
Graphs Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I'm going to assume that you know nothing about graphs. But you do know how to code, right."
"Graphs are the flexible data structure that use nodes and edges to store information. They're widely used to represent data like social networks, nodes are people, edges are friendship relationships, telephone networks, nodes are telephones and stations, edges are communications, and much more."
"Graphs naturally generalize objects such as grids or sequences, where machine learning has already made very significant strides."
"Understanding how a graph is laid out, how it looks in code, and just in general how you can use them to do different calculations is super crucial."
"A tree is first of all a special form of graph."
"The cool thing about trees is that there's so much more you can do with them than graphs."
"Draw the graph of the inverse function. It's going to be reflected, isn't it? So I need to reflect this graph in the line y equals x. It's how you find the inverse."
"Graphs are fairly simple models of reality that can reduce incredibly complex entities like the brain into a series of nodes and edges."
"These graphs can display sensor and binary sensor information from our home assistant, so they're just nice customizable graphs that we can make use of on our dashboards."
"It's very useful to split your graphs into multiple axes."
"I'm just going to share a workbook where I've already done the graphs."
"So, there's a lot of interesting ways in which you can plug graphs into RL and a lot of them are being explored right now."
"The world is full of lots of networks that are based on relationships that could be captured by a graph."
"This one is going out to all of my fellow data nerds out there, all of you who love a good graph, a good pie chart, I feel ya, that's me."
"Now, what? Why am I talking about this? Because, um, quadratics have a place on graphs too, you know? We could model a quadratic graph. We could create a quadratic graph. A quadratic graph is of the form 'y is equal to x squared.'"
"It's much easier to visualize what's going on instead with graphs."
"Being able to read and interpret graphs is a must on the GED."
"Bar graphs are a great way to clarify trends."
"The execution mechanism is in the form of graphs."
"Mathematicians study graphs for lots of reasons; they're incredibly useful as models for relationships between objects."
"You do need to know these graphs; you need to be able to draw basic sketches of them."
"Piecewise functions are basically taking pieces of different functions and putting them together to form one graph."
"Reading graphs is a really important skill for GED social studies."
"Ignore everything that's not relevant on the graph to answering the question."
"A line that's going up is showing increase, a line that's going down is showing decrease, and a flat line means no change."
"Graphs very naturally arise across the different branches of science."
"The graphs of the function and the inverse will be symmetric across the y equals x line."
"Graphs are trying to tell you a story."
"A graph needs to be self-explanatory."
"Graphs typically have an exponential growth rate, which is a characteristic of hyperbolic geometry."
"Graphs are everywhere; once you start thinking in terms of how you can model data as a graph, you start to see graph problems in different places."
"Networks, which are also called graphs, are one of the most interesting parts of data science."
"Computational graphs are an abstract way of describing computation as directed graphs."
"You can put multiple graphs on the plot at once and make them different colors to help distinguish them."
"This is another way that you can use Bokeh to create extremely interactive and informational graphs."
"An RDF dataset is a collection of RDF graphs."
"It's very natural for us to think in terms of graphs."
"Graphs are also used in computer vision, for example, in image segmentation."
"Graphs can be used to represent almost any problem which makes them so interesting, because they pop up absolutely everywhere."
"It's interesting to know that there are models that are designed to learn from these types of graphs."
"Just take a little bit of time and put some love into your graphs."
"Now that you know how to translate between all three types of motion graphs: position, velocity, and acceleration."
"The velocity is the slope of a position graph, and the acceleration is the slope of a velocity graph."
"Translating graphs means to express the same motion using a different graph, just like translating a language means expressing the same idea in a different language."
"Continuing with our discussion on analyzing our data, one great way to be able to visually represent the information that you have, is through graphs."
"We can represent graphs for lots of things, but the reason we actually use graphs is because we can visually see."
"Being able to read graphs is a really, really key skill to be able to move quickly."
"Efficient route optimizations perfectly fit graph data structures for flight networks."
"Graphs are the ideal data structure for modeling networks, making them an essential part of your data structure toolkit."
"Real-world relationships represented as graphs are numerous, making them an important concept to grasp."
"The relational structure correlates well with predictive tasks that we want to produce and so then some form of graph-based machine learning seems very suitable."
"Spend a lot of time on graphs; you'll probably face a lot of this topic during interviews and probably your work."
"The graphs look the same because they are members of the same family."
"We have cast the problem of graph generation as a problem of sequence generation."
"Graphs are a wonderful approach for creating a GPS system or any navigation system."
"Graphs can be used to resolve dependencies, like the prerequisites for university courses."