
Correspondence Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"The principle of correspondence embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life."
"I enjoy it... I always spend a few hours every morning answering all these emails and messages... because of them I can do what I do."
"It is so wonderful to be able to press to one's heart such a bit of paper, which two so dear little eyes have lovingly beheld... only now do I realize how indispensable my dear little sunshine has become to my happiness."
"Sending physical thank you notes feels really good for both the sender and the recipient."
"The reason that the nature of the relationship between Miller and Roosevelt is still murky is because the bulk of the many, many letters which the two wrote to one another over the course of thirty years have been lost."
"These devil fruits match the nature of their owners—Luffy, Law, Kid, the strongest of this new generation."
"I can't thank you enough brother reading that eight page letter really really really connected a lot of things for me."
"Having a pen pal, a digital exchange or snail mail, it's like an ERA you know."
"Following the count in that conversation, Papadopoulos continued to correspond with campaign officials."
"That which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below."
"It's from Brian Brown. 'Dear Mr. Black, I hope you are well. Writing to you from Australia where world news [__] depresses most of us.'"
"The general idea that I've been getting from those emails is that I gave them an escape from a very uncomfortable world for that period of time."
"The letters I get are some of the best I've ever had."
"Truth is that which corresponds to physical reality."
"There were correspondences or that there was some sort of sympathy between things that were happening in the heavens and things happening on Earth."
"I will write again, and I hope this finds you well."
"It is in these personal correspondences and similar personal records that the real humans come to life."
"My dearest Kitty, the moment has come at last when finally I will meet you face to face."
"He's exchanging letters with a shy stranger all over again."
"The English king was renowned for hating the task of writing letters and yet between 1527 and 1528 he wrote Anne no less than 17 of them."
"I have been consulted as to the possibility of obtaining from you certain letters addressed to your sister which are supposed to be in your possession."
"Father Christmas, not Santa, does still receive my correspondence."
"I told them that on a letter that they never responded to, multiple letters."
"There would have been a second Church of Corinth right or hey we know John's over here in Turkey let's just write to him which is right right over the sea here and that's a lot quicker but no they wrote to Rome which is a lot farther away."
"We sent the Christmas list to the North Pole."
"There are a series of letters that Jefferson writes to his overseer at Poplar Forest."
"I will reply to every single one of them as long as you have put a return address and you've written your address clearly."
"One of the great things about having this correspondence between seemingly two different fields... sometimes operations are very easy on one side of the correspondence and they predict things on the other side."
"Truth is what corresponds to reality. Truth is what is real."
"Angles 2 and 6 are corresponding angles."
"I still do have the final email somewhere but I'm not sure I have the ones he sent me on the dating site they may have just been connected to the account possibly lost when I deleted it."
"The letters between Abelard and Eloise are among the imperishable masterpieces."
"it really means a lot to us as we open them and read them and send one back to you."
"Gradually, the prince fell in love with the person in the letters, whom he thought was Katrina."
"One of the first things African-American people did when they were liberated is write letters to the Freedmen's Bureau, searching for their lost relatives."
"It was really cool to see the follow-up and to see the Thought Emporium show the correspondence he got from the NRC."
"I hope this email finds you well. How it found me."
"Joanne mailed and faxed it to the local police headquarters."
"Unfortunately, I won't be here for a month to check all my P.O. box mail, so if you guys do want to send something, send it to my P.O. box."
"Truth is very specific, true statements correspond to what is really true."
"Jane Austen had to put down her thoughts to Cassandra."
"Of the more than 800 letters Vincent van Gogh wrote that are still in existence approximately three quarters of them are written to his brother Theo."
"Truth is what corresponds to what actually is."
"A lot of writer said that there would be more correspondence and they would know that the letters were from him because he would use the word obey."
"The envelope for me signifies maybe the fact that you've been waiting a while to hear from this person."
"A lot of the letters aren't even from famous people. A lot of them are just letters he sent to famous people, for real, like Serena Williams and David Copperfield."
"...it is Snufkin who attends to write Moomintroll a letter telling him of his plans."
"I think it looks like the picture."
"Correspondence between statement and thing is the accomplishment of a bearing, a comportment."
"And she wrote, 'Dear Mr. Sibley, Professor J.R.R. Tolkien has asked me to return your copy of 'The Adventures of Tom Bombadil' which he has autographed on the title page.'"
"Since his departure, the Archduke had never written a letter or sent a person with a message."
"A beautiful discovery outside the window of her underwater home prompts the reclusive E to begin a correspondence with renowned scholar Henry Clel."
"I really enjoyed it and got to know him through letters and emails and messages, wow."
"You never see her no no that would have spoiled everything but but I taught myself grammar and penmanship so I could write to her oh she wrote wonderful letters it was like hearing from somebody living in a world you'd never seen somebody you loved but couldn't be near."
"I love the contrast between the perspective of Copper, who's the main character, and these like letters he gets from his uncle."
"President Roosevelt was getting letters from Albert Einstein, the world's most prolific scientist at the time."
