
Technological Innovation Quotes

There are 1234 quotes

"We're always striving to push the boundaries of what technology can do."
"The future of the Internet is the future of everything."
"It is technologically decades ahead of itself, biting off far more than it can chew in pursuit of technological solutions that are now standard practice."
"ChatGPT, the AI heard around the world. A new computing platform has been invented. The iPhone moment of AI has started."
"The invention of the metallurgical sciences in various parts of Africa is an absolutely brilliant contribution to human civilization."
"I hope some 19-year-old here, or at MIT, or whoever, watches the show and goes, 'If steam drive fusion engines, come on,' and then 50 years from now, they're running a department that is building the next generation fusion drives."
"They wanted to connect 3000 universities, so what they were going to do was build a multi-network system or something called an internet backbone."
"AI, the creation and production of intelligence, is a giant undertaking and touches every aspect of computing."
"Bitcoin solves climate change... because it forces technology to do its job and save you time and reduce prices."
"When Thomas Edison first demonstrated his phonograph in 1877, the world took notice."
"The Apple 2 was really the great revolutionary machine... it was as open as could be."
"If a layer 1 or 2 project has a lot of demand from their existing user base, and they are effectively and consistently growing that demanding user base, it will force the blockchain networks and all of the decentralized applications being built on it to grow and innovate faster."
"One of the things that they've done to cut costs is they've gone from wound motors to hairpin motors, and what I thought was brilliant, absolutely brilliant."
"What if there were an internet of value -- some kind of vast, global, distributed ledger running on millions of computers and available to everybody."
"Once again, the technology genie has escaped from the bottle, summoned by an unknown person or persons at this uncertain time in human history, giving us another kick at the can, another opportunity to rewrite the economic power grid and the old order of things, and solve some of the world's most difficult problems, if we will it."
"I think blockchain is going to change this, decentralizing the web and implementing blockchain technology to decentralize the web."
"On the positive side of things, we looked at important hardware, landmark games, non-game developments that changed the industry, and games with an average critical reception of 90% or higher."
"Generative AI is actually the future of computing."
"A new device pulls drinking water from the air using only solar energy."
"And that's where I stumbled upon something that I think is really, really amazing, which is intermittent fasting for technology."
"Dexter was before his time... he had a vision to build something that would bring my father to life through technology."
"At Apple, we put the customer at the center of everything we do with products and technologies that are designed in the service of humanity."
"It's extremely impressive what AMD has managed to achieve here... not only improve performance but also reduce power consumption at the same time for greatly improved efficiency."
"It really feels almost like a sci-fi movie, some of the things that we're actually doing on this planet."
"This is one small step for Tesla, but one giant leap for mankind."
"Our mission is to create and deliver surprisingly capable robots that inspire, delight, and positively impact society."
"Human ingenuity knows no bounds and, when combined with the limitless potential of sheer boredom, we're gifted with some of the most jaw-dropping, albeit slightly unnecessary, technological creations humanity has ever seen."
"Using light to propel spacecraft at a fifth of the speed of light could revolutionize space travel."
"So I wanted to put this together and let Eugene Stoner explain to you in his own words."
"The fundamental good that Tesla can achieve is to accelerate the advent of electric vehicles."
"I cannot overstate how this small Innovation is totally changed Focus pulling for me."
"But if the technology is groundbreaking then the technology will persist."
"Tesla's AC system used thinner wires, had higher voltage capabilities, as well as being able to transmit electricity over very long distances."
"The metaverse is just the beginning and it's probably here to stay."
"Magic is amazing with 20 years of innovation. What happens with 30? What happens with 40? What happens with 50?"
"Quake has earned its spot as one of the most important games ever made."
"Quake influenced and pushed the medium of games to the next level."
"The idea that got started at Berkeley kind of unintentionally ten years ago is in early in my career we pioneered a way to do of these vocabularies instruction sets that was very controversial at the time."
"Ethereum is already a platform, what every tech company wants to be."
"The F-35 is getting not just brains, but a brand new engine as well."
"Quantum computers approach solving problems in a fundamentally new way."
"The fixes they have or the ideas that they have to fix scalability, interoperability as well as sustainability with a system of governance these three things could very well make it the next big project in the space."
"Avi revolutionizes your content creation process making it seamless and efficient."
"What makes electric cars really different is the fact that it's a software-based technology."
"Anything that we can cut out the middleman and just have a smart contract do it."
