
Operation Quotes

There are 769 quotes

"You believe in God. Believe in yourself as the physical instrument through which God operates."
"The optimal simple explanation is the least complex affordance necessary for the operation at hand."
"A successful business is one that you could leave and it still works fine."
"This is a joyous day, this is an amazing operation very brave, very bold."
"A remarkable rescue operation for the stranded hikers."
"Operation Mobilize will be the army's primary focus over the coming years."
"The Valiant Ukrainian Army pulled off a fantastic operation."
"The Ukrainian Army, which has learned the location of the warplanes of the Russian army on the territory of Ukraine, has signed an incredible operation."
"Yes we got a runner lightning rollers wobbling around she must be pretty tight in there hey this thing's a runner sounds great."
"When you climb in your car, the car doesn't just spontaneously go."
"This pc is actually ready to turn on... ready to go."
"I would say they're operating in law merchants... they just kept going with their system."
"Tokoyami is a major asset to this entire operation."
"You first turn them on and then you pop them up."
"Both of these systems need to work together to control the station."
"The Apache is designed for nap-of-the-earth operations, and its two turboshaft engines give it a top speed of 168 miles per hour."
"Love languages, that's called Operation well it is Operation."
"That is a completely nominal 20-minute venting, right on schedule."
"It's definitely alive, it's definitely working."
"Both shuttles are now in action and being used."
"You literally only have to charge the gun like this much."
"Everybody can just be in a piece of equipment, drive to the next field, get started, just keep going."
"Recognizing the strategic importance of these planes, the Ukrainian Army launched a coordinated operation."
"Shout out to the staff for keeping this stuff running smooth."
"It's nice how it's still operating after all these years... another Arrow Classic."
"Protect code went live, code signals clean. We are moving up the timetable. -Q"
"We're going to do a vice warrant on a strip club."
"What kind of operation are you running over there?"
"Just as he raised his arm to seal the deal, back in the real-world operating room, the unconscious Cyril still lay on the floor. Irina seemed to sense that he was in trouble and quickly instructed Dr. Baldi to prepare a Talisman."
"Tesla says when your vehicle is parked... there are some sounds your vehicle makes as part of its normal daily operation."
"It might be mechanical in its way of operating, but it doesn't feel very good."
"The racism is in the system; it doesn't require any actual racist people to operate."
"Once the gas system retracts, it pulls it back out of battery."
"The FBI is going to be responsible for at least one of these large roundups of people."
"At first light on the 18th of March, just 90 mi from the Japanese Coast, Mitcher signaled his carriers to turn into the wind and commence launching their powerful air groups."
"The opening day of Operation Iceberg had surpassed all expectations."
"At zero, the reactor is critical, steady state."
"Kubernetes control plane is running."
"Operation Market Garden was the biggest combined air and ground offensive ever seen in the history of warfare."
"One of the most ambitious operations of the whole war was about to begin."
"Would you look at that, it is loading into the operating system."
"With a pump, all you have to do is open the action, drop one round in, and close the action."
"Reversing a quaternion is just a swizzle; you just shuffle the components. It's a free operation in terms of computational power."
"The operation resulted in Bin Laden's death and so ended a decade of searching."
"Pro wrestling cannot, and I stress cannot, operate without a live audience."
"It's either that or it's a human operator that can switch in and out."
"Blanco oversaw a billion-dollar enterprise that moved over a ton and a half of cocaine into the US every month."
"That's not how the business works."
"The whole operation was known only to myself and a handful."
"Operation Jericho: a bunch of wooden wonders are going to low-level penetrate deep into enemy territory and deliver a payload."
"Landing is a routine operation but also one of the most dangerous stages of flight."
"It's so smooth, makes all the right noises but never sounds like it's working hard."
"This operation could not be conducted any other way," King asserted.
"The future operation concepts of the Marine Corps are going to focus on the Osprey doing more of what it does and doing it better."
"The audacious operation had struck a significant blow to Germany’s nuclear ambitions."
"Believers must know and operate in authority."
"Operation Focus will start today at 7:45 AM sharp."
"You simply push and hold right here. It's going to go into that mode and then it's going to start to send and charge the batteries."
"So yes, this is the lower controller and I'm about to Ready Steady and mate it with the vehicle."
"Initiate operation Raptor Roundup."
"It's an operation to go and disrupt the enemy C2, their command and control elements out in the desert just north of the sea piece of Lang."
"Once we have our opcode and operand the opcode is matched by means of a table and a combination of circuiry where a control unit then configures various operational sections of the CPU to perform the operation."
"The primary host is active now. So cool, we are operating with high availability down here."
"Your hydraulics are everything, you know? They run everything. Your crane, your hydraulics on deck, everything we need to fish on the Borgeson."
"This completely Dynamic and interactive dashboard operated by using these two filters or slicers."
"The driver controls the machine with the primary joystick."
"I love the way it's one-touch operation."
"Just like any other piece of equipment, I'm trying to lift this thing straight up vertically without any drift."
"The FBI immediately set up a drag net."
"You just simply click the lock on the key fob."
