
Levels Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Look at all those extra levels; it was a level 100, now it's a level 150."
"Wait, this is interesting. It's like levels."
"I was [__] hype! Tempest, these levels are so hype."
"It's levels to this [ __ ] man you gotta you got to go to different levels to get to that dimension you just don't get there."
"Looks like we just saw a level like this not too long ago."
"Yuya realizes he was able to defeat a level 300 ogre when he was just level one."
"We want to base our levels on recent price action."
"There's levels to music, and then there's levels on top of levels."
"It's like the people arguing for that don't trust themselves to go down to that level."
"The last time we did a desktop, it was like bronze everywhere."
"These levels are actually so incredibly fun."
"Our friendship is on another level. It's on another level."
"Aquarium Park is an actual good water level."
"Sweet Mountain is a level made up of all manners of food, ranging from burgers to bubblegum."
"God damn brother. God damn right, like there's there's levels to this Frank, a maximum."
"And now it's revealed that there is at least 50 player levels."
"I love sets in MMOs. Whether you're a level one player or max level, there are so many sets to collect."
"Every mitzvah is a connection, but there are levels."
"The infrastructure is available in two levels: the physical and the abstract layers."
"There is nothing separate here, every single person is connected on two levels."
"You can understand it on different levels."
"Levels of white anger ranked: 'Son of a gun,' 'All right bucko,' 'You just hold your horses,' 'Well now just wait a minute,' 'News flash pal,' and then 'Listen here buddy.'"
"He checked his status and observed that his level had been steadily increasing since he arrived in this world."
"Is this level one of the video game, just trying to get out of town? Because it screams very much video game level."
"There's no exact formula nor magic algorithm for transcendence."
"There are after all levels to this thing called greatness."
"There can be very different levels of consciousness, even in one individual. For example, when I'm asleep and dreaming, I have a degree of consciousness, but it's not the same as when I'm awake."
"18,000 is a level that requires a certain level of respect when you get to it, either as support or resistance."
"Anything in life is levels too, like a job. It's levels to this sh man."
"The label is like, just, you mean, it's levels."
"Success is measured by considering the levels of scrum teams."
"There's different levels to this game."
"Market-generated levels can serve as significant support or resistance."
"There's levels to this like Dante's Inferno of shit bag right."
"Dooku reached levels of power that had never been seen in all the years of his life."
"What's funny about that bell curve is that level one kind of benefits in a way."
"Waiting to enter the trade gives you a better sense of what levels a stock is respecting and what areas might make sense for stop losses and profit takers."
"Wow, so now there's levels to racism?"
"The tank levels are displayed in a percentage so the fresh tank is 25 percent full the gray tank is also 25 full and the black tank is empty."
"When it comes to love, it's four levels I look at. I can like you, I can love you, I could be in love with you, but the key is unconditional love."
"None of them had higher levels of education."
"You'll forgive at the mental level, the emotional level, the spiritual level. When you do it at all three levels, that's when it sticks."
"There's levels to the game, guys."
"Every level of Consciousness comes with a new language."
"I'm currently a level 430." "Well, I'm a level 605."
"There's just different levels to this Halloween game, isn't there?"
"If you can find a lower level of description about something, then that explanation must be more true than anything going on at a more macro level."
"I think my testosterone levels are gonna be higher at the end of this movie than now."
"Now, what am I looking for? I'm looking for a down Clos candle into an important level. Now those important levels are a previous order block, a fair value Gap, or a sweep. Let's go over those."
"I always get excited seeing tons of levels and how crazy these series can get."
"There are levels to everything you know."
"...there's so much grip, sort of endless levels of grip here."
"We're exposed to today at levels we never ever saw before."
"You're welcoming in love on all levels because of the internal work you're doing."
"We are discussing this matter in the different levels of our leadership."
"It's a wide pool and you have to bring your game by understanding those levels."
"Yeah, there's no name. You know, but then all you think is, 'All you need to do is know Nick.' No, it's levels to this [ __ ]."
"There are levels to this spiritual thing."
"There's levels to it, levels of the toxicity, yes. 100."
