
Infection Prevention Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Vaccines are very good at blocking hospitalization and death, much more so than blocking the actual infection, whether it be mild or asymptomatic diseases."
"Canadian hospitals have an incredibly strong infection prevention and control system."
"Could increasing relative humidity contribute to reduction in the SARS Coronavirus 2 infection?"
"The fact is that the more time you spend outside and not in... a cramped confined space with other human beings, the less chance you are going to infect other human beings."
"Supplemental ventilation with airborne infection control."
"Wearing masks is beneficial not only to prevent the spread of the virus from infected people to others but also to provide personal protection."
"If 80 percent of Americans wore masks, COVID-19 infections would plummet."
"Do not touch your t-zone... the eyes, the nose and the oral mucosa."
"The basic thing that you should know about the n95 is this mask prevents things from getting in."
"How do healthcare workers have a lower percentage of infection than the general population? Because this works."
"Despite being in daily contact with patients who presumably had their highest possible viral load, none of them got COVID."
"Vaccinated persons are something like 70-75 percent less likely to infect others."
"Turmeric inhibits viral infection and has promising potential."
"Vitamin D supplementation cut the risk of infection with respiratory illness."
"Vitamin C supplementation was safe and protected against acute respiratory tract infection."
"This interaction between the spike protein and this ACE2 receptor needs to be blocked if you want to prevent infection."
"Vitamin D supplementation could prevent acute respiratory tract infections."
"Antiseptic wipes are critical for disinfecting before first aid is given."
"Vaccination by definition is supposed to prevent your infection by a virus. Therefore, if you have been vaccinated, it should be impossible for you to contract the virus."
"Preventing infection is crucial in the operating theater."
"If you're afraid of infecting other people, it's likely to happen with this kind of quarantine conditions."
"Vaccines will not completely prevent infections but are effective at making hospitalizations and death preventable."
"The Foley catheter drainage system should always remain sterile to prevent infection risk. Therefore, it should never be disconnected unless ordered by a doctor."
"There's a greatly reduced chance of having infections if you're doing this professionally with sterile technique."
"Neutralization blocks the virus's ability to bind to the appropriate receptor on the host cell, preventing infection."
"It's important to know that residents and staff in long-term care facilities have an increased risk of infection due to unique challenges in the care setting."
"Antibodies can inhibit infection, blocking viruses in the blood, at mucosal surfaces, and prevent spread."
"These are two of the best ways we can prevent infection, stop the virus, and save lives."
"Staying two meters apart reduces your chances of catching it or infecting others."
"Cranberries are renowned for their ability to prevent urinary tract infections due to the presence of proanthocyanidins."
"Well, now that we know for a fact we can be infected, we need to do everything we can to limit our exposure to the contagion."
"Viruses transmit from people to people. When people are separated from each other, virus does not transmit; it doesn't go anywhere."
"Nature says germs cause infections; it's nature's law. Your duty is to stop infections."
"We're only going to know about whether antibodies are helpful in preventing future infections through epidemiologic studies of following people."
"Short-term vitamin D supplementation definitely seems to have a positive effect on bacterial and viral infections."
"If the level of antibodies drop beyond a certain level, you may not prevent infection, but still, severe disease is largely prevented."
"Vaccines do not completely protect you from infection; they protect you against severe disease."
"It's actually better to go home because not only are you a little bit forced to mobilize more, but also you're away from all the other sick people."
"These peptides can function to prevent infections from all types of pathogens including bacteria, fungi, and viruses."
"Castor oil boasts potent antibacterial properties, making it a valuable asset in wound care and infection prevention."
"Hand hygiene is the cornerstone of our defense."
"Prevention of infection itself is a major focus for nurses."
"Frequent hand washing is the number one way to decrease the spread of infection."
"You can protect against infection, and this is the basis for vaccination."
"What can we do to reduce the chances of infection? Adherence to appropriate infection prevention measures like hand hygiene, PPE, thorough cleaning of both high touch surfaces and the routine environment."
"It is very essential to wash the hands frequently or to use an antimicrobial gel during cold and flu season."
"Doing no harm is really key, not only in necessarily doing something that isn't wise medically but also in unwittingly infecting a patient."
"With a molecule like this around, you basically prevent those additional infections of neighboring cells."
"You use betadine because you don't want any chance of any isopropyl alcohol from like alcohol swabs to be contaminating the actual blood that you draw."
"Regular, low-level supplementation with vitamin D over a long period of time reduced the incidence of acute chest infections by a significant amount."