"Within five years we're going to see several digital representations of fiat happening at scale."
"I think interoperability, the ability to exchange assets across multiple chains, has a lot of room for innovation."
"It looks photoreal, it looks super immersive."
"We are at the infancy of NFTs. I guarantee you that they are going to continue building and seeing more usage."
"We have a 10-year plan. They will all feature the highest EV technology on the planet."
"Walmart launched its own voice assistant called Ask Sam."
"The small broadcasting device we know as the radio has not been around for very long. In fact, its inventor Nikola Tesla did not first conceive of the idea until 1885."
"Bitcoin presents an opportunity for the first time in human history for us to truly own, control, and protect our wealth."
"What started as a project in late 2007, mere months after the extraordinarily expensive $600 on-contract iPhone had launched, wasn't a threat."
"We've created phones that I believe when you hold them and you see them for the first time you'll recognize that you've never experienced something like this before."
"Ripple's partnerships include giants like Google and IBM."
"Bitcoin is more than a bubble and here to stay."
"This algorithm is incredible because it uses none of that and it is just a joy to watch."
"I want to see the world full of beautiful wave function collapse algorithmically generated images."
"Steve Jobs was one of the greatest visionaries this world has ever seen."
"I just look at what I want to touch and then I just touch my fingertips together and it clicks."
"Worries should not paralyze technological progress."
"I view the innovation of decentralized transactions as amazing."
"Polygon's well diverse approach allows them to create a long-term solution in the case that any one of the scaling solutions fail."
"The potential here, I think, is to completely change the industrial landscape of the entire planet within a decade."
"3D modeling is super great to be able to literally imagine anything you can think of and then model that into existence. It's super cool."
"But whether or not the city comes to fruition as it was originally proposed really doesn’t matter. If they’re able to prove out some of these technologies at a large scale, it could benefit the global community."
"Volition have always been known for pushing technology, beating the revolutionary quake to a full 3D engine."
"The decisions that Mass have made enabling these ray traced effects at this scale and quality on a console is kind of one of the best examples we've ever seen of that on these machines."
"The world is about to change self-driving cars... how about self-owning cars?"
"With the success of Ingenuity, we've basically kind of unlocked an aerial dimension to exploration."
"Choosing between God and science is like choosing between Frank Whittle and science as an explanation for the jet engine."
"We're talking about healing the blind, people who were born blind are now going to be able to see."
"The DLSS concept is potentially the key here."
"The molten salt reactor... earned a reputation for reliability."
"This machine may sound medieval, but it's at the heart of one of the grand scientific and computing challenges of our time."
"It seemed that Nokia may have been at the forefront of pushing to reduce the connector size, giving them more space both inside the phone, and outside, at a time when freedom to innovate was crucial."
"Freedom Phone could actually be very, very good, very, very important and why the establishment is probably coming after you so hard."
"For a cloud-based gaming software that removes the need to own a console or a gaming PC, that's pretty damn impressive."
"Batteries will probably not be the limiting factor in Cybertruck production; new technology in the truck will take some time to work through."
"There is so much innovation that blockchain technology has spurred."
"With blockchain, you can make that exact same trade but you don't need the store and you don't even necessarily need to know the other person."
"Tesla succeeded in changing the world as he hoped."
"It's so exciting that since we started six years ago many companies have joined the race to invent and build technologies that can produce energy sustainably."
"I wish every sailor could experience this electric sailing and the twin motors it's incredible."
"Donkey Kong Country revolutionized the industry with its unprecedented use of digital graphics, solid gameplay mechanics, and iconic musical scores."
"Gone with the Wind was the first film to be filmed entirely in color."
"The beauty of it is it's thrust to footprint of the vehicle almost is unmatched."
"Tesla's experiments and innovations laid the foundation for numerous technologies we use today."
"Every nation has tried for nearly 40 years now, and they have all failed to build what this one little team were able to achieve back in the 1970s."
"But I've also learned to stop betting against SpaceX so I guess we'll see."
"It's been a long time coming, this whole organic thing, and you put yourself in a fantastic position to own that space."
"There's a reason that Disney's earliest cartoons are recognized more for their innovations in animation technology than for the stories they contain."
"Freeze-dried food: Technology preserves food for up to 30 years."
"Crysis was a lesson in ambition. You can reach for the stars, but they very well might burn you on the way."
"You can make your liquid methane just straight out of the air so yeah there you go."
