
Player Feedback Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Bungie has actually walked back some of these changes after overwhelmingly negative player feedback."
"It has received a reputation as ‘the very first game that made me have tears in my eyes’ from Japanese players. I was most pleased by that comment."
"Based on the feedback throughout the year of the Witch Queen, we knew players wanted more exotic missions."
"We have learned valuable lessons from our previous work and player feedback, which have highlighted the need to enhance the gameplay experience by fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie and strategic decision-making."
"Instead of putting out surveys... just play your game."
"I think it's a welcomed addition. It's something we've needed for a very long time."
"Based on your feedback on NHL 22, we reworked pass assist, reducing the number of times you'll feel like you're completely off target."
"How does this game feel so great to play right?"
"No other World of Warcraft expansion has been this clear. A great road map, wonderful feedback."
"There's an incredible disconnect between Wizards of the Coast and its player base."
"Just scrap half that whatever Destiny 2 console affix is and put in some stuff that's more specific."
"Be open to your players' complaints and speak openly about why things went the way they did."
"By keeping things simple early, we were able to avoid going too far down a path that our players wouldn't respond to."
"The armor penetration indicator is bad for the game."
"Helicopters like the uh-1b, Alouette twos, and mi4 are all being reduced below 9.0, getting rid of that previously imposed barrier."
"The of4 TMT CA does belong at 9.0, but certainly no more than the leopard l44 or t-55a M."
"What are your three top things that need to be fixed in this game right now?"
"Any tools they can give players to further understand where they're making mistakes and improve as a player is massive."
"The biggest complaint that Star Wars Battlefront received was over the absence of a single-player campaign."
"A full rating reset wouldn't create a great experience."
"The trade system is really, really whack and I think Supercell has heard our cries."
"But it's as Robin said, really sad to see warriors. Like, they are so bad right now. Like, they play so badly. It's not about numbers or anything, it's about how it feels when you play it. It actually just feels really awkward to play them."
"Yes Mojang, okay, you're redeeming yourself here slowly but surely."
"One missing feature that was sorely missed from the last entry was the ability to play offline with local characters."
"Listen to your players, and you will run the best game you will ever run."
"From where I'm sitting whether they acknowledged it or not that barrier nerf was one of the best things they've ever done."
"Listening to the community is a legacy feature."
"I totally understand why teleport should be nerfed."
"Big win for the player Base today big wins all around."
"Cyberpunk 2077 I would say stands at the top and it's the most notable example of a publisher listening to what players really want."
"It's all about player feedback – 'Oh, I'm tired, oh, I'm exhausted' – and being able to see that."
"I hope they reconsider the WASD stuff after launch. It would just be a quality of life for a lot of players."
"That weapon is just so strong that like is actually it sounds like an interesting take too."
"For the rest of this TWAB, all that I ask for is that Warlocks and Hunters get equally buffed."
"Are you experiencing the same kind of thing in your tier 8 tanks where you're constantly either getting to tier 8 only at a tier 8 tier 9 or t89 and tier 10 matchups?"
"Solo queue would be great. Just add it into the game and have them shut the [ __ ] up."
"Skill-based matchmaking has been toned down quite a bit in weekend 2."
"No one wants skill-based matchmaking, give us screwdriver-based matchmaking."
"Alan: very nice all-rounded card, deserves to go into the S-tier."
"I feel like the Goyo change is actually very good."
"Corruption: S and actively made the game worse at the same time."
"I think there's so many small little things we can do to so many champions that could just make them all feel a lot better and like really wouldn't impact their win rates too much."
"Do you agree? Do you think there is a big camping issue in modern warfare?"
"Either make it so you don't need to actually use a perk to get point man or make it so we have point streaks instead of kill streaks by default."
"This is just outright a buff, physical damage per shot 0 to 20 plus 50 AD to 5 to 25 plus 50 AD, total damage per target 0 to 100 plus 500 percent AD to 250 plus 500 percent AD."
"It's a very minor buff, it's a welcome one for sure but it's not one that is instantly tipping Veigar into the elite super top-tier level champion volleyball."
"That's a nice upgrade. It's not amazing, but it's nice."
"If you had eight cards to buff in the next balance update what would you buff and how?"
"I'm honestly glad that we're getting some of these balances and these changes to the troops that we have now."
