
Adjustments Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Bungie has actually walked back some of these changes after overwhelmingly negative player feedback."
"Your portfolio should reflect your view. If it doesn't, change your portfolio. You change your portfolio by having your watchlist up-to-date."
"Adjust some of these clips... punch in a little bit closer."
"Degrees of freedom is just an adjustment to our sample size that gives us slightly more wiggle room in our estimates."
"These are not locked in stone as changes and there is still time to move things around."
"Games just outbriefed the issue with topping the Atlas high booster, they have agreed to make some adjustments to the parameters and they are now looking good for launch."
"Safety is good, alright, but it's just a little higher than I would like so I'm going to take that down."
"Some of your relationships, personal or business, may need adjustments or removal, but for now, it's the initial stages, the stage is being set."
"No more 45-minute videos on the main channel, back to 10 to 15 minutes."
"You have to adjust their financial statements."
"Each has benefits and drawbacks, and you can be adjusting these almost as much as you’re moving your army."
"Adjustments are required for long-term success."
"I kind of feel like how I feel about like spice on food which is like a lot of times you get a dish and it needs a little salt or it needs a little something sriracha."
"Work through your fears and make some adjustments."
"This guy right here, 10 bucks a gallon diesel, that thing's getting parked."
"We use data... and then we adjust our assumptions based on what's happening in real life on the ground."
"One of the most important things you're going to want to do is add some adjustments."
"See what that looks like and I think that is a good amount for a player to jump at least for the time being."
"The unique features are basically the external adjustments - the quick adjustment to four power from one power by the flip of a lever."
"Understanding your audience allows you to make those little subtle adjustments."
"There are small little tweaks here and there."
"Now it will only spawn a hatchling once every five seconds instead of every single egg."
"We're looking at addressing the condemned playstyle specifically."
"Have faith in your dreams, as important adjustments and progress await."
"The sponge on a stick clears out water efficiently, making underwater adjustments easier."
"We gonna hey we rock it and we rolling until the wheels fall off and when they fall off I hate to make adjustments and move toward accordingly."
"They still definitely hurt, you could tell when someone has a revolver but it's not insane anymore."
"It's gonna be close and it may be that we slightly change how The Pedestrian road goes around there."
"Shocking developments in relationships and partnerships, leading to quick adjustments."
"Just make sure they gather to a comfortable level for you."
"I think something like that is something we could definitely do for hard mode."
"I think we're overall actually pretty satisfied with how the system has played out. If anything, we may need to tweak the odds a little bit."
"With this massive set of changes, the meta would see change in how powerful certain decks remain."
"Thank you so much for joining me for one of my very first weeks of homemaking with our eighth baby as a newborn. It's always an adjustment, so thank you for coming along with me."
"Since introducing the newly upgraded Bastion, we've tracked a general sentiment about his new kit being a bit too potent."
"That's very moist, I probably would cook it a little bit longer."
"Christmas is pretty good, but if we have any critique about it, it would be that it needs a little less boss, a little more baby."
"You don't want to miss it with all the adjustments made."
"This is a time where you need to make some changes and adjustments to your relationships."
"I think you can lower the monster movement speed."
"It's time for this person to make certain adjustments because they enjoy this time together with you, they enjoy this close bond, they trust you."
"Whenever you add or subtract from a color, you will in most cases accidentally change the hue of that color."
"I love love the color and like the print. They're huge like very big, but I tie them and roll them and they work."
"If you're finding that it's hearing you too often or it's having spurious wake-ups that you didn't mean, well you can make it less sensitive."
"Cockpit adjustments are a fantastic tool to make your bike fit you better."
"it's about to be completely and then the lights are gonna come on so see how critical you know gonna stop coming up in just a couple minutes at the end of the stage the right adjustments right here could wind up winning you a championship"
"Kurt Busch started off tight, exit, now he's loose in and off. They've been making wedge adjustments for him throughout the day today."
"They don't make excuses, they make adjustments."
"So if you press up, you can then adjust the front shock or the rear shock individually."
"I eased up on many of the restrictions I placed... the relationship between my stepson and myself has drastically improved."
"So as you can see here the resolution is just as good I'm noticing it's a little it printed a little bit lighter so you might have to play around more with the density of the image this was printed at middle so we still have that next step up if we want to go from there."
