
Napoleon Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"Here's Napoleon's coming and the cannons are going and the Russians are fighting back."
"Animal Farm is about a group of animals led by a pig named Napoleon who take over a farm from an evil human farmer."
"Who did people compare people to before Hitler? Because Hitler is the litmus test for horrible... And apparently, it was Napoleon."
"A military tactician like Napoleon has to keep his plans and his secrets secure."
"The Battle of Waterloo...Europe was freed from Napoleon's control and went on to enjoy a prolonged era of peace and prosperity."
"Napoleon began stabilizing French society. He restored the Catholic Church and got rid of that crazy calendar among other things."
"If you were to force me to pick one person that was the greatest general of all time, I think it's gotta be Napoleon."
"Ousterlitz is only Napoleon's greatest victory, don't screw it up."
"Undoubtedly to be proclaimed Emperor was going to be the top."
"You cannot stop me, I spend 30,000 men a month." - Napoleon
"He had once been the most powerful man alive, and images of the victorious Napoleon depict a strong leader, hand firmly in jacket. Depictions of Napoleon on Saint Helena show a disheveled, old man, hand firmly in pants."
"Napoleon's victories in Italy greatly increased his prestige."
"Napoleon's victory at the Battle of Austerlitz is considered a tactical masterpiece."
"Napoleon was now a living legend; few would dare challenge his position as emperor or general."
"Comparing Napoleon to 20th-century dictators is a gross injustice."
"Canada has sent across the sea an army greater than Napoleon ever commanded in the field."
"Napoleon returned to France in 1799 where he became part of a group that overthrew the French directory and appointed him the first Consul France's leading political figure."
"Napoleon needed to rest his troops and resupply them with ammunition, which was running dangerously low."
"This is Epic History TV’s guide to Napoleon’s Marshals."
"Napoleon ruled as a dictator, keeping some areas of the Revolution he liked while getting rid of others."
"Napoleon traversed massive distances, outmaneuvering his enemies and isolating them before they even knew what was going on."
"The battle of Waterloo was an allied victory, and with that, Napoleon's hopes of returning to glory were vanquished."
"Napoleon Bonaparte was actually slightly above the average height for his time."
"The question 'What killed Napoleon?' does have another, more shocking answer."
"In the end, Napoleon was probably poisoned by his doctor."
"Napoleon was actually five nine, which was a perfectly normal size for a Frenchman of his day."
"Napoleon had proved himself to be absolutely ruthless in the support of the Republican cause. He was prepared to literally go over corpses to achieve the government's aims."
"Napoleon personifies the charisma of the charismatic hero."
"Napoleon showed an instinctive skill to think and act faster than his enemies."
Napoleon sought to inspire his men: "Soldiers, from the height of those pyramids, forty centuries look down on you."
"Napoleon received a hero's welcome upon his return to France."
"He was going to be the savior of France."
"Napoleon was a very positive force in history."
"Napoleon's approach to warfare in Italy was characterized by speed, aggression, and rapid thinking."
"Napoleon conquered almost the entire Europe but after his disastrous campaign in Russia ended in defeat, he was forced into exile on Elba by European leaders."
"But even Napoleon considered Elba as a holiday destination as only after 9 months he had enough and escape from his exile for a short return to power."
"Napoleon was so much more than just a conqueror an emperor he was a man he was a lover and he had an extraordinary love life."
"Napoleon's aim was to end the chaos of the Revolution and finally create a stable and prospering French Republic and in that aim he seemed to be largely successful and generally popular with the people of France."
"After helping to defeat his old Ally Napoleon, Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte was crowned King Charles XIV John of Sweden in 1818."
"Napoleon only reigned on Elba for 10 months but still made big changes, building roads, overhauling the legal and education systems, and even redesigning the flag."
"Napoleon's home here in Portoferraio was this lemon-colored villa which he had designed in a Tuscan style with formal gardens and views overlooking the sea."
"Napoleon attacked his horticultural pastime with the same vigor of a general laying out a camp."
"In the promulgation of the civil code, he did more to advance the ideals of the enlightened than virtually any other ruler of his age."
"Napoleon's fall set loose a torrent of hostile books designed to Sully his reputation."
