
Laws Quotes

There are 358 quotes

"The principle of correspondence embodies the truth that there is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes of being and life."
"Humanity has a regrettable past of designing laws and systems which make humans not human, in an attempt to justify hating, treating poorly, or flat out killing them."
"The more laws there are, the more rules and regulations there are, the less freedom you have."
"One of the important things about systemic racism is that none of the laws or regulations that are embedded have to be explicitly racist; they might just produce what would be considered racist outcomes."
"Isaac Asimov created these three laws of robotics."
"These are the 10 laws that govern the subconscious mind, and with an understanding of how they work, you're one step closer to unlocking the sleeping giant within you and developing real-life superpowers."
"Machine guns, stupid arbitrary laws that are created to control us and make some people feel safe. I have a false sense of security because they don't understand a thing and that's what makes them scared."
"You unfortunately can't have a situation where everything is completely legal because imagine what the world would be like. There has to be laws and rules and things in life to keep everything structured and working properly."
"We've got to say these are the values and the laws of this country."
"Evil is enacted in very boring ways. Laws, rules, and orders."
"More government and more laws are not the answer to our perceived problems."
"The law are the wise restraints that keep men free."
"There are laws that exist that we did not create."
"Nature is not the only place with the laws of the jungle."
"Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit paranoid?"
"I never consider myself a criminal, I considered myself an outlaw because I broke laws that I thought were wrong."
"That's the way fundamental laws work in physics."
"We're getting to a fork in the road in society... do we have laws or not?"
"How can you make laws about it? How can you tell me how to take care of my body when you don't have my body?"
"It seems to me that either there are laws on the books that could have applied or there have to be we've got to enact some."
"What is not being able to give someone water or snacks going to do to quell the notion of voter fraud?"
"If I was you, I wouldn't make you enforce unjust laws."
"Restrictive laws whether they're good or bad will never be as bad as a mandate they can't because a restriction on action is far less tyranny in your life than the compulsion to do something against your will."
"Locally is where this stuff starts. These things that these laws that passed in Texas, they weren't started at the national level."
"The laws now are catching up exactly but this is why bitcoin and crypto and decentralization is the next wave it's the most important evolution of the internet."
"Sympathetic magic is very real because there are laws that the similacrum is governed by."
"Laws change social values change I'm down with that that's what a democratic process is about."
"Ichigo has been fighting against the laws of the Soul Society in order to protect Rukia."
"It is really brutal, nature has its own rules."
"There are fundamental constants in the world of physics. With their help, only you can derive all physical laws."
"Understanding spiritual laws can prevent you from becoming a victim of your own demise."
"If we are going to be a country of laws and justice then we need transparency otherwise what we are is we're a country of laws with no justice."
"If Thou shalt not covet and thou shalt not steal were not Commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free." - John Adams
"This fifth law can really drive a lot of attention to your work."
"We are basically obeying the law of conservation of mass."
"Jesus did not come to abolish the laws of the Old Testament, but to fulfill them."
"There has to be laws and rules, but there's things that can change for the better."
"We've sampled only the stuff around the Earth, but yet there may be laws that apply to everything."
"Every one of Newton's laws has an angular equivalent."
"Is there any freedom in the way the laws of the universe are constructed?"
"Quantum information follows well established laws. And there's really only one basic law, it's called the superposition principle."
"The laws of nature... they're descriptors not causal entities."
"...in a crisis, all man-made laws may not apply."
"The universe is constantly changing, but the laws of physics are immutable."
"There mustn't be another fire; laws would insist on flat fronts, no overhangs, more brick."
"Every law of science is a reflection of the mystical laws."
"We still need to understand what the laws of physics are that push the wave function of the universe forward."
"Embrace these laws to up your power game or suffer the consequences."
"...family laws are literally rewarding women for leaving marriages and relationships."
"It's all due to Newton's third law."
"America needs a remake in terms of our laws."
