
Role Fulfillment Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"You can fill those roles with any of the classes, just pick the class based on after looking at abilities how you think that's going to synergize with the type of role that you want to fill."
"It's a wonderful way of living, actually. You still fulfill your role, you still do whatever has to be done, but deep inside, there is this feeling of oneness with everybody."
"Teamwork makes the dream work, but only if everyone plays their part."
"Space Patrol Delta proves to be exactly what it's supposed to be."
"Diana satisfies that ap assassin ap bruiser niche that we're lacking in this particular section."
"Men have a certain design. They're created to fulfill a role, and when we remove them from that role, we all suffer."
"Men want to be admired, but not actually play the role."
"I will be a better mother when this is done. I will be a better wife when this is done."
"If I'm needed by everyone I care about, I want to keep playing that role."
"Arms warrior achieves in shadowlands what you always want it to any expansion."
"Each class serves a much-needed combat role."
"Empower good people in roles and make them happy and keep them employed."
"Nine out of 10 players become bass players from one of two reasons: they either failed as a guitar player or no one needed a guitar player."
"I did feel like this role was one that I was sort of made for. You're the person that is meant to kind of carry that."
"Dragon Knights can fulfill any role in ESO from tanking to healing to dealing damage."
"Summoner is genuinely a job that if you are looking at the caster role you would not be disappointed with."
"The Guardsman did exactly what they're supposed to do, unfortunately, that also involves dying horribly."
"Cindy has completed the housewife aspiration."
"He's now in a position to be the tank the G2 need him to be."
"If you do your job and play the hero the way it's designed to be played, you will win more games."
"Evil's defeat is already set by Divine Providence, all the characters are required to do is play their part by acting in love."
"You'll make a fine Squire, my brother's going to be a knight."
"Heroically kind of in that position now where it's like... they've got all these players that you know can do things if all their roles could be met..."
"Sushant has chosen each one of us for a certain reason, and I'll play my part for as long as I can."
"Even when Greenwood moves to play in the number nine position and he does the job that was looking for Cavani to do today and he takes it on."
"The trick in life is learning how to live within the role you are given."
"A good Techies player becomes the game's most sacrificial support... It's my job to make sure all the lanes are won because the enemy is scared to gank."
"I told you all she's slay! She did slay, she understood the assignment."
"But for me personally, I mean, I didn't... I wasn't particularly nervous. I was just... I just knew I had really big shoes to fill."
"I think Jerry Lawler did the King role proud."
"Everybody gonna play that role, we on our roll."
"He literally looks like a superhero, so it's really in his best interest to make sure that everybody is still happy."
"Nobody else is going to be able to fill this role the way that you are."
"Despite the seeming mundanity of Cynthia's everyday life, she insists that being a homemaker is more than fulfilling."
"Just doing your job, doing your role, being unselfish, and working hard."
"Take your role seriously. There's only one you who can fulfill it."
"Roman gets it, and he's doing a fantastic job in this role."
"Your job is to come in here and do what they need. Sometimes you could be a great three-point shooter, but the team needs rebounds."
"No one will replace Leo ever. It's to fulfill the needs of being a mummy. That's something that I can do right now."
"My uncle is a man of honor; when in good earnest he fell ill, he won respect by his demeanor and found the role he best could fill."
"We must trust in what we do know and what we do not know, and that we will play the roles we are meant to play."
"I pray I live up to their expectations."
"Doing every single thing you can to be great specifically in the role that you have has to be okay."
"Her personality is just so wonderful for the role that she's been asked to play, and she has just taken that on with so much humility."
"A good leader will blossom where he's at; he's not waiting to become the king to blossom."
"I would be one hell of a heart maiden, or I would die trying."
"He took on the role of what Kareem's role would have been with still his playmaking."
"He hopes he's making Kami proud and doing the position well."
"One year from now, what does success look like? What would you be thrilled to have happening in your role?"
"Do your role, be the best at it; it's all about team."
"The MVP of this exercise is young Midoriya."
"He just does what they need him to do."
"We had the right guys that fit... guys who recognized maybe where they were at, being honest with themselves about what their role might be on that team and embracing the role."
"Phil Jackson told you your role and he asked you to star in your role."
"Embrace your authentic self because you have a big role to play in creating solid family foundations."