"I think the cool thing though is that they're always being updated... I like that they listen to community feedback."
"The reception for this game has been great, thank you guys so much for enjoying it."
"Crystal Isles, just update on that quick, digging it."
"Your opinion still matters and how you feel about the game is what's the most important."
"If it doesn't harm the rest of the game, then who am I to complain?"
"Literally unplayable. The guy is absolutely sensational."
"Aaron Black should return. My gut instinct says should return because I think despite everyone loving his appearance, they hate his playstyle."
"Please make the game harder, especially bosses."
"If the biggest complaint about our game is that it's too small and people want more from it, that's good."
"The respect issue is that the grind is ridiculously slow - if we could buy war bonds with requisition slips, that'd be nice."
"Weakness to fire has been reduced from 60 to 20 percent."
"I'm happy that the development team for Paralives is listening to their players in that aspect."
"The number one thing that kept being brought up was the new player experience."
"We're listening to feedback and making the game the polished thing that the players deserve."
"A lot of the feedback I gave the devs before and suggestions have been implemented in the game, which is really awesome."
"One of the primary purposes of gameplay animation is to provide visual information and feedback."
"Wow saved guys they haven't ruined the game in four months this is crazy I can't believe it."
"In Shadowlands leveling 1-50 feels really good, is well-paced, and is already much faster than it is on live."
"The game feels way more balanced now than it used to."
"Our intent was similar to Classic WoW... But in practice, it ended up just being something that players chafed against."
"You have to listen to the players to a certain extent, especially if something is so completely [__]."
"It was truly unbelievable that 343 industries would bring this into Halo Wars 2 after the backlash of microtransaction brittle the halo 5."
"This is an interesting card just to give you extra copies of stuff too. Unfortunately, it's not land, so you can't ramp yourself, but six mana's a lot."
"The game is in a much better state than it was when it released."
"I've been impressed at how closely the developers are listening to feedback and quickly addressing any issues the player base may have had with the game."
"BSG needs to delete find in raid from the flea market."
"The opinion of the seasoned and hardcore players is incredibly valuable especially for the long-term health of the game."
"Thankfully, the second game borrows from the first title and fixes almost every single one of my complaints."
"What did you think of this lore? Would you have liked the Manhack Arcade to have been kept in the retail game?"
"Primers should be in the game from day one. I don't think there should be sections when they come out."
"Tell me what you think of Elite Dangerous. Have you been playing it? Are you a veteran player, or perhaps you've recently heard of it and think of giving it a go?"
"It's so crazy to me that they're just making changes that make the game better."
"Players began chanting phrases such as Jagex ruined RuneScape, ruined scape."
"Players are talking really highly about him."
"I'd love to see more updates made to it, especially regarding combat."
"Overall reception for Sonic Forces so far has been fairly positive."
"There are some mechanics in the game that are blatantly unfun."
"At least Valve weren't too stubborn to ignore player feedback."
"Historically you can look back at pretty much any version of while you want and you can see people do not like repeating the exact same grind on multiple characters."
"A lot of people really want more gameplay with babies."
"I really want spiky moments where you think I'm overpowered. Oh my God, those dumb designers."
"Luigi does way too much damage... he's [expletive] strong."
"Our game designers, they work really hard on providing all these tools to people."
"I think one thing that everybody has said about this game is that it's too realistic."
"The reason that Anivia has gone mostly unchanged... is because her design is just flat-out good."
"Nami is League of Legends' most fair champion."
"Spawning just doesn't feel brilliant right now and we've also got to talk about the UI I don't mind the in-game UI at all that doesn't really bother me but the front end menus and stuff are really not that easy to navigate..."
"I like that they added the write-ups as it feels like we're getting a lot more insight about gameplay."
"It looks like they listened to a lot of player feedback from the first game and made the necessary changes to drive that experience forward."
"This is going to have a long awaited killer update for them looking at a power rework that aims to address frustrations on both sides of the game."
"They're giving us all the things that we cried out for in Garrisons. All the stuff that seems so common sense."
"Old tea was the most OP...two seconds is a long time...overall gonna be a great change."
"I think this is great and the blue posted mentioned that these changes were in response to player feedback on time pressure and an increasing difficulty via nerfing the power of their character."