"The flight deck's length is insufficient for most military aircraft to execute standard landings or takeoffs, necessitating the use of specialized machinery to assist in these procedures."
"You've got one latch that controls a plate that goes side to side to balance the camera."
"That action also cocks the firearm and it's ready for firing."
"How do we have to play with enough to run this coffee pot for 9 hours?"
"Line up the notches, press the button, when you release it, it will pull it into the spindle."
"All lights off the dashboard, everything seems to be working."
"It's wild how cool of an operation this place is."
"Science cannot function when something is not testable. So how do we... how does science operate if you're allowing something that is not testable?"
"Now that we have selected this given cell, we can do a number of important things."
"There was no book about this, but there was her own guideline: how she liked to operate, that was with straightforward honesty."
"The operation was a masterpiece in terms of planning and organization."
"It's just all the way back for Drive, push the button on the side for release and then push it forward for reverse and then the button on top for Park."
"Ultimately, the operation changed how the military approaches high risk rescues."
"With a brake application, air pressure enters the inlet port and acts upon the diaphragm. The diaphragm balloons and forces the push rod and push plate out of the chamber, against the minimal resistance of the return spring. The brakes are thus applied."
"Open 24 hours, resist staying open later than definitely is working perfectly."
"You don't want to start the engine guys we'll talk about well what they do after they drill is they just start the engine up and let all this stuff blow out."
"It's like the door like pull pull pull pull right."
"...the whole thing is completely successful you know they take the Pegasus Bridge they take horse Bridge they blow up every single one of the five Bridges along here that they're supposed to so you'd have to say the British Airborne operations are totally successful."
"This is my typical operation. Usually have a bucket in there with just some miscellaneous parts."
"It's an 11,000-ton structure that's opening and closing."
"The controls here are on the middle portion."
"Fantastic, just a single button, you don't have to shift that."
"...raise the bed, turn on the auxiliary fan, and dump more heat into the chamber."
"Looks great, let's go ahead and power off this host now."
"As a child of God you have to learn how to operate with everything amen."
"Rusty confidently suggested the next operation"
"A testament to the intensely detailed planning of the subterranean operation."
"A machine is only as good as its operator."
"Matrix multiplication: composing linear transformations."
"It's a really slickly run operation."
"Our goal here today is we're going to try to get it started and we're going to try to operate it a little bit if it will start."
"Teamwork is evident all over the operation."
"So you've got your your Tesla card which you'll use and in order to drive what you do is you place it right here and push your foot on the brake and that enables drive mode."
"Planning for Operation Overlord, an Allied landing in Nazi-occupied Europe, began in 1942, and, of course, as I presume, many people watching this would know, it was not carried out until June of 1944."
"This drain is going to work 24 hours a day."
"This is the largest operation of its kind at an estimated cost of 65 million dollars."
"The unique function does exactly the same as the advanced filter."
"They were unaware that at that very moment, United States marshals had begun an operation to arrest Randy."
"I still got to set it, but we're letting our spindle get warmed up."
"...changing modes on all of the gimbals except for the insta requires pushing buttons on the insta instead you swipe on the dial to change your modes."
"The entire operation of this instrument is much faster everything just Clips along quicker."
"The carriers were just on a routine operation."
"This lever was attached to the mechanism that loaded the trucks with chalk."
"The values that we need are always here, they are always working, they are ever operating."
"You just keep pressing right here."
"Operation Sandara's success rate is 100%"
"So what I knew that in order for me to have enough money to continue my operation but still have something to go spin."
"So we essentially have three different sections of the lathe where we have controls, gearing, and functionality that we need to be aware of."
"...the mr1 L is the operator working the patch cables and the Braun."
"So the reason I put this in is because what we do now is we, the generator is running, we just turn the valve closed and we let the generator stop."
"...grabbing the gears in this thing is a piece of cake."
"Next, on my instructions is menu 10, and this is controls, operated in the home screen to here."
"So, operation-wise, and that was it. Wow, that was at 5,800, that it's bogging that much."
"It's good to keep it clean, but it's really how you operate."
"My role in Operation Grey Suit was to work undercover with Robert Hansen in a newly established division in the FBI called the Information Assurance Section."
"We actually just got this last year, it's an Intimidator G1. So, we use this for search and rescue operations, or hard to fight brush fires."
"The mere thought of orchestrating an operation of this magnitude was incredibly bold."
"Market Garden was a sad operation, coming so close and yet falling short."
"The Mastermind behind this huge operation was Bill Delal, a man of Indian origin."
"The wheels are rolling. People are buying cars and presents. Operation's going to keep it that way."
"Maintaining operating temp, let's pull this thing out."
"If we can take down the Russians and deliver the egg to the world in one operation, it would be huge. That was an understatement, Lucas nodded."
"I felt more like an equipment operator the last few days than in quite some time."
"The exchange rate was almost 1 to 1, and yes, we will cover Robin SS in the legendary operation Bolo."
"Engines don't like to run without oil in fact they don't run for very long."
"One of the most detrimental pieces to this entire puzzle is not allowing the system to operate in a surge state."
"Nuclear power stations will soon be in operation."