"Laws are just a man-made construction. They aren't natural or concrete, not real barriers, but simply a collection of ideas that we've crafted."
"Ultimately, now you're governed by the Constitution, the laws of your state, your state constitution, policy, and all these things."
"We are dependent upon laws traced in the universe by the hand of God."
"Whosoever shall do and teach these laws shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven"
"If you're ever traveling to the US just take a gander at some laws you just never know what's what innocent thing could be illegal here."
"These laws are ruining men's lives."
"If we can begin to feel these larger rules and laws, I think we will be encouraged to find real answers for real problems."
"You have to have laws, for example, the law of gravity in our everyday life."
"Singapore is famous around the world for having some very strict laws."
"God is not a dictator who punishes if you don't keep his laws."
"When you explain a system by referencing the laws, that's not the end of the explanation. You have to... explain how the laws came to be and why there are these laws and not other laws." - Paul Davies
"What physicists call a law is any kind of regularity that we observe in nature and that we can formulate using mathematics." - Sabine Hossenfelder
"Could it be that there are entirely different types of laws of different form, not this kind of differential equation, that would actually be more useful to describe our observations?" - Sabine Hossenfelder
"...The laws that govern black holes look kind of analogous to thermodynamic laws, right?"
"Changing our laws or honoring the ones we have, it's not a bad objective. But ultimately, I believe we have to see a change of hearts."
"ethics and we can pass all the laws we want but if you have a culture that's unethical if people individual people aren't ethical the whole thing falls apart"
"One drink in Norway and you could be over the limit. Shocking to so many Americans."
"The laws of physics, consistent throughout the universe, govern the motion of galaxies, the lifecycle of stars, and the intricate dance of particles at the quantum level."
"That's not what the immigration laws were created for. Exclusion laws were not created to create like a white ethno-state."
"Laws are made to protect us from each other. What is missing in the human heart is this kind of love."
"We are dealing with an ideology that not only violates the law of God the spiritual laws of God but it violates the physical laws of nature."
"There's 12 laws of the universe, that's literally how the universe works."
"Laws are made for everyone to read, it's just that lawyers are using them."
"Where men make their own laws, they must live according to the merits and demerits of the statutes which they have framed."
"There are greater laws that cannot be broken."
"Laws of mathematics worked perfectly well before people were around to describe them."
"The entire universe is born of a simple set of physical laws."
"You gotta challenge laws that don't make sense."
"Now I've got a question for you I just want you to think about is there ever a time I might choose to be out of compliance with laws or regulations and the answer is yes."
"There are so many laws in the Bible that our people don't know. This is our culture right here, right stripped away from you."
"Charlotte would have lost her place in succession. With the laws being changed, she will hold on to that position. She is the fourth in line to the throne, and no little boy born hereafter will take that place away from her."
"Do the laws of the universe work the way we think they do or is there something else going on which allows for this sort of event?"
"And what we need is laws, new laws that prioritize transparency, laws that, you know, are making algorithms more transparent where we can see what is synthetic content, where independent watchdogs can keep an eye on the platforms."
"Faith operates by laws. It's like electricity. Electricity doesn't just choose to kill one person and not kill another."
"You start understanding how the laws work."
"The universe is as it is the laws are in place and they are intimately connected to you."
"Their existence cannot be doubted, so long as you're in that world because they are cord with the laws that govern it."
"The two laws of thermodynamics: energy is never created or destroyed, and energy always travels from hot to cold."
"...the laws that govern creation itself is that there is a pattern of cause and effect that things arise due to causes."
"Magic follows set unchanging laws; think of it like the physics of the Fantastical."
"Life is not only spiritual but it is governed by spiritual laws, rules, and principles."
"Salvation has come to this house. No laws given, just grace."
"When our nation shall enact laws to bind the conscience of men in regard to their religious privileges, enforcing Sunday observance, the law of God will be made void."
"Every conservation law comes with a symmetry."
"The basic laws would have this feature but they're obscured from view."
