
Poison Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Shinobu had 70 times the lethal amount of Wisteria poison in her body."
"It is certainly handy that he is undead because thanks to that, he's immune to the poison."
"Polonium is a slow-acting but deadly poison."
"Lethal but invisible poison has historically enabled killers to strike without fear of reprisal."
"Toxic blade will reduce the cooldown of Shiv to give you more chances to stab your foes with your nasty poisons."
"It moves with blinding speed and lobs poison at foes. Featuring Accelgor as a main character is a surefire way to make a movie or comic popular."
"You should never have hatred in your heart, it just poisons you."
"Regret is the greatest poison to the soul."
"F Hong quickly treated him and managed to remove the poison from his body."
"Drink your own poison thinking that it's going to hurt the other person."
"There's no amount of poison that is okay."
"Doubt is a poison that corrodes people while truth serves as an antidote," emphasized the Knight.
"Because bad food is not food, it is poison because it causes mitochondrial dysfunction and no food that is medicine would do that."
"Lead protects, but it also poisons."
"Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person dies."
"Resentment, fear, anger, hatred... you drink the poison, but you expect somebody else to die."
"We were trying to synthesize a sort of blood substitute...which would keep the mosquitoes concentrated away from people and could potentially be used to poison them."
"The Viper gained courage and discovered that this virtue is much more important than any poison."
"Y'all see that bottle right down there? We're thinking that that's poison. I'm gonna let Clayton pull it out, see what it is, since he's the one that spotted it."
"That's poison. Oh my God, that's so sour."
"Alcohol in Latin is 'spiritus' and you use the same word for the highest religious experience as well as for the most depraving poison."
"Before Mr. Lee becomes a man, it wouldn't hurt to neutralize the effects of the poison."
"He grinned and said that he had just picked up this thing and it was poisonous."
"The poison and the praise are as dangerous."
"The poison hit my muscle quickly, I can't move."
"The poison is odorless, colorless, and has no taste, so the target never even notices."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."
"The Edwardian woman was told to make herself beautiful to catch a husband and to keep her husband by doing so she covered her face in poison."
"Thallium in salt form is a very effective rat poison but it's also very effective against people."
"Unforgiveness is poison, it's like drinking."
"It speaks to the kind of poison that was injected into our politics by this issue."
"There's also going to be like a very tight hug, even if it's not kissing, and this tight hug will feel like, ah, the cure to the poison."
"The pain will cut you, but the poison will kill you."
"But I'm not alive, Mrs. Phillips. Sure, I can stand here and talk to you, I can breathe and I can move, but I'm not alive because I did take that poison."
"You can never, ever, ever die, no matter how far you fall or how long you hold your breath, or even eat loads and loads of poison."
"There is an art to poison, not often discussed."
"Must have been some kind of poison."
"It would have taken a ton of the deadliest poison to blight his farm that way."
"Mycotoxins will poison you. It's kind of like this: Mycotoxins are poison to everyone, but not everybody's mold allergic."
"She was the queen, queen of the poisoners."
"Yulia tafana, Aqua tafana was a cosmetic that was sold to women in the early 1630s. Now it was a cosmetic that doubled down as a poison, a secret poison."
"Her recipe carried on through her daughter Yulia Tafana. She took this deadly recipe to Rome and then kept manufacturing it over 50 years."
"In the end, alcohol bites like a snake and poisons like a viper."
"I hear arguments all the time that we have to have regulation or else you could sell poison. I'm like, I don't really know anyone who's going around wanting to sell poison because of the regulations."
"Mae Blackburn had a knack with poisons."
"That's holding on to hate in your heart is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die."
"Hate is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get hurt."
"Would you take the antidote from the same people who gave you the poison?"
"Angry people are poisoned people."
"Knowledge without wisdom and understanding is poison."
"Heaven must be alive. Angel can do whatever and remain in the cuz I know you're poison."
"Cyanide poisoning, while to the murderer is a silent weapon, for the actual person who has been poisoned, it is one of the most excruciating deaths."
"Every time it eats some bad food, like poison, its health goes down by negative 0.5."
"Dark hounds: poisonous, corrosive, difficult to kill, relentless hunters."
"I put the poison on my body for weeks. If your husband just could have kept his grubby hands off of me, he never would have been poisoned."
"I want some poison," she said to the druggist.
"Remember, alcohol is technically a poison. Your body can handle certain amounts of it, but if you go too far, it will get bad."
"He killed Sholto with a poisoned thorn."
"He is also extremely dangerous; he kills people by shooting them with poisoned thorns."
"The coroner's report says the traces of an unknown poison were found in his blood."
"Green dragons are quite potent, in addition to their draconic strength and poisonous breath."
"Being poisonous and venomous are two very different things; poison has to be absorbed or ingested into the body, where venom is actually injected."
"Vikir explained that chocolate was poison to canines."
"If it smells like almonds, think of cyanide poisoning; if it smells like garlic, think of arsenic poisoning."
"Bitterness is the poison you drink hoping the other person is going to drop dead."
"Slavery was that slow poison which is daily contaminating the minds and morals of our people."
"Master Shinaro was poisoned by a spy," Katori said.
"Puffer fish poison, I think people know about that."
"Poisons can be not poisonous, this is true if you destroy the poison by heating."
"The toxin in puffer fish is actually 1,200 times more powerful than cyanide."
"Do you know why people tinkle the glasses before they drink? It's about poison."
"A dragon's breath was poisonous, just one puff could kill a soldier."
"Slow loris is the only primate with poison in their systems in the entire world."
"He defends himself using a voluminous amount of deadly poison to deter threats or simply end those who persist in fighting him."
"Sell me some poison, if you will; I have a lot of rats I want to kill."
"Poison is the weapon of a craven, the weapon of a coward."
"What the hell," was all that the disbelieving Gary could mutter as the snake hooked its considerable fangs over the lip of the mug and began milking venom into the dwarf's drink.
"I just tried to stop him from drinking the mead," Gary explained. "It was poisoned."
"She used arsenic which mimics the exact symptoms of gastric fever and was impossible to detect in the human body back in the day."
"The elixir of immortality... is the most precious poison that ever was concocted in this world."
"Violence in all forms is poison; it is destructive."
"Poison is almost always given in secret, one rarely has a witness to the fact."
"It is essential to illuminate clearly the poison seeping into our lives today."
"Ricin is an extremely powerful poison, more lethal than cyanide and it has no antidote."
"The air was thick with a bitter almond-like scent, a smell like cherry laurel, a smell like cyanide."