"Every joke is in a different level of development."
"You want your channel trim levels to be negative."
"Chocolate level up? You got your levels back to normal?"
"Money's relative because there's levels to it."
"He achieved two unreached levels of knowledge."
"Men understand that there's levels to this [ __ ] quite literally. Women, however, typically don't."
"There are five levels of game, the first level is not opening up a girl all by your onesie, which is called a single, a lone wolf, or a single set."
"There's levels to fulfillment and to discovering what's meant for you."
"You cannot play at higher levels without gaining proficiency in the lower levels."
"Ended up being a level so just working off of 235 and 240."
"We can all grow spiritually if we recognize that each of us is at a different level."
"But this if this is to occur and we are to grind out between these levels, 70 and 50, that is going to give us more time to shoot up to new all-time highs."
"I am all things... for consciousness, though expressed in an infinite series of levels, is not divisional." - Neville Goddard
"You're going to intimidate a whole lot of people because there's levels to it there's absolutely levels to it."
"Truth works on many different levels, and it's important for all of us to think about when asking if something is true."
"We're not gatekeeping, we're showing you all the different levels."
"It's just levels and levels and levels."
"Happiness tends to stop increasing at moderate to high levels of income."
"You control these levels. You know what I'm kind of trying to preempt, right?"
"There are really three different levels of understanding: exposure, recognition, and ownership."
"This is just level one for him, he's got three other levels to go."
"No, that's how you know it's starting to get real when they have the levels."
"Levels doesn't mean there's one better than the other. We're all on our own journey."
"You will never have to deal with your audio levels being too quiet or too loud and peaky, ever again."
"There are three different levels that you have to get through, including one bonus level which we'll talk about at the very end."
"I hope you have a little bit of luck in the mines today. I would like to get at least like 10 more levels, that would be fun."
"Oh man, oh I'm frustrated. This is frustration and this is the next level and that's where I'm at."
"It's levels to this thing, homie. We on different floors."
"I like his definition, there's different to somebody if somebody calling you a [ __ ] and then somebody run up to you and slap beat the [ __ ] out of you, there's levels to the disrespect."
"...there are levels to hockey... not everyone has the same hockey level."
"It's not a reincarnation to the earth level but there is this traveling between these different levels of the spiritual world."
"Unreal, ladies and gentlemen. You guys have just witnessed history on three different levels."
"Racism, by the way, is currently at its lowest levels in our entire recorded history."
"Hardship is not exclusive to any group of people. Everyone goes through it on different levels, and some unfortunately go through more than others, but it's not discriminatory. Hardship comes after everybody."
"Everybody's on the same playing field, we're all at different levels but no one is better than the other, no one is lower, no one is higher."
"You can understand that your mind has different levels and different degrees of power."
"We need to build nested theories at multiple levels."
"What often makes TV homes so interesting and part of the design magic of this home are the different levels present within the structure."
"Memory operates at a number of levels."
"It's extraordinary from so many levels."
"The market will respect key levels."
"The garden has lots of levels, so wherever you are in the garden, the eye looks at the structure."
"This game was pretty epic, yeah, on so many different levels."
"It's really important to make it resonate on many different levels."
"If you're a beginner, there's going to be stuff for you; if you're advanced, there's going to be stuff for you."
"Intimacy came in all shapes and forms; it came in levels."
"It's really good on so many different levels, like emotional level, a visual level, just like storytelling."
"Happiness is of levels, like misery is of levels."
"Very often bigger projects will have like six levels to them."
"Bronze is great, thank you so much, but the perks really start happening at silver, gold, platinum."
"Level one, get going. Level two, get good. Level three, get smart."
"It is multidimensional, it has seven levels."
"I love it, it speaks to me in so many different levels."
"I think it looks really cool. I think it really adds to it. I like that there's more levels and it just keeps going on and on."
"Energy eigenstates live in a ladder. They're called Landau levels."
"Healing needs to be attained on all three levels: the cellular level, the energetic level, and the esoteric level."
"Life is about going to new levels."
"An eidetic seeing can view the essence from a variety of levels, from the most general to the most concrete."