"Tesla has developed a new seat belt pre-tensioner system that relies on Tesla Vision to identify and react to impending collisions."
"Regardless of Peter's lies, project Milo really utilized state-of-the-art technology."
"Eventually it's going to be very hard for the discriminator to be able to distinguish between what's real and what's fake."
"The job of Blue Origin, our job, we want to build reusable space vehicles that lower the cost of access to space to such a sufficient degree that the next generation of kids can start space companies in their dorm room."
"Our goal as nerds should be to turn the military industrial complex into the space industrial complex."
"A Scotch Yoke engine has the potential to change the game and it is very exciting technology."
"Recreating a mummy's voice using medical scanners and 3D printing."
"UE5's new tools allowed devs to do just that with fewer roadblocks than ever before."
"There's no substitute for actually doing the real thing actually having a fully driverless product out there in the field with you."
"I have a lot of promise in Tesla. I think they're phenomenal cars, I love Elon Musk and his vision, I think he's been a wonderful genius and contributed a lot to the world."
"Many of you know about wireless DeX which lets you turn your Note 20 Ultra into a full-blown desktop computer using any TV or monitor with Miracast support."
"Introducing Xbox one - the one with the power to create experiences that look and feel like nothing else."
"Nanite and Lumen working in tandem mean the artist creates while the engine does the work."
"Our goal was to add winged flight to small-scale electronic systems, we were able to do that using ideas inspired by a biological world."
"You are looking at the very first handheld console, at least as far as we’re defining them."
"Virtual textures in Nanite, for example, they are much more gentle when it comes to the amount of streaming. It's much more continuous and much more fine grain."
"The innovation coming out of industry today is bringing an enormous amount of capability, capacity, and opportunity to the table that we historically did not have in national security space."
"Tesla is out in a league of their own. They're making the best technology and they're doing it more profitably than anyone else."
"Unreal Engine 5 isn't just about making existing ways of doing things faster. It's about finding whole new approaches to transform the way content is made and experienced."
"It took over two and a half years to design that network stack and that code is a work of art."
"The iPhone 4S was a game changer in the smartphone industry."
"This is just the beginning... the mission here is to bridge the physical and digital world."
"Augmented or fully virtual reality is humans' digital future."
"Tesla has nearly 2,000 supercharger stations all around the world."
"I think it's gonna be a good generation overall, a very interesting one, especially with Microsoft actually being able to possibly stand up to some of the other first-party games from Nintendo and Sony now that they have some talent."
"The future for the technology in this space is really exciting."
"Nanite is a next-generation geometry Engine that empowers artists to deliver their vision."
"Crypto is a revolution, internet 3.0. I mean, the internet really did change everything."
"Innovation solves problems...these are trends that have been unleashed and are unstoppable."
"Using technology to spot sharks earlier and more consistently from the air could be a key way of keeping people safer."
"Sony tried to kickstart the internet streaming revolution... just a few years too early."
"It's going to force companies like HP and Microsoft to innovate."
"Intel's obsession with real-world benchmarks drives innovation in Alder Lake."
"The world's first consumer-level, ARM-based Linux tablet."
"I'm personally very excited about cryptocurrencies."
"This didn't just speed up production - this new so-called printed wiring board was more compact, more durable, it was easier to repair."
"Imagine it. A future where iPhones, and iPads for that matter, could have multiple app stores, sideloading of apps, or even custom operating systems without jailbreaking."
"It's really about this idea of choice. Playing your games wherever you choose to play them."
"Seeing six is definitely showing it's a good sign of things to come for the reuse of rockets."
"Opera GX is the world's first browser for gamers."
"This flying motorbike is no longer a science fiction concept but rather a reality, the Lazarus LMV 496 is the name of the first operational prototype of a flying motorcycle."
"Throughout the history of console gaming, there are precious few games which genuinely feel like a shift in the state of the art... Gran Turismo 3 is the type of leap they might be thinking of."
"Microsoft implemented a complete virtual abstract file system with really clever backwards compatibility. They did not need to keep up the DOS disk management charade then and we definitely don't need it now."
"Fortunately, he's matured. He was able to handle the situation as a man."
"I think electronic integrations and then other kind of peripheral ideas like folding locks are an area that we'll see a lot of continued experimentation."
"Let me say I've thoroughly enjoyed them. They feel two or three steps ahead of previous transitions to new generations."