"I always find this funny, multi-million dollar airplane, and uh, this is your SE foot adjustment."
"The reset button can be super useful if you've made quite a lot of changes and want to reset it back to how it was originally."
"I think eating those grams of protein I think will be fine but again just make adjustments as you go."
"Your main tweaks will be recovery speed, your iron bias, and your sensitivity. They're the main things that you'd have to adjust."
"But of course, there will be more adjustments before the real story begins."
"Finding where something needs to be automated and changed is smart mixing."
"When you mess up, make adjustments. It's about progress not Perfection."
"Sometimes when adjusting your processing it's easy to go down a rabbit hole where you're adjusting settings to the point where you don't know if it's sounding better or worse than when you started."
"You won't see a difference if we reset the zoom here again."
"Sometimes you have to make tiny little adjustments to get the heat through."
"...can we ever increase our spending? Are there times where maybe we have to pull back on our spending?"
"So, we've reduced the color temperature, we've adjusted the tint because it had quite a strong magenta cast, and when we've made those changes we get these really lovely smooth skin tones."
"These are all masks here, there were no global adjustments done at this point."
"So if I zoom out, you can see that he has that filter on, and again, I can adjust a little bit. I can erase some of that around him if I wanted to."
"Little changes to this setting can have big changes to your model."
"The range is very wide on this, meaning small adjustments will make meaningful changes in the tone."
"There are many adjustments you will make when you start having encounters with God."
"The target ID needs a tweak, the iron bias needs a tweak... All three are fixable."
"Even with those rates coming down, the house prices are coming down so it's adjusting accordingly."
"Just a few more tiny adjustments, and there. There we have it. All fixed."
"The seats are incredibly comfortable...I have just tons of adjustments."
"It allows you to make adjustments."
"The smallest adjustments can make the biggest difference."
"That's what's going to make your paintings even prettier, those small adjustments that you make."
"If you still think there's a massive Gap then click on the section above it and change that bottom padding to around about five."
"Montoya his car has been very tight they want to loosen it up."
"And away he goes, looked like not only a wing change in the front but they were also working at the back of the car."
"You could easily insert some short rows like in this main color or even at certain places throughout the back of this yoke."
"Instead of doing that, I'm going to remove the width from here, and I'm going to remove my justify content."
"Tiny adjustments can make a big difference."
"...because many of the settings when you adjust one setting to fix a problem if you overdo that setting it can cause another problem."
"Making a few adjustments is going to increase the speed of your trades pretty considerably."
"It's kind of cool that it's not just for that, though. I can also go with anything else here and change its levels."
"The big time players are going to come out the kings and queens and knights and and Rooks but it's the pawns and what kind of adjustments the coach are going to make out there on the floor with each player."
"That's pretty much it that's the whole trailer so far we've left a couple spots open because we want to use it for a while see what other little pinch points we have that we need to address."
"we're not gonna bump or delete this car don't worry but we do have to cut the bumper to make all of that that's so it's like literally adjustments right there dude"
"Marriage is a journey that requires compromise; you'll have to make adjustments."
"So, what I'm liking about this Mark IV is it still sounds like the Vermona DRM-1. So, these kind of adjustments, although very cool, it's kind of in keeping with this being the fourth version."
"Make micro adjustments to perfect the shot."
"These subtle kind of adjustments are how we create a really powerful kind of look."
"Small adjustments very often can make a huge difference."
"Making the right adjustments and putting bigger fish in their live well."
"I do like the fact that they are able to adjust and make these changes and put together like I said all of the best features of these two cameras."
"You don't want tons of pressure down here so if when done making adjustments like this it's like way janked tight still you need to make some adjustments somehow."
"One thing you can do sometimes if they don't print completely you need to adjust the scale of your label a little bit."
"Maybe there's another adjustment that you take to find sensation or ease in this pose."
"Dynamic range optimizer off as these are things we typically don't want to mess with."
"I found myself already making a lot of corrections in my training."
"Are we giving enough white and black for enough tint and shade? We've actually doubled the ML on the white and the black."
"These still stay put perfectly in the gym with no adjustments the noise cancellation is still the best of the bunch even over the airpods pro Gen 2."
"We're going to make the sliders attached to this body in a way that allows them to be adjusted so that you can change the Stitch depth on your stitches as you're knitting."
"Length is very very easy to adjust you would just need more yarn."