"Napoleon left durable institutions."
"Napoleon's empire also experienced a flourishing of culture and the arts, as the Emperor sought to promote French culture and values across his territories."
"Napoleon's political maneuvering, combined with his military successes, paved the way for his eventual ascent."
"Napoleon's primary objective was to restore stability to the country after the chaos of the French Revolution."
"Napoleon's military genius and the innovative tactics he employed during these campaigns would reshape the nature of warfare."
"The coronation of Napoleon as Emperor of the French was a pivotal moment in his career and in the history of France."
"One of Napoleon Bonaparte's most enduring and significant achievements as Emperor of the French was the establishment of the Napoleonic Code."
"The great star of this room is this wonderful table ordered by Napoleon in 1806."
"Napoleon's conditions on Saint Helena were atrocious and contributed to his death."
"Napoleon's army crosses the frontier near Charleroi."
"Napoleon was trying to reform to improve the lives of people."
"Napoleon is seen by people throughout the world even today as the father of modern Europe."
"Over 99.7% of people voted yes, that they wanted Napoleon to become the French head of state for as long as he lived or decided to hold the office."
"One of the most pressing issues for Napoleon to confront in terms of social, economic and political policy in the early 1800s was the position of the Roman Catholic Church in France."
"Napoleon is the military genius he is the prototypical military genius."
"Napoleon is wrong-footed immediately."
"Venice endures and remains an independent state until Napoleon takes it in 1797."
"The underlying objective of Napoleon in Russia, as in Austria in 1809, as in Spain, all the way through, was the survival of his own self, of his own dynasty on his newly won thrones."
"Napoleon was imprisoned in Saint Helena, which was extremely uncomfortable for her."
"Napoleon finally brought France into the 19th century into the true modern period as a nation."
"Napoleon's conquest destabilized Europe."
"Napoleon half of his victories were because of logistics."
"1805: Napoleon named his brother king of Naples."
"What was Napoleon's role in history?"
"This was Napoleon's Vietnam, or his bleeding ulcer as he called it, a war that cost his empire an average of 100 casualties every day with little prospect of victory."
"After his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled to a remote island of Saint Helena where he died in 1821, or at least that's what the history books tell us."
"Once Napoleon, who decreasingly endured formal dinners, started a culinary revolution by launching the idea of a buffet supper."
"The Russians had turned to offer battle; Napoleon would have a chance to win the decisive victory that he believed would end the war."
"The troops began to cry out 'Long live the Emperor!' when Napoleon reached Paris."
"Napoleon is a character of such stature and interest, it's very difficult for anybody not to feel a certain amount of fascination for him."
"I think it is the sheer intellectuality of Napoleon which lies at the heart of his greatness."
"I consented to marry him when I was told he was man enough to withstand Napoleon."
"Napoleon was 5 feet and 7 inches tall, which was around the average height for people back then."
"Did you know that Napoleon wasn't actually short?"
"Napoleon doesn't love me, he worships me."
"It's really where Napoleon, you might say, mastered his mass artillery sort of tactics at Wagram."
"Napoleon's downfall was predictable."
"Napoleon is sometimes called the father of modern Europe."
"In harnessing the emotional and ideological power of the French Revolution, Napoleon created a revolutionary empire that intended to transform Europe."
"Napoleon could very well have won at Waterloo."
"Napoleon was forced to abdicate in April 1814 and was taken into exile on the Mediterranean island of Elba."
"Wellington's a bad general, Napoleon told his marshals, the English are bad troops, this affair is nothing more than eating breakfast."
"The ambitious Napoleon Bonaparte became supreme leader of France, the number of enemies only grew."
"Napoleon himself was a master of artillery, having learned his trade at the École Militaire in Paris."
"The film also charts the sort of rise and fall of Napoleon as well."
"Napoleon's foray into Egypt is what really puts Egyptology into overdrive."
"Napoleon's hat was sold at auction."
"Napoleon faced his greatest crisis since becoming Emperor of the French."
"Napoleon had suffered a calamitous defeat."
"On the one hand, Napoleon is considered a true-hearted and patriotic revolutionary with a tantalizingly tactical brain, exceptional leadership qualities, a mastery of combat skills, and a natural affinity for military strategy that was quite literally beyond compare."
