
Moral Development Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"We are continually finding the best rules and the best methods. This exactly mirrors the moral system I'm talking about."
"Secular moral values can develop through critical discussion, allowing course correction when mistakes are discovered."
"Morality grows in the same way your eyeball did or your kidney does."
"Human beings have the potential to do good, not the inevitability of doing good, and that virtues need to be cultivated to bring out the best in human beings."
"We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise."
"The natural virtues have to be elevated, supernaturalized by the theological virtues: faith, hope, and love."
"Your core morality influencing your behavior can presumably drift with time but... we could presumably instill that into people before we cut them loose to play God."
"The moral arc of history is long but it bends toward progress."
"We're making progress towards being less evil every day."
"If we don’t develop a moral sense as conscious and as elaborated as our technological sense, the fact that we’re increasingly capable of becoming increasingly powerful will necessarily do us in."
"Our technological evolution has outpaced our moral evolution."
"It's actually good for you. It's good for your spirit. It's good for your own moral development."
"Civil society fostering moral virtues of self-restraint, justice, of charity, humility is enormously important."
"So when I work with the sociopath it's kind of weird how do I help them be moral it's like you said it's not morality it's just the simple nature of things where they realize they can actually feel that connection."
"The bad one can aspire to become the good one... there's an evolutionary pathway there."
"Children are born good... it's the job of the parent not to [mess] that up."
"A lighter touch regulatory approach is what's called for here."
"I think it's kind of indisputable that many people find Christ or find religion of some kind and become more moral people."
"Heroic virtue needs to be cultivated; becoming Saints is our best way to overcome these errors."
"The post-conventional level of moral development is where moral decisions are based on abstract principles and values that apply to all situations and societies."
"Obedience should be the fruit of encouragement."
"The evolution of religious morality to more positive places has been driven by secular fuel."
"The first step of becoming a good person is understanding that you're a bad person."
"There's beauty everywhere if you have the eyes to see it. These are guys who are developing a moral imagination."
"What marks out the rescuers from the non-rescuers is that they were raised to think and question."
"By recognizing what it is we have repressed and neglected in ourselves, we actually become more morally well-rounded people."
"The four virtues. Embracing the stoic Virtues Of Courage, Temperance, Justice, and wisdom in your daily life fosters personal and moral growth."
"Everybody in life is going be mildly bad person unless they work on being a good person."
"Character is coming into my own truth, based on what is right."
"Cultivating our capacity to be good people."
"Building good relationships is important for our health and moral growth."
"Second nature is what happens when you front-loaded the moral thinking I choose to be this today and I will choose to be this tomorrow and it's very hard but then the character is formed and then it can really happen."
"Babies showed a preference for the 'good bunny,' the one that helped."
"Understanding these stages offers some insight into how children and adults make moral choices."
"It was wrong and it's going to produce in you holiness and righteousness."
"Kohlberg's moral development has three levels: preconventional, conventional, and post-conventional."
"I think an understanding of institutions as morally formative is an essential piece of that puzzle and that we've lost that understanding."
"All together, six stages of moral development."
"Isn't that part of making somebody a better person? Get them to not commit crimes?"
"When I look at the summary as a result of God writing His law in our hearts and enabling us to keep His commandments, this means we are going to be empowered to reflect His character."
"Sometimes we can approach the law of God but miss that it was supposed to have a sanctifying effect on the heart and change the character."
"The whole point of us keeping His law, preaching His law, teaching His law, is so that we might reflect His character."
"Genetically, there is no limit to what kind and degree of moral reasoning and behavior that can be developed."
"Childhood is when people develop their moral systems."
"One of the purposes of education is to unify the child in the good."
"As a person becomes virtuous, emotions become subordinated to reason."
"Jealousy might be part of sexual virtue, just as the capacity for shame comes with developing in the right way."
"Courage as being a virtue... develops to the fullest degree of description."
"The cultivation of virtue involves a transformation of the entire human person."
"I think going into your manhood, you start developing your principles of how you live your life, your morals and stuff like that."
"Moral development is going to refer to our growth and the abilities to tell right from wrong, control impulses, and act ethically."
"Character education... it's about establishing and trying to get you to be good characters, not like characters in a book, but who you are, the kind of person you are."
"Adulthood is about growing up not just physically, not just intellectually, but morally, in virtue."
"Understanding moral development, how children think and make their decisions, because when we understand that, we know how we can deal with them."
"If you can just grasp and strive daily at every moment for the virtue of humility, all the other virtues will come along with it."
"Being virtuous is a lifelong activity."
"It educates and raises men to the highest moral, intellectual, and social level when they strive to comprehend it and apply its teaching to life."
"It's in the acknowledgement and management of one's darker capacities that one finds the opportunity for significant moral development."
"Moral development begins in our biology but it's completed by culture and reason and our experiences with other people."
"These are some of the values we need to start having as a part of character education."
"Moral sensibilities are not static; they develop and deepen over time, and general moral progress is very slow."
"Empathy opens the door of our moral concern, then laws and rights wedge that door open."
"Pet ownership began to be seen as a way to develop moral character, especially in children."
"The ethos of improvement has two different aspects to it: moral improvement and material improvement."
"Moral development is forming a worldview and value system through an evolving, continuous dynamic process that moves along a continuum of development."
"According to psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, your decision will be based on your level of moral development."
"Any solution to the global problems that we face must involve the nurturing of the moral and spiritual development of the person."