"Worse than an error is to not assess your situation and make adjustments."
"Now if I turn off our Saturator and I take a note of where we're at gain-wise."
"Typical subtractions are items like cash, financial investments, equity investments, net assets held for disposal, and net operating losses."
"Don't go forward blindly every single year not making any adjustments to your plan."
"There is some potential to actually make things run a little bit better by making these adjustments."
"In this beta version of Photoshop, they've added more adjustments."
"I prefer to make my first adjustments because there's a couple of things that determine the feeds and speeds."
"Really great results with just some super minor adjustments."
"Great teams, great coaches make adjustments at halftime."
"I didn't want to permanently fix this as I knew that come time to do the actual radio work, everything was going to need fine-tuning."
"You have to watch your corals and maybe make some smaller adjustments and see how they react in a week to three weeks range."
"You're going to be looking at different blueprints and you're going to be making adjustments along the way."
"These little fine adjustments will help."
"This is going to allow us to get more naturalistic and more photographically accurate adjustments."
"To keep your flying smooth, the geometry and the travel adjusts have to be set right."
"Take any other little adjustments you need to so that you feel comfortable."
"Add 15% to your fixed costs to cover things you have not figured in."
"It's the combination of all three of these adjustments—clarity, structure, and sharpening—which makes the biggest difference."
"Just by adding these little adjustments, you take a regular photo that doesn't look that great into something that looks pretty cool."
"All these fine minor adjustments that you can do actually have a significant impact."
"Using the animation controller, I'll reposition the hips slightly, drag the model towards the ground, and make small adjustments to give the illusion of movement."
"We're going to make an assessment and determine if adjustments are necessary."
"Minute adjustments make a world of difference."
"Sometimes it's all about making those tiny little minute presentation changes."
"Not every character needs to have a radical change, some of them just need to have the small adjustments because they're already perfect."
"High quality early education and care is inclusive... making reasonable adjustments for disabled children."
"These are simple adjustments that can make a big difference."
"It's never too late when you're working digitally to make adjustments to proportions or general placement of things."
"The key is slow, subtle little adjustments."
"Changing the size of the hook can really affect sizings of the pattern."
"Once you get those slopers fitting perfectly by adjusting measurements as you need, then everything else that you do will fit very well because that's the way the system is designed to work."
"That's the adjustments on the needle bar of a Singer model 457 and many others."
"You can always take this away, whereas if you accidentally make it too short, it is a bit harder to add length later."
"We're looking at the various adjustments the accountant has to make when preparing the financial statements."
"We've got to make some adjustments on how we're guarding Devin Booker and Kevin Durant."
"All these little adjustments are really important."
"The results are pretty astonishing as far as the overall difference between utilizing global adjustments or sliders versus local adjustments or filters."
"Sometimes little tiny adjustments make a huge difference."
"Little adjustments like that go a long way."
"That's the great thing about cooking because you can make adjustments along the way."
"Find out what I can do better, make some adjustments, and I'll come back."
"These little dials make the slightest adjustments so much easier to do."
"It's comfortable, it's big, the adjustments were easy to do."
"Adjusting entries are the basic component of accrual accounting."
"It's those really small, minuscule movements or changes of various parameters to find a sweet spot."
"The current bargain agreements will still see their cost of living adjustment."
"These little adjustments will make a big difference in the final result."
"I think it helps you to feel confident to adjust things without feeling like you're never gonna mess up the wheel."
"It gives you more scope for adjustments, you can see things, everything just makes a bit more sense."
"Does my life make sense to me and what adjustments do I need to make to my life in order for my life to make sense to me?"
"This reel has a dual braking system, both centrifugal and magnetic, so it has quite a lot of adjustments."
"Now we can change the model opacity, which lets us see the model, see the reference image through our model, and lets us make changes."
"Exposure compensation is a very easy way to make adjustments to the image without getting too complicated."
"It's all about gaining awareness and making adjustments that will actually help you to get the better of these karmas."
"And this is the final result I ended up with after some tweaking of the parameters."
"Be prepared for adjustments along the way."
"The allowance for doubtful debts needs to be adjusted to one percent of outstanding receivables."
"Adjustments are required, your time is precious, use your time very wisely."
"Owning your destiny doesn't always involve giant curveballs on the external, sometimes it involves a lot of micro adjustments that add up over time."