hands and kissed me most tenderly."
"Tender touch can mean so much. Enjoy the colors of life, balance yourself with everything."
"You are by far the most tender, loving, un-abusive person I've ever met."
"That beef is so tender I wasn't expecting it to be so tender."
"The quality of this beef sets it apart from any other fajitas, it's so tender."
"This is a prized dish right here. It just fell off the bone, it's that tender."
"Compassion arises out of full somatic contact. The more you're in touch with the rawness, the more tender your heart gets."
"You're a really, really strong soul and also very tender at the same time."
"This is the tenderest brisket that we had on this trip."
"The meat is so tender you don't even need a knife." - Mark
"This beautiful little creature he needs it so bad."
"Nurturing tenderness and respect towards our kin remains the paramount choice."
"I think what's radical is tenderness between two men."
"It's so tender, it literally just breaks apart so easily in your mouth and the flavor is just kind of off the charts."
"Your hair needs a lot of tender loving care."
"Last night he was like just moving around a little bit and his hand was like over here and I swear I swear to god I could feel like the little ridges of like his little finger I was like how it's like I'm holding his hand it was so cute."
"It was the unspoken communication, the tender dynamics between the two of them."
"There can be a greater readiness for tenderness that leads to greater care."
"You shall find that the unraveling of the struggle and pain now happens through tenderness, a gentler approach."
"This conk is more tender than what I had, absolutely amazing, magical platter of seafood."
"You have to relax, sweetheart," perhaps the most tender sound I'd ever heard, my mother's voice.
"In your prayer, you must speak to Jesus with absolute tenderness."
"The meat is fall-apart soft and tender."
"You don't find it by getting rid of this stuff; you find it by becoming intimate with this stuff in a very tenderhearted, all-embracing way."
"The longer it sets, the more tender this is going to pull apart."
"It's so tender, just melts in your mouth."
"It's a tender detail and this tenderness that's in the middle of a genre film."
"This prime rib is so tender, it's flavorful, it's so juicy."
"This was the most tender chicken I've ever had."
"There is nothing as tender as tenderloin."
"Definitely softened up what can be a tough meat if you don't cook it properly."
"It's so tender that the crust is so nice. That crust is the one. That might be one of the top 10 steaks that I've ate in my life."
"I'm going to cut it as thinly as I can... it's going to be super super tender when we go to cook it."
"What happens when you slow cook tough cuts of meat like this, they become so tender and just incredible."
"There's so much tenderness, there's so much soulful, warm, kind, affectionate attitude towards you."
"This person has big plans for you, but it's so tender."
"Angels are singing, wow, that is so just oh tender, melt in your mouth."
"This chicken has been cooking for so long, it is literally fork tender."
"You are so good and sweet my dearest love to you"
"So it's meaty but it is tender very tender very flavorful."
"That beef is so tender I'm going to grab a spoonful it's very aromatic very herbaceous."
"Just look at how tender it is, it's not hard at all, just look at how soft it is."
"There's so much gentleness, so much tenderness, like talking heart to heart, opening up completely and not being afraid to be vulnerable with each other."
"The power of extravagant tenderness: kindness is the only non-delusional response to everything."
"If love is the answer, community is the context, but tenderness is sort of the methodology."
"In the tenderness of love, the nine."
"I'm seeing here that your soulmate is one who is a very soft, loving, tender, and just sweet person in general."
"This recipe was the exact opposite. It turned out so tender and so good."
"All the meats are super tender, delicious."
"The meat just falls off the bone."
"Literally melt in your mouth just explodes in your mouth."
"I don't think I've ever had Pig this tender it's just the amount of juiciness that you get from slow roasting a pork."
"It's actually super tender and it's got the flavor on it."
"Hummingbird wants you to know that you two are precious as this creature, the hummingbird creature, and deserve to be treated by yourself and others with that same kind of loving tenderness."
"overall i think it'd be that last one we just tried the last one because it has a better flavor yeah so sometimes flavor will definitely surpass tenderness right"
"People talk about a rib that's falling off the bone being so good that's because nobody likes tough barbecue."
"The living room is the place of the present moment the place of the only place tenderness can happen knowing that were only saved in the present moment period not four months from now."
"Tenderness is the finishing touch on love."
"I'll make my baby sleep even sweeter."
"Tenderness is what love feels like in private."
"The meat is very white and very fat obviously, therefore unlike our Italian chickens or whatever we are used to eating normally, it melts in your mouth, meaning the meat is very very tender."
"There's a softness there that your future spouse has for you, and you may be one of the only people on this planet that your future spouse will soften to."
"Remembering clearly is what keeps us tender in our relationship, remembering clearly is what keeps me tender to the one who still speaks, the one who still moves."
"It's like your tenderloin is tender because it's not getting that much action."
"The softer my heart is, the more set up it is to have beautiful things growing in it."
"The greatest weapon of all is the tenderness of God."
"Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem."
"Now you can cook a bean to death, but why would you, when you can pull a bean up out of there and he still looks like he's holding his shape but he is good and soft?"
"Tenderness and softness are the companions of life, but rigidity and hardness are the companions of death."
"Oh my God, look how tender it is, it's so tender, it's literally falling apart."
"I couldn't believe how soft and tender it was, the flavors were perfect."
"This steak is just so tender, it's got a great sear."
"In Korea, they use very small chickens for their fried chicken, and as a result, their chicken is more tender and juicier than what I'm used to."
"Motherhood has made me more soft and in more ways than one, and it's a good thing."
"Miss Ludgate inspired in Tessa a queer tenderness."
"That piece right there, it is so tender that you just want to keep it in your mouth so you can savor it."
"He just wants to hold you, kiss you, cuddle with you."
"Love stays because we always say it at home word that it, but that love is, you know, if love is the answer, community is the context, but tenderness is the methodology."
"May you hold your struggles with compassion and tenderness."
"Snap absolute just snap no Bend at all, that's what you want from your meat."
"The one who knows sees with compassion. The heart becomes tender because you let yourself become quiet, you're not trying to perfect the world, you're really resting in the loving heart, and it changes everything."
"It's beautiful that we're so tender, but it means something. There's a great grief there sometimes."
"Surreal, darkly comic, and achingly tender."
"It's sweet and it's tender and it's romantic and it's soft."
"Her gentleness and womanly tenderness, devotion, and purity of life were conspicuous."
"Sympathy is a deep silent inexpressible tenderness which is shown in a consistently self-forgetful gentle character."
"What if you're vulnerable and you crash your heart into a human being who teaches you that love was always meant to be soft and tender and kind?"
"You want someone who's going to show up for you in those moments too. You want something that is whole and full and tender, something that knows you and learns you and wants to grow and heal beside you."
"What if it goes right? What if you're vulnerable and you crash your heart into a human being who teaches you that love was always meant to be soft and tender and kind?"
"There's going to be a moment where you are like I said spending a moment um cherishing the softness of newborn baby feet."
"The apples have cooked to a point where they're tender."
"It just gives you all his attention and it just is such a tender moment. It makes you feel so special."
"This beef is delicious, that short rib literally does melt in your mouth. You don't need to chew it, it literally just falls apart and melts into your mouth."
"The power of extravagant tenderness."
"Tenderness is the highest form of spiritual maturity."
"You cook it so long past tough that it loops all the way back around to being tender again."
"'Minato, I love it,' he brought the babe closer to his cheeks and said its name quietly and lovingly."
"It was a very tender moment when they held hands."
"Hoss's essence was a man who could wear the rugged boots of a cowboy while nurturing a heart as tender as a poet's."
"We are enhancing and bringing out tenderness."
"Isn't that sweet? I really think that is really nice and soft."
"He showed tenderness and sensitivity to everyone, especially to women."
"For good parents, there's a soft part in their heart for their children."
"...he put the kid to sleep and listened to himself soothe like a toddler..."
"Caring, protecting demands goodness. It calls for a certain tenderness. We must not be afraid of goodness or even tenderness."
"Our chicken is so tender on the inside. This is just phenomenal."
"Upon hearing these words, Grogon gives into that tender feeling and they are both completely overcome with emotion."
"The simple sound of her voice seemed to wrap me in tenderness."
"Surprisingly tender and intimate, it may not be Fiddler's most popular song but boy does it have plenty of heart."
"Beautiful tender so these are very very useful."
"I'd like to approach politics with a radical tenderness to reality."
"I begin to feel a new tenderness toward you very raw and unfamiliar."
"Cradles like a mama gorilla holding her precious newborn baby."
"It's been on 17 and a half hours, we're past 190. I don't think it's going to get any more tender at this point."
"That bend in this slice, I mean, that tells you that the steak is tender, look at that."
"Look after your heart, you know it's a really tender time."
"...this steak is so absolutely tender you don't need a knife, you can cut it with your fork and it simply melts in your mouth."
"Show physical tenderness, the power of the human touch."
"Shh," Mr. Daniels whispered, as he crouched down and lifted the baby in his arms.
"He treats me tenderly, with affection, and at his castle nothing is denied me."
"I'll never forget how soft you were."
"That chicken is so tender, what the heck? It's so tender inside."
"Ridiculously juicy tender pork that roll saturated with all that sauce"
"It requires both wings; to say, 'Okay, I am going to open to the grief, open to the fear' and not bring a tenderness to it we can’t do it."
"May we each be blessed to meet our moments, these changing moments, including the great losses, with the tenderness and presence, letting our hearts be broken open and becoming that open tenderness."
"...tender... falling apart... absolute perfection."
"But when I stuck that fork in it, that it was tender, we're gonna strain that meat out of there, be sure you don't waste none of that broth because we need it all."
"That brisket falls apart, you don't even need a knife to cut it."
"Wow that is so juicy and it's got that that Grill flavor but how tender it is is amazing"
"But I really encourage you to read this book for these scenes because it is devastating but written with so much tenderness and honesty and fairness too."
"That beef is extremely tender and really salty."
"And it's so tender, it kind of melts away in your mouth."
"Just look at how tender this meat is."
"Carry her over the water and set her down under the tree."
"The meat was so tender, probably the most tender tapa I've ever eaten."
"That beef just melts in your mouth, so tender."
"He is so full of love and tenderness and kindness."
"Tenderness is the fullness of mystical love."
"Ultimately what I want for my daughter doesn't mean a thing but somebody who's very tender because she was brought up in a tender household."
"Life is a superfluous gift calling for gratitude and tenderness."
"Let your heart soften and hold it all with compassion."
"It's only by facing change and the pain that comes when we're identified as a separate self, the grief and the loss, it's only by facing that with huge tenderness that we get access to that very pure loving awareness that is who we are beyond these changing forms."
"That brisket just breaks. Look at that, that is slow, low and slow."
"The mother bear protects and nourishes her little ones, raising them with strict authority but also showing enormous tenderness."
"Boys made into monsters and weapons but secretly they're soft and lovely."
"Sometimes the tenderness is, I accept you, thank you for trying to keep me safe. But sometimes the more appropriate thing to do is, especially when it's like the internalized voice of someone who really bullied you, is to be fierce."
"That is like the most tender piece of beef I've ever had in my life."
"When they think about you, it brings such joy and tenderness."
"It's one of the really kind and tender moments in the film."
"I have always felt that things should be treated with gentleness, tenderness, and love."
"It was tender and crispy, the best meat ever."
"Women of God can never be like women of the world. The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender."
"He was so tender and supportive but also relatively calm and collected given the scenario."
"Just be with me," I press my lips against his temple. "How could I not?"
"We are to receive one another as we would receive children, with love and acceptance and tenderness and kindness and affection."
"The tenderness happens slowly and over time, there's not kind of these hard cut offs from one to another."
"They're very tender and the best part is how buttery they are."
"That salt does such an amazing job of really penetrating all the way through it's super well seasoned and I'd even argue that it makes it more tender."
"John was so humble and tender, and tenderness is what you find in John's writing - humanity, caring for the other."
"First off, one of the most tender Juicy Burgers I think I've ever had."
"These are done, they're very tender."
"Any steak that you can just kind of pull apart like this, yo, that texture is going to be dope. That's tender. That's going to be tender."
"Texture of brisket but the tenderness of tenderloin."
"Your person views you as someone very passionate, adventurous, and exciting. There's a tenderness and softness about you that they find genuine."
"How should you kiss? Like, gentle. Maybe we should show them. Wait, come here."
"...when the brisket probes tender like room temperature butter."
"His heart was soft and his tears were unable to be held back."
"We are to be known by our goodness, our large-heartedness, our tenderness, our kindness, our patience."
"There were so many moments that I thought were very tender and touching."
"The sound of Vronsky planting a gentle kiss on her forehead was the last thing she heard before she slipped into her dreams."
"Daddy-o, he is so strong and smart. He's a teddy bear, hard on the outside but soft on the inside."
"I have not eaten oxtails in years. Me neither. In years. You is so tender."
"We need self-love too, balance like the tender everything."
"But when someone is like cute and sweet I just like want to like pick you up and cuddle you."
"I love you. You can't really see very well, but he's even got his little blanket over his legs. That's just cute. I love that."
"As though you were dusting butterfly wings."
"He never thought that such a determined person also had a tender side."
"I just want to treat you," he said softly, his earnestness melting your heart.
"It's meant to be," you said raising your hand up to admire it. Bakugou smiled softly at you and leaned in to kiss your lips. This time his kiss wasn't hungry or passionate, it was gentle and loving.
"The tenderness of God is drawing us to himself, not the judgment or anger of God."
"That's all we have is moments, tender ones."
"Here are my kisses for my little baby fishies."
"I want the church to radiate more God's tenderness and especially tenderness for the poor."
"He challenges us to meet these situations with compassion and tenderness rather than with juridical and canonical rigidity."
"Just this once," the mother said, "she put down the glass of milk and touched the child's head gently."
"He was very tough dealing with religious people, and very tender dealing with broken people."
"Don't be afraid to be soft in the relationship."
"It made me realize that the tenderness with which my grandma would treat me is the tenderness I should treat myself with."
"Be soft with yourself, okay? You are in love."
"What a grand heart it is, the Sacred Heart of yours. How can it be worthy of anything other than tenderness, gratitude, acknowledgment, and appreciation?"
"It's so tender. You don't have to worry about your teeth."
"In terms of tenderness, my favorite was the paper and foil rested brisket. It was clearly more tender, more juicy. It had more of that Prime ribby type taste and it was nowhere near pot roasty or grainy at all."
"Temperature is really just a guide... what you're really waiting for is tenderness."
"Her gentle touch tended to his wounds."