
Divine Desire Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"As the deer pants for the streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God."
"What matters is how Jehovah feels. He wants us to be happy and he knows how we can be happiest."
"God doesn't want you to be poor he doesn't want you to struggle he might have you in that place sometimes but it's not where he wants you."
"God desires that all individuals grasp the truth about Christ and receive salvation, a reflection of his loving nature."
"The whole biblical story is about God's desire to forgive the people and the twisted world that we've created."
"God wants every one of us to have thriving healthy life-giving relationships."
"Verily he will it is quite impossible that you should have desired God and should be lost."
"God will want more for you than you want for yourself."
"It's by faith that we receive and become all that God desires."
"The Lord wants to fill you with the spirit far more than you deserve or you think you deserve."
"We need to let God be God and let him have us. Let him have us completely because he wants all of us."
"We want to walk with you, we want to talk with you, we want to encounter you, we want to hunger for the word of God."
"Our life matters to God, and he desires that you and I live a pure, holy life by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Whenever God doesn't give you what you want, recognize that we're wanting the wrong thing."
"It's within God's power, but it's not a desire He ever has."
"Thank you that you want us more than we can fathom."
"Every day, every moment until that happens, it's not like He wants to have a relationship with us 3,000 years from now. He wants it the day He said it and He didn't get it, so He's temporarily vulnerable."
"God, just as intensely, wants to bring them back to His fold."
"The liturgy matters, it's not optional. It's literally what God wants from you."
"God's desire for you to be there is stronger than your desire to go."
"God wants you to experience his absolute best."
"God is literally full of desire to impart."
"I don't think we grasp fully how much God desires to be with His creation."
"God only wants people in heaven who really genuinely want to be there, who genuinely love him."
"Blessed are you Adonai, who desires repentance."
"God wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth."
"Jesus loves you. He has thirst for you. He has this passionate desire for you."
"You wouldn't even have the desire to seek and find God if the desire was not already there."
"God wants us to grow spiritually, God wants us to grow closer to him."
"God does not want you happy; God wants you holy."
"I want God more than houses, I want God more than clothes, I want God more than any man or woman or stuff."
"The Father's idea was to give Jesus what He wants most: you."
"The glory of God is a precious commodity; He's not just going to drop it because you said, 'Lord, I Want Your Glory'."
"I don't want your burnt offerings; I want your love, your mercy, grace."
"God longs for us to have the fullness of his grace."
"God desires in every church at least one man who the devil is afraid of."
"Your appetite for God cannot remain the same; it must keep climbing."
"I believe that God wants the best for me, and that's scary to think, really."
"The world needs you because God wants and desires you."
"Everything that you want is what the divine wants for you."
"We are sure that God wants us to be happy, joyous, and free."
"God wants us to be special, he wants us to be different."
"God doesn't need you, He desires you, He wants you."
"He desires above all things that you prosper in all things, even as your soul prospers."
"But if God created the world because that is his personal desire, then the world is as significant as him."
"The Lord is looking for a pure virgin."
"God's desire is that we will learn to put true value where it belongs."
"God's upset because you're not prospering enough, He wants you to have a double portion."
"The heart of God is... He wants to win His people back into the kingdom."
"When we sin, we are separated from Christ, and He doesn't want that."
"Every redemptive process is a process, because Hashem wants you to come back to Him."
"God wants you to have everything that you could ever imagine."
"Show me your glory means, Lord, I want to see Your goodness, I want to see Your power, and I want to see Your presence."
"God wants you in heaven with Him forever. That's the Bible."
"God desires to save our families, God wants us to have hatred for sin because it wounds His heart."
"God desires that we become the beneficiaries of His wisdom and become participants in His order."
"God wants to give you a new heart, He wants to put into your heart His desires."
"God doesn't want us to be out here in bondage and misery and living lies."
"God grants us desires when we embark on certain paths which can lead to blessings beyond our imagination."
"St. Ignatius speaks of a passionate indifference, a freedom to do whatever God wants."
"Embrace this truth: you are here because the creator of the universe desired for you to be."
"God wants us to be spiritually living and alive."
"Life is too short to not have what God wants you to have in your hands."
"God's desire in your life is for you to be freed from those things that injure."
"God doesn't want you to just survive; He wants you to thrive."
"The restoration that God wants is a restoration of the family."
"In your right hand are pleasures forevermore; God wants you to enjoy."
"He wants a house that He can live in and feel at home."
"God is not content with you just barely getting by; He wants you to have an abundant life."
"God wants your success more than you want it."
"I am good, and I desire only what is best for you."
"God had a desire not just for Adam and Eve to experience happiness and delight and pleasure... that's God's desire for you too, to be happy."
"He doesn't just have to take us, He wants us."
"The number one thing that God wants more than anything else is to be believed, to be trusted."
"God's desire is to answer your prayer more than you."
"God is more anxious for us to be with Him for eternity than we are even to ask."
"No matter where you are, he wants you; no matter what has happened or how incredible your pursuit has been, he desires you beyond description."