"Everything in the cosmos is under the same patterning, under the same laws."
"...when people cannot practice Common Sense we go from having a small number of general laws to tens of thousands of miserable laws."
"So, most of my colleagues who work in fundamental physics and cosmology think of the laws of physics as eternal, immutable, transcendent perfect mathematical relationships."
"I am where I am today because I followed rules, protocols, and laws."
"I don't think society can function without an agreement of laws that protect society for the greater good."
"Democrats need to pass laws to make the elections less transparent, go back to ward healers, go back to the rough cooping, so that the elections then conform to the level of suspiciousness that everybody has in their heads."
"We live in a country where you can't get a tattoo when you're 15, but you can have a gun."
"Nature has its laws, and the spiritual perspective has always tried to pay respect to them."
"The laws are crazy, but they are put in place with good purpose."
"The laws of physics have not changed since creation, as evidenced by the absence of radical changes in decay rates."
"Cricket oh stephen france doesn't even have rules it has laws."
"Space is subject to the laws of the universe."
"When men are pure, laws are useless. When men are corrupt, laws are broken." - Benjamin Disraeli
"The system of laws that God placed around human sexuality have all been designed to bring us into ultimate and eternal blessing in the arms of God."
"All nature's laws have decreed that nothing may live which is not used. Disuse brings Decay and death."
"Here's a secret child support agents don't want you to know: child support is based on guidelines not laws."
"The laws of nature function whether or not we know them."
"Just as programs are based in numbered code, so is our universe similarly governed by mathematical laws."
"Everything changes except the laws."
"Anti-miscegenation laws were unconstitutional."
"The presence of laws relating to slavery in the Bible is often quite jarring to those who hold these texts as being handed down by the most high God."
"The Torah was given with moral and ethical laws."
"I will put my laws into their minds and write them in their hearts, and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people. It is we who should be to God a people, that's right."
"Laws and ethical precepts become mere nuisances as individuals try to gain whatever advantages they can using the sophisticated tools available to them."
"There are set laws governing the spirit realm, just like there are set laws governing our natural universe."
"The Supreme Court has long held that in addition to prohibiting slavery and involuntary servitude, the Thirteenth Amendment allows Congress to pass laws to eradicate the badges and incidents of slavery."
"Congress has determined that the Thirteenth Amendment provides a basis for laws that criminalize race-based hate crimes and penalizes human trafficking and protects survivors."
"On some things the power of persuasion is limited. Passing laws that coerce people is the height of hypocrisy."
"Let's just get it out of the way, the First Law."
"There are rules to magic, there are laws of magic."
"The root problem with laws, with a common belief system, is all the trust that's required to make it work."
"Spiritual law, y'all, it's a real thing, the laws of karma."
"Your life is governed by laws that are not man-made."
"Man-made laws and customs are not technology, they are political power ploys."
"Developing a faith inside of all of the laws you must feel at this time is really what it's about, restoring your faith, developing your faith, fortifying your faith."
"Laws are for people, people aren't for laws."
"You know, those same, yep, those same physical, physiological and biological laws apply."
"Different countries all over the world have very strict laws about metal detecting."
"God is never a prisoner to his own laws."
"The Bible is not a book of minute laws, it is a book of great principles."
"If you refuse to keep those laws, you won't be able to buy or sell. You don't get a cart."
"The goal is to try to understand nature in simple, general, and unified terms... one set of laws of nature to rule them all."
"Overall, the kingdom of God is based on laws. There are spiritual laws."
"There are laws that govern how God operates. Just like in the natural realm, if you want the lights on in this place, the electric company generates the power but it's at our command."
"Honor is something no less sacred than government laws."
"Magic follows the first law of thermodynamics."
"These laws were passed way back before Tesla was even an inkling in the minds of Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, back before World War II, in fact."
"He literally writes the laws of the universe around him."
"Find out your state's laws pertaining to homeschooling."