"The regulatory environment includes self-regulation, national bodies, and international levels."
"Wisdom, knowledge, understanding... it's the first three levels."
"If you don't perform at the lower levels, putting you at a higher, harder level doesn't mean you're going to be successful."
"We are citizens of cities, of regions, of nation-states, and of course in Europe, of a larger supranational entity."
"You got to be very conscious about who's on what level, what level you're on, and what level you're headed to."
"At the end of the day, I just look for fresh levels and profit zones, that's it."
"We want to find fresh levels and a clear profit zone to the downside."
"Really special on so many different levels."
"This figure is superb, that's like three different levels higher."
"There are different levels, and we grow when we grow spiritually."
"Remember, we are all in the same game, just different levels. Keep playing at your own pace, and everything will work out. You got this."
"The cool thing about all three levels of social work, micro, meso, macro, is that they all interact with each other."
"Explanations varying from a fundamental level with basic components to a more holistic multivariable explanation."
"We are so connected on so many different levels."
"Most people don't understand, and like creators are on different levels."
"There are levels to this game, mortal, and you're barely past the tutorial stage."
"You have to have a minimum of three levels in order to be able to do the FMEA."
"Saxophones are categorized as either student models, intermediate, or professional."
"It happens all the time at every level, particularly at the highest level."
"I love that move, the levels of it."
"They have three different levels of the student writing intensive units based on your kids' age: they have level A, B, and C."
"There are levels to this cheat day game, and the situations are doing it real big."
"The safety integrity level can be used in four ways."
"That was utterly incredible on so many levels."
"This place is just beautiful on so many levels."
"It's going to fulfill you and satisfy you on so many levels."
"It's always going to be another level you can get to."
"I'm a very nice person, right? The comedians have had their levels."
"We all have the power to do it. The power is at every level."
"The I Ching can give you advice on three levels: practical, psychological, and spiritual."
"It's wonderful on so many levels."
"There's a lot of different levels of life."
"There's a lot of different levels on which this might connect with somebody."
"So now that we have our cat completely finished, we now want to add multiple levels."
"This is a fantastic example of levels."
"Groups function on many levels: formal and informal, overt and covert, conscious and unconscious."
"There are different levels of explanation, different ways of accounting for the same thing."
"I love it, so many different levels of scenery there."
"It speaks so much on so many different levels."
"The importance of where levels are and the perceived loudness is crucial."
"Reality is coming. There are levels to this thing."
"There's unlimited different levels according to how righteous the person is."
"The company I'm talking about here is Levels."
"That's the way you would play a video game. You beat--you keep trying on level one until you beat the level one boss, and you go to level two."
"The gap between the two levels is immense and almost unfathomable."
"There are levels to this sport, and already Prograis is showing that he may be at a completely different level."
"A good general rule of thumb is to keep the audio levels in the white or yellow range, usually between negative 12 and 0 dB."
"The next thing I'd like to talk about are our three levels of sports that we have at Penn State."
"The building of the five levels, as they call it, is a hundred and ten feet high."
"Hockey is so great for so many levels."
"There's definitely levels to this."
"Forget about the levels because you can improve in any level you're put in."
"Everyone starts at their own level."
"It clearly describes what students are expected to be able to do at each level."
"Life is lived on levels and experienced through seasons."
"Are you competitive, professional, championship, or superhuman level?"
"180 has been a recycled level, both as support and resistance."
"There are a total of five levels in the secret Realm of the Blood Demon; this time only the first three levels will be opened."
"We'll actually have levels. So a progression system."
"That was dope, yeah, for so many levels."
"The LOD Expressions will allow you to compute values at data source level and visualization level."
"You're being spiritually initiated; there's levels to this."
"This was just awesome on multiple levels."
"It's different levels of basketball, and to have that experience matters."
"You could have different difficulty levels."
"It's beautiful on so many levels."
"It's like having a wonderful conversation between the different levels of what it means to be a human."
"It's levels to this, you know what I'm saying."
"We actually exist on many different levels."
"It speaks to me on so many levels."