"About 10% of them were rescued by Third ARS air rescue crews, extracted 170 Air Force, Navy, and Marine aviators, and 84 pilots flying for other nations in the UN force."
"The ride is programmed to always load and unload two trains. Unless it decides to run just one train, but if it's running one train, I'm leaving the park."
"Now what you want to do next is you want to turn it and hold it to hear the engine crank."
"We were elated. The operation was a success."
"When the seals the Navy Seals got Osama Bin Laden."
"It's really easy to operate this bike."
"...the Chrysler kick down linkage is a goofy piece of voodoo and magic, but it's actually pretty simple in its operation."
"comp wants you to turn the motor over in the normal direction of rotation which i'm doing now."
"So far it's running really smooth."
"So if you turn touch lock on on an Axiom Pro, that's the model that has the built-in keypad down the right-hand side, um, it'll lock out the touch screen but all the buttons will still function."
"I mean just looking at it quickly I can pretty much figure out all the things that to operate this thing right."
"Our system can operate uh for output down to zero degrees Fahrenheit."
"With that in place we're now ready to potentially run this so we already have um our two containers there really but let's go ahead now and just run compose up and that will pick up our new service of course."
"The successful conclusion of the operation now commencing will be of great value to our country."
"It's important to remember if you are looking at an evaporator and you're not sure if it is a one or a free pass system."
"This is the beginning of operation 'Release the Roar.'"
"The manufacturing process of industrial valves at cam Tech is a comprehensive and well-organized operation."
"Press the foot switches when you press the pedal plates on, otherwise, they're not going to stay."
"...and then when we're all done we're going to click this again and we're going to go out of accurig mode."
"So those are some some important and honestly some essential elements to good model railroad yard design and operation and also some options that in a moderate sized yard can make your yard operations a lot more interesting."
"You don't have to rack the slide."
"Autopilot on and then disengaged if you could, yep you got it."
"Every gasoline engine needs four things to run: gasoline, air, compression, and ignition."
"This stage of the operation struggled with the ocean depth and rugged terrain on the ocean floor."
"This is a serious operation, that's serious, it's a UTV, don't [ __ ] about, it's going to be sick."
"But I think I would check this this first then I would go here I would go here I would go here."
"The offensive operation jaywick was a resounding success and served to establish Zed's special unit as a formidable player in the realm of covert Special Forces operations."
"It's gotta get to the point where you can say click here, say this, do this, press this button, and now you're live."
"It's pretty obvious whether you're planning a mission or you're flying where to turn things on and off."
"Now and only now is it safe to start this generator."
"Essentially, it puts the rover into a state where it's just waiting to be commanded to do certain drive commands."
"Implicit in the operation plus is that it should be constant."
"This is how you run vault as a service on Kubernetes."
"Now, if we've tuned to a station we want to save it as a preset, all we're going to do is tune, we're just going to press and hold any of the available options, and preset is now saved."
"we're about to figure out how to run this generator."
"Everything is running just like it should."
"It's interesting to have the master up here. Most places we would be up on the fly bridge."
"Let's fire it up and cycle the loader, we'll get the bucket rotated."
"You have to push your foot on the brake, push against it, and then that will disengage."
"The resiliency battery kind of built into their operation, which is really, really huge."
"We send all the merch from here in Australia by the way. We don't have some other company doing it like a lot of channels, they just outsource it. We do it ourselves."
"Our operations actually do very well for cervical myelopathy. We can tell our patients now that our operations for cervical myelopathy are safe and they significantly improve functional and quality of life outcomes."
"You press this so the drone can come back home"
"They're literally in a control room right now checking that box off the discovery box tap that out tap that out nothing left in there."
"We started very small in our backyard 50 Birds just for family Hobby and um 50 became today which is just the largest pastured poultry operation in the world that we know of."
"Branding is about wrapping up everything involved with your whole operation."
"You'll want to take it out, set it on the ground, and run it actually outside the compartment."
"There's no remaining gas pressure during a lot of the end part of this operation."
"A lot of people they turn the machine on they think right full sensitivity let's get as much as we can as deep as we can as strong as we can."
"You have your memory mode obviously if you turn the light on and you can go ahead and cycle through."
"The rescue operation was truly epic, dozens of people as well as planes were engaged in the search for the lost mountaineers."
"Princess is pretty much a paperless ship."
"The Tomcat's first operational tour came in April 1975 as part of operation frequent wind."
"Something handles well with certainly inspire more confidence in operation."
"This will be the most dangerous operation any of us have ever undertaken."
"So there is a start stop stations down here with start stop buttons there's two buttons on here even though there's more Motors than that we have one for the spindle and we have one for the hydraulic pump."
"We would try to get stuff made from different places to keep the logistical train invisible to the Casual Observer."
"...you drop the tone arm in and it has a worm gear that is activated through this knob here."
"Imagine if you studied 10 years to become a surgeon, and you're told now after you graduate and you can operate, you have only one day to do surgeries."
"You'll start to hear the compressor working and clamping down on the drums."
"It's running right now, I can barely tell if it's on."
"We've been operating for five months now."
"So if I click on start, this is going to decrease from top to bottom every one second."