"Working hard is not a secret, it's laws."
"So, we know subtract our index, so it's going to be, I can rewrite it several ways, right guys, so I can rewrite it as 3 to the sixth power subtract 3 is equal to 3x."
"You have to know what the laws are. You cannot just use authority at your own selfish whims."
"God doesn't just sometimes will things to happen. He operates by laws, and we have to cooperate with them."
"You don't have to invite the devil, you can pass all the laws you want against him, he'll still come."
"But the laws of Islam are laws which are catered for all of the Muslims."
"Red flag laws are a way of better identifying individuals who are becoming increasingly dangerous."
"Because it's illegal, you see what happened is we as a society got together and agreed on these things called laws."
"The laws of nature are there and they're still intact. Remember, nature is perfect."
"Give your world basic laws and rules to make it seem like it has structure."
"The first law says that if we have the base x with exponent m being multiplied by the same base x with exponent n, we can combine them simply by adding the exponents together."
Wow, it might be new censorship laws too, like it could be like, "Hey, now you have to advertise."
"The laws of nature exist. That itself is the first and greatest miracle."
"It's an unavoidable consequence of our fundamental laws."
"There are certain laws of human nature that you cannot break."
"The laws of physics are immutable."
"Universal laws... They don't change."
"The first law of the universe is the law of vibration."
"Everything in nature was created with laws in order for it to work."
"The laws that come out of ancient Kemet... have greatly influenced or actually been the source for several of the ten commandments."
"Congress cannot make any laws that apply to American citizens that don't apply equally to themselves and vice versa."
"We see the universe marvelously arranged and it obeys certain laws."
"No matter how strange alien life might be, it's going to be limited by the same physical and chemical laws that we are."
"I like laws. I like the ability to understand my code."
"They obey laws with almost military precision."
"How is this possible? We're like defying every law of nature."
"So the laws, if you will, that constrain us, that we've discussed today in class, don't let that constrain your thinking."
"The existence of physical laws governs how our universe is organized and functioning."
"The same laws that are going on in the lake outside are applicable to what's happening in my fish tank."
"There are laws that are immutable."
"You cannot bribe the laws of physics."
"The natural world with its laws... are indicators to my mind of a divine mind."
"The concept of everything that we have coming from nothing violates the first law of thermodynamics."
"We are not separate from nature; we are merely a species out of historical context, but we are still a species subject to biological and physical laws."
"The laws of physics are the same if you're moving or standing still, as long as you're moving in uniform motion."
"These 12 laws, if you understand them and apply them in your life, they'll transform your life beyond anything that you can imagine."
"Everything in life, seen and unseen, visible as well as invisible, is governed by laws, it's governed by principles."
"Every Bible story... the foundation in which that story is built on are the laws of God."
"A continuing problem is always indices, making sure that you know your index laws."
"When we understand the laws and the rules of the scriptures, we get a greater appreciation of our Bibles."
"There are human laws and there are universal laws."
"Both Canada and America have freedom of speech laws which I love."
"In essence, the swirlonic state bends the laws of physics."
"The universe is a machine governed by principles or laws, laws that can be understood by the human mind."
"The laws of nature cannot be broken; that's why they are so powerful."
"A law is more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises, the more different are the kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its range of applicability."
"You have to follow the laws of science."
"Dialectics is the general laws of nature, human society, and human thought."
"The laws of nature have been fine-tuned for beings like us."
"There is a difference between physical laws, which must be obeyed, and moral laws, which ought to be obeyed."
"We're in America, same laws exist."
"Justice is a system of laws and rules that some dinosaurs have formulated to live by."
"Atlanteans were portrayed as deeply attuned to spiritual laws and cosmic truths."
"Switzerland is known for having many interesting laws, for example, if you live in an apartment, you are not allowed to make distracting noises after 10 pm."
"The experimental and theoretical study of these conditions allows us to understand the fundamental laws of nature and to unveil the ultimate mysteries that govern our universe."