
Winning Mentality Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"You're not free to play; you guys are here, you're paid to win."
"If you're in a relationship, certainly if it's a husband and wife, and your goal is to win, what does that mean? That means that your partner is now a loser."
"It's about winning. And I'm not talking just military. If you're in a business, it's about winning what you do. If you're an educator it's about educating kids. There's some standard of winning in whatever you do, and that's what it's about."
"Losing is of no value to anybody. Winning companies are the only thing that counts."
"He just had the mentality that he has to win."
"If we win the league in it, you never know, might change your mind."
"Coming second is nowhere, so it's all about winning."
"The winners are going to [__] win and the losers are going to kick rocks. This is reality, bro."
"He's a born natural winner and he wants to win."
"I'd rather win ten years from now than lose forever."
"Winning cures all. They say that's not just in the building and for a football team, that's in your life. Everything is just better when you win."
"Ronaldo is probably the most serial winner in the world, calling cornflakes, you know. He wins everything and wants to win everything."
"Winners win and losers lose. I can't explain it any better than that."
"We're winning and we're winning all over the place because I happen to think, I just say what I want."
"Once we got closer to the real thing... I knew it was a wrap. No one can mess with us." - Klay Thompson
"You always like winning. I think everyone like winning but it was like you do anything to win."
"We got winners, we got people that just know how to win."
"He built a strong group, a strong club, he brought in a winning mentality."
"A winning player, he knows what it is to win."
"Fail and get up, fail and get up. You always get up, that is a winner."
"I couldn't give a toss about boring, I'm bothered about winning."
"It's like a proven fact that when you win you now more yes like just because the winning attitude oh yeah for sure it's proven."
"We want smart, tough, dependable guys that's gonna help you win football games."
"After that game, I sat down and watched him celebrate and I was like, 'Man, if I get back to the finals, we're not losing.'"
"Winning titles is the standard I hold this club by."
"Once you get the first win, you carry on winning."
"Regardless whoever scored, whoever played on that pitch, they all dug in deep. They all showed that they want to win silverware for Manchester United."
"We're winners either way, that's the main thing."
"Winning, of course. You wake up every day like, 'I'm gonna win.' That's the mentality. Like, win."
"I think winners are winners and they keep winning and they get addicted to it."
"I never lost, not even once... not even close."
"Unless you're winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you."
"Your job is to win, so you should play whatever you think is strongest."
"A win always helps you, you know, starting to impose that winning mentality in the side I think is crucial going into another challenging season."
"That human instinct to want to win over getting the right answer is a f***ing disease."
"The Carabao Cup should be a priority, bro, because what it does, it feeds you that mentality."
"I think it's very important that Manchester United do win games when they're not playing well."
"We've got a player that is a supreme winner."
"You have to believe that you can win. You cannot hope to win, you have to believe."
"These guys are winners. The culture of the club is about performing well, winning trophies."
"We refuse to quit we refuse to lose yeah we refuse to lose yeah exactly we only win."
"We absolutely bullied them, our class showed, you can't out harden winners, it's in our DNA to be winners."
"It's all about winning, that's the number one rule when you're going into a competition."
"It's got to be exciting for him to try on a new spaceship."
"I have the belief I have the spirit I have the belief I have the winning mentality I don't come here to lay down I come here to win."
"Training standards so high, standards. High standards in training was a culture, work ethic, and that mentality to win. The hunger, there's a desire there."
"It's not just about a job or a paycheck, it's about wanting to win."
"If there's an objective to win, if there are winners and there are losers, why won't you try to be on the winner's side?"
"I'm a winner, you want to know why? Because I am a winner."
"Bad locker room guy is a winner on a losing and losing environment."
"There's only one winners. I always say y'all guys, you're looking at him."
"What's good is you become a winner, you leave a winner, it's good."
"So when I walked into that environment... you have to win."
"If you truly believe that you can't win, the demoralization will stop you from winning."
"You take ownership of it and ensure that you don't make that same mistake again. That's what a winner does."
"You win some, you lose some, but we just always win."
"He's officially back, winning isn't just the choice, it's a lifestyle."
"As long as you're having fun, even if you lose, you still win."
"Step one: play as a team in all team sports. That's how you win, right?"
