
Real-world Impact Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"The crudity of the online world is bleeding over into the real world."
"When virtual assets hold real-world value, the stakes are higher than ever."
"The immersive experience is shattered by the real world, and boy, has Disney been breaking the immersion recently."
"In this fictional world, we overcame all these fictional struggles, but those things changed us, and we were able to change the world."
"The great theme of philosophy education should be that ideas really matter, as they lead to actions and consequences in the real world."
"These real world studies are now having real world impacts on policy decisions."
"This movie, you feel something about the real world that moves you."
"There is absolutely no doubt that the issues that we're talking about here are taking root in the real world and that real change is on the horizon."
"Pikachu's impact can be seen extensively in the real world."
"Oppression isn't just an idea, it has results and consequences for real people's lives."
"Sometimes the real world sneaks into our fantasy entertainment, and the loss of Chadwick is honestly making this Black Panther funeral hit on a pretty deep level."
"Having online friends can have positive effects offline, despite the toxic nature of the internet."
"Pokémon GO Murder: Calvin Riley was only 20 years old when he was shot in the torso while playing the popular Pokémon GO game."
"Stuxnet was the first virus designed to cause real-world damage."
"It's a unique game concept that if you plant trees in the game they actually plant them in real life."
"Although she may always be best remembered as America's sweetheart, the woman who left the screen at 22 saying she had enough of pretend ended up leaving a considerable mark on the real world."
"You gotta watch their deeds. Not what they say. Politics is personnel. Politics is outcomes."
"Every step along the way, this system is interacting with the real world. In real life it’s not happening on a blank white page. It’s interacting with societies, cultures, economies, the environment."
"Knowledge, skills, they are designed to have real-world impact. They are designed to give you the ability to do something that influences this world."
"This is exactly the humanity you're talking about and the challenges are very, very real."
"This is a real world event and it affects human beings on the face of the planet."
"If you want to make actual change, go out and make actual change, don't just sit behind a keyboard."
"There's so much anecdotal evidence from real people who had real results."
"Why know about AI? Because it solves real-world problems: healthcare, marketing, traffic."
"What they do really does have real-world impact."
"This trial really demonstrates the power of the internet and how campaigns for public opinion can shape real world effects."
"That's plainly incorrect and there is no denying the impact that social media posts and viral content can have on our real world."
"All the talk you hear at the end of the day is just talk; it's about how you perform on the day of."
"Nonetheless, I always think it's interesting whenever we see video game characters, especially Halo, crossover into the real world in some sort of promotional material."
"Elon Musk is a science fiction character who has materialized in the real world."
"Intentions don't matter; what matters is what actually happens."
"All the theory we had here actually proves to be true."
"There's no denying that in the real world the flamethrower is a truly horrific weapon."
"It's a climate change movie happening in real life."
"Numbers like that I mean they may seem abstract on paper but these have very real consequences for people."
"My only barometer of success is real-life impact."
"What if I told you that cartoons are not bound to the screen anymore? They actually exist in the real world."
"Activism is hard, you have to go out there and actually do something other than type."
"It's nice to see sort of the intersection of these heroes and real-world history."
"Sometimes when you find that the output of your research is being used in the real world, that gives you a lot of motivation."
"Online hate speech translates into real-life consequences."
"Seeing other people get involved in politics, bringing online politics into the real world was a big motivator."
"These aren't characters, these are real people... Things that you say and accusations you make hurt real people."
"Imagination is the most magical thing we have in the real world."
"The reward for me would be knowing that there would be tons of people in the real world outside of the internet who could say, 'This individual helped me when I was struggling with this.'"
"Action just is changing the data by acting upon the world."
"A great video game companion has to connect with the you in the real world as well as the you in the video game."
"The corrupted blood incident got so infamous that apparently it's become a subject of study by actual epidemiologists."
"There is absolutely no connection between video game violence and real-world violence."
"Social media is a new medium for storytelling with unpredictable real world impact."
"If you're a 4.0 student but you have the discipline of a 1.0 GPA student, that 4.0 doesn't matter."
"Abstract philosophical concepts, when put in practice, can have life-and-death consequences."
"Those toxic behaviors online have an impact in real life on real people like dice's dev or the subreddit mod getting harassed and it shouldn't be tolerated."
"I like to see more real-world use cases for NFTs, not just being all about PFPs and all about gaming."
"The imagined past fuels a political nostalgia with real-world consequences."
"Simply knowing isn't the end of the journey; it's about applying that knowledge in the world."
"But think about that right there's people protesting for what they believe in right now people are donating to charities all kinds of different things that actually have you know real world impact."
"The world is actually more chaotic as we're literally seeing actual real-world evidence of these things."
"I wanted to do something that was real and in the world."
"This is yet another political circus that can have real-world implications."
"And all it takes is one of those people calling in, and people do actually. They really do."
"I felt like I'd finally have the chance to help someone, to bring them into the real world, a task beyond just keeping them alive."
"That 8% difference in geekbench is translating to a 40% difference in real-world performance."
"'Hacking itself is not always the most glamorous to look at, however, we are seeing more and more hardware type hacking where people are taking physical devices and moving hacking into the real world, and that by itself I think looks more interesting.'"
"Sometimes software and how it's built intrudes more into the real world, sometimes for good reasons, but also sometimes for bad."
"The best part of being Bear was visiting actually children in the real world."
"How do you grieve an icon, a man who was standing at the forefront of everyone, not just in a fictional world but in the real world as well?"
"Enchantment is characterized by wonder and it has no purpose as such, although it can have real very significant effects in the real world."
"It has obvious real-world implications and value."
"We got to take things beyond the consumption of content and into the real world."
"Lifestyle self-help content has in the past helped me to put things in motion in the real world."
"Let's measure the consequences of our action by the real world... and let's be good for goodness' sake."
"Morality basically means if you want to be moral and ethical, try to pick the path that results in the least amount of actual harm in the real world."
"Internet popularity doesn't always translate to real-world fame."
"Keep going, it's so cool to meet people who are doing real things."
"The greatest indication of how the economy is doing is not what the Dow Jones is doing, it's what's on the kitchen table."
"As these companies have become bigger, they intersect with the real world in much more real ways."
"Visual media can have an impact... the boots on the ground stuff matters."
"Those are significant differences that are worth using some discernment to find a healing model that has those attributes that make a real significant difference in the real world."
"Real users, not developers and testers... we're talking about people who really need your stuff to work and there are real stakes and real consequences if things go down."
"Heroes of Maavia is specifically designed to provide value to the real world by being a game that people want to play."
"Let's all quit and do something beautiful in the real world."
"For cryptocurrencies to have any value, there needs to be tangible use cases that improve people's lives in the real world."
"Here inside the O'Hare academic building is where our students collaborate with their professors on high-level research and projects that affect their real-world outcomes."
"The only way out of the outrage cycle is to actually try to build something, and the only things that really matter when you build them are things that exist in the real world."
"It's not just athletes and musicians and actors, but people who are out there who are really doing the real work for the world."