"Napoleon Bonaparte was, and still is, a giant figure in the history books."
"Regardless of which version of Napoleon is to be believed, evil dictator or inspiring military leader, we'll look at his truly fascinating and eventful life."
"Napoleon's education was erratic but yet erudite; he read voraciously, mainly concentrating on ancient military history."
"Napoleon was a complex, complicated man whose personality changed during his life."
"Napoleon was the most famous celebrity of the day; he was loved, and the people of France would listen to anything he said."
"Napoleon crowned himself Emperor in December of 1804, with Pope Pius VII giving his blessing."
"Napoleon finally met his Waterloo."
"Napoleon had wanted to join the Navy, but his skilled mathematics led his teachers to suggest that his future lay with the artillery."
"Napoleon was always an opportunist."
"For ten years one man has dominated Europe: Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French."
"Napoleon is a legend of the game, for sure."
"Napoleon has for intents and purposes conquered the better part of continental Europe."
"Napoleon undergoes perhaps one of his greatest acts of treachery throughout the entire Napoleonic period."
"...the most decisive and you could say the most famous victory of Napoleon which is the victory at Austerlitz."
"This is all part of Napoleon's political strategy, not just his military strategy."
"...Napoleon was able to win a lot of allies in Germany by supporting the secularization of churchland."
"...this obsession of Napoleon for tempo, for speed, for aggression, for movement."
"Napoleon Bonaparte was very much his own man."
"Bonaparte had just scored a major victory against the Austrians."
"Bonaparte made a quick and decisive decision."
"Once Napoleon became Emperor and started his urban renewal plans for Paris, one of the new major streets he ordered construction through the very heart of Paris was named after this battle."
"Napoleon, the controller of his own fate, placed the crown upon his own head."
"Napoleon was declared an outlaw and a disturber of the tranquility of the world."
"Divide and conquer, Napoleon said that."
"The Revolution is now anchored to the principles which created it. The Revolution is finished," Napoleon announced to the nation.
"Napoleon was once the master of Europe, he had lived a thrilling life of adventure, fame, and glory."
"Even in the face of a crippling revolution, a new dynasty rose in the name of Corsican-born General Napoleon Bonaparte."
"He was very good as maneuvers; Napoleon actually called him one of the better ones he faced."
"Napoleon did face some fairly experienced and rather impressive men."
"Alexander in many ways is one of the big forces for bringing down Napoleon."
"Napoleon is the shadow over Prussia; this could happen to us again."
"That's how Napoleon beat like army is seven times his size."
"Napoleon had saved the day, slaughtering the incoming royalists with cannons."
"Napoleon then rises to the top on the merits of his ability."
"The biggest mistake Napoleon made in Spain was trying to take it over in the first place."
"The two-day battle of Aspern-Essling was Napoleon's first major defeat, caused by his overconfidence and hasty planning."
"Napoleon the general turned dictator who subjugated Spain, parts of Italy, Germany, Poland, and a few other territories is a guy who's gotten a lot of press."
"He was short, right? Towering at five foot six, he was actually a bit taller than your average 19th century Frenchman. Mystery solved."
"He was obsessed with Omens and signs, one of the strangest might be a phantom who came to visit him from time to time known as the Red Man."
"After his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon surrendered on board the Royal Navy's HMS Bellerophon."
"Eastlake's portrait of Napoleon is one of the most famous paintings of the extraordinary events of July 1815."
"Understanding Napoleon, what he came from, ideas he had, super complicated."
"An army was sent to capture Napoleon, and he persuaded them and took command of it."
"The French Emperor was longing a battle, being sure he would defeat the army of Alexander I and force Russia to make peace on his conditions."
"Few could have guessed in 1809, but Napoleon had just fought his last victorious campaign."
"The world is witnessing the birth of the Napoleonic Legend."
"Your Imperial Majesty, Napoleon requests your surrender."
"Time and time again throughout Napoleon's career, we're going to see that his ability to manage his commanders... is going to be really one of the genius elements of his ability."
"The Italian campaign is just the first chapter in one of the most astonishing lives in history."
"It's remembered in history as Napoleon's Hundred Days."