"It's time for me to lock in the objective is to win on every bill not lose or play on every bill it's to win."
"You're either a winner or you're not, that's the trait of a winner."
"People are attracted to winners. They're attracted to optimism."
"No one has matched his competitiveness, winning mentality, and killer instinct."
"I never care about money, you know? It's all about winning."
"'His goal is obviously to win. I feel like we can do that here,' referring to Anthony Davis."
"The commitment we are together and the confidence, but just abnormal, you know? Everybody was kind of tuned in and willing to win."
"He transformed the club from a second division going nowhere to a club with ambition, passion, and a winning mentality."
"The old me, the loser me, off a cliff with that guy. This new guy doesn't take [ __ ]. He has a winning mentality."
"If you're not training, that says something about your obsession or lack of obsession with winning."
"At the end of the day, I mean, we're all winners."
"To win anything the important thing is to win leagues."
"I want to win more games, it's that simple."
"Now I'm fighting at Madison Square Garden. It's gonna be the same mentality. I'm going in there to win, in essence."
"Winning has been part of my childhood, being a part of growing up with my dad roaring in my ear, being like, 'Yeah, second is not good enough.'"
"I love guys that come from winning programs, guys that come from a history and a tradition of winning that expect to win, that know how to win, that are comfortable in an environment where excellence is not only asked for but it's expected."
"It's not winning, it's how you win. It's how you get it done."
"She's got it, she knows how to win."
"I love him. Part of the reason this team is going to end up with like 65 to 66 wins is because all he wants to do is win games and could care less how many shots he gets."
"Chris is the guy that doesn't win he's a winning player that doesn't win."
"He's a real aggressive winning mentality."
"We need to create that winning mentality at Kingstonian. The only way to create a winning mentality is to win and it is to win trophies."
"Dan Reeves is an excellent coach. Once you've won that division and you have that momentum going for you, you're not about to let down. You carry yourself like a champion."
"That's a winner. One winner trade."
"Our aim must be to win things, and unless you think that way you've got no possible tunes."
"There's nothing you can say that's going to make me not win. And by the way, I'm going to make you feel like you won."
"We've created a culture that's not just about winning; it's about building a legacy."
"As a wise man once said, if you're not first, you're last."
"Nobody wants to be the laughing stock of the league; people want to be talked about as winners and champions."
"The ability to win sometimes means making the best of a bad situation."
"I've won so much that naturally y'all want me to lose, but if I lose, y'all be disappointed to see me come to an end."
"Winners win because that's what winners do."
"Everybody wants to know what I would do if I didn't win. I guess we'll never know."
"And remember kids, if you ain't first, you're last."
"That to me is encouraging because it shows you everything about these players that you need to know: they are born winners."
"That's what champions do, that's what champion teams do."
"You gotta have that Kobe mentality, you cannot just leave losing."
"Championship contenders, you got to win the game you're supposed to win."
"Even if you're not playing your best, when you're used to winning, you expect to play your best when you really need it."
"Never lost on the biggest stage, he's a winner in that one."
"If you're not number one, if you ain't first, you're last."
"I'mma stay smiling, I'm gonna keep winning; that's what winners do."
"You can't lose the games you're supposed to win."
"As long as you're waking up, you're breathing, you're winning."
"It's always about how you control yourself when you're losing, that makes the difference between winning and losing."
"It's like winning; it becomes contagious."
"All I do is win; we're champions out here."
"We want to have this winning mentality here and build this culture up."
"Winners just never quit... winning is an everyday thing in life."
"If we ain't losing, y'all, we winning."
"Getting points when you don't deserve them is how you win the league."
"We live by this saying: A quitter never wins and a winner never quits."
"The never settle, the never be beaten, the never lose mentality, that's why we're champions."
"We have to win every game and when you wear this badge, you have to give everything."
"It wasn't about an all-singing, all-dancing victory; it was about getting the win."
"We just try to have that mentality of going 1-0."
"You cannot make it a habit of giving up big plays and expect to win in the NFL."
"He does what he has to do to win games as a guard, simple as that."
"Sometimes for me, I think the coach, when they implement a winning mentality, that is the beginning of a dynasty if it can continue in terms of winning and competing."
"He's self-obsessed, which is a good thing; he's got a winning mentality, which is a good thing."