
Future Consequences Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"You've got to lose the idea of these fake consequences and really think about the actual consequences because there are very real consequences to Future you if you don't hold this boundary with yourself."
"If you don't correct these problems now, it could last a lot longer, and it could suck for all of us."
"It's like borrowing tomorrow's happiness today."
"What will happen if we continue on the current path? If we continue to isolate Taiwan... Taiwan will no longer exist at some point in the future."
"If you don't pick your side, you're going to end up in the tribe of sheeple and you're going to end up in what could be a multi-century prison."
"Silencing speech we don't like today will result in our own voices being silenced tomorrow."
"Every time we lie, we incur a debt to the truth which will have to be paid in the future."
"Hope is not we're all going to die give up no no hope is here's the path here's a future world on earth that is the consequence of inaction."
"Every choice I make is going to be impactful."
"Climate change is real, if we don't do something about it we will pay in eternal price for it."
"You're not building towards anything. You're going to crash into a wall by the time you hit 30."
"The next generation are going to kill us for this because they will."
"Where you are a year from now is a reflection of the choices that you made today."
"In every possible way, [vibranium] will bite them in the ass in the future."
"Don't build the tools that are ultimately going to be weaponized against you."
"Debt is a way of pulling tomorrow's Prosperity into today."
"We're scarring a generation of children for their futures."
"You're either gonna do it now for yourself, or you'll pay later."
"A society that does not put equity and inclusion at the center of it is certainly going to eventually come to the places where we're at."
"A child needs a helping hand or he's going to be an angry young man someday."
"The real consequences might be coming down the line. This might actually be the first step towards something that the political consequences may resonate for decades to come."
"If we simply wave Morrison through for another three years, god knows where the country will be."
"You're making life for you very difficult in the future."
"If you don't resolve this now, it'll continue to haunt you for the rest of your life."
"Vices are simply trading tomorrow's happiness for today's."
"You gotta watch how you treat people because you never know where somebody may be in the future."
"If we forget our past, we're gonna have a rough future."
"If we don't get this right, history will be forever tainted."
"We have to do something now otherwise we're screwed long term."
"Someday you're going to be judged for everything."
"Defeat our enemy by becoming our enemy, and there is no future in this."
"Be careful what you release out of your mouth. If you don't expect to see it tomorrow, don't talk about it today."
"Addiction is when you sacrifice greater future happiness for the sake of immediate happiness."
"We cannot be so short-sighted as to think silencing speech that we don't like today will not result in our own voices being silenced tomorrow."
"The decisions that you make today... will have a big impact down the road."
"Twitter is not your personal feeling bank. It is a public record and will haunt you for the rest of your life."
"Destroy him as a child... he'll grow up to be a gangster."
"Things that transpired in this chapter is gonna have huge ramifications for the future."
"Humanity that thinks materialistically will produce frightful beings in the future."
"You stood up for yourself politely, if you let them roll you over now it will become more problematic down the line."
"To dismiss those forces of nature... will be our undoing."
"All I have to say is, some people will be sorry someday."
"Every norm broken today is an invitation for the opposition to break the same norm later."
"If we don't learn from history, we're destined to repeat it."
"There could be a day where there's really terrible consequences."
"Owning the speakership is enormous, consequential, and would change the entire outcome of 2024."
"We are going to have another thing, and if we don't come up with something better fast, whatever they come up with will actually be worse."
"But with someone still learning how to draw the power what feels like it might be heavy today to Choo might very well be feeling like a meteor crushing her in the future when Himawari learns to draw the power of the Nine-tails."
"...if you can take the time in that moment to heal and rest and nurture yourself, it's that much riper to come out and leave the system as opposed to waking up one day in 20 years and going where did this come from, right?"
"If you're not willing to protect this now, why you have nothing, you can only imagine what's going to happen when you have 'quote unquote everything' at your disposal."
"Imagine, what happens if you don't do this? Where are you going to be 30 days from now, a year from now, 20 years from now when you're on your deathbed?"
"Here's the thing about coffee though, it doesn't give you energy, it just borrows energy from the future."
"The reward for a bad habit tends to be in the present. And the cost of a bad habit is in the future."
"The grip is only going to get more brutal the longer we wait to move."
"Eventually, you will be faced with the reality of accounting, and it's best that you're prepared for it now so you don't suffer the consequences later."
"I shudder to think that future ages might curse me as their pest, whose selfishness had not hesitated to buy its own peace at the price, perhaps, of the existence of the whole human race."
"Further on up the road, you will reap what you sow."
"The decisions that you make can affect the ones that come after you."
"Every child we neglect to help, we all pay the price later."
"I feel like it would be too dangerous to go back and change things because you can change so much in the future."
"You have to win right now, so if you lose right now, you lose in the future."
"Anything done with anger can only leave a negative seed in your mind that can only ripen as your future suffering."
"It makes me wonder what things do we do today without second thought that we'll have major repercussions for generations down the line."
"Trust your intuition; the red flags you ignore now will come back to bite you later."
"Any bully will eventually get bullied in the future."
"What you decide in this moment will affect your future."