"Our intent is more in line with our original Vision since the launch of the witch Queen." - Staying true to the game's core vision while adapting to player feedback.
"Knowing that you successfully hit the player with the keel will help make the gameplay feel smoother."
"The game has grown so much thanks to your support and feedback. We really want to keep expanding the game with your ideas."
"The rewards of Marvel Future Fight are much less than the difficulty."
"Guild Wars 2 needs better frame rates. We agree." - JT
"Just get player feedback. Who cares if they release a quick TDM mode that's using like reused assets?"
"Jenny, you are the luckiest player I have ever seen ever literally the luckiest player I've ever seen."
"Feedback is important to us as we continue developing itemization."
"Warwick: Another one of the good updates. Look how sick they made Warwick."
"Tuning in general should be much more on point."
"Kampung spamming is such a good improvement, one of the best in the game."
"I'm just kind of one one spaces, everybody could be like, 'yo, I hate this game, oh my God, this game sucks, this game's boring,' bro, yeah, say you, man, to you."
"The soloqueue experience is just not where it needs to be."
"Iron Banner the two weapons going away Razor's Edge and Frontiers cry now frontier's crying aka the chode is arguably the best 180 in the game."
"Konami should never add a new summoning mechanic there's way too many already."
"I'm just happy it's not another side scroller."
"I basically know a game that's ready personally when the vast majority of the people in the company who are playtesting it, as well as the feedback from our outside plant testers, is very positive."
"It feels like there has been so much stuff this year that already caters to the whales and the big spenders on Marvel contest of Champions."
"Overall, very positive changes. Great job balancing."
"After a really difficult year for DICE and the Battlefield franchise, we were finally in a place where players were happy with what was happening, and it's all come crashing down again."
"Personally, I feel like this thing did need nerfing, not because I hated how strong it was, but because of the fact that I was upset for all the other amazing weapons in this game that weren't being used."
"I let a friend who was going through a rough time live with me free of charge."
"BFA is like the battle against the devs, it's actually kind of sad."
"I think right now for the first time on FIFA I can actually say that EA are thinking in the right direction."
"Looks like the entire party animals team has decided to coach third base and they make the right decision sending home skull now it's a 4-2 lead for the party."
"This changes everything, Sharima is kind of ass."
"Always challenge your assumptions about your players."
"There's nothing more humbling than sitting next to someone who absolutely doesn't understand what the heck your game is even about."
"It's a really nice outfit, it really is a nice outfit. I love the color scheme too, it was very well done."
"Players universally praised the game as did critics, and looking back on it now you can see that the battlefront franchise has come so far since its very first installment."
"Overwatch 2's progression: regression across the board."
"It's really just an opportunity for players to give us feedback about how we could improve that experience."
"This is really at the root of why I despise this patch so much."
"There's literally nothing more important than if they actually would listen to things the player base is saying, this is probably actually the most important thing in this entire video is this right here."
"I don't want players to forget that, because a lot of the time when you're just focused and you're sitting on your couch, you're playing MCOC, you only see the bugs, you only see the flaws, and there's a person behind that."
"Since introducing the newly upgraded Bastion, we've tracked a general sentiment about his new kit being a bit too potent."
"This was from a bronze one game I believe, but please let me know what you think."
"And there's no energy system, oh my god. Pray Day, what are you guys doing and why are you doing all of it right?"
"What you guys thinking of the game so far bets gonna go ahead and wrap it up a for me but now thank you guys a hold so I should have it says it all someone talk to you next one."
"Having a ranked system would give them something to work towards, something to grind towards."
"Overall, I'd give him a six at the moment. So, a lot of six point fives, sevens, a couple of fives, fours, but they're generally far more positive."
"Aside from Supply Drop guns so you were welcome balancing at launch was pretty good I say."
"One of the biggest things about World of Warcraft that I think a lot of players have noticed is missed opportunities there have been."
"Overall, the playtest is imperfect but better than the Current player's handbook. Optimistic for the next edition."
"So we're going to test potential. We're going to test the servers, technical crash, et cetera. But the most important thing is how will the player base react?"
"There's a lot of things they could do to improve the game."
"That's how simple it is to take down a sky island King gliac."
"Being upset about high tier raids getting nerfed is fair."
"Despite the systematic nerf flash patch, Grievous Wounds are still a bit too impactful."
"Players have been asking for a casual way to play Brawl Stars without the risk of losing trophies for a long time."
"There's nothing more fulfilling as a game developer than someone coming up and telling you they loved your product."
"The weapon buffs don't seem super major, I think the perk buffs are almost more interesting."
"Players want more content for Overwatch, and so we've heard them loud and clear."
"Standardize it so that we can actually use the kick."
"Of all the things that people criticize about Dark Souls 2, its new game plus experience is not one of them."
"When Amazon enters an industry, they have a very clear objective: to disrupt."
"If you ask the Western player base, they want something different."
"It feels like these changes are made by people that don't really play the game."
"There should never be a time where like a player is out of an animation but takes damage from an effect."
"It's not the concept or the new gameplay that people are against, it's the execution of it."
"I hope they fix it. Isn't it a shame that I've said that so often in this video?"
"End of the day, I continue to ask that you understand why the nerfs are happening."
"If instead they feel like the game made them fail, then you have failed as a designer."
"I think that would be really cool if there was a way that they did that but if not I don't know hopefully I figure away TV guys the mp5 blueprint because it's kind of unfair you know that you guys are waiting."
"Shadowlands is immediately more exciting. Weekly box, Titan forging being gone, gear is gear."
"Your feedback showed us that the cost of mistakes in battles was reduced and lower vehicles now survive for a longer time."
"I think now this game's going in the right direction."
"The game is currently in a boring state and a boring balance."
"It's a game about survival... maybe they could have limited it, but then I think you'd have people complaining." - "Breath of the Wild's survival aspect adds depth to gameplay."
"Let me know what you're thinking in response to this TWAB, what's your general attitude towards PvP moving forward?"
"Battle state if you're watching this, add dual wielding to this game, that's the play."
"Stability so far has been a complete night mayor. I play on PC, I'm not even joking, I have maybe 75 crashes so far at this point."
"Is the game... are people enjoying it? I'm really looking forward to it."
"Let me know in the comments what you think of the Relic system and if you learned something."
"This looks so awesome! I think some people are saying like, 'Hey if you put this in the game why don't you just give us a transformation?' It's a good point, it's a good point. I might ask the same question myself but this is a good alternative."
"I'm really hoping that the next expansion is just going to be like, 'Okay, all these things worked, all these things didn't. Let's bring over the things that worked or make them work, and get rid of the things that didn't.' And that's great."
"But stuff's going to change and we want to have a really open Play test process and players are going to tell us, you know, this feature sounded cool on paper, kind of sucks."
"Overall I think it's a pretty good patch, the changes make sense."
"Players were really enjoying the game but they wanted more of it as, as is often the case."
"The match replay system: pro players' dream or just a nightmare for analysts?"
"It's a great way for Jagex to find out what the active players actually want when it comes to updating OSRS."
"If you're not a pro player, you shouldn't be subjected to terrible Maps."
"There is some clear frustration in the monster hunter community."
"Marauders need to be toned down on how annoying they are or just flat out removed."
"Adding more stuff to the base game would be awesome."
"Games Workshop didn't hesitate to go after them again though, maybe arguably hitting them even harder than Harlequins the next time around."
"The graveyard nerf that was a huge buff is gonna be reverted... so stay tuned for that."
"The number one complaint has been... the card level matching... it doesn't feel good."
"I think this Vegeta is actually pretty good."
"I think it's a pretty damn reasonable change and I'm glad they listened to player feedback on this one."
"Versatility is boring, and also if Vers is the main stat that every PvPer needs to have, like, you're effectively taking where you could get haste to mastery."
"Shyvana mate, you're just too strong, disgusting champion."
"They promised that during the PTS they're gonna tune as much as possible based on player feedback before the final release."
"As long as it's not another Fire Emblem sword-wielding character, please God, no." - Nintendo Direct commentator
"Thank you Rocket League so much more fun you can open things up that's so exciting for people in my opinion opening things up rather than like the blueprints were so dumb."
"I think using music as a tool to educate, you know, on Instagram I post raps all the time about collective debt strikes and rent mortgage cancellation and the prison industrial complex and all these various things."
"Literally, I need ten more, but oh yeah, I got hit markers that time, I shot up."
"I don't think I've ever read through patch notes and been so thrilled with them before."