"Apple could remove the notch and hole punch entirely at least on the pros."
"Howard Stark... responsible for a lot of incredible inventions."
"Just seeing a real 3D cityscape moving at a smooth 30 frames per second was mind-blowing."
"Alphabet being able to really jump over that bar."
"And while he was at it, he started the field of what we now call electronics."
"A quantum computer could be a thousand times faster than a conventional computer."
"Tesla has led the home battery market ever since it entered back in 2015."
"If this device really works, this could be revolutionary."
"From wind to solar, we've always sought new ways to harness power for progress."
"What was Apple's greatest contribution to mankind? It will be about health."
"Anyway, speaking of inventions, one bit of news out of this year's E3 that we didn't cover this week is that Razer has finally announced when their Project Hazel smart face mask will go on sale."
"You do not see any downside with the performance of our material without any cobalt compared to the performance of the material containing cobalt."
"The Cyber truck's interior features a slab-like dashboard dominated by one large touchscreen, showcasing Tesla's futuristic design spirit."
"America is leading the way in space-based exploration and business."
"Ingenuity changed the outlook for Mars exploration going forward, showing that flying machines are absolutely viable."
"The development of fusion-inspired drilling could unleash a perpetual spring of geothermal power."
"Air conditioning is without exaggeration one of the top five, maybe top three human inventions of all time."
"It takes literally minutes to prototype a conversation."
"Conversational experience is a pretty new idea."
"I wanted to develop a device that was able to help people with visual impairments adapt to their environment."
"We're talking reusable rockets and reusable space capsules."
"I do want to commend Gigabyte for a strong showing with their first monitor... this is a much better product than I expected from a first-generation product line."
"The mission is to accelerate the transition of sustainable energy."
"My fantasy: Tesla announces a bot beta program."
"This partnership is all about opening up and fostering new capabilities in commercial human spaceflight."
"Rotation detonation engines could help Fighters fly further, missile tools fly faster, ships sail longer, and even rocket launches become cheaper."
"Innovations like these are so important because they simplify the user experience."
"Obviously a large part of what gives the Tesla its performance is the battery, the electronic architecture, and the powertrain."
"Larry Ellison arguably created the most important computer software you never heard of."
"Ellison knew he had to pick a fight with the reigning champion Bill Gates."
"The amount of groundbreaking features it held was certainly impressive."
"It does feel as if there's a sea change on the horizon here and that Cardano is not only going to start shipping but that the projects and ecosystems that will be built over there are set to have Solana-like, Polkadot-like gains."
"This is the time where alternative ETH killers, other layer one smart contracts chains, are set to absolutely fly."
"Now you have an unbeatable tic-tac-toe game."
"It's going to enable them to create literal Galaxy sized open world."
"With the Falcon 9 and now the Falcon Heavy, we can launch into orbit any payload that has previously been conceived or is conceived right now."
"Both of these detectors are absolutely astonishing in their capabilities."
"Time magazine has named Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin one of the most influential people this year."
"We are still very early to this overall, even earlier to the NFT space."
"This N3 Nano coating is an absolute game changer for the woodworking world."
"Vulcanization made the inflatable tire possible."
"Seamless hyper-real indoor and outdoor environments."
"iPhone X... the true beginning of the future of the iPhone."
"In this investor's opinion, Tesla is going to take an outsized share of the world's energy generation, storage, and supply."
"AI isn't just good at science, it's good at art too - good enough to win an art competition."
"Virtual reality is fundamentally a social platform."
"For the first time, we can build technology centered around people."
"We want this to be more than virtual meeting rooms. It's about the beginning of a virtual office in the metaverse."
"I think there's a lot of really cool stuff coming."
"We have a brand new technological revolution starting to fix all the problems."
"Quality exclusives is really the difference-maker this generation."
"Sean Murray and his team have done something incredible with this technology, and it's gonna be fascinating to see what they or other developers can do with this sort of tech in the future."
"These devices... can provide an unlimited amount of power as long as the sun is shining."
"We're creating our own platform, so I'm not going to be handing the keys to the kingdom out to finance."
"Flash gave us the freedom to create and innovate like never before."
"Drones was what we'd been building towards... underneath it all, there's still love and hope."
"I just want to promote productive discussion right yeah and I think Tesla's FSD beta program is an amazing kind of pushing the envelope with technology and it's a momentous important issue at hand."
"I honestly think we can beat Google. I really believe that."