
Search For Meaning Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"I feel as though there are so many out there looking for meaning, not in a deeper spiritual way, but instead that they are missing something, something fulfilling, something that sets their wires straight."
"The search for meaning is actually the point."
"We need to find some type of worth somehow, somewhere because we don't feel it innately in ourselves that just being a human being is valuable."
"It is an index of a search for meaning... and we need to remember Aristotle's fundamental insight into the human psyche, which is that one is only ever moved by some kind of a perceived good."
"People are suffering from a lack of meaning. Meaning is people always ask about meaning and purpose, and there's that really tired joke about what meaning means, but it's not a joke."
"The instinct for meaning is a genuine instinct, and it underlies even our attention. It's unbelievably deep, it's the deepest thing about us."
"We're experiencing a crisis of purpose. People are longing for meaning in a world that has very little meaning."
"I'm just looking for answers and there aren't any."
"Problems of meaning have become more paramount for the modern person."
"It's part of the reason our country's divided so wide right now because people need purpose, identity, and something to cling on to."
"I refuse to accept that this is all coincidence. There must be a message here, but what is it?"
"Climate activism becomes a religion for those who seek meaning in life."
"Man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life."
"The remnant church is really looking for answers right now, and for hope."
"People are looking for an answer, people are looking for a Direction."
"The horror of the void is this unmoored wandering in hopes of finding something to cling to."
"You know, when I think about it now in my elderly years, it's just, there has to be some kind of explanation."
"Affluence and boredom lead to a search for meaning."
"It is in this kind of meaninglessness that we get the profoundest meaning."
"How do I find meaning in something so senseless?"
"I can't make sense of it. I don't know why it's going on."
"One of humanity's oldest philosophical questions: the struggle for meaning in a meaningless existence."
"Everybody's looking for something to grasp onto, something to make sense."
"Maybe there's something bigger, maybe there's a reason why I'm going for all of this."
"People are hungry for something that will give them a meaning in life and people are afraid life does seem rather hopeless."
"Reason to believe, still I look to find a reason to believe."
"We all want to believe that there's more to reality than what we see, that there's at a minimum some purpose, some logic that we're not normally aware of."
"A truth that in life I'm doomed to search but shall die to find."
"Now I'm looking for the real thing, true life and romance, oh yes, definitely."
"I was definitely searching from before prison, I was always searching, you know what I'm saying? Always searching and always looking for love and a family and certain things outside of you, I'm saying."
"We must realize that our only hope to understand life, ourselves, our world, and our purpose is to find out where strength is."
"I think whatever it is the thing that is really absent for most people is meaning and purpose right now."
"When it's not from your religion, it's not from your culture, you'll seek it somewhere."
"Maybe we were never meant to be happy, always going to be like looking for problems to solve."
"You know it's funny, we spend our whole lives looking for brotherhood and we try to find it in something we think is there but often times it lets us down."
"Human beings are compelled by some force to have a deeper search."
"All human beings are in search of something. They don't know what it is."
"He felt the loneliness begin to creep in, the emptiness that he was now filling in search of an answer."
"At age 17, I became convinced that a cosmic beginner existed and began to look for that beginner. I started looking for him in the writings of the great philosophers."
"...at first, I was searching for significance, right? I wanted recognition from my family..."
"Nobody joins a cult on purpose, nobody knows they're doing it, they're just looking for something else."
"I feel like I've become little Timmy and I'm wandering through the woods searching for the meaning of life."
"There is a god-shaped hole in our lives, and we try to fill it up."
"My entire life I've never been content, happy yes, but contend never like I was constantly searching for something that would temper the restlessness in me and it's you."
"There must be more to this, man. There has to be an answer. Like, I'm not dying like this, I'm not living my life like this."
"God has set eternity in our hearts, we're all searching for Him."
"When you seek God, you will find him."
"There's hundreds and thousands of people searching all over the place, there's churches being built, there are wars happening all over the world, all about something utterly simple."
"I felt like I didn't have answers to, so it really propelled me into a situation in my life where I'm like I want to get these answers for myself and also my friends."
"I'm just trying to find the love, man, looking everywhere but within."
"I feel like we're all going to find it, you know, and sometimes we get a glimpse of it."
"That debate alone makes this show worth watching. Do you want to get married, or do you want to just search for that elusive hundred for the rest of your life? This is some deep existential stuff we got going on here. It's layers to this."
"I just want to find some symbolism of some goodness somewhere. Where is it?"
"We're looking for meaning, and we're looking for someone to give it to us."
"That void in your heart, the void that's in your life is not going to go anywhere because just like I said as soon as you fill it with something that's not going to be good enough and it will be the void will show back up you will be empty again."
"He was always searching for meaning in as many places as promised to offer it."
"People are so hungry for meaning."
"We're in a crisis of meaning... there's been a collapse."
"But deep down, I think there must be something there, otherwise this whole life doesn't make any sense."
"...if we talk less about happiness and more about meaning and purpose I think that does a better job of incorporating the pain."
"There must be more to Christmas, but what?"
"Feelings of anxiety, anger, feelings of isolation, a need for a purpose, a need for control, especially when the world feels out of control."
"The lesson is, in all of our searching, the only thing we found worth searching for is each other."
"I look for the extraordinary, I look for the message, I look for the symbolism."
"Those who mourn are happy because the more that your heart breaks, the more that you begin to search for the solution."
"Life has to have meaning, otherwise we get very depressed."
"The fact that we're all looking for meaning is not a collective disease or sickness, it's because life is meaningful."
"It's not a cry that you hear at night, it's not somebody who's seen the light, it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah."
"She's lonely and just looking for some love and meaning."
"In a nihilistic age begging to find any sort of meaning to life, scientists, psychologists, and researchers have searched for the reason as to why horror films were more popular than ever."
"It becomes a filler for meaning and purpose until you find your purpose in meaning."
"What people are searching for is peace, joy, happiness, connection, relationship."
"Existential distress is a crisis of meaning... particularly potent at the end of life."
"What man seeks, to the point of anguish, in his gods, in his art, in his science, is meaning. He cannot bear the void."