"They groaned every time they received one of his letters. A clerk once told him, 'Which one was excellent? They should know his name by Jove!'"
"Thank you, everybody, who sent us stuff or correspondence or both."
"The great second Hermetic principle embodies the truth that there is a harmony agreement and correspondence between the several planes of manifestation life and being."
"Every letter that she sent to her mother she saved."
"We got over 50 cards today between the P.O. box and our regular mailbox. You guys, this is incredible."
"A belief is true when it corresponds to the way things are."
"Listen to this: 'My dear regime, I have just returned from the North Sea, the portrait is ready...'"
"To get letters, you have to write letters."
"He gets letters from John Dillinger and Clyde Barrow."
"He wrote to the Brady Tucker's in America asking for an obscene loan of a hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds."
"Correspondence in moments like these were so profoundly important for soldiers."
"I long to see you and speak to you, I am and will remain most affectionately yours."
"She started sending him letters back."
"For Sylvia and Sidney Glazer, letters across the war zone in the Pacific started a lifelong romance."
"Dickinson's material vocabulary might best be described as epistolary."
"Truth means that my idea is adequate to the thing itself."
"Truth is that which comports to reality."
"Thank you very much Trey, I appreciate the letter."
"And of course, once you create those cards, it's time to pop them in the mail and make somebody smile."
"A letter from a woman named Yuki to her lover Hiroshi, both of whom lived in the 1500s."
"I feel like honestly it could totally be a beautiful thing to bring back."
"The Maharal believed that something that is in spiritual reality should have an exact correspondence in the physical world itself, however, within the laws of nature."
"Every day we receive a ton of mail from viewers just like you, and believe it or not, we make the effort to make sure each and every letter gets read."
"...this man had literally saved each and every letter I had ever written and asked my grandfather to mail it to him."
"The two pen pals said they would continue to stay in touch."
"Julia's letters to Mary Frances were very revealing."
"Upon receiving the disheartening news, Marie Antoinette writes a letter to her brother, assuring him that France remains Austria's ally despite the tragic demise of the Empress."
"I think of Jim Hudson constantly because she sends me cards here lovely drawings of myself how she imagines me."
"Jonathan, that is beyond great and don't worry about the long letters."
"Oh, you crazy, daring fool, how often I have read and reread your letters."
"That was a really good day when I received a letter."
"This Google Earth data from Glenn is going to be at the root of so many of the letters coming from this point on."
"All tens correspond to each other: the 10 plagues, the 10 utterances of creation, the Ten Commandments."
"It's always nice to receive a letter, particularly if you're on a sort of expedition."
"Thank you for the letter, very kind of you."
"They quickly became more than just pen pals."
"...for a lot of guys, mail is the lifeline... when I see a guy who hadn't had a letter from his family in six months or a year get one, for a while it may be hours, maybe days, maybe even a week, but they would suddenly have a whole new brighter spirit about them."
"They were the most beautiful letters I've ever received."
"Dear sir, I now take pleasure in writing a few lines to let you know how much I like Canada."
"I like to keep handwriting letters as keepsakes."
"True propositions are those that correspond to the way the world is."
"A sentence is true if and only if it corresponds to a fact or it maps onto the world in a structure-preserving way."
"I sent you a handwritten letter to thank you for that."
"Who doesn't love getting a letter in the mail? Letters really do it for me."
"I get a lot of emails from people all over the world who share my passion."
"Yesterday and today, winter really started here. Good frosts. I live very well, but no letters from you."
"They took the time to write to me, I don't care if it takes me another 20 years, I'm going to answer every one of them."
"It's really beautifully written and I just love letter correspondence."
"Thank you so much for your mail that is so friendly, so encouraging."
"You know something, I love it. As a matter of fact, your letters are appreciated by all of us."
"Truth is that which corresponds to reality, that which is actually real."
"I hope this email finds you well."
"Mary, you really are a great person. I hope we can keep in correspondence."
"Dear Jack, thank you for asking me to be your pen friend; I would like that very much."
"Whatever you write to the person you're sending it to, that's the important part."
"Thank you so much for the letter, Megan; this is one of the sweetest letters I have ever gotten."
"When you go, will you send me a letter from America?"
"As always, I love reading your letters; it's a lot of fun for me."
"First you write letters, then you get letters."
"I look forward to hearing from you soon."
"I hope this letter finds you well on the morrow of Sunday."
"I await your reply. Are you well?"
"As long as I have free will, I'm going to keep writing letters to Bonnie up until the end."
"The universe has been constructed almost through a metaphor by one part of the universe corresponds to another part."
"If there is a grand theory of the universe in which everything is linked through correspondence... then it makes a kind of sense."
"Eventually, she had enough. Gathering paper and quill, the girl wrote to her prince, whoever he may be, and breathed life into the paper."
"That's what's so extraordinary, that she was pretty much writing to them every single day."
"I appreciate the letter, especially the personal touch that goes with a handwritten letter."
"We send them a handwritten thank you card... it goes a long way."
"I love to send cards... I love to send maybe some thinking of you cards."
"I write my own letters and I write without malice."
"It's his mind I've fallen in love with, the beautiful writing in his letters."
"Send love and big hugs through the mail."
"Always be sending cards, always be sending letters. I love just handwritten letters, man."
"Keep your letters and your questions coming. We love hearing from you."
"Thank you very much and kind regards."
"The answers are found within, through the principle of correspondence as well as observing through cause and effect."
"There is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life."
"Thank you for your letter, it deeply touched me."
"As above, so below; as though, so above."
"...at the center of the universe, they match through the law of correspondence: as above, so below."
"Thank you so much to everyone who sent mail."
"Thank you so much, we appreciate your letter."
"You like children, Charles? I hope you do because if we continue to correspond, I will mention Rainelle often."
"Nobunaga, with his deep-seated sense of justice, took it upon himself to correspond with each village."
"I will send you a typed thank you note from Tom Hanks."
"I will type you a letter from any celebrity that I will sign how I think that celebrity should sign their name."
"I will write you a card as a friend, not referencing any bit."
"The principle of the law of Correspondence tells us that what is true in the macrocosm is also true in the microcosm, and vice versa."
"Writing them a letter... highlighting their positive qualities."
"The principle of Correspondence extends far beyond mere metaphorical language; it unveils the intrinsic fractal nature of reality."
"The Hermetic law of Correspondence states that what we do on a micro level, we will also do on a macro level."
"I am very pleased to get your letter, everything went well and we have some most interesting results."
"She sent me the most beautiful happy mail."
"Sending a note to someone you love is such a wonderful experience."
"It is believed that Christ wrote to Joseph of Arimathea."
"Thank you so much for the letter and services."
"Waiting for an answer, I remain your obedient servant."
"Your letters are the bright spot in my day."
"He would smile for days after reading her letter."
"I received the sweetest letter from Debbie White and her husband."
"Upon receiving a handwritten letter, any person will pay special attention to it because it feels personal."
"I personally take my time and read every letter."
"I can't imagine writing this letter, I can't imagine receiving it."
"I'm corresponding with this cartoonist that I really dig, they're giving me the time of day."
"Some way to slow down the pace of technological obsession and to slightly protect the old world of slightly more charming traditional correspondence would be something I would love to see in the world."
"Thank you for all the Christmas cards that you have sent us."
"Jefferson had about 16, 17 thousand letters in his lifetime and he very often mentioned members of the Hemings family."
"If all possible, would you mind writing back? That would be awesome, and it would make me really happy."
"Every letter I scan is a letter that Alberta wrote herself."
"A heartfelt letter that really pierced my own."
"The worship of God must be spiritual in order that it may correspond with His nature."
"It's always nice to send a thank-you note."
"The queen wishes to thank you for your letter of kind message."
"Thanks for the mail, Emma, and hopefully, I'll meet you one day."
"Make it a fabulous day, send someone some love in the mail."
"For in your absence, your letters are all the joy I have on earth."
"Getting a good real letter, it does make you happy."
"I hope this letter finds you above average."
"Thank you very much for your letter. I'm very glad to hear that you're having a wonderful break."
"Thank you for your time and attention to the matter; we look forward to your response at your earliest convenience."
"The most popular idea of truth is the idea of truth as correspondence."
"I have been rereading your email for weeks now every night before falling asleep; it's been the most helpful thing so far."
"This etheric body has five senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell, which correspond in every way to your normal physical senses."
"The law of Correspondence reveals a profound truth about the nature of reality."
"The truth is when our idea of what exists corresponds to what actually exists out there."
"As above, so below; that's the law of Correspondence."
"Most formal letters and letters written to loved ones, letters written to important people had to be on this format."
"I remain, Dear Sir, yours truly, S. Ramanujan."
"We used to write letters home for them and this sort of thing so we knew a lot of personal details about them."
"Letters are amazing for our soul; some of those letters have really changed my life."
"Your reply should include a greeting and a closing."
"I got a letter from the British Library."
"I want to write letters to the men that went down, to their families, because it's a personal touch and that means more to me and more to them."
"I languished in a loveless marriage in London, I lived only to read your letters."
"A beautiful letter from 1880, handwritten with the stamp still included."
"They've developed a great respect for each other, and their letters were always addressed 'Dear friend' or 'Esteemed friend'."
"There's a correspondence between the microcosm and macrocosm that's built into the etymology of the word 'world'."
"Send a handwritten letter once a month. Snail mail is going to have a huge comeback."
"Wow, this is the nicest letter I have ever received."
"One of the defining attributes of a topological phase should be a bulk edge correspondence."
"Sometimes I miss you so much, I think I'll go crazy. But then I receive her letters, and I feel better."
"Angelica made a great correspondence; she was the type of lady you would want to exchange letters with."
"Thank you so much for writing this letter and for all your kind words, it